
SAP Function Group HR_DK_PAYSLIP

Information for PBS Remun. Statement

The Function Group HR_DK_PAYSLIP (Information for PBS Remun. Statement) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC09. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HR_DK_PAYSLIP
Short Text Information for PBS Remun. Statement
Package PC09

Function Modules

Function Group HR_DK_PAYSLIP contains 13 function modules.

HR_DK_CREATE_F20A_REC_002047 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002047 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_CREATE_F20A_REC_002049 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002049 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_CREATE_F20A_REC_002050 Aufbauroutine für Form 20A Record 002050 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_CREATE_F20A_REC_002051 Aufbauroutine für Form 20A Record 002051 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_CREATE_F20A_REC_002052 Create form 20A for wagetype 0020 lbnr 52 col 19-20
HR_DK_CREATE_F20B_CORRECTION Create Form 20B (HR-DK) - Correction
HR_DK_CREATE_STANDARD_FORM Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002047 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_FIND_SUBTYPES Auffinden der existierenden Subtypen für einen Infotypen
HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002047 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002047 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002049 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002049 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002050 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002050 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002051 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002051 (HR-DK)
HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002052 Format form 20A for wagetype 0020 lbnr 52 col 19-20