
SAP Table T5M5B

SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK

The table T5M5B (SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PC09.

Technical Information

Table T5M5B
Short Text SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK
Package PC09
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T5M5B

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
V_LGART Interval wage type DK P09_VLGRT CHAR 4
B_LGART Wage type to interval DK P09_BLGRT CHAR 4
R_LGART Import wage type P09_RLGRT CHAR 4
ACCUM Indicator: Wage type cumulation (DK) P09_ACCUM CHAR 1
ISPLT Indicator: Import Relevant for Split P09_ISPLT CHAR 1
DEF Definition of wage type +/- sign in PBS DK P09_DEF CHAR 1
FORM2 Indicator: Send FORM2 for Wage Type Definition DK P09_FORM2 CHAR 1
FMCOD Key for PBS Forms (DK) P09_FMCOD CHAR 2 T5M5E
FORMX Indicator: FORM X - Special Payout Days DK P09_FORMX CHAR 1
S_LGART Balance wage type P09_SLGRT CHAR 4
D_LGART Deduction wage type DK P09_DLGRT CHAR 4
ANTAL Indicator: Entry in FORM 22A, field: Antal (DK) P09_ANTAL CHAR 1
TIMER Indicator: Entry for 'Timer' field FORM 22A (DK) P09_TIMER CHAR 1
P09_PBSBET PBS wage type definition: Transfer amount/rate/number values P09_PBSBET CHAR 3
P09_PBSREG PBS wage type must be activated P09_PBSREG CHAR 1
VTNUM Value transfer type for SAP field number P09_VLTRN CHAR 1
VTRTE Value transfer type for SAP rate field P09_VLTRR CHAR 1
VTAMT Value transfer type for SAP field amount P09_VLTRA CHAR 1
WONCE Indicator: Wage type is only sent once per payroll period P09_ONCE CHAR 1
CUSTO Wage Type Can Be Modified to Customer Needs at PBS P09_CUSTO CHAR 1
FAILT FA Statistics: IL Type of Wage Type in PBS P09_FAILT CHAR 4
DAILT DA Statistics: IL Type in PBS P09_DAILT CHAR 4
FAAPT FA Statistics: Key for Bonus Type P09_FAAPT CHAR 2 T5MFI
LGREG Wage Type Applied in Original Payroll Period P09_LGREG CHAR 4
LGSPC Wage Type Applied in Retroactive Periods P09_LGSPC CHAR 4
CTTAX Wage Type Contributes to Tax Basis P09_CTTAX CHAR 1
CTAMB Wage Type Contributes to LMC Basis P09_CTAMB CHAR 1
CTLON Wage Type Contributes to Basis for Total Wages Deduction P09_CTLON CHAR 1
CTVC1 Wage Type Contributes to Leave Savings (Accumulator 37) P09_CTVC1 CHAR 1
CTVC2 Wage Type Contributes to Leave Saving 2 (accumulator 38) P09_CTVC2 CHAR 1
CTVC3 Wage Type Contributes to Leave Saving 3 (Accumulator 36) P09_CTVC3 CHAR 1
CTBTX Wage Type Contributes to B Tax Basis P09_CTBTX CHAR 1
CTATP Wage Type Contributes to ATP Basis/is Used as ATP Hour P09_CTATP CHAR 1
TAXFD Field for Tax Return P09_TAXFD CHAR 2