
SAP Function Group HROV

HR-PSG: PS pension recipient (D)

The Function Group HROV (HR-PSG: PS pension recipient (D)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package P01O. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HROV
Short Text HR-PSG: PS pension recipient (D)
Package P01O

Function Modules

Function Group HROV contains 3 function modules.

HR_VERSORGUNG_BEREINIGE_RENTE HR-PSG: Bereinige Rentenbetrag um Höhervers, ErhBetrag, frw. Beiträge
HR_VERSORGUNG_CHECK_RVNUMMER HR-PSG: Elementare Prüfungen Rentenversicherungsnummer
HR_VERSORGUNG_PRUEFEN_HB HR-PSG: Check RA accounting for surviving dependent against pension holder