The package P01O (HR Germany: Civil service) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCDE.
Package | P01O |
Short Text | HR Germany: Civil service |
Parent Package | HRCDE |
SAP Package P01O contains 39 function groups.
0PDC | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PDP | Enhanced table maintenance (generated) |
0PO0 | Views for German Civil Service |
0PO1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PO4 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
HRDK | HR_PSG:Child allowance in Civil Service |
HRDO | HR - Public Sector - PSG |
HRDP | Public Sector Germany - Payroll |
HRDPBS_G131 | Modules for G131 Evaluation |
HRDPBS_SEZ_CALC | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen - Bausteine |
HRDPBS_SEZ_CHECK | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen - Checks |
HRDPBS_SEZ_SERV | Sonder- und Einmalzahl. - Dienste-FBs |
HRDPBS_SEZ_TVOED_JSZ | Spezielle Routinen für die JSZ nach TVöD |
HRDPBS1 | Public Sector Germany: Ind. Valuation |
HRDPBS2 | Utility Routines for PS Germany ITs |
HRDPBS3 | Public Sector Germ.: Bonuses (IB, Adj.) |
HRDPBS4 | Rehabilitants |
HRDPBS5 | Utilities for Manipulation of Dates |
HRDPBS6 | Utility functions for table maintenance |
HRDPBS8 | Ermittlung Vollkräfte öffentl Dienst |
HRDPBSW | Functions for ST/SC in Org. Management |
HROV | HR-PSG: PS pension recipient (D) |
HRPAYDE_PBS_AUSL | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRPBS01_READ_TEXT | Text read modules |
HRPBSDE_SHLP | Suchhilfe-Exits |
HRPBSDE_TVOED | Überleitung in den TVÖD |
HRPBSDE_ZFA_VIEW | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
HRPBSDE_ZFA_VIEWS | ZfA: Funktionsgruppe für Pflegeviews |
HRPBSDE_ZFA_ZKNN | ZFA: Nicht zugeordnete ZK01-Meldungen |
HRPBSDE_ZV_MELDUNGEN | Meldungen Zusatzversorgung öff. Dienst |
HRPBSDEZFA | ZfA-Meldewesen |
HRPS_ZVK | Supplementary Pension - Public Sector DE |
HRPSG_PAY | Evaluation of Payroll Results |
HRPY_DE_AVERA | Relevanztest für Funktion AVERA |
HRSENDECRULE_BVG | Conv. Rule: Public Sector Pensions Act |
HRSENDECRULE_BVG_ROUND | Rundungsregel für BeamtVG |
HRSENDEPBS_FSLID | Selection Exits Public Sector Germany |
HRSENDEPBS_RGDZ | Pensionable Employment Period (PSG) |
RPZK | Child allowance bonus |
SAP Package P01O contains 41 transactions.
P5P1 | Addition of IT0122 to T588B |
PAZZ | Call Word interface |
PC00_M01_BKGO | Pub. Sector child standard letter 01 |
PC00_M01_CRSVD0 | Rehabilitants: Reimbursement Applic. |
PC00_M01_LEROD0 | Reimbursements Acc. to G131 |
PC00_M01_LKGO | Public Sector Child CheckChildPay 01 |
PC00_M01_LRZA0 | Rentenauskunftsverfahren: INL |
PC00_M01_LRZB0 | Public Service create pensions 01 |
PC00_M01_RPLBUZD0 | Liste der Bruttoüberzahlungen |
PC00_M01_SKGO | PublicSectorChild Child Pay Stat. 01 |
PC00_M01_SVEO | Create benefits payee 01 |
PC00_M01_UKGO | PublicSectorChild Transfer to Disk01 |
PC00_M01_URZB | Public Sector Pension Data Medium 01 |
PC00_M01_ZFABZ01 | BZ01-Meldungen erstellen |
PC00_M01_ZFABZ02 | BZ02-Meldungen erstellen |
PC00_M01_ZFACLST | ZfA-Clusteranzeige |
PC00_M01_ZFADIRCHECK | ZfA-Meldungsverzeichnisse überprüfen |
PC00_M01_ZFAINBOUND | Verarbeitung ZfA-Eingangsverzeichnis |
PC00_M01_ZFAKZ01 | KZ01-Meldungen erstellen |
PC00_M01_ZFAKZ02 | KZ02-Meldungen erstellen |
PC00_M01_ZFAOUTBOUND | ZfA-Meldungsausgang |
PC00_M01_ZFARESET | B2A-Ausgang zurücksetzen |
PC00_M01_ZFAZB01 | ZB01-Meldungen verarbeiten |
PC00_M01_ZFAZK01 | ZK01-Meldungen verarbeiten |
PC00_M01_ZFAZKNN | Nicht zugeordnete ZK01-Meldungen |
PDO1 | List of Average CA Supplements SR |
PIMG_XPSVEOD0 | SAP-Erweiterung Versorgungsempfänger |
POD1 | Start Report RPU_UPDATE_IT118_46C |
POD2 | Start Report RPLKGPD0PBS |
POD3 | Start Report RPU_FILL_IT595_46C |
POD4 | Start Report RPLOZPD0PBS |
POD5 | Start Report RPU_UPDATE_DOZUL_46C |
PU11 | Supplementary CS Benefits (D) |
RPU_T5D83_TO_T5D8S | Start Report RPU_T5D83_TO_T5D8S |
S_L4H_61015807 | Tarifliche Umstufung |
S_PH9_46000205 | Transfer Program for RPLRZBD0 and RP |
S_PH9_46000206 | Process Data Medium Records INL for |
S_PH9_46000207 | Calculation of Bonus Twelfth |
S_PH9_46000208 | Default List for Advancement of Case |
S_PH9_46000209 | One-Time Payment for Pay Increase |
S_PH9_46000210 | Display Directory for Deferrals |
SAP Package P01O contains 185 database tables.
P01O_TVOED_SZ_RR | Frühere Dezemberdaten für RR-Anstoß JSZ TVöD/TVAöD |
P01O_ZVB_RR | Rückrechnungsanstoß bei zeitvers. Verarb. unständiger Bezüge |
P01ZFA_NN_DATA | ZfA: Nicht zugeordnete Meldungen |
P01ZFA_NN_KIDS | ZfA: Nicht zugeordnete Meldungen - Kinderdaten |
P01ZFA_NN_STATUS | ZfA: Statusverwaltung ZKNN-Meldungen |
P01ZFA_STATUS | ZfA: Statusverwaltung Meldungen |
P01ZFA_TRANS | ZfA: Statustabelle für Transfer |
P593R | Application Status for SI Reimbursement for Rehabilitants |
PA0118 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0118 (Child Allowance D) |
PA0119 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0119 (Annual Income CA D) |
PA0122 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0122 (Child Allowance Bonus D) |
PA0230 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0230 / View 0008 (PSG) |
PA0231 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0231 / View 0001 (PSG) |
PA0237 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0237 / View for 0052 (PSG) |
PA0265 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0265 / Special Regulations (PSG) |
PA0266 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0266 / View 0027 (PSG) |
PA0271 | HR master data infotype 0271 (Public Sector statistics) |
PA0304 | Basic pay - additional information |
PA0320 | Official housing |
PA0321 | Employee accommodations |
PA0322 | HR Master Data Record Infotype 0322 (Pensions and Rel. Ben.) |
PA0326 | HR Master Record IT 0326 (Imputation to Pension Payments) |
PA0329 | HR master record infotype 0329 ( Sideline Job) |
PA0330 | Infotype 0330 (Non-monetary remuneration) |
PA0363 | Previous employment period |
PA0368 | Rehabilitants |
PA0406 | HR-PSG: Infotype 0406 (Pension information) |
PA0592 | HR Master Data Record Infotype 0592 (Foreign Public Sector) |
PA0593 | Rehabilitants |
PA0595 | HR Master Data Record for Infotype 0595 |
PA0745 | ZfA-Meldungen im Öffentlichen Dienst |
PDPBSDNEUG_UEB | Überleitung in den DNeuG: Personal-Stammsatz allgemein |
PDPBSDNEUG_UEB_T | Überleitung in den DNeuG: Personal-Tarifinformation |
PDPBSTVOED_UEB | Überleitung in den TVÖD: Personal-Stammsatz vor Überleitung |
T510O | Local Allowances BAT (D) |
T510Q | Family-Related Bonuses |
T510QN | Besitzstände Orts-/Sozialzuschlag |
T535V | ASB Texts |
T5D5A | Local Allowance Level/Partnership Key Checklist (D) |
T5D5B | Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service: Employer Table |
T5D5C | Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service (D): Payroll Table |
T5D5D | Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service: Message Fields |
T5D5E | Supplemenary Bens. for Civil Service: Message Reason Table |
T5D5F | Case Groups |
T5D5G | Suppl. Benefits for Civil Service (D): Combination Table |
T5D5GT | Pension Types for Supplementary Pension in PSG |
T5D5HT | ZV Steuermodelle |
T5D5K | Case Group Catalog |
T5D5L | Local Allowance Classes and Career Assignment |
T5D5LN | Tarifzuordnung für Besitzstände Orts-/Sozialzuschlag |
T5D5N | Supplementary pensions PSG: Account number table |
T5D5R | PSG Supplementary Pension:Customizing Contribution Statement |
T5D5S | Zusatzversorgung öff. Dienst Stichtage |
T5D5T | Case Group Catalog - Texts |
T5D5Z | Supplementary Pension Public Sector: SPF Data |
T5D71 | Calculation of qualifying period |
T5D71T | Function model text for calculation of qualification period |
T5D72 | Houses |
T5D73 | Official housing |
T5D74 | Employee Accommodations |
T5D75 | Employee Accommodations-Price per Square Metre |
T5D76 | Official Housing Rule-Modifiers |
T5D77 | Maximum Remuneration for Official Housing |
T5D78 | Official Housing Rule |
T5D79 | Wage Type Control for Official Housing Gross Amount |
T5D7A | Catalogs of service types |
T5D7B | Texts on catalog for service types |
T5D7C | Service types |
T5D7D | Service type texts |
T5D7E | Service categories |
T5D7F | Service category texts |
T5D7G | Variants for various pay scale elements |
T5D7H | Spousal element - exception and reason - |
T5D7I | Spousal Element -Text- |
T5D7J | Control PSen and CoLA relevance (basic pay) |
T5D7K | Parameters to determine proposed pay seniority |
T5D7L | Utility table for higher grouping and promotion |
T5D7LN | Folgetarifgruppe bei Höher-/Herabgruppierung |
T5D7M | Value of compensation groups |
T5D7MN | Wertigkeit von Tarifgruppen |
T5D7N | Determine hiring level model 8 |
T5D7O | Company code grouping/Service type catalog |
T5D7Q | Model for Controlling Contributions -PSG- |
T5D7QT | Function Model Text for Special Bonus |
T5D7R | Model for controlling vacation bonus |
T5D7RT | Function Model Text for Vacation Bonus |
T5D7S | Evaluation Areas in Statistics |
T5D7SUM | Definition der Zuordnung von Statistikzeilen zu Summenzeile |
T5D7T | Evaluation Areas-Texts -PSG |
T5D7U | Assignment of Evaluation Area to Internal Key |
T5D7V | Definition of Exceptions in Statistics |
T5D7W | Exception Indicator Texts in Statistics -PSG |
T5D7X | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Variable Key |
T5D7Y | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Service Types |
T5D7Z | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Job |
T5D80 | Control Table for Pension Payments |
T5D80_ABRST | Adressdaten der Abrechnungsstellen |
T5D81 | Control Indicator Pensions - Texts |
T5D82 | Pay Scale Information for Calculating Minimum Pensions |
T5D82T | Function model text for minimum pension |
T5D83 | Payroll number (post) - Pension insurance institution (D) |
T5D84 | Model for Maternity Pay Supplement |
T5D84T | Function model text for maternity pay supplement |
T5D85 | Wage Types for One-Off Payments of Maternity Pay Supplement |
T5D86 | Public Sector Functions |
T5D86T | Public Sector Functions (Texts) |
T5D87 | Assign Public Sector Function Model |
T5D88 | Function Model for Leave and Sickness Pay Premium |
T5D88T | Function model text for leave and sickness premium |
T5D89 | Wage Type Model for Leave and Sickness Premium |
T5D89T | Wage type model for leave and sickness premium (texts) |
T5D8A | Name of Activity |
T5D8AE | Tätigkeitsbezeichnung |
T5D8B | Use of Furnishings |
T5D8BE | Inanspruchnahme von Einrichtungen |
T5D8C | Subject to Approval |
T5D8CE | Genehmigungspflicht |
T5D8D | Work Indicator |
T5D8DE | Arbeitskennzeichen |
T5D8E | Accommodations, Infotype 0330 (Non-Monetary Remuneration) |
T5D8F | Non-Mon. Remuneration Meals, Infotype 0330, |
T5D8G | Non-Mon. Remuneration Meals, Infotype 0330, |
T5D8H | Universities/Colleges |
T5D8I | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Position |
T5D8J | Assignment of Exception Indicatot to Org. Key |
T5D8K | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Organizational Unit |
T5D8L | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Supervisor Area |
T5D8M | Position Table for University/College Statistics |
T5D8N | Table of Employment Offices |
T5D8O | Regional Body |
T5D8P | Programs for Rehabilitation |
T5D8PT | Programs for Rehabilitation (Texts) |
T5D8Q | Characteristics of Rehabilitation Programs |
T5D8R | Log of Technical Conversions |
T5D8S | Payroll Numbers |
T5D8S_BANK | Bankverbindung zu Postabrechnungsnummern |
T5D8S_ZAV | Postabrechnungsnummern mit Anbindung an ZAV |
T5D8S_ZAVT | Postabrechnungsnummern mit Anbindung an ZAV (Text) |
T5D8V | Funktionsmodelle |
T5D8VT | Funktionsmodelle (Texttabelle) |
T5D90 | Events at Start of Calculation Period for Leave/Sick.Prem. |
T5D90T | Events at Start of Calculation Period for Leave/Sick.Prem. |
T5D91 | Model Events for Start of Premium Calculation Period |
T5D92 | Model for start of new calculation period for premium calc. |
T5D92T | Model Events for Start of Premium Calculation Period |
T5D93 | Employment Locations |
T5D93T | Employment Locations (Texts) |
T5D94 | Assignment of Country Level to Employment Location |
T5D95 | Foreign Service Bonus |
T5D96 | Basic Amounts for Supplement to Foreign Service Bonus |
T5D97 | Allowance for child abroad |
T5DPBS_VA_UB | Unterhaltsbeitrag Mussfeld bei Grund Eintritt Versorgung |
T5DPBS01 | Modelle für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS01T | Modelle für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS02 | Anspruchsvoraussetzungen für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS02T | Anspruchsvoraussetzungen für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS03 | Bausteine zur Berechnung von Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS03T | Bausteine zur Berechnung von Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS04 | Kürzungsvarianten für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS04T | Kürzungsvarianten für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS05 | Gruppierungen für Modellzuordnung bei SEZ |
T5DPBS05T | Gruppierungen für Modellzuordnung bei SEZ |
T5DPBS06 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen: Prozentwerte zu Summenlohnarten |
T5DPBS07 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen: Konstanten |
T5DPBS08 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen, Festbeträge je Tarifgruppe |
T5DPBS09 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen, Summenlohnarten je Tarifgruppe |
T5DPBS0A | Zuordnung der Modelle für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS0B | Anspruchsberechtigungen für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS0C | Berechnungsbausteine für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS0D | Filterabhängige Modelle der Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
T5DPBS0E | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen: Tarifabhaengige Prozentwerte |
T5DPBS0F | Modelle für die Steuerung der Jahressonderzahlung TVöD/TV-L |
T5DPBS1D | Selektive Aktivierung der Bruttoüberzahlung |
T5DPBS1E | Tilgungslohnarten für die Bruttoüberzahlung |
T5DPBS1F | Var. Argument Stufensteigerung |
T5DPBS1FT | Variables Argument für Stufensteigerung (Texte) |
T5DPBS1G | Gültigkeit variables Argument je Tarifgruppe |
T5DPBS2A | ZfA-Fehlermeldungen |
T5DPBS2AT | ZfA: Fehlertext |
T5DPBS2MQ | ZFA: Einstellungen für Websphere MQ |
T5DPBS3A | Überleitung in den TVÖD: Zuordnung Tarifart alt/ neu |
T5DPBS3B | Zuordnung zur internen Tarifgruppe |
T5DPBS3C | Überleitung in den TVÖD: Zuordnung MAGrp/MAKrs alt/ neu |
T5DPBS3D | TVöD: Strukturausgleich |
T5DPBS3E | TVöD: Ortszuschlagsklasse für Besitzstand Kinder |
SAP Package P01O contains 151 views.
H_T5D83 | Help view for payroll number (postal service) |
H_T5D8A | Help view for table T5D8A |
H_T5D8B | Utilization |
H_T5D8C | Help view for table T5D8C |
H_T5D8D | Work Indicator view Infotype 0329 (Sideline job) |
H_T5D8E | Helpview T5D8E for infotype 0330 (Non-Monetary Remuneration) |
H_T5D8F | Helpview infotype 0330 (Non-monetary remun.) 'Meals' field |
M_DARTD | Generated View for Matchcode ID DART-D |
M_UDARU | Generated View for Matchcode ID UDAR-U |
V_577_B | Fam.Attrib.: Child Allowance Entitlement Premium (Civ.Serv.) |
V_5D0A_E | Supplementary Benefits Indicator |
V_T510Q | Cost of Living Allowance Elements PSG |
V_T510QN | Besitzstände Orts-/Sozialzuschlag |
V_T577_C | Family Characteristics |
V_T5D5F | Case Groups |
V_T5D5K | Case Group Catalog |
V_T5D5L_1 | ISKD, Benefits Payees and University Statistics |
V_T5D5L_2 | College statistics |
V_T5D5L_3 | Pension Recipient Statistics |
V_T5D5L_4 | ISKD statistics |
V_T5D5LN | Tarifzuordnung für Besitzstände Orts-/Sozialzuschlag |
V_T5D71 | Calculation of qualifying period |
V_T5D71_S | Fristenberechnung |
V_T5D72 | Houses |
V_T5D73 | Official housing |
V_T5D74 | Employee accommodations |
V_T5D75 | Employee accommodations-price per square metre |
V_T5D76 | Official housing rule - Modifiers |
V_T5D77 | Maximum remuneration for official housing |
V_T5D79 | Wage type control for official housing gross amount |
V_T5D7H | Exceptions to the Regulation on Spousal Elements PSG |
V_T5D7J | Models to determine COL allowance and pay seniority (PSG) |
V_T5D7J_A | Assign Collective Agreements to BDA and FRB Models |
V_T5D7K | Paramters for BDA Determination of Basic Pay PSG |
V_T5D7L | Determine Level for Regrouping |
V_T5D7LN | Folgetarifgruppe bei Höher-/Herabgruppierung |
V_T5D7LN_ALL | Folgetarifgruppe bei Höher-/Herabgruppierung - Gesamtview |
V_T5D7M | Validity of Remuneration/Pay Group PSG |
V_T5D7MN | Wertigkeit von Tarifgruppen |
V_T5D7MN_ALL | Wertigkeit von Tarifgruppen - Gesamtview |
V_T5D7N | Requirement Age Level for BDA PSG |
V_T5D7O | Grouping Company Code - Catalog of Service Types |
V_T5D7Q | Model for Controlling Contributions |
V_T5D7R | Model for controlling vacation bonus |
V_T5D7SUM | KHST: Zuordnung von Statistikzeilen zu Summenzeile |
V_T5D7U | Public Sector statistics area |
V_T5D7V | Definition of exceptions in statistics -PSG- |
V_T5D7X | Assignment of exceptions for statistics (feature) PSG |
V_T5D7Y | Assign exceptions for Public Sector statistics (Serv. Type) |
V_T5D7Z | Assign exceptions for Public Sector statistics (job) |
V_T5D80 | PS Pensions control indicator |
V_T5D80_ABRST | Adresse zu Abrechnungsstelle zuordnen |
V_T5D82 | Pay scale information for calculating minimum pensions |
V_T5D83 | Payroll number of PI institute |
V_T5D84 | Model for maternity pay supplement |
V_T5D85 | Wage types for one-off payments of maternity pay supplement |
V_T5D86 | Public Sector functions |
V_T5D87 | Assign Public Sector function model |
V_T5D87_S | Assignment of Function Model with Selection of Function |
V_T5D88 | Function model for leave and sickness pay premium |
V_T5D89 | Wage type model for leave and sickness premium |
V_T5D89_K | Manual entry of leave and sickness premium |
V_T5D8A | Activity key for sideline job |
V_T5D8AE | Tätigkeitsschlüssel Nebentätigkeit |
V_T5D8B | Maintenance view for sideline job |
V_T5D8BE | Inanspruchnahme von Einrichtungen |
V_T5D8C | Approval obligation for sideline job |
V_T5D8CE | Genehmigungspflicht Nebentätigkeit |
V_T5D8D | Work indicator Sideline Job |
V_T5D8DE | Arbeitskennzeichen |
V_T5D8E | Accommodations for Non-Monetary Remuneration infotype |
V_T5D8F | Meals for Non-Monetary Remuneration infotype |
V_T5D8H | Universities/Colleges |
V_T5D8I | Assign exceptions for Public Sector statistics (positions) |
V_T5D8J | Assign exceptions for Public Sector statistics (Org. key) |
V_T5D8K | Assign exceptions for Public Sector statistics (Org. Unit) |
V_T5D8L | Assign exceptions for Public Sector statistics (super. area) |
V_T5D8M | Position table for college statistics |
V_T5D8N | Table of employment offices for Challenge infotype |
V_T5D8O | Regional administrative bodies |
V_T5D8Q | Characteristics of Rehabilitation Programs |
V_T5D8S_BANK | Bankverbindung zu Postabrechnungsnummern |
V_T5D8S_ZAV | Postabrechnungsnummern mit Anbindung an ZAV |
V_T5D8S_ZWGST | View für Suchhilfe Zweigstelle Rentenversicherungsträger |
V_T5D8V | Funktionsmodelle |
V_T5D90 | Events at Start of Calculation Period for Leave/Sick.Prem. |
V_T5D91 | Model Events for Start of Premium Calculation Period |
V_T5D91_S | Model Events for Start of Premium Calculation Period |
V_T5D92 | Model for start of new calculation period for premium calc. |
V_T5D93 | Employment Locations |
V_T5D94 | Assignment of Country Level to Employment Location |
V_T5D95 | Foreign Service Bonus |
V_T5D95_A | Foreign Service Bonus |
V_T5D96 | Basic Amounts for Supplement to Foreign Service Bonus |
V_T5D97 | Allowance for Child Abroad |
V_T5D97_A | Allowance for Child Abroad |
V_T5DPBS_VA_UB | Unterhaltsbeitrag Mussfeld bei Grund Eintritt Versorgung |
V_T5DPBS06 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen: Prozentwerte zu Summenlohnarten |
V_T5DPBS07 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen: Konstanten |
V_T5DPBS08 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen, Festbeträge je Tarifgruppe |
V_T5DPBS09 | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen, Summenlohnarten je Tarifgruppe |
V_T5DPBS0A | Zuordnung der Modelle für Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
V_T5DPBS0A_GES | Zuordnung der SEZ-Modelle, Gesamtview |
V_T5DPBS0D | Filterabhängige Modelle der Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
V_T5DPBS0E | Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen: Tarifabhängige Prozentwerte |
V_T5DPBS0F | Modelle für die Steuerung der Jahressonderzahlung |
V_T5DPBS1D | Selektive Aktivierung der Bruttoüberzahlung |
V_T5DPBS1E | Tilgungslohnarten für die Bruttoüberzahlung |
V_T5DPBS1G | Gültigkeit variables Argument je Tarifgruppe |
V_T5DPBS2A | ZfA: Fehlernummer/Fehlertext |
V_T5DPBS2MQ | ZFA: Einstellungen für Websphere MQ |
V_T5DPBS3A | Überleitung in den TVÖD: Zuordnung Tarifart alt/ neu |
V_T5DPBS3B | Überleitung in den TVÖD: Zuordnung zur internen Tarifgruppe |
V_T5DPBS3C | Überleitung in den TVÖD: Zuordnung MAGrp/MAKrs alt/ neu |
V_T5DPBS3D | TVöD: Strukturausgleich |
V_T5DPBS3E | TVöD/TV-L: Abweichende Ortszuschlagsklasse |
VDPDPBSTVOED_UEB | Datenbank-View der Sicherungstabelle PDPBSTVOED_UEB |
VV_511K_B_DIFFE_AL0 | Payroll Parameters |
VV_511K_B_REHAB_AL0 | Payroll Parameters |
VV_596D_01_ZF16 | Gültigkeitsinterval der ZfA-Statusverwaltung |
VV_596D_01_ZFAS | Gültigkeitsinterval der ZfA-Statusverwaltung |
VV_596J_BZ01 | ZfA-Meldungen BZ01- Lohnarten zu Summenlohnarten zuordnen |
VV_T511K_01PS_UR | Vacation Bonus Constants (Public Sector Germany) |
VV_T511K_SOZUW | Reduction Factor for Special Bonus |
VV_T511P_AKGBTRG | Child Allowance Amounts for Children Abroad |
VV_T511P_KGBETRG | Child Allowance Amounts |
VV_T511P_OKGBR | Child Increase Amount (Bonus) |
VV_T511P_OKKG0 | Legal Changes for Child Allowance: Validity Periods |
VV_T511P_OKKG1 | Kindergeldkonstante OKKG1 |
VV_T511P_OKKGH | Child Allowance for Challenged Adult Dependant |
VV_T536C_ER_AL0 | Definition der Abrechnungsstellen (Erstattungen) |
VV_T536C_VG_AL0 | Definition der Verwaltungsgerichte |
VV_T539J_HDAUB | T539J für Modul HDAUB |
VV_T539J_HDAUC | T539J für Modul HDAUC |
VV_T554S_AZV | View Variant AZV Day |
VV_T577_KEBGRUND | Reason for Entitlement to Child Increase Amount |
VV_T577_KGBER | Child Allowance Beneficiary |
VV_T577_KGGRUND | Reason for Child Allowance Entitlement |
VV_T577_OZAGE | Spouse's Employer |
VV_T577_OZGRUND | Reason for Entitlement to Child Element |
VV_T588Z_AZV1 | PS: Krankheit überschreibt AZV-Tag |
VV_T588Z_AZV2 | PS: Dienst am AZV-Tag |
VV_T596D_BUEZ | Bruttoüberzahlung (BÜZ) aktivieren |
VV_T596J_BUEZ | Überzahlungsrelevante Lohnarten zuordnen |
VV_T596J_DOSO | Lohnarten zuordnen: Jahressonderzahlung TVöD/TV-L |
VV_T596J_ERVB | Lohnartenzuordnung für Erstattung von Versorgungsbezügen |
VV_T596J_PSST_AL0 | Assignment of Wage Types to Cumulation WTs (Customer Table) |
VV_T596M_KHST | Daten des Personalbereichs Berichtsw. Krankenhausstatistik |
VV_T5D5L_OZKLASS | Collective Agreements and Pay Scale (or FRB) Classes |
VV_T5D7J_OZMOD | Assign Family-Related Bonus Model to Collective Agreements |
VV_T5D80_13 | Ausprägungen zum Unterhaltsbeitrag |
SAP Package P01O contains 287 structures.
CYCLE_DOCU_STRUCT | Structure for cycle and documentation |
CYCLE_RANGE | structure for range of cycles |
DISKD | Transfer structure for ISKD statistics |
DZV01 | Transfer Structure (Supplementary Pension - Civil Service) |
HRADRESSE | Address for Transfer to Function Modules |
HRBANK | Bank Details with Account Number, Bank Number, and Name |
HRDEPBS_PERSONALDATEN | Personaldaten für Statistikbausteine Öffentlichen Dienst |
HRDEPBS_PROPOSAL | Format of Return Value for Features KG118 and DOF02 |
HRDEPBS_Q0021 | Public Sector Germany: Additional Screen Fields for IT 0021 |
HRDEPBSVACAS_DUMMY | Dummy-Stuktur für Type-Pool HVADM Add-On HR-VADM |
HRDEVERS01 | Datensatz für Versorgungsempfängerstatistik |
HRG131_ERSTATTUNG | G131: Structure for Individual Printing w. Report RPLEROD0 |
HRG131_ERSTATTUNG_SUM | G131: Structure for Group Printing with Report RPLEROD0 |
HRPAYDE_S_ZENS_ALVTAB | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für Zensus-Protokolltabelle |
HRPAYDE_S_ZENS_DATTAB | Zensusstatustik: Datensatztabelle |
HRPAYDE_S_ZENS_STATAB | Zensusstatustik: Datenbeschaffungstabelle |
HRPBSDE_PSRCL_LOG_ALV1 | Zusatzfelder für ALV-Ausgabe RPIPSR00 OeD Deutschland |
HRPBSDE_ZFA_S_FILE | Struktur der Dateiliste im Ein- und Ausgang ZFA |
HRPS_T012K | For Decoupled Access to T012K (House Bank and Account) |
HRPSG_PAY_RESULTS | Structure for Contribution Statement HRPSG_PAYRESULTS |
HRPSG_ZVK_INFOS | Structure for Contribution Statement HRPSG_PAYRESULTS |
HRPYDEPS_KHST_DATA | OeD: Daten-Struktur für KHST |
HRREHA_ERSTATTUNG | Reimbursement Amount for Rehabilitants |
HRREHA_KKASSE | Krankenkasse für Ausgabe auf Erstattungsantrag |
KGPROT | Log Table: Child Allowance |
P01_ORGDZ_ALLGEMEIN | General Data for Calculation of Retirement Pension Rate |
P01_ORGDZ_ALTES_RECHT | Calculate Retirement Pension Rate (Old Regulation) |
P01_ORGDZ_DAUER | Duration in Years and Days (Pensionable Employment Per.) |
P01_ORGDZ_NEUES_RECHT | Calculate Retirement Pension Rate (New Regulation) |
P01_ORGDZ_UEB_RECHT | Calculate Retirement Pension Rate (Interim Regulation) |
P01_ROW_FORMAT | Struktur zur Formatierung einer Zeile in der Abrechnung |
P01_STRCT_OZ_CHILDREN | Ind.Valuation Fam-Rel Bonus: Children Relevant for Bonus |
P01_TVOED_LGART | TVÖD: Lohnartenliste für Informationsschreiben |
P01_TVOED_TARIF_ALT | TVOED: Tarifdaten alt für Informationsschreiben |
P01_TVOED_TARIF_NEU | TVOED: Tarifdaten neu für Informationsschreiben |
P01_ZVB_WPBP_AUSTRITT | Struktur für Flag-Tabelle vorzeitige Auszahlung je AP-Splitt |
P0118 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0118 (Child Allowance D) |
P0118_AF | Additional query fields |
P0119 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0119 (Annual Income CA D) |
P0119_AF | Additional query fields |
P0122 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0122 (Child Allowance Bonus D) |
P0122_AF | Additional query fields |
P01O_REHA | Formularschnittstelle für Rehabilitanden (RPCRSVD0) |
P01O_UK_V0ZNR | Variable Zuordnung |
P01O_UKAEN | Factors for start of new calculation period leave/sick prem. |
P01O_UKAFN | Factors for start of new calculation period leave/sick prem. |
P01P_ATT_INTERVALL | Attributiertes Intervall |
P01P_BUEZ_DETAIL | Struktur für Detailanzeige der Überzahlungen |
P01P_BUEZ_DIFF | Bruttoüberzahlung: Bruttodifferenz einer Primärlohnart |
P01P_BUEZ_KORR | Bruttoüberzahlung: Ab- bzw. Zufluss in RR- bzw. Inperiode |
P01P_BUEZ_LGART_SEL | Struktur für Lohnartenselektion |
P01P_BUEZ_ZUSFASSUNG | Zusammenfassung des Tilgungsverlaufs einer Überzahlung |
P01P_BUEZ_ZUSFASSUNG_OINPER | Zusammenfassung des Tilgungsverlaufs je Entstehungs-Inperiod |
P01P_BUFFER_DIR | BUFFER_DIR der Abrechnung |
P01P_KGZ_ASTAB | Struktur für Aufschlagstabelle in Abrechnungsfunktion DOKGZ |
P01P_KGZ_KGTAB | Struktur für Krankengeldtabelle in Abrechnungsfunktion DOKGZ |
P01P_PBSKHST_STA3 | KHST: Ausgabestruktur für Satzart 3 (ärztl.Personal) |
P01P_PBSKHST_STA4 | KHST: Ausgabestruktur für Satzart 4(nicht ärztl.Personal) |
P01P_PBSKHST2006_STA3 | KHST: Ausgabestruktur für Satzart 3 (ärztl.Personal) |
P01P_PBSKHST2006_STA4 | KHST: Ausgabestruktur für Satzart 4(nicht ärztl.Personal) |
P01P_RPIPZLD0_ALV | Struktur für ALV-Ausgabe mit Report RPIPZLD0 |
P01P_RPIPZLD0_ERG | Ereignisstruktur für RPIPZLD0 |
P01P_RPISTAD0_ALV | Ausgabestruktur für RPISTAD0 |
P01P_RPLDNEUGD1_ALV | DNeuG: ALV-Ausgabestruktur für RPLDNEUGD1 |
P01P_RPSPSTD0_BKK | Personalstandstatistik -BKK- |
P01P_RPSPSTD0_FORSCH | Personalstandstatistik -Wissenschaft,Forschung- |
P01P_RPSPSTD0_PSST | Personalstandstatistik -PSST |
P01P_RPSPSTD0_STATAB | Personalstandstatistik |
P01P_RPSPSTD0_VDR | Personalstandstatistik -VDR- |
P01P_RPUDNEUGD0_TAB | DNeuG: ALV-Ausgabestruktur für die Überleitung in den DNeuG |
P01P_RPUTVOED0_TAB | TVÖD: ALV-Ausgabestruktur für die Überleitung in den TVÖD |
P01P_RPUTVOED3_PROT | Struktur für ALV-Ausgabe mit Report RPUTVOED3 |
P01P_RPXKHSD0_STATAB | Krankenhausstatistik |
P01P_T5DPBS3D | Aufstiegskennzeichen, ursprüngliche Tarifgruppe |
P01P_TARIF_EREIGNISSE | Struktur für tarifliche Ereignisse |
P01P_TBUFF | TBUFF der Abrechnung |
P01P_TVOED_LGART | TVOD: Struktur für Lohnarten-Tabelle in der ind. Bewertung |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_BZ01 | ZFA ALV structure for BZ01 |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_BZ01_KID | ZFA ALV structure for BZ01 kids |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_BZ02 | ZFA ALV structure for BZ02 |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_ERROR | ZFA ALV structure for error information |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_KZ02 | ZFA ALV structure for KZ02 |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_KZ02_KID | ZFA ALV structure for KZ02 kids |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_STRUC_1 | ZFA ALV List structure 1 |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_ZB01 | ZFA ALV structure for ZB01 |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_ZK01 | ZFA ALV structure for ZK01 |
P01P_ZFA_ALV_ZK01_KID | ZFA ALV structure for ZK01 kids |
P01P_ZFA_ANLE | ZFA XML structure for section ANLE |
P01P_ZFA_ANLE_BZ01 | ZFA: XML-Struktur für Sektion ANLE (BZ01) |
P01P_ZFA_ANLE_BZ02 | ZFA XML structure for section ANLE (for BZ02) |
P01P_ZFA_ANLZ | ZFA: XML Struktur für Sektion ANLZ (BZ01) |
P01P_ZFA_ANSC | ZFA XML structure for section ANSC |
P01P_ZFA_ANSCHRIFT | ZfA-Clusterstruktur 'Anschrift' |
P01P_ZFA_BERE | ZFA XML structure for section BERE |
P01P_ZFA_BESO | ZFA XML structure for section BESO |
P01P_ZFA_DIRECTORY | ZFA directory information |
P01P_ZFA_EDAT | ZFA: XML-Struktur für Sektion EDAT |
P01P_ZFA_EINN | ZFA: XML-Struktur für Sektion EINN |
P01P_ZFA_EMP | Mitarbeiterdaten für ZfA-Meldungen |
P01P_ZFA_EMPLOYEE | ZFA message personal information |
P01P_ZFA_ERRIN | ZFA message error information |
P01P_ZFA_ERROR | ZFA Error information |
P01P_ZFA_GEBD | ZFA XML structure for section GEBD |
P01P_ZFA_HEAD | ZFA XML structure for section Head |
P01P_ZFA_HEAD_BZ02 | ZFA XML structure for section Head for BZ02 |
P01P_ZFA_KGBE | ZFA XML structure for section KGBE |
P01P_ZFA_KGDA | ZFA XML structure for section KGDA |
P01P_ZFA_KGRU | ZFA XML structure for section KGRU |
P01P_ZFA_KIDS | Kinderdaten für ZfA-Meldungen |
P01P_ZFA_KIND | ZFA XML structure for section KIND |
P01P_ZFA_MELD | ZFA XML structure for section MELD |
P01P_ZFA_MITE | ZFA XML structure for section MITE |
P01P_ZFA_MITZ | ZFA XML structure for section MITZ |
P01P_ZFA_S_ALV_EINNAHMEN | ZfA: Ausgabestruktur Einnahmen |
P01P_ZFA_S_ALV_MAIN | Meldungsanzeigestruktur |
P01P_ZFA_S_ALV_STATUS | ZfA: ALV-Struktur Statusverwaltungssatz |
P01P_ZFA_S_ALV_XML | Struktur für Dateiprotokoll |
P01P_ZFA_S_ALV_ZKNN | ZfA: ALV Ausgabe nicht zugeordneter ZK01-Meldungen |
P01P_ZFA_S_DATA | Struktur der ZfA-Meldungsdaten |
P01P_ZFA_S_DATA_KIDS | Struktur der ZfA-Meldungsdaten Kinder |
P01P_ZFA_S_EINNAHMEN | ZfA: Struktur Einnahmen |
P01P_ZFA_S_KEY | ZfA: Meldungsschlüssel |
P01P_ZFA_S_MESSAGE | ZfA: Struktur für ZfA-Messages |
P01P_ZFA_S_STATUS | ZfA: Statusverwaltung der Meldungen |
P01P_ZFA_S_STATUS_KEY | ZfA: Schlüssel der Statusverwaltung |
P01P_ZFA_S_STATUS_ZKNN | ZfA: Statusverwaltung nicht zugeordneter ZK01- Meldungen |
P01P_ZFA_S_TRANS | ZfA: Struktur wie Tabelle P01ZFA_TRANS |
P01P_ZFA_S_XML | ZfA: Übergabestruktur für XML + ZFAID |
P01P_ZFA_S_ZUSATZDATEN | ZfA: Zusätzliche Felder |
P01P_ZFA_STAA | ZFA XML structure for section STAA |
P01P_ZFA_TREE | ZfA ALV Kontrollstruktur |
P01P_ZFA_VERGABEDATEN | ZfA-Clusterstruktur 'Vergabedaten' |
P01P_ZFA_XML | ZFA XML structure in TEMSE |
P01P_ZFA_ZFKEY | ZFA key information |
P0230 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0230 / View 0008 (PSG) |
P0230_AF | Additional query fields |
P0231 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0231 / View 0001 (PSG) |
P0231_AF | Additional query fields |
P0237 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0237 / View 0052 (PSG) |
P0237_AF | Additional query fields |
P0265 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0265 / Special Regulations (PSG) |
P0265_AF | Additional query fields |
P0266 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0266 / View 0027 (PSG) |
P0266_AF | Additional query fields |
P0271 | HR master data infotype 0271 (Public Sector statistics) |
P0271_AF | Additional query fields |
P0304 | Personal master rec. infotype 0304/ basic pay - |
P0304_AF | Additional query fields |
P0320 | Official housing |
P0320_AF | Additional query fields |
P0321 | Employee accommodations |
P0321_AF | Additional query fields |
P0322 | HR-PSG: Pension and Related Benefits infotype (0322) |
P0322_AF | Additional query fields |
P0326 | HR-PSG: Infotype 0326: Imputation of Pension Payments |
P0326_AF | Additional query fields |
P0329 | HR master record Infotype 0329 ( Sideline job ) |
P0329_AF | Additional query fields |
P0330 | Infotype 0330 (Non-Monetary Remuneration) |
P0330_AF | Additional query fields |
P0363 | Previous employment period |
P0363_AF | Additional query fields |
P0368 | Rehabilitants |
P0368_AF | Additional query fields |
P0406 | HR-PSG: Infotype 0406 (Pension information) |
P0406_AF | Additional query fields |
P0592 | HR Master Data Record Infotype 0592 (Foreign Public Sector) |
P0593 | Rehabilitants |
P0593_AF | Additional query fields |
P0595 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0595 |
P0595_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0745 | ZfA-Meldungen im Öffentlichen Dienst |
PC271 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service (D): Protocol data |
PC272 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service (D): Deregistration |
PC273 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service (D): Sections |
PC274 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service (D): Registration |
PC275 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service (D): Differences |
PC276 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service (D): Pers. reg. data |
PC277 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service(D): Protocol(update) |
PC278 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service(D): Dereg. (update) |
PC279 | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service(D): Sections(update) |
PC27A | Supplementary insurance - Civil Service (D): Regis. (update) |
PC27B | Supplementary insurance - Civ.Serv.(D): Differences (Update) |
PC27C | Supplementary insurance -Civ.Serv.(D): Pers. regis. (update) |
PC27F | Tale ODDIR (cluster OD-PCL2) , PSG |
PC27G | Cluster ZA: Average for tax in suppl. insurance (civil ser.) |
PC27H | Cluster ZD: Advance contrib. for tax in suppl. ins. (CS) |
PC27I | Cluster ZS: Single payment for tax in suppl. ins. (CS) |
PC27N | Payroll Result: Pension Payment PSG |
PC27O | Payroll Results Cluster RD: Structure for Imputation |
PC27Z | ZVK: Akt. pers. Anmeldedaten |
PDE_PBSVAVG_P69DA4_DAUER | Dienstzeit eines Beamten nach §69d Abs.4 |
PDE_PBSVAVG_P69DA4_DAUER_CAL | Dienstzeit eines Beamten nach §69d Abs.4 |
PDE_PBSVAVG_REAK_P13A1_DAUER | Summe Ist-Zeit frühere Festsetzung |
PDE_PBSVAVG_REAK_P13A1_DAUER_Z | zusätzliche Zurechnungszeit wegen früherer Versorgung |
PDPBSTVOED_UEB_ALV | Struktur zur Ausgabe der TVöD-Überleitungstabelle |
PME22 | Transfer Structure for Features DZV02, DZV03 |
PME53 | Structure for feature DO320 (COL allowance for off. housing) |
PME54 | Structure for feature DO321 (15% clause for employee accom.) |
PME55 | Structure for feature DOVLA (Pension statement wage types) |
PME57 | Structure for feature DZVLA (wage types in ZVK list) |
PME66 | Field string for feature DOVS2 |
PME67 | Field string for feature DOVS3 |
PME75 | Feature field string: Org. key for function model (ODMOD) |
PME83 | Field String for Feature: Live Start Interim/Adjustment Bon. |
PME85 | Structure for Feature DOMAS |
PMEBS | Feldleiste für Merkmal DBUZS |
PMED0 | Feldleiste für Merkmale (Org.- und Tarifdaten) |
PMED2 | Struktur für Merkmal DOVE1 |
PMEHD | Struktur für Merkmal D0VZ1 und D0VZ2 |
PMEZV | Feldleiste für Merkmal Zusatzversorgung |
PS0118 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0118 (Child Allowance) |
PS0119 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0119 (Annual Income CA D) |
PS0122 | Child Allowance Bonus |
PS0230 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0230 / View for 0008 (PSG) |
PS0231 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0231 / View for 0001 (PSG) |
PS0237 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0237 / View for 0052 (PSG) |
PS0265 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0265 / Special Regulations (PSG) |
PS0266 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0266 / View for 0027 (PSG) |
PS0271 | HR master data infotype 0271 (Public Sector statistics) |
PS0304 | Basic pay - additional information |
PS0320 | Official housing |
PS0321 | Employee accommodations |
PS0322 | Pensions for retired Public Sector employees |
PS0326 | HR-PSG: PS pensions - pension imputation |
PS0329 | HR master data infotype 0329 (Sideline Job) |
PS0330 | Infotype 0330 Non-Monetary Remuneration |
PS0363 | Previous employment period |
PS0368 | Rehabilitants |
PS0406 | HR master record infotype 0406 (Pension Information Proc.) |
PS0592 | HR Master Data Record Infotype 0592 (Foreign Public Sector) |
PS0593 | Rehabilitants |
PS0595 | HR Master Record Infotype 0595 (Family-Related Bonuses) |
PS0745 | ZfA-Meldungen im Öffentlichen Dienst |
PV027 | HR Master Record for View V027 (Complete View 0027 PSG) |
Q0118 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0118 (Child Allowance) |
Q0119 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0119 (Annual Income CA D) |
Q0122 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0122 (Child Allowance Bonus) |
Q0231 | Screen fields for infotype 0231 (suppl. to IT 0001) |
Q0265 | Screen Fields IT0265 |
Q0266 | Screen Fields for IT 0027/View 0266 (Cost Distribution) |
Q0271 | Screen fields for infotype P0271 |
Q0320 | Screen fields for infotype 0320 (Official Housing) |
Q0321 | Employee accommodations |
Q0322 | Screen fields for PS Pensions infotype (0322) |
Q0326 | Screen fields for IT 0326 Imputation of Pension (IS-PSG) |
Q0329 | Screen fields for infotype 0329 (Sideline Job) |
Q0330 | Infotype 0330 (Non-Monetary Remuneration) |
Q0363 | Previous employment period |
Q0368 | Infotype 368 (Rehabilitants) |
Q0406 | Screen fields for infotype 0406 (Pension Information) |
Q0595 | Family Bonuses Infotype: Help Fields |
QV001 | Screen Fields for View V001 (Org.Assignment PSG) |
QV008 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0008 / View 0230 (Basic Pay) |
QV027 | Screen Fields for IT 0027 / View 0238 (Cost Distribution) |
QV052 | Screen Fields for IT 0052 / View 0237 (Wage Maintenance) |
RPBKGOD0_ALV | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für Standartschreiben KG OeD |
RPCOEDXX | Parameter string for Public Sector statistics |
RPCRSVD0L | Structure for ALV Output with Report RPCRSVD0 |
RPL_ERROR_BATCH | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für Fehler im BATCH |
RPL_SUCCESS | ALV-Ausgabestruktur im Rentenauskunftsverfahren |
RPL_UPD_TYPE | ALV-Ausgabestruktur im Rentenauskunftsverfahren |
RPL_ZUSATZ | Additional List for Pension Information Procedure |
RPLKG2007 | ALV-Struktur für Report RPLKG2007 |
RPLRZBD0_ALV | Ausgabestruktur des RPLRZBD0 für den ALV |
RPLZVKD0 | Structure for Data Transfer in SP-Cont. Statement RPLZVKD0 |
RPLZVKD1 | Transfer Structure for HR_BEITRAGSNACHWEIS |
RPSKGOD0 | Parameter string for child all.stats. (civ.serv.Germ.) |
RPSKHSD0_ALV_EINZ | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für Krankenhausstatistik, |
RPSKHSD0_ALV_HINWEIS | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für Krankenhausstatistik, Hinweise |
RPSPSTD0_ALV_ERHB | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für Ausgabe des Erhebungsvordrucks |
RPSPSTD0_ALV_NIST | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für Nicht-Ist-Bestand Tabelle |
RPSPSTD0_ALV_PSTB | ALV-Ausgabestruktur für PSST-Protokolltabelle |
RPSVEOD0 | HR-PSG: Data elements for pension recipient statistics |
RPSVEOD0_ALV_PROT | Ausgabestruktur des RPSVEOD0 für den ALV |
RPUTVOED2L | Struktur für ALV-Ausgabe mit Report RPUTVOED2 |
SAPMPU11 | Structure for Transaction PU11 (Supplementary Pension PSG) |
SCHEMA_DOCU_STRUCT | Structure for schema and documentation |
SCHEMA_RANGE | structure for range of schemas |
SAP Package P01O contains 85 programs.
MP011800 | MP011800 Infotype 0118: Child Allowance (D) <INCLUDES> |
MP011900 | MP011900 Infotype 0119: Annual Income CA Civ.Serv. (D) <INCLUDES> |
MP023100 | Pflege der Einsatzwahrscheinlichkeiten in der Programmplanung |
MP027100 | Module pool IT0271 (Public Sector Statistics) |
MP032000 | Module pool IT0320 (Official Housing) |
MP032100 | Module pool IT0321 (Employee Accommodations) |
MP032900 | Infotype 0329 module pool (Sideline Job) |
MP036300 | Module pool IT0363 (Previous Employment Periods) |
MP059200 | Module Pool Infotype 0592 (Public Sector - Foreign Service) |
MPV00800 | Modified PSG Version of MP000800 |
MPV02700 | Module Pool: Infotype 0027 (Cost Distribution) |
MPV05200 | Module Pool: Infotype P0052 (Standard Wage Maintenance) |
RPBKGOD0 | Standard Letter for Child Allowance (Civil Service) |
RPBKGOD1 | Standard Letter for Child Allowance (Civil Service) |
RPBKGOD2 | Evaluation Letter for Child Allowance Bonus ('Online' again) |
RPCBVKD1 | Contribution statements for BVK (Public Sector Germany) |
RPCLSTOD | Display Directory for Postponed Payments (Cluster OD) |
RPCLSTZS | Display Report for Cluster ZS (Estimate Cont. Months for Spec. Bonus) |
RPCRSVD0 | Create Reimbursement Application for Employment Office |
RPCZVCD0 | Copy and Compare Entries Within SPF Tables |
RPCZVDD0 | Supplementary Pension Public Sector - Create Data Medium |
RPCZVDTAD0 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Transfer/Advice Note for Cont. |
RPCZVHD0 | Utility program for editing entries in cluster ZV |
RPCZVJD1 | Supplementary Pension:Public Sector-View Estimated Annual Contribution |
RPCZVKD2 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Contribution Statement |
RPCZVM2T | Data transfer from features in extended tables |
RPCZVMD0 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Create Notifications |
RPCZVMD1 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Print Notifications |
RPCZVMD3 | Check Digit Procedure for Supplementary Pension Funds |
RPCZVSD0 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Calculation of Average |
RPCZVSHELLD0 | Usability Wrapper for Supplementary Pension Program PSG |
RPHZV_VERSAND | Print Delivery Papers for Data Medium for Suppl. Pension (PSG) |
RPHZVCD0 | Deletion Report for Specific Deletion of SP Notifications Runs |
RPIEZOD0 | One-Time Payment for Standard Pay Increase |
RPITRF01 | Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input |
RPITUOD2 | Default List for Advancement of Case Groups |
RPIWGOD0 | Calculation of Holiday Bonus for Public Sector |
RPLEROD0 | Evaluation of Pension Payment Reimbursements |
RPLICO30 | Flexible employee data |
RPLKGOD0 | Check Child Allowance Data |
RPLKGPD0PBS | Check Consistence of Child Allowance Data After Upgrade to 46C |
RPLNBTD0 | Sideline job evaluations |
RPLOZPD0PBS | Check Family-Related Bonus Data After Conversion to 46C |
RPLREHD0 | SI contributions from rehabilitant |
RPLRZAD0 | Processed Data Medium Records INL for Pension Information Procedure |
RPLRZBD0 | Generate Queries (BEN) in Pension Information Procedure |
RPLTRFD0 | Report to represent collective agreement T510 |
RPLZVKD0 | Display SFP data (payroll Germany) |
RPLZVKD1 | Contribution Statement for Supplementary Pensions (PSG) |
RPSHSDD0 | College statistics: Download TemSe object to PC |
RPSHSTD0 | College Statistics |
RPSISDD0 | ISKD evaluation: Download TemSe object to PC |
RPSISKD0 | ISKD: Generation of Data Records |
RPSKGOD0 | Child Allow. Stats. (Civil Service Ger.) |
RPSKHSD0 | Hospital statistics |
RPSPSDD0 | Employment statistics: Download TemSe object to PC |
RPSPSTD0 | Personnel Statistics |
RPSVEOD0 | Pension Recipient Statistics |
RPSVKRD0 | Full-time employee statistics |
RPTTQNQ_KUKLA_VKLAS | Finds wage types for cumulation or processing class with specification |
RPU_FILL_IT595_46C | Create Infotype 0595 After Upgrade to Release 4.6 (PSG) |
RPU_T5D83_TO_T5D8S | Transfer of T5D83 Entries to New Table T5D8S |
RPU_UPDATE_DOZUL_46C | Table Conversion for Wage Types with MODUL DOZUL (4.6C PSG) |
RPU_UPDATE_IT118_46C | Modify Infotype 0118 After Upgrade to Release 4.6 (PSG) |
RPU119D0 | Child Allowance Conversion Report (Create IT 0119 Records as of 1997) |
RPU232D0 | Child Allowance Conversion Report (Create IT0232 Records from IT0119) |
RPU40ADO | Convert report on child allowance customizing to 4.0A (att. 7 and eur) |
RPU40CO0 | XPRA Data conversion for infotype 0265 |
RPU40CO1 | XPRA : Conversion of table T5D7G (Public Sector Germany) |
RPU510Q0 | Pay Scale Increase for the Family-Related Bonus |
RPU510Q2 | Conversion report for CHAR entries in T510Q |
RPUCRDOE | Maintain Tables in Cluster RD for Conversion to IT Views |
RPUCZVD0 | Convert Cluster ZV (PCL2), German Version |
RPUKGOD0 | Child Allow. Stats (Civ.Serv.Ger.): Download Data Carrier to Disk |
RPUORTD0PBS | Conversion of Family-Related Bonus |
RPUOZKD0 | Check and Correction of CoL Allowance Delimitation in Family IT (0021) |
RPUPBSD0_AZV_DATES | New Deduction End for RWT Day for Official/Company Postponement |
RPURLOD0 | Generate Leave Allowance (German Civil Service) |
RPURZBD0 | Transfer Program for Pension Information |
RPUT510Q | HR: Update T510Q-BETRG fields because of DDIC change for EMU |
RPUURLD0 | Check Payroll Results for Leave Surcharge |
RPUVEOD0 | Contents of HR TemSe Objects (D) |
RPUVEODD | Download from Data Medium to Disk |
RPUWGOD0 | Calculation of bonus twelfth from master data |
RPUZVTD0 | Display and Export TemSe Objects for Supplementary Pension (DE) |
SAP Package P01O contains 18 search helps.
DARTD | Service type |
H_T5D7H | Helpview for Table T5D7H |
H_T5D83 | Helpview for Table T5D83 |
H_T5D8B | Utilization |
H_T5D8C | Help view for table T5D8C |
H_T5D8D | Work Indicator view Infotype 0329 (Sideline job) |
H_T5D8E | Helpview T5D8E for infotype 0330 (Non-Monetary Remuneration) |
H_T5D8F | Helpview infotype 0330 (Non-monetary remun.) 'Meals' field |
H_T5D8N | Search Help for T5D8N |
HRPAY01ZVEID | Suppl. PSG: Retrieve text for SPF identification |
HRPAYDETTKEY | Activity type |
HRPBSDE_SEZ_KUERZ | Suchhilfe für Kürzungsvar. bei Sonder- und Einmalzahlungen |
HRPBSDE_T5D8S | Suchhilfe für Postabrechnungsnummern |
HRPBSDE_TRFGR | Suchhilfe auf Tarifgruppen |
HRPBSDE_TRFST | Suchhilfe auf Tarifstufen |
HRPBSDE_ZWGST_RVTRAEGER | Suchhilfe für Zweigstelle Rentenversicherungsträger |
UDAR | Service category |
UDARU | Service category |
SAP Package P01O contains 5 message classes.
5Q | Fehlertexte öffentlicher Dienst |
5Z | IS-HR/PSG Personalabrechnung öffentlicher Dienst Deutschland |
HRPAYDEPBSBUEZ | Bruttoüberzahlung |
HRPBSDE5Z | Personalabrechnung öffentlicher Dienst Deutschland |
HRPBSDEDNEUG | Dienstrechtsneuordnungsgesetz - DneuG |