
SAP Function Group HRPAYINX

HR-IN-PY: General Function Group.

The Function Group HRPAYINX (HR-IN-PY: General Function Group.) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC40. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HRPAYINX
Short Text HR-IN-PY: General Function Group.
Package PC40

Function Modules

Function Group HRPAYINX contains 6 function modules.

HR_IN_CALC_APPRSL_PTS Calculates Appraisal Points
HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS Changes INR amount to words
HR_IN_GET_DATE_COMPONENTS Get the components of a date
HR_IN_GET_FISCAL_PERIOD Get payroll period
HR_IN_GET_SAL_PERIOD Function to get salary begin and end dates
HR_IN_ROUND_AMT Round ing off amount