

Access customizing for budgeting in FM

The Function Group FMCU_BUSERVICE (Access customizing for budgeting in FM) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FMBPA_E. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Short Text Access customizing for budgeting in FM
Package FMBPA_E

Function Modules

Function Group FMCU_BUSERVICE contains 59 function modules.

FMCU_CHECK_ACTIVE_COMBINATION Check existence of active combination
FMCU_CHECK_ACTIVPER Check period control active
FMCU_CHECK_BUDCAT Check existence of budget category
FMCU_CHECK_BUDTYPE Check existence of budget type in a combination
FMCU_CHECK_BUDTYPECOMB Check existence of budget type for a process
FMCU_CHECK_CEFFYEAR Check existence of year of cash effectivity
FMCU_CHECK_CEFFYEAR_ACTIVE Check existence of year of cash effectivity
FMCU_CHECK_CONSUMPTION Check if actuals data are relevant
FMCU_CHECK_DIMENSIONS Check BCS settings against FM and Posting settings
FMCU_CHECK_DOCTYPE Check existence of document types
FMCU_CHECK_FIELDSTATUS Check existence of field status , variant, group
FMCU_CHECK_LIBRARY Check the use of the library
FMCU_CHECK_PTCOMB Check existence of budget ing combination (process / budtype)
FMCU_CHECK_RELEASE_STATE Check existence of release scenario
FMCU_CHECK_ROLLUP_RULES Get receiver according to transfer rules
FMCU_CHECK_STATUS Check existence of status
FMCU_CHECK_STATUS_ASSIGNMENT Check status assignment
FMCU_CHECK_VERSION Check existence of FM budgeting version
FMCU_CHECK_VERSION_ACTIVE Check if version is the active version
FMCU_GET_ACTIVE_DIMENSIONS Retrieve FM Budgeting settings for dimensions (all FM areas)
FMCU_GET_ACTIVE_PERIOD Get active periods for budgeting in BCS
FMCU_GET_ACTIVE_VERSION Get active FM budgeting version
FMCU_GET_BS_BO_CHECK Budget structure: Check of budget objects active?
FMCU_GET_BS_BO_CHECK_ALL Budget structure: Check of budget objects active?
FMCU_GET_BS_CONTROL Budget structure: Gets the assignment rule
FMCU_GET_BS_VERS_ASS Budget structure: Gets the assignment rule
FMCU_GET_BS_VERSIONS_FOR_BS Budget structure: Gets the assignment rule
FMCU_GET_BUDCAT_FRAME Get budget categories used and related time horizon
FMCU_GET_BUDTYPE Get budget types
FMCU_GET_BUDTYPE_GROUP Get budget types from group
FMCU_GET_BULEDGERS Get budget cathegory assigned to posting ledger
FMCU_GET_CEFFYEARS Get years of cash effectivity
FMCU_GET_DIMENSIONS Retrieve FM Budgeting settings for dimensions per FM area
FMCU_GET_DOCTYPES Get document types
FMCU_GET_ENTRY_DOC_FORM Get Doc Type Customizing for ED PDF Based Form
FMCU_GET_FIELDSTATUS_CONTENT Get field status content
FMCU_GET_FILTER_SETTING Get list of consumable budget types
FMCU_GET_FILTER_SETTING_FUND Get consumable budget type
FMCU_GET_INTERVAL_TYPE Retrieve interval type for entry document
FMCU_GET_LIBRARY Get a library of the consistency check tool
FMCU_GET_NUMBER_RANGE_TYPE Retrieve number range type for entry document
FMCU_GET_PROFILE Get budgeting profile
FMCU_GET_PTCOMB Retrieve allowed combinations
FMCU_GET_RELEASE_AUTO_BUDTYPE Get budget type for automatic release
FMCU_GET_RELEASE_STATE Retrieve release scenario
FMCU_GET_ROLLUP_RECEIVER Get receiver according to transfer rules
FMCU_GET_SINGLE_CONSUM_BUDTYPE Get consumable budget type
FMCU_GET_STATUS Get defined status
FMCU_GET_STATUS_CONTENTS Get status contents (for a specific user)
FMCU_GET_VALTYPE_SCENARIO Retrieve value type scenario
FMCU_GET_VERSION Get budgeting versions in FM
FMCU_SHOW_ACTIVE_BUDTYPE Show active budget type
FMCU_SHOW_ACTIVEVERSION Show budgeting versions in FM
FMCU_SHOW_BUDCAT Show budget categories used in FM
FMCU_SHOW_BUDTYPE Show budget types defined
FMCU_SHOW_BUDTYPECOMB Show budget types for a process
FMCU_SHOW_DOCTYPE Show budget categories used in FM
FMCU_SHOW_STATUS Show status defined
FMCU_SHOW_VERSION Show budgeting versions in FM