

New budgeting: FM application part

The package FMBPA_E (New budgeting: FM application part) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT.

Technical Information

Package FMBPA_E
Short Text New budgeting: FM application part

Function Groups

SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 36 function groups.

FMBCFF Budget for carried forward commitments
FMBCFF_CUSTOM Budget for carried forward commitments
FMBCS_WF Workflow Budget Control System
FMBD_DATABASE_ACCESS Access to FI-SL tables FM budgeting
FMBS_CUST_TOOLS Budget structure - customizing tools
FMBS_DB_ACCESS Budget structure - database access tools
FMBWB Budgeting Workbench
FMBWB_LAYOUT Layout management
FMBWB_SERVICES FM Budgeting Workbench Services
FMCE_CUST_TOOLS Tools for Cover Eligibility Customizing
FMCE_CUST_VIEWS Views for Cover Eligibility
FMCE_DB_ACCESS Database access for cover group tables
FMCE_READ_COVER_GROUPS Select Tools for Reading Cover Groups
FMCU_BUSERVICE Access customizing for budgeting in FM
FMCU_BUVIEW Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMCU_BUVIEW1 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMCY_MD_SEL FM master data selection: dialog window
FMCY_SERVICE FM services for copy budget
FMED_ARCHIVE_ACCESS API for archive access to FM_ED
FMED_DATABASE_ACCESS FM entry document database accesses
FMHD_DATABASE_ACCESS Database access to held documents
FMKF FM Key Figures
FMKU General FM budgeting utilities
FMKU_AUTHORITY_CHECK Authorization check: Budgeting
FMKU_CONVERSION Conversion modules (format - values)
FMKU_DERI_TOOLS FM kernel : CO_PA derivation tool
FMKU_LOCK FM Budgeting - lock handling
FMKU_TEXT_UTILITIES FM budgeting: text utilities
FMPL FM Planning Processor
FMRB_CUST_TOOLS Revenue Incr. Budget - Customizing tools
FMRB_DB_ACCESS Database acces for RIB tables
FMRB_EVALUATION Evaluation of RIB values (DB access)
FMRB_READ_RIB_RULES Tools for Reading or Checking RIB Rules


SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 83 transactions.

FMABP_COR_AWORG ABP cor. for follow on document
FMBB Budgeting Workbench
FMBBC Create Entry Document
FMBOSTAT Maintain budget object & status
FMBS_STAT Budget Structure Settings
FMBSBO Change Budget Addresses
FMBSBO_DATA Budget data on invalid objects
FMBSBO_DEL Delete budget objects
FMBSBO_GEN Generate budget objects from budget
FMBSBO_MULT Maintain budget objects
FMBSBOS Dispay Budget Addresses
FMBSCPY Copy budget structure objects
FMBSDERIBO Derivation of budget object
FMBSDERIBOCPY Copy strategy for deriving bud. addr
FMBSDERIBODEL Delete strategy for budget addresses
FMBSDERIBOPREDEF Add predefined steps (BSAC)
FMBSIDX_INCON Display index inconsistencies
FMBSIDX_RECON Reconstruct budget structure index
FMBSPO Change Posting Addresses
FMBSPO_DATA Actual/Commitment on invalid objects
FMBSPO_DEL Delete posting objects
FMBSPO_GEN Generate posting objects from data
FMBSPO_MULT Maintain posting objects
FMBSPOS Display Posting Addresses
FMCCA Def. of FM CC - Address based
FMCCD Def. of FM CC - Document based
FMCCR01 Consistency Check Report
FMCECVGPNR Maintain No.Range Intvl for Cvr Grps
FMCEGENCG Generate CE Rules
FMCERG Strategy for Generating CE Rules
FMCERGR Derivation Rules in CE Rule Strategy
FMCERULE Process Single CE Rule
FMCUDERIVAL Derivation strategy to create line
FMCUDERIVMIG Derivation strategy for migration
FMCUDERIVMIGED Derivation strategy for migration
FMCUDERIVSUB Derivation strategy for substitution
FMCYCOPI_BW Transfer of SAP BW PlanData to BCS
FMCYCOPI_CO Transfer of CO Planning Data to BCS
FMCYFREEZE Copy budget data (freeze)
FMCYLOAD Copy budget data (load)
FMCYPREP Copy budget data (preparation)
FMCYRESET Reset budget data (preparation)
FMCYTEXT Copy Budget Text
FMDOCREV Mass reversal of FM documents
FMEDANALYZER Analysing of possible double-posting
FMEDD Display Entry Document
FMEDDW Drilldown for Budget Entry Documents
FMEDFAMNR FM document family number ranges
FMEDNR FM entry document number ranges
FMKFDEF FM Definition of Key Figures
FMKFR01 Display budget data
FMKUDELDATA Delete BCS database tables
FMKUMIGDOC Migrate FB Documents to BCS
FMKUMIGTOT Migrate FBS totals to BCS totals
FMKUTOTCOL Collect Budget Totals
FMLID Display Change Document
FMLIDW Drilldown for Change Documents
FMLINR FM line item document number ranges
FMMPCOVR Carry over residual budget
FMMPCOVR_BT Carry over residual budget
FMMPRBB Increase Budget from Revenues
FMMPRELE Release data
FMMPROLLUP Rollup budget
FMMPTRAN Transfer postings
FMMPTRAN_BT Transfer to consumable budget type
FMOPER Open Budgeting Periods
FMPLADM FI-FM: Planner Profile Maintenance
FMPLCPD FI-FM: Change Plan Data
FMPLDPD FI-FM: Change Plan Data
FMPLLC FI-FM Change Planning Layout
FMPLLD FI-FM Display Planning Layout
FMPLLI FI-FM Create Planning Layout
FMPLSET FI-FM: Set a Planner Profile
FMPLUP FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data
FMRBDERIMD Assign Proposal for RIB Master Data
FMRBDERIRO Derive RIB Object From Budget Addr.
FMRBGENMD Generate Master Data for RIB
FMRBIDXREC Reconstruct Index for RIB
FMRBRULE Edit Single Rule for RIB
FMTEXT Budget Text Organizer
RPKFDEF Reporting Key Figures definition

Database Tables

SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 87 database tables.

BTXCHKF01 Budge_text: File Name of Last Check Out
BTXCHKO01 Budge_text: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj.
BTXCONT01 Budge_text: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BTXDOCL01 Budge_text: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BTXDOCP01 Budge_text: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BTXIDXST01 Budge_text: Status Table for Indexing Documents
BTXLOIOT01 Budge_text: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BTXLOPR01 Budge_text: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BTXLORE01 Budge_text: Outgoing Relations of Logical Information Object
BTXLORI01 Budge_text: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects
BTXPHF01 Budge_text: Files of Physical Information Objects
BTXPHHR01 Budge_text: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects
BTXPHNM01 Budge_text: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BTXPHPR01 Budge_text: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BTXPHRE01 Budge_text: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects
BTXPHRI01 Budge_text: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects
FMACTIVPER Activate Period Control Budgeting
FMBCSA Budget Control System activation settings
FMBCSA_USER User specific Budget Control System activation settings
FMBDA Actual line item table
FMBDC Object table 2
FMBDO Object table 1 - Budget address
FMBDP FM Budget change line items table
FMBDT FM budget totals table
FMBH Funds management budget header (entry documents)
FMBL Funds management budget document lines (entry documents)
FMBS_BO Budget Addresses
FMBS_BS Budget structures
FMBS_CONTROL Budget structure settings on FM area and fiscal year level
FMBS_VERS_ASS Budget Addresses settings on the version level
FMBTGDEF Budget Group content definition
FMBTGROUP Budget Type Group definition
FMBTGROUPT Text for Budget Type Group
FMBUDCAT Budget category activation
FMBUDTXT Budget texts register
FMBUDTXT_KEY Budget Text Key Customizing
FMBUDTYPE Budget type definition
FMBULEDGERS Relation between posting and budgeting ledgers
FMBUMANAGER Management of budgeting enironment in FM
FMBUSTATUS Status and budget addresses settings on the version level
FMBWUD User Documents
FMBWUS Budgeting Workbench User settings
FMCC_CUST_LIB FM - Consistency checks - Assignment of libraries
FMCCFBDGT_CNTRL Customizing settings: creation of budget during ccf
FMCCFBDGT_CUST Customizing settings: creation of budget during ccf
FMCEACT Activation of Cover Elibility
FMCECGADDRS Cover Groups: Assigned Budget Addresses
FMCECVGRP Cover Groups
FMCONSUM_FTYPE Consumable budget type for Fund Type
FMCONSUM_FUND Consumable budget type for Fund
FMCY_COPI For CO plan data transfer
FMDIMSTATE Definition of state for account assignment element
FMEDDOCFORMS Assignment of Forms for Entry document
FMEDDOCTYPEA Assign process to document type
FMFSG Field Status Group definition
FMFSGA Assignment of Field Status Group
FMFSGT Text for Field Status Group
FMFSS Field Status String definition
FMFSSA Assign Field Status String
FMFSSDEF Edit Field Status String
FMFSST Text for Field Status definition
FMFSV Field Status Variant definition
FMFSVA Assignment of Field Status Variant
FMFSVT Text for Field Status Variant definition
FMHBH Funds management budget header (held documents)
FMHBL Funds management budget document lines (held documents)
FMKF_DSRC_EVAL Key Figures - Evaluation class of data source
FMKF_TERM Key Figures - FM Terms
FMKF_TERM_AVC Key Figures - FM AVC Term
FMKF_TERM_RB Key Figures - FM Terms
FMLA Layout Variant
FMMIGDOC Migrated Documents
FMMIGPAR Partially Migrated Documents
FMOPENPER Control Budgeting Periods
FMOPENPER_FUND Control Budgeting Periods per Fund
FMORGFAV BCS : Organizer Favorites
FMPROFILE Profile for BCS budgeting
FMPTCOMB Allowed combinations (process / budget type)
FMPTCOMBA Allowed combinations (process / budget type) for status
FMRBBOBJECTS Master Data For Revenue Increasing the Budget: RIB Objects
FMRBBRECS Master Data For RIB: Budget Receivers per RIB Object
FMREL_FTYPE Consumable budget type for Fund Type
FMREL_FUND Release settings for Fund
FMRELSTATE Definition of release scenario
FMROLLUP_FTYPE Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type
FMROLLUP_FUND Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund
FMSTATDEF Budgeting status definition


SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 70 views.

H_FMACTIVPER View for search help FMCU_VERSION_OPER (period control)
H_FMBUDCATT Help view for search help FM budget categories (text)
V_BUBUDCAT Budget categories
V_BUTECHORG_ALL Complete view for table BUTECHORG
V_BUTECHORG_AVC Enable Availability Control Checks
V_BUTECHORG_BUD Enable creation of additional lines
V_FMACTIVPER Activate Period Control in Budgeting
V_FMBCSA Activate BCS - Budget Control System
V_FMBCSA_MIG Activate Migration for Carryover Data via Documents
V_FMBS_BO Budget Addresses together with dimensions
V_FMBS_BS Budget structures
V_FMBS_CONTROL Budget structure settings on FM area and fiscal year level
V_FMBS_VERS_ASS Version dependent budget structure settings
V_FMBTGDEF Edit Budget type group (Budget)
V_FMBTGROUP Budget Type group definition
V_FMBUDCAT Budget Category Activation
V_FMBUDTXT View for Budget Text with the Objnr
V_FMBUDTXT_KEY Definition of the Key Fields for Budget Text
V_FMBUDTXT_KEY1 BCS Assign Forms for FM Budget Text
V_FMBUDTYPEDEF Budget type definition
V_FMBUMANAGER Assignment of status to a budgeting environment
V_FMBUSTATUS Status and check of budget addresses
V_FMCC_LIBA Consistency checks - Address check library assignment
V_FMCC_LIBD Consistency checks - Document check library assignment
V_FMCCFBDGT_CNTR Allow/Disallow carry forward of Budget for open commitments
V_FMCCFBDGT_CUST Default settings for the creation of entry documents
V_FMCEACT Activate Cover Eligibility
V_FMCECGADDRS Database View for Budget Address in Cover Groups
V_FMCONSUM_FTYPE Define Budget Type for Consumption per Fund Type
V_FMCONSUM_FUND Define Budget Type for Consumption per Fund
V_FMDIMSTATE Account Assignment Element Status Definition
V_FMED Entry document (Header and line data)
V_FMEDDOCTYPE Document type
V_FMEDDOCTYPEA Document type - Settings for automatic release
V_FMEDFORMS Assignment of Forms to Entry Document
V_FMFSG Define Field Status Group
V_FMFSGA Assignment of Field Status Group
V_FMFSS Define Field Status
V_FMFSSA Field Status Definition Assignment
V_FMFSSDEF Edit Field Status
V_FMFSV Define Field Status Variant
V_FMFSVA Assignment of Field Status Variant
V_FMLA Layout for budgeting workbench
V_FMOPENPER Specify Open Periods in Budgeting
V_FMOPENPER_FUND Specify Open Periods in Budgeting per fund
V_FMPROFILE Define Editing Options for Budget Amounts
V_FMPRTCOMB Assign Budget Type for Release to Process
V_FMPRTCOMBA Assignment of combinations(process/release type) to status
V_FMPTCOMB Assign budget type to process
V_FMPTCOMBA Assignment of combinations(process/budget type) to status
V_FMPTCOMBS Assign Budget Type To Process (Mass Maintenance)
V_FMRBBOBJECTS View for RIB objects with address
V_FMRBBRECS View for RIB receivers with address (of RIB object)
V_FMRBBRECS_REC View for RIB receivers with address (of budget receiver)
V_FMREL_FTYPE Define Release Scenario per Fund Type
V_FMREL_FUND Define Release Scenario per Fund
V_FMRELSTATE Definition of Release Scenario
V_FMRELTYPEDEF Define Budget Types for Release
V_FMROLLUP_FTYPE Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type
V_FMROLLUP_FUND Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund
V_FMSTATDEF Budgeting status definition in FM
V_TKA51_FM Summary Tables that Can Be Planned
V_TKA52_FM Planningtasks for FI-FM
VV_BURBCALCRULES_FM Maintain RIB Calculation Formulas (FM)
VV_FMTABADRH_FMBSDERIBO Maintain Derivation Strategies for Budget Addresses
VV_TKA54_FM FI-FM Planning
VV_TKA55_FM FI-FM Planning


SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 214 structures.

AVCT AVC Summary Table (BCS)
BCSRM_ADDON Generic Add on for Records Management Interface with BCS
BUDP Budget line items (BCS)
BUDT BCS Budget Totals
BUHL Budget Entry Documents (BCS)
BUMP_S_CEFFYEARSHIFT Year of Cash Effectivity Shift
BVSN Budget/planning version in BCS
CONVAL Consumed Values (BCS)
E1FMBH Header Segment for BCS
E1FMBL Segment line items for BCS
FMAA_AVC FM account assignment - AVC objects
FMAA_AVC_CG FM account assignment - AVC objects of Cover Group
FMAA_BUD FM account assignment - Budget objects
FMAA_BUD_CG FM account assignment - Budget objects of Cover Group
FMAA_CG FM account assignment - Posting objects of Cover Group
FMBCFF_S_BADI_ED_HEADER_DATA Customer specific settings for header of entry docs (BADI)
FMBCFF_S_BADI_ED_ITEM_DATA Customer specific settings for lines of entry docs (BADI)
FMBCFF_S_CNTRL Control param. for carrying frwrd budget for commitments
FMBCFF_S_CUST Parameters for bulk wise creation of entry documents
FMBCFF_S_CUST_HDR Parameters for bulk-wise creation of entry docs (header)
FMBCFF_S_CUST_ITEM parameters for bulkwise creation of entry docs (items)
FMBD_S_TOTALS_LOCK FM budgeting: structure for totals lock object
FMBS_S_BO Budget Address
FMBS_S_BO_BUFFER Buffer for Budget Addresses - to speed up checks
FMBS_S_BO_LOCK Structure for locking Budget Addresses
FMBS_S_BS_HEADER Header for budget structure
FMBS_S_BS_SCREEN Screen fields for budget structure maintenance
FMBS_S_BSAC_ADD_STEPS Predefined steps for the derivation of Budget Address (FM)
FMBS_S_BSAC_ADDRESS Original account assignment for derivation of the BAddr
FMBS_S_BSAC_ADDRESS_SUPPL Address related fields, derivation of Budget Addresst (FM)
FMBS_S_BSAC_HELP_FIELDS Additional fields for the derivation of Budget Addresses
FMBS_S_BSAC_TARGET Target structure for CO-PA derivation
FMBS_S_DIM_INFO FM Account Assignment Elements in Budget Structure
FMBS_S_DIMSELTABS Select options for dimensions
FMBS_S_MSG_LINE_PAR Message parameter containing line number - for appl log
FMBS_S_OBJECT_PROTOCOL Structure for budget structure list reports
FMBS_S_PO Posting address
FMBS_S_PO_BUFFER Buffer for posting Addresses to speed up checks
FMBS_S_PO_LOCK Structure for locking Posting Addresses
FMBW_LAYOUT_S_SCREEN Screen fields for layout management
FMBW_S_ALV_MAIN Structure for ALV Grid in Budgeting Workbench - Main screen
FMBW_S_CURRENCY Currency data for decimals handling
FMBW_S_DIMENSIONS FM account assignement elements settings
FMBW_S_DIST_CHECK Distribution check
FMBW_S_DISTRIBUTION_DATA General data required for distribution
FMBW_S_DOCID FM entry document ID (effective & held)
FMBW_S_DOCLIST Document list attached to navigation tree
FMBW_S_DOCTREE Document tree
FMBW_S_FIELDSTATUS Field status for budgeting workbench
FMBW_S_HEADER Entry document header structure (for effective and held)
FMBW_S_KF Key figures info for Budgeting worbench
FMBW_S_KF_KEYFIG Key figures codes for budgeting workbench
FMBW_S_KF_VALUE Key figures values
FMBW_S_LOG Management of application log in budgeting workbench
FMBW_S_MSG_LINE Message per line
FMBW_S_ORIGINAL_LAYOUT Data For Original Layout
FMBW_S_PERIOD_M Multiple period values for period screen management
FMBW_S_PERIOD_S Single period value for period screen management
FMBW_S_REVALUATE Revaluation interface
FMBW_S_SCREEN Screen fields for budgeting workbench
FMBW_S_SEARCHDOC Structure for search doc (FMBH + FMHBH)
FMBW_SERVICES_S_SCREEN Screen fields for FM budgeting utilities
FMCC_CC_PROTOCOL_GRID Structure for CC-Protocol grid component
FMCC_CC_PROTOCOL_TREE Structure for cc protocol tree
FMCC_S_INSTANCE FM - Consistency checks - Instance of CC tool
FMCC_S_INSTANCE_PROTOCOL FM - Consistency checks - Instance of CC Protocol
FMCC_S_TREE_ITEM Consistency Checks - Tree Item
FMCE_S_ADDRESS_IN_CVRGRP Budget Address In Cover Group
FMCE_S_ADDRESS_WITH_ROLE Budget Address With Role Definition (Cover Eligibility)
FMCE_S_ASSIGNED_ADDRESS Budget Address That is Assigned to a Cover Group
FMCE_S_ASSIGNED_CVRGRP Data of a Cover Group That is Assigned to a Budget Address
FMCE_S_CERG_ADDRESS Deriving a Cover Group: Budget Address
FMCE_S_CERG_ADDRESS_SUPPL Deriving a Cover Group: Budget Address Related Fields
FMCE_S_CERG_HELP_FIELDS Derivation of Cover Groups: Additional fields
FMCE_S_CERG_TARGET Derivation of Cover Groups: Assigned Target Fields
FMCE_S_CGOBJECT_KEY Key of CE Object (for Lock Object)
FMCE_S_CVRGRP_QUERY_FIELDS Allowed Fields for Cover Group Query
FMCE_S_MAINT_SCREEN Screen fields for CE rule maintenance
FMCE_S_MAINT_SCREEN_RECEIVER Budget addresses assigned to a cover group
FMCE_S_MD_RECEIVER Cover Group Master Data: Receiver Address
FMCE_S_MEMBER RIB Master Data: Receiver of RIB Amount
FMCOPI_S_KOSTL FMCOPI : Range for Coste center
FMCU_S_ACTIVECOMB Structure for active combination
FMCU_S_FIELDSTATUS Field status content
FMCU_S_VIEW Screen Fields for Function Group FMCU_BUVIEW
FMCY_COPI_CO CO plan transfer to BCS, use for text on Entry Document line
FMCY_S_GTDATA Values of source and target copy CO (eeded for merging)
FMCY_S_LIST FM list structure for copy
FMCY_S_SCREEN Screen fields for master data selection
FMCY_S_STDATA Values of source and target during copy (needed for merging)
FMED_S_ALV_MAIN Structure for entry document Display/Print
FMED_S_ALV_PERIOD Entry document period data for display
FMED_S_ASPTR AS pointer for FM_ED
FMED_S_AW Structure needed for AWOBJ for FM budget entry documents
FMED_S_CI_FMBH Structure for customer fields
FMED_S_CRT_DATA Structure of general system information
FMED_S_DOCID FM entry document ID
FMED_S_DOCNR_LIST Structure to display budget documents linked to one document
FMED_S_DRILLDOWN Structure to search entry documents based on line data
FMED_S_HEADER Entry document header structure
FMED_S_LINE Entry document line
FMED_S_LINE_MIG Document Line for Documents Migration
FMED_S_REVERSAL Structure of fields used when a document is reversed
FMED_S_SCREEN Screen fields for entry document Display//Print
FMF_BCS_SEL_SCREEN General Selection Criteria for Logical Database FMF_BCS
FMF_BCS_SELSCR General Selection Criteria for Logical Database FMF_BCS
FMFBCSDYNPRO Screen Fields for Logical Database FMF_BCS
FMHED_S_DOCID FM held document ID
FMHED_S_HEADER Held document header structure
FMKF_S_DIM_AGGRC Key Figures - Aggregation of dimensions (with cmmt cat.)
FMKF_S_DIM_AGGRS Key Figures - Aggregation of dimensions
FMKF_S_FMAVCT Key Figures - Structure for the database table FMAVCT
FMKF_S_FMBDT Key Figures - Structure for the database table FMBDT
FMKF_S_FMIT Key Figures - Structure for the database table FMIT
FMKF_S_INSTANCE FM - Key Figures - Instance of KF evaluation tool
FMKF_S_LINE_VAL Key Figures - Line after KF Evaluation 1 fields
FMKF_S_LINE_VALXX Key Figures - Line after KF Evaluation 16 fields
FMKU_S_ADD_LINE_SOURCE Structure of source fields for additionnal line's tool
FMKU_S_ADD_LINE_SOURCE_SUPPL Structure of suppl info in source line for additionnal tool
FMKU_S_ADD_LINE_TARGET Structure of target line for additionnal tool
FMKU_S_BADI_DIMPART FM account assignment for BADIs
FMKU_S_BADI_DOC_HEADER Entry document header data passed to BADI
FMKU_S_BADI_DOC_LINE Entry document line passed to BADI
FMKU_S_BADI_GENERAL_INFO General information for all budget lines passed to BADI
FMKU_S_BADI_HEADER Structure of the Header for document in BADI
FMKU_S_BADI_LINE Budget line passed to BADI
FMKU_S_BADI_LVALXXPART Value fields in FM area currency (BADI)
FMKU_S_BADI_OPEN_GENERAL General info for period control
FMKU_S_BADI_OPEN_HEADER Header info for period control
FMKU_S_BADI_OPEN_LINE Line info for period control
FMKU_S_BFMA_HELP_FIELDS Help Fields to add lines by derivation of budget lines
FMKU_S_BFME_HELP_FIELDS Help fields of derivation strategy for documents migration
FMKU_S_BFMM_HELP_FIELDS Help Fields for derivation strategy in migration of totals
FMKU_S_BFMS_HELP_FIELDS Help Fields to substitute data by derivation of budget lines
FMKU_S_BUDTXT FM - Utilities for Budget Text Key
FMKU_S_BULEDGERS Posting and budgeting ledgers
FMKU_S_CHECK_RESULT FM - Kernel Utilities - Result of checks
FMKU_S_CMMTITEM_PACKET Use for building packet of range of commitment items
FMKU_S_DIMPART FM account assignment
FMKU_S_DIMPARTS Table of FM account assignment + locking info
FMKU_S_DIMTABS FM dimension value tables
FMKU_S_DOCCOPY_LIST Detail List for Document Copy process
FMKU_S_DOCMIG_LIST Detail List for Document Migration
FMKU_S_FUNDSCTR_PACKET Use for building packet of range of fundsctr
FMKU_S_HEADER FM - Kernel Utilities- Header structure
FMKU_S_LINE FM - Kernel Utilities - Budget lines close to summary table
FMKU_S_LINE_ID FM - Kernel Utilities - Budget line + GUID
FMKU_S_LVALXXPART Value fields in FM area currency
FMKU_S_LVALXXPART1 Value fields in FM area currency plus RPMAX
FMKU_S_MEASURE_PACKET Use for building packet of range of funded programs
FMKU_S_MIG_HEADER_SOURCE Derivation of Header Fields in Migration (Source)
FMKU_S_MIG_HEADER_TARGET Derivation of Header Fields in Migration (Target)
FMKU_S_MIGRATE_SOURCE Structure of source fields of FBS to migrate to BCS
FMKU_S_MIGRATE_SOURCE_SUPPL Structure of supplement source fields for migration tool
FMKU_S_MIGRATE_TARGET Structure of target fields of BCS to migrate from FBS
FMKU_S_MIGRATION_LIST Migration - structure for output list
FMKU_S_PART_RECV Receiver line - Rule (BADI)
FMKU_S_PERIODS_VAL Periods values in transaction and in local currency
FMKU_S_SCREEN Screen fields for FMKU
FMKU_S_SIGN_CATEGORY Sign convention for cmmt item category
FMKU_S_SUBSTITUTE_SOURCE Structure of source fields for substitution's tool
FMKU_S_SUBSTITUTE_SOURCE_SUPPL Structure of suppl info in source line for substitution tool
FMKU_S_SUBSTITUTE_TARGET Structure of target fields for substitution's tool
FMKU_S_TOBU Line of FM budget totals buffer
FMKU_S_TOBU_SORTINFO Sort information of totals buffer instance
FMKU_S_TOTALS_LOCK Fm budgeting: structure for totals lock object
FMKU_S_VAL Period value in transaction and in local currency
FMKU_S_VALXX Line with value fields plus maximum period for line
FMKU_S_YEAR_DOCNR Structure regrouping fiscyear and document number
FMLI_S_ALV_MAIN Line item data for display
FMLI_S_ALV_PERIOD Line item period data for display
FMLI_S_AW Structure needed for AWOBJ for FM budget line items
FMLI_S_DIM_GK Structure which links an FM address to a grouping key
FMLI_S_DOCID Line items document identifier
FMLI_S_DRILLDOWN Structure to search line items documents based on line data
FMLI_S_ITEMID Identifier for line items in FM budgeting
FMLI_S_LINE Item lines for FM budgeting
FMLI_S_SCREEN Screen fields for display of line items document
FMLI_S_SEARCHDOC Structure for seach line items documents
FMMP_S_DIMGROUP Grouping FM dimensions for mass postings
FMMP_S_LINE_DOCNR FM - Kernel Utilities - Budget lines + DOCNR
FMMP_S_LIST FM list structure for MP proposals
FMPL_S_AUTH_ADDRESS Structure storing authorization for budget address
FMPL_S_AUTH_BU_CAT_VERSION Structure storing authorization for budget cat. and version
FMPL_S_AUTH_DOC_TYPE Structure storing authorization for document type
FMPL_S_AUTH_STATUS Structure storing authorization for status
FMRB_S_ADDRESS_WITH_ROLE RIB: Budget Address With Role (Source = RIB Object)
FMRB_S_ANVAL_PER_ADDRESS Annual value per budget address (RIB)
FMRB_S_ATTRSEL RIB: Selection using attributes of RIB objects
FMRB_S_BUD_RECEIVER RIB Master Data: Receiver of RIB Amount
FMRB_S_BUDGET_DATA Budget data for creating new RIB document
FMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN Screen fields for RIB rule maintenance
FMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN_RECEIVER Budget receivers: Maintenance of RIB rules
FMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN_SURPLUS Surplus address: Maintenance of RIB rules
FMRB_S_MAINT_TREE_STRUCTURE Structure of tree control for RIB rule maintenance
FMRB_S_MD_RECEIVER RIB Master Data: Receiver of RIB Amount
FMRB_S_MD_SURPLUS RIB Master Data: Surplus Address
FMRB_S_RBMD_HELP_FIELDS Deriving a Proposal for RIB Master Data: Additional fields
FMRB_S_RBMD_ROBJECT Deriving a Proposal for RIB Master Data: RIB Object
FMRB_S_RBMD_ROBJECT_SUPPL Deriving a Proposal for RIB MD: RIB Object Related Fields
FMRB_S_RBMD_TARGET Deriving a Proposal for RIB Master Data: Target Fields
FMRB_S_RBOB_ADDRESS Original account assignment for derivation of the RIB object
FMRB_S_RBOB_ADDRESS_SUPPL Address related fields, derivation of RIB objects
FMRB_S_RBOB_HELP_FIELDS Derivation of RIB Object: Additional fields
FMRB_S_RBOB_ROBJECT Derivation of RIB Object: Assigned RIB Object
FMRB_S_RIB_RULE_QUERY_FIELDS Allowed Fields for RIB Rule Query
FMRB_S_RIBOBJ_AND_BUD_RECEIVER RIB Object And Receiving Budget Address
FMRB_S_RO RIB: Data for RIB objects
FMRB_S_ROBJECT_KEY Key of RIB Object (for Lock Object)
FMSG_FMFBCS Navigation Selection Logical Database FMF_BCS
FMTXT_S_GENERATOR_IMP_PARAMS Importing Parameters for Budget Text (or Memo) Generator
RANGE_C50 Structure of a Range Table for a (50) Character Field


SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 83 programs.

FMCE_RULE_MAINT Process Cover Eligibility Rule
FMKF_DEF Key Figures - Tool for Key Figures definition
FMKF_REPORT01 Key Figures reporting tool
FMPL_DEL_GENERATED_REPORTS Program to delete all reports created for planning
FMPL_LAYOUT_IMPORT Report to import Planning Layouts
FMPL_LAYOUT_TRANSPORT Report to transport Planning Layouts
RFFMBCS_REPAIR_PARTCCB_BCS Selection of Carry Backward Documents - Correction of BCS documents
RFFMBS_BDATA_INCONSISTENCIES Display Budget Data Inconsistencies
RFFMBS_BO_FROM_BUDGET_GENER Generate Budget Addresses from Budget Data
RFFMBS_COPY Copy Budget and Posting Addresses
RFFMBS_DELETE_BOBJECTS Deleting Budget Addresses
RFFMBS_DELETE_POBJECTS Deleting Posting Addresses
RFFMBS_INDEX_INCONSISTENCIES Display Index Inconsistencies
RFFMBS_MAINTAIN_BOBJECTS Maintain Budget Addresses
RFFMBS_MAINTAIN_POBJECTS Maintain Posting Addresses
RFFMBS_PDATA_INCONSISTENCIES Display Posting Data Inconsistencies
RFFMBS_PO_FROM_FM_GENER Generate Posting Addresses from Posting Data
RFFMBS_RECONSTRUCT_INDEX Reconstruct Index of Posting and Budget Addresses
RFFMBS_SELECT_ADDR Selection of all fund management account assignments
RFFMBS_STATUS Summary of Budget Structure Settings
RFFMBSDERIBO Callback report for derivation of budget objects (BS)
RFFMBSDERIBOPREDEF Add Predefined Steps to Strategy for Deriving Budget Objects
RFFMBWB_SEARCHDOC Search entry document
RFFMCC_REPORT01 Consistency Check Report
RFFMCE_GENCOVERGR Generate Cover Eligibility Rules
RFFMCEDERIRG Callback report for derivation of cover groups
RFFMCUDERIVAL FMOA Object Assignment (CallBack Report) using CO-PA Derivation Tool
RFFMCUDERIVMIG FMOA Object Assignment (CallBack Report) using CO-PA Derivation Tool
RFFMCUDERIVMIG_ED FMOA Object Assignment (CallBack Report) using CO-PA Derivation Tool
RFFMCUDERIVSUB FMOA Object Assignment (CallBack Report) using CO-PA Derivation Tool
RFFMCY_BATCHCOPY Report needed for copy budget data in background
RFFMCY_CO_COPI Transfer of CO Plan Data to BCS
RFFMCY_FREEZE Freeze budget data
RFFMCY_LOAD Generate Budget Data
RFFMCY_PREP Generate Planning Data
RFFMCY_RESET Reset Planning Data
RFFMCY_TEXT Copy Budget Text
RFFMCY_TEXT_UPGRADE Migrate Budget Texts
RFFMED_DRILLDOWN Search Entry Document
RFFMED_PRINT Display / Print Entry Document
RFFMEDDL Archiving Budget Entry Documents in FM (BCS): Delete Program
RFFMEDWR Archiving Budget Entry Documents in FM (BCS): Write Program
RFFMKU_ABP_COR Budgeting Correction Report for Automatic Budget Posting
RFFMKU_ABP_COR_AWORG Budgeting Correction Report for incorrect reference field (AWORG)
RFFMKU_DEL_DATA Delete Budget Data
RFFMKU_MIGRATE_DOCUMENTS Migration of Documents from Former Budgeting to BCS
RFFMKU_MIGRATE_TOTALS Migration of Totals from Former Budgeting to BCS
RFFMLI_DRILLDOWN Search Change Document
RFFMLI_PRINT Display / Print Change Document
RFFMLI_SEARCHDOC Search line items document
RFFMLIDL Archiving Budget Line Items in FM (BCS): Delete Program
RFFMLIWR Archiving Budget Line Items in FM (BCS): Write Program
RFFMMP_COVR Carry Over Residual Budget
RFFMMP_COVR_BT Carry Over Residual Budget (Budget Type)
RFFMMP_DOCREVERSE Reverse Budget Entry Documents
RFFMMP_RBB Increase Budget from Revenues
RFFMMP_RELEASE Release Budget Data
RFFMMP_TRANSFER Transfer Budget Data
RFFMMP_TRANSFER_BT Transfer To Consumable Budget Type
RFFMRB_COPY Copy Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget
RFFMRB_GENERATE Generate Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget
RFFMRB_RECONSTRUCT_INDEX Reconstruct Index for Revenues Increasing the Budget
RFFMRBDERIMD Callback report for derivation of RIB master data
RFFMRBDERIRO Callback report for derivation of RIB objects from budget addresses
RFFMTTDL Archiving Budget Totals in FM (BCS): Delete Program
RFFMTTWR Archiving Budget Totals in FM (BCS): Write Program

Search Helps

SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 7 search helps.

FMBS_BS Budget structure search help
FMCE_F4_CVRGRP Cover Groups with Text
FMCU_F4_BUDCAT FM budget categories
FMCU_F4_BUDTYPE FM budget types
FMCU_F4_VERSION Version for budgeting in FM
FMCU_VERSION_OPER Version with period control active
H_FMBASOBJNR View for Object number for FM addresses

Message Classes

SAP Package FMBPA_E contains 13 message classes.

FMAR Archive access
FMBAPI BAPI for Budgeting
FMBCF Carry forward of budget for open commitments
FMBS Budget structure
FMBWB Budgeting Workbench
FMCC Messages for consistency check rules in FM
FMCE Cover Eligibility Messages
FMCU Customizing for budgeting in FM
FMCY Copy budget data
FMKU FM budgeting, kernel utilities
FMMP Message class for mass process
FMPP Planning processor
FMRB Revenue Increasing the Budget - FM specific part