
SAP Package PC09

HR Payroll: Denmark

The package PC09 (HR Payroll: Denmark) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCDK.

Technical Information

Package PC09
Short Text HR Payroll: Denmark
Parent Package HRCDK

Function Groups

SAP Package PC09 contains 31 function groups.

0PMA PBS FIRMA, SE#, Agruppe, OF Code (DK)
0PMB Payroll workflow (DK)
31DK Output Modules for Denmark
HR_DK_ABSENCE Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_DK_CAR_INFTY Function Module for Company Car IT 442
HR_DK_GET_LEAVE_DATA Determine Leave Entitlement
HR_DK_PAY_PERIOD Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_DK_PAYSLIP Information for PBS Remun. Statement
HR_DK_PBS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_DK_POSTAL_COD Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_DK_TRANSPORT Transport Utilities for HR DK
HR_DK_VIEW_YEND Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRBAS09_REPORT_PR HR_DK: Log Appearance
HRPY_LOAN_DK Company Loans (Denmark)
HRSP_DK Payroll splits DK
RPFM Print routines for Denmark
RPM_FILEPATH File Access Functions
RPM1 PBS FIRMA, SE#, Agruppe, OF Code (DK)
RPM7 Functions for PBS forms (DK)
RPM8 Formatting Routine
RPM9 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RPMA SAP PBS file handling
RPMB Table views (DK)
RPMC RFC-Calls for HR DK
RPMD Function group for CATTs accounting DK
RPMK Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RPMP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RPMQ Remote function calls to PBS HR-DK
RPMS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RPMW Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)


SAP Package PC09 contains 65 transactions.

PC00_M09 Area Menu-Payroll for Denmark
PC00_M09_CA72 Delimit Tax Infotypes
PC00_M09_CALC Payroll for Denmark
PC00_M09_CALCNET Payroll: Net Import
PC00_M09_CC72 Import and Create Tax Infotypes
PC00_M09_CCOR Create Correction File Year Values
PC00_M09_CCTPM0 GenTranfrDatesForSpecialOCPeriods
PC00_M09_CDECM1 Display Export File
PC00_M09_CDMF Create DMF statistics
PC00_M09_CEDT Payr.accounting remun.statement - 09
PC00_M09_CFTPM2 FTP link to PBS
PC00_M09_CH22 Change training code
PC00_M09_CHED Change training code
PC00_M09_CHWP Change work center code
PC00_M09_CICP Copy wage types for difference
PC00_M09_CIMP Import Year-End Values
PC00_M09_CIMPM Receive net from PBS 09
PC00_M09_CIT5 Create leave entitlement Denmark
PC00_M09_CKTO Payroll Account for Denmark
PC00_M09_CL72 Tax Infotype List for Denmark
PC00_M09_CLGMM6 Difference display wage types
PC00_M09_CLGMM7 Consistency Check for Interface WTs
PC00_M09_CLGMM8 Display Imported Wage Types
PC00_M09_CLGMM9 List of Year-End Values
PC00_M09_CLJN Payroll journal
PC00_M09_CLLM Change of employer
PC00_M09_CLSTR Tools - Payroll result - 09
PC00_M09_CNYCOMP Comparison of two new year runs
PC00_M09_CNYL New year's value list
PC00_M09_CPEX Gross Export to PBS format
PC00_M09_CPRR Pension overview
PC00_M09_CRPPWF1M2 Restore Payroll Statistics
PC00_M09_CRSTM0 Change Payroll Status
PC00_M09_CRSTM1 Display Payroll Status
PC00_M09_CSND Send gross to PBS
PC00_M09_CSTEP Refresh Payroll Status
PC00_M09_CTPM0 Generate date of transfer
PC00_M09_CYECOMP Comparison of two year end runs
PC00_M09_IM2 Import New Year's Values
PC00_M09_ISTA Training code Import and create 09
PC00_M09_ISTW Import and Create Work Centercodes
PC00_M09_IT5_AGE Create Age-Related Leave Entitlement
PC00_M09_IT5_CHARGE Create payscale-related LveEntitlmts
PC00_M09_IT5_PRV_YR Create LveEntitlements as Last Year
PC00_M09_IT5_SUMMER Create Leave Entlmnts SummVac
PC00_M09_JAHRLICHE Area menu-Annual subsequent activity
PC00_M09_MPBSCONST Change PBS constants
PC00_M09_MPBSSAP Display SAP-PBS Constants
PC00_M09_MSB5 Test send connection
PC00_M09_MSB6 Test receiv. conn.
PC00_M09_MSB7 Test file man. conn.
PC00_M09_MYEC Display Corrections for Year-End
PC00_M09_PAP Area menu-Subs. activities - Pro
PC00_M09_PDUNABHAGIG Period-independent subs.activities
PC00_M09_PSTM HR master data sheet
PC00_M09_SH22 Display Training Code
PC00_M09_SHED Display Training Code
PC00_M09_SHWP Display work center code
PC00_M09_SONSPERIOD Subs. activities - other periods
PC00_M09_SYEC Display corrections for year end
PC00_M09_TR22 Transport training code
PC00_M09_TRED Transport training code
PC00_M09_TRWP Transport work center code
PC09 Area Menu-Payroll for Denmark
RPDK Workflow for Danish Payroll

Database Tables

SAP Package PC09 contains 101 database tables.

PA0200 HR Master Record, Infotype 0200 (Garnishments DK)
PA0204 HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)
PA0578 HR Master Record: Infotype 0578
T5M_ABS_TREATMNT Absence Processing
T5M_ABSCD Absence Codes for PBS
T5M_ABSTY_ABSCD Link: Absence Types and Employer Org. to Absence Codes
T5M_LO_INTERFACE Loans: Relationship: WT & Pseudo-Split and Generated WT
T5M_VASTA Leave Accumulation Status (Entity)
T5M_VASTA_TXT Names of Leave Accumulation Statuses
T5M49 Date Identifiers for Special Payroll
T5M49W Feriekonto: Transfer Models
T5M58 SAP-PBS Interface: Transfer Payroll Account (DK)
T5M58_OLD !!Do Not Use (Copy of T5M58)
T5M5B SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK
T5M5C SAP-PBS Interface: Wage Type Interval Names DK
T5M5D SAP-PBS Interface: PBS Form Names (DK)
T5M5E SAP-PBS Interface: Forms (DK)
T5M5F SAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK)
T5M5G SAP-PBS Interface: Designation of Entry Values (DK)
T5M5H SAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)
T5M5I SAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)
T5M5K SAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE Designations (DK)
T5M5N SAP-PBS Interface: SE# (DK)
T5M5O SAP-PBS Interface: SE# Designations (DK)
T5M5P HR_DK: Companies Defined in the PBS System
T5M5Q HR_DK: Names of Companies Defined in the PBS System
T5M5R HR_DK: Transfer of PBS Companies in Send/Import Programs
T5M5S Information to PBS for Remuneration Statement
T5M5T Field Conversions for Fields to PBS
T5M5U Description of Field Conversions
T5M5Y Assignment of Year and PBS Track to an Original Payroll
T5M5Z Wage Types for Processing Retroactive Difference
T5M6A Assignment of Leave Types to Wage Types
T5M71 Files
T5M7A Processing Possibilities in Danish Payroll Steps
T5M7B Company Variant Sets for Payroll Variants
T5M7C Danish Payroll - Step as of Person Listed in mc W
T5M7D Status Line for Payroll Run
T5M7E User Variant Sets for Payroll Report Variants
T5M7F Text Table for 'Single Step' Execution Type in Payroll
T5M7G Tax Table Processing
T5M7H Text Table for Single Steps in Processing
T5M7I Tax Table for Single Steps in Payroll
T5M7J Danish Payroll: Error Code Table for PBS
T5M7K Person Selection for Payroll Run from T5M7D
T5M7L Payroll acct. area selections for payroll run from T5M7D
T5M7M Single Step Control in User Variant Set
T5M7N Special Wage Type Definition Elements for Pensions (DK)
T5M7O AMP Institutions (Danish Pension Institutions)
T5M7P Garnishment Types in Danish Payroll (IT 200)
T5M7Q Text Table for Garnishment Types (T5M7P)
T5M7S Results of a Step in the Payroll Run (HR DK)
T5M7T PBS File Entries (HR DK Payroll)
T5M7V Form Entries for PBS File
T5M7W File Entries Assignment from T5M7V
T5M7X Entries for Form X1 - Special Payment Days
T5M7Y User Codes for User Variant Sets
T5M7Z Field Values from Last Payroll
T5M8A Entry Fields for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8B Input Field Names for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8C Input values for own statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8D Designate Input Values for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8E Verify Changes to Wage Type Texts
T5M8F SAP-PBS interface: Assign SAP PBS wage types (DK)
T5M8G Matchcode W Specifically for Payroll Step (DK)
T5M8H PBS error table for importing error file
T5M8I PBS error codes
T5M8J File entries for PBS file
T5M8K Log of report calls for Danish payroll accounting
T5M8L Text table for company variant sets
T5M8M Text table for user variant sets
T5M8N Company-specific RFC destinations for PBS links
T5M8O Pension institutions
T5M8P SAP-PBS interface: Transfer year-end values
T5M8Q Assign PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deduction
T5M8R Name assignment of PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deduction
T5M8S Employer assignment in original period
T5M8T Danish Postal Codes
T5M8U Hierarchy Structure for DA Statistics Job Key
T5M8V Hierarchy Structure Texts for DA Statistics Job Key
T5M8W Year End Corrections for PBS Accumulators (HR-DK)
T5M8X Interface: PBS Constants as T511K Constants
T5M8Z Employer Assignment in Original Period
T5M9A SAP-PBS Interface: Transfer of New Year Values
T5M9B SAP-PBS: Year End Values (Revision)
T5M9C SAP-PBS Interface: New Year Values (Revision)
T5M9D PBS wage types that need activating.
T5M9E Standard Account Assignment for PBS Wage Types
T5M9F PBS Accumulator
T5M9G PBS Accumulator
T5M9H Split Indicators for Wage Types Sent to PBS
T5M9I Texts for End of Year Runs (Payroll)
T5M9J Texts for New Year Runs (Payroll)
T5MAH File Access Path
T5MCC Cluster Memory Table
T5MFB FA Statistics: Values for Validation
T5MFI FA Statistics: Bonus Types
T5MFJ Correct FA Absence Statistics
T5MP1 General Messages for the PBS Remuneration Statement
T5MY0 HR-DK: Year-End Activities for PBS


SAP Package PC09 contains 60 views.

H_PC26U_LGART PBS Accumulators
H_T5M7N Help T5M7N
V_T511K_CAR_DK Tax Rate, Reduction Factor, Rule Change for Company Car
V_T511P_CAR_DK Maximum and Minimum Values for Company Cars
V_T549A_DK Payroll Areas (HR-DK)
V_T5M_ABS_TRE_AS Absence Handling: Leave Accumulation Status
V_T5M_ABS_TRE_PA Document Absence on PBS Remuneration Statement
V_T5M_ABS_TREATM Absence Processing
V_T5M_ABSCD Absence Codes
V_T5M_ABSTY_ABSC Link: Absence Types and Employer Org. to Absence Codes
V_T5M_LO_INTERFA Loans: Relationship: WT & Pseudo-Split and Generated WT
V_T5M_VASTA Leave Accumulation Status
V_T5M03_D DK-Specific Employee Subgroup Groupings for Norm. Times
V_T5M03_IA Employee Subgroup Grouping Specific to Denmark
V_T5M03_PAGRP Employee Grouping: Absence on PBS Remuneration Statement
V_T5M03_SVGRP Grouping: Addtnl Lve Days because of Leave in Summer Period
V_T5M03_VAGRP Employee Grouping: Leave Accumulation
V_T5M15 Default Values for DA Job Keys (DK)
V_T5M21 Payee Keys for Denmark
V_T5M2S ATP Default
V_T5M49 Period-Related Date Entries
V_T5M49W Payment Models for Special Model Types
V_T5M58 PBS Payroll Results
V_T5M5B_2 SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK
V_T5M5E SAP-PBS Interface: Forms (DK)
V_T5M5F SAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK)
V_T5M5H SAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)
V_T5M5L SAP-PBS Interface: Leave Schema, OF-CODES (DK)
V_T5M5N SAP-PBS Interface: SE# (DK)
V_T5M5R HR_DK: Transfer of PBS Companies in Send/Import Programs
V_T5M5R_A HR_DK: Transfer of PBS Companies in Send/Import Programs
V_T5M5S Information to Be Sent to PBS
V_T5M5T Conversion Options for Single Fields
V_T5M5X Customer-Specific Description of a PBS Wage Type Interval
V_T5M5Z Wage Types for Bringing Forward Retroactive Differences
V_T5M6A Link Between Leave Entitlement and Wage Type
V_T5M7A Processing Possibilities in Danish Payroll Steps
V_T5M7B Company Variant Set for Payroll Run Control
V_T5M7E User Variant Sets for Payroll Report Variants
V_T5M7G Tax Table for Company Variants Processing
V_T5M7I Tax Table for Single Payroll Steps
V_T5M7M Single Step Control in User Variant Set
V_T5M7P Garnishment Types (HR DK)
V_T5M7U Retrieval of DA-DS Statistics
V_T5M7U_2 Retrieval of DA-DS Statistics
V_T5M8A Entry Fields for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)
V_T5M8C Input Values for Company's Own Statistics (Denmark)
V_T5M8F SAP-PBS Interface: Assign SAP PBS Wage Types (DK)
V_T5M8I PBS Error Types
V_T5M8I_2 PBS Message Characterization: Warnings (W) or Errors (E)
V_T5M8Q Assign PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deduction
V_T5M8T Danish Postal Codes
V_T5MFB FA Statistics: Values for Validation
V_T5MFD Creation and Reporting of Statistics for DA, FA, and DS
V_T5MFD_FA Amendment of Wage/Salary and Absence Statistics for FA
V_T5MFF_SEL Pay Grade
V_T5MFI Wage Bonus Types
V_T5MP1 General Messages for the PBS Remuneration Statement
V_T5MY0 Year-End Activities for PBS


SAP Package PC09 contains 63 structures.

DKC23 Field String for Feature - DKC23 DK
E1P0073 HR Master Record: Infotype 0073 (Private Pensions - DK)
E1P0074 HR Master Record: Infotype 0074 (Leave Processing DK)
E1P0200 HR Master Record - Infotype 0200 (Garnishments DK)
E1P0204 HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)
E1P0578 HR Master Record: Infotype 0578
HRDK_EVALPERIOD Reporting Period for Statistics
HRDK_HELPTAB Entry in Table for F4 Help
HRDK_PBS_STRING Parameter String to Be Sent to PBS
HRDK_POSTAL_CODES_UPLOAD File Structure for Excel Sheet of Danish Post Codes
HRDK_RPCA72M0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCA72M0
HRDK_RPCC72M0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCC72M0
HRDK_RPCDIFM0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCDIFM0
HRDK_RPCDIFM4 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCDIFM4
HRDK_RPCDIFM8 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCDIFM8
HRDK_RPCDMFM0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCDMFM0
HRDK_RPCIMPM1 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCIMPM1
HRDK_RPCIMPM2 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCIMPM2
HRDK_RPCIMPM6 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCIMPM6
HRDK_RPCIT5M0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCIT5M0
HRDK_RPCL72M0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCL72M0
HRDK_RPCLGMM5 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCLGMM5
HRDK_RPCLGMM7 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCLGMM7
HRDK_RPCLGMM8 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCLGMM8
HRDK_RPCLGMM9 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCLGMM9
HRDK_RPCLLMM0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCLLMM0
HRDK_RPCNYLM0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCNYLM0
HRDK_RPCPERM0 HR-DK: Display Structure for Program RPCPERM0
HRDK_RPCPERM4 HR-DK: Display Structure for Program RPCPERM0
HRDK_RPCPERM4_ITEMS HR-DK: Display Structure for Program RPCPERM0
HRDK_RPCRSTM0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCRSTM0
HRDK_RPCRSTM1 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCRSTM1
HRDK_RPCSNDM1 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPCSNDM1
HRDK_RPPWF1M0 Display Structure for Payroll Runs
HRDK_RPPWF1M1 Structure for Displaying Data in Report RPPWF1M1
HRDK_RPSTATM1_FIELDS Output Fields for Report RPSTATM1
P0204 HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)
P0204_AF Additional query fields
P0578 HR Master Record: Infotype 0578
PAYDK_NATIONAL HR PAY DK: Country-specific part of payroll result
PAYDK_RESULT HR PAY DK: Structure for payroll result
PC249 Payroll Result: PBS Organizational Unit (DK)
PC26Q Payroll Structure MVAC: Leave Handling (DK)
PC26R Payroll Structure MDADS: DA/DS Statistics (DK)
PC26S Prior Pension Accumulations after PBS Splits
PC26U SAP-PBS Interface: Accumulators (DK)
PC2A1 HR-DK: Modifiable Field Information for PBS
PC2A2 HR-DK: Payroll Results for FA Statistics
PC2A7 HR-DK: Original Payroll Period
PC2A8 HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)
PC2AB HR-DK: Absence Information for PBS (Form 27)
PC2AC HR-DK: Cumulated Absence Information for PBS (Form 27)
PC2LO HR-DK: Relationship between SAP Loans and PBS Wage Types
PS0200 HR Master Record, Infotype 0200 (Garnishments DK)
PS0204 HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)
PS0578 PBS Accumulators
Q0075 Screen Fields for Infotype 0075 (ATP Denmark)
Q0200 HR DK Display Texts for Garnishments, IT 200
Q0578 Display Fields for Infotype 0578
RPUPSTM0 Parameter for RPUPSTM0


SAP Package PC09 contains 100 programs.

RPC_PAYROLL_RESULTS_V0 Test Payroll Results
RPCA72M0 Delimit existing records and records valid on 01/01 for IT 72
RPCALCM0 Payroll Program for Denmark
RPCC72M0 Create tay infotype records from PBS file with FORM 24 entries
RPCDECM1 Display export file for PBS
RPCDELM1 Deletion of temporary data occured during the payroll run
RPCDIFM0 Difference display for wage types received from PBS in T5M58
RPCDIFM4 Difference display for year end values
RPCDIFM8 Difference display for new year values
RPCDLRM0 Copy cluster data from T5MCC to file
RPCDTAM0 Preliminary DME Program for Several Payment Runs - Denmark
RPCEDTM0 Remuneration statements (Denmark)
RPCEVFM0 PBS file evaluation
RPCEVFM1 PBS entries relevant for results for persons
RPCFILM0 File layout - PBS
RPCFM2M0 Consistency check for PBS wage types between T5M5B and form 2 records
RPCFTPM0 ftp client program for file transfer to and from PBS
RPCFTPM1 Program for RFC connection (FTPlike) to PBS
RPCFTPM2 !!!Do Not Use Any Longer, Use RPCFTPM3 Instead
RPCFTPM4 Download files from PBS
RPCGIFM0 Show/hide commentary for payroll interface rpcpexm0
RPCICPM0 Copy wage types for difference display
RPCIMPM0 !! Old version, use RPCIMPM1
RPCIMPM1 Import payroll results from PBS to R/3
RPCIMPM2 Import year-end values for wage types from PBS results file
RPCIMPM6 Import new year values for wage types from PBS results file.
RPCIT5M0 Batch input for leave entitlement infotype 5 from PBS accumulators
RPCKTOM0 Payroll account: Denmark
RPCL72M0 List for infotype 72 (Tax DK) for year-end reporting
RPCLEAM0 Leave Overview
RPCLGAM0 Wage Type Statement - Denmark (Read Cluster RM)
RPCLGMM3 Wage type customizing check for SAP-PBS interface (DK)
RPCLGMM4 Wage types received from table T5M58 in PBS
RPCLGMM5 Difference display for wage types from T5M58 (after import)
RPCLGMM7 Consistency check for interface wage types
RPCLGMM8 Display wage types in table T5M58 received from PBS
RPCLGMM9 Wage type statement for year-end report (Denmark)
RPCLJNM0 Payroll journal for Denmark
RPCLLMM0 List of retroactive differences that occur when employer is changed
RPCLLMM4 List of retroactive differences that occur when employer is changed
RPCLSTRM Display Payroll Results - Denmark (Cluster RM)
RPCMACM0 Reporting on PBS Accumulators
RPCMCWM0 Matchcode W handling (only form routines) for Danish payroll workflow
RPCMLIM0 Cash Breakdown List (Read Cluster RM)
RPCMSTM0 Master data DK
RPCNYLM0 Wage type statement for new year values list Denmark
RPCPBMM0 Interface driver program for user exits in SAP-PBS interface solution
RPCPBTM0 Create a test file of all PBS wage types
RPCPBTM1 Upload local file according to export table T5M7V
RPCPERM0 Payroll runs for a payroll period
RPCPERM4 Payroll runs for a payroll period
RPCPEXM0_PU12 Export
RPCRSTM0 Set matchcode W status in T5M8G
RPCRSTM1 Display payroll status
RPCRSTM3 Change payroll status
RPCSNDM0 !! Old version, use RPCSNDM1
RPCSNDM1 Send gross payroll results to PBS (HR DK)
RPCUMSM0 Conversion prog. for PBS WTypes (T5M5B) for field P09_AMOUNTFIELD
RPCUMSM0_T5M5B_1 Conversion prog. for PBS WTypes (T5M5B) for field P09_AMOUNTFIELD
RPCUPRM0 Copy Cluster data from file to T5MCC
RPCWRKM0 Select personnel numbers for a payroll process (PY)
RPCWRKM1 Fill Prouezz Container before sending
RPCWRKM2 Fill Prouezz Container before sending
RPCWRKM3 Fill Prouezz Container before sending
RPCWRKM4 Fill Prouezz Container before sending
RPCWRKM5 Fill Prouezz Container before sending
RPCYECM0 Read corrections from PBS accumulators fron T5M8W and store in file
RPISTAM0 Import Danish training codes (DUN codes)
RPISTWM0 Import Danish work center codes (DISCO codes)
RPPWF1M0 Module Pool for Payroll Transaction (DK)
RPPWF1M1 Danish Payroll: Display Rejected Personnel Numbers
RPPWF1M2 Danish Payroll: Update 'Step Rejected' and 'Step Done' in T5M7C
RPPWF1M2_TRANS Call RPPWF1M2 using batch input
RPPWF1M3 Program to Determine the Number of Selected Persons
RPPWF1M4 Create new personal payroll status (T5M7C) (HR DK)
RPPWF1M6 Display general output of a payroll step (HR DK)
RPPWF1M7 Create payroll run (HR DK)
RPPWF1M8 Start program RPCSNDM0 to send from gross to PBS (HR DK)
RPPWF1MA Display EE number/PArea selections for payroll run
RPPWF1MB Crete batch input folder for payroll transaction rpdk
RPPWFAM0 Persons in payroll run
RPSTATM0 HR-DK: Statistics for data transfer
RPU_M09_CH22 Change training code
RPU_M09_CHED Change training code
RPU_M09_CHWP Change work center code
RPU_M09_MBS5 Test send connection
RPU_M09_MBS6 Test receiv. conn.
RPU_M09_MBS7 Test file man. conn.
RPU_M09_SH22 Display training code
RPU_M09_SHED Display Training Code
RPU_M09_SHWP Display work center code
RPU_M09_TR22 Transport training code
RPU_M09_TRED Transport training code
RPU_M09_TRWP Transport work center code
RPU_UPGRADE_VERSION_NUMBER_RM Upgrade of RM Cluster Version for Upgrade from <=4.5 to >=4.6
RPUCTPM0 Generation of Transfer Dates for Special Payroll

Search Helps

SAP Package PC09 contains 5 search helps.

HR_DK_PAYTY Payroll Types
HR_DK_PC26U_LGART PBS Accumulator
HRDK_T5M7W Export Files for PBS

Authorization Objects

SAP Package PC09 contains 1 authorization objects.

P_DK_PBS HR-DK: Authorization Check for Access to PBS Company