
SAP Package PC40

HR payroll accounting: India

The package PC40 (HR payroll accounting: India) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCIN.

Technical Information

Package PC40
Short Text HR payroll accounting: India
Parent Package HRCIN

Function Groups

SAP Package PC40 contains 12 function groups.

31IN Output module for India
HRPADING2 HR-IN: General Function Modules
HRPAYINC HR-IN-PY: Car & Conveyance
HRPAYINE HR-IN-PY: Employee Social Insurance
HRPAYINF HR-IN-PY: Employee Provident Fund
HRPAYINK HR-IN-PY: Print functions for Cluster
HRPAYINP HR-IN-PY: Professional Tax
HRPAYINS HR-IN-PY: Superannuation
HRPAYINT1 HR-IN:Income Tax calculations
HRPAYINX HR-IN-PY: General Function Group.


SAP Package PC40 contains 53 transactions.

PC00_M40_ANN Payroll annual display - India
PC00_M40_BONS Bonus Calculation - India
PC00_M40_CALC Payroll Driver India
PC00_M40_CALC_SIMU Payroll simulation India
PC00_M40_CBLIST Cash breakdownlist - India
PC00_M40_CDTA Payroll-transfer-prelimProg. DME-40
PC00_M40_CDTB BT for Aditional payments 40
PC00_M40_CEDT Remuneration Statement - India
PC00_M40_CLSTR Payroll Results - 40
PC00_M40_CMAP Challan Mapping
PC00_M40_DF17 Form 17 Dowanlaod Utility
PC00_M40_EPF Provident Fund Reports - India
PC00_M40_EPN PF Reports (Exempted Trust) - India
PC00_M40_ESIF ESI Form6 & Form7
PC00_M40_F16 Form 16
PC00_M40_F16_1 Form 16 (New)
PC00_M40_F217 Form 217
PC00_M40_F24 Income Tax: Form24 for India
PC00_M40_F24C Form 24Q: e-File consolidation
PC00_M40_F24Q Form 24Q
PC00_M40_FFOD Create DME (Print Payment advice)
PC00_M40_FFOM Create.DME 40
PC00_M40_GRY Gratuity Listing
PC00_M40_KTO Payroll account - India
PC00_M40_LJN Payroll Journal - India
PC00_M40_LON1 Loans Summary Report
PC00_M40_LON2 Penal Interest Batch Program
PC00_M40_LWF LWF Reports
PC00_M40_PFE Provident Fund Reports - India
PC00_M40_PFY Program For Annual PF Reports
PC00_M40_PNE PF Reports (Exempted Trust) - India
PC00_M40_PNY Program for Annual pension reports
PC00_M40_PTX Professional Tax Form 5
PC00_M40_REMC Balance Carry Forward
PC00_M40_REMT Balance Disbursement
PC00_M40_SANL Super annuation list
PC00_M40_SWCH HR IN: Switch activation utility
PC00_M40_TERM Termination
PC00_M40_TMSE Display Form 24q TemSe data
PC00_M40_UPCF Upload for Claims processing
PC00_M40_UTAN TAN upload utility
PC00_M40_XLS EXCEL (Upload / download)
PUOC_40 Off-Cycle Workbench(India)
S_HRM_42000003 Pillai's variant -India
S_HRM_42000004 Wage Type Statement
S_HRM_42000005 Wage Type Distribution
S_HRM_42000006 Remuneration Statements
S_HRM_42000007 pillai's variant - India
S_HRM_42000008 Payroll Accounts
S_HRM_42000009 Payroll Journal --- International
S_HRM_42000010 Ptax Tesing
S_HRM_42000011 Rent receipt updation report
S_HRM_42000012 Batch program for DA


SAP Package PC40 contains 1 views.

VV_T511K_PNCHK Budget 2010 PAN Check


SAP Package PC40 contains 49 structures.

HRINPFSTRUCFORMARCHDATA Structure for Form3A/6A in PF Annual Report
PAYIN_NATIONAL Payroll accounting result for India: national share
PAYIN_RESULT Structure for payroll result: India
PC2_IN00 Payroll structure for previous employment tax details
PC2_IN01 Housing(HRA/CLA/COA) details
PC2_IN02 Payroll structure for exemptions
PC2_IN03 Payroll India - Car and Conveyance
PC2_IN04 Income from other sources
PC2_IN05 Section 80 Contributions
PC2_IN06 Payroll India Sec88 Investment Details
PC2_IN07 Payroll structure for Provident Fund Infotype
PC2_IN08 ESI - Payroll Structure India
PC2_IN10 Payroll India - Hard Furnishing Scheme
PC2_IN11 Payroll structure for Gratuity
PC2_IN12 Payroll structure for Superannuation
PC2_IN13 Payroll India - Professional Tax
PC2_IN14 Payroll structure for section 89(1)
PC2_IN15 Payroll India - Labor Welfare Fund
PIN_CHDET Challan Details
PIN_F12BA Structure for Form 12BA data
PIN_F16FT Strcture for Form 16 final tab information
PIN_F16HT Structure for Form 16 header tab
PIN_F16MT Structure for Form 16 main tab information
PIN_PFNCD Non Contributing days for PF/Pensions Reports
PIN_PNACCNO Prev account number of the employee
PIN_SEC10 Section 10 details
PIN_SEC80 Section 80 details
PIN_SEC88 Section 88 details
PIN16 Company code wise wagetype details
PINAC Structure for feature 40ACK
PINAG Allowance grouping splits table
PINALV ALV Display structure for report RPCDTEU0
PINBK Structure for the user exit in Form 16
PINCC Company code splits
PINCHL Challan Details
PINDD Deductee details
PINPN Structure for Form 7/8 in Pension Annual Report
PINPTX Structure for PTax details
PINPU Structure for Form3A/6A in PF Annual Report
PINXX_XWPBP HR-IN: Generic structure for XWPBP form of tables
PMENE Structure for feature to check the caste is eligible for NE
PMESA HR-IN : Field string structure for feature - Superannuation
PMLCM structure for LWF feature 40LCM-maharastra
PMPTX Structure for feature 40PTX
RPCBONIN Condition for Bonus reporting
RPCEPFIN Structure for pf and pension reporting
RPCPTXIN Structure for professional tax help
RPCTAXIN Structure for tax reporting


SAP Package PC40 contains 52 programs.

HIN_M40_CALC_SIMU HINCALC0 execution Program for Payroll menu
HINC2170 Form 217 (2A)
HINCALC0 Payroll Driver, India
HINCALV0 Common subrotines for ALV grid
HINCANN0 Payroll Annual Display - India
HINCBON0 India specific Bonus calculation
HINCDTA0 Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange - Post Payroll - India
HINCDTB0 Preliminary DME Prog. for seperate payment run - India
HINCDTC0 Data Medium Exchange and Check Printing for India
HINCDTE0 Prenotification - India
HINCEDT0 HR: India Remuneration Statements
HINCEPF0 HR:India Employees' Provident Fund - Reports
HINCEPN0 HR: IN PF reports( for exempted trust )
HINCEPN1 HR: IN Pension Reports
HINCESI0 Form 6 and 7 for Employees State Insurance
HINCF160 Print program for form 16
HINCF161 Form 16 (New)
HINCF240 Print program for form 24
HINCF24C Form 24Q e-File Consolidation Program
HINCF24Q Print program for form 24q
HINCGRY0 Gratuity Listing
HINCKTO0 Payroll Account - India
HINCLJN0 Payroll Journal - India
HINCLON1 HR-IN : Loan Report to display Principal, interest and subsidy
HINCLSTR Cluster Display IN ( Payroll Results, India )
HINCLWF1 HR-IN: Labour Welfare Fund legal reports
HINCMLI9 Cash breakdown List (Read IN cluster)
HINCPTX0 HR:India Professional Tax reporting
HINCPTX0_REF program for PTax refunds
HINCPTX1 HR:India Professional Tax reporting [Annual form for Maharashtra]
HINCREMC HR-IN: Claims Carry Forward Balance
HINCREMT HR-IN: Claims Balance Disbursement
HINCSAN0 Superannuation Report
HINCWTR0 Wage Type Reporter
HINEVAL0 Evaluation class change for Molga 40
HINIHRA0 HR-IN: Batch program for Housing (HRA/CLA/COA)
HINILON0 Penal Interest
HINU_M40_FFOD Create DME (Print Payment advice note)
HINU58B0 Table Insert for T558B- Period
HINU58C0 Table Insert for T558C- Wage Type
HINUCMAP Challan Mapping Program for Tax Deductions
HINUDF17 Downlaod Program for Form 17 Details
HINUPTX0 Conversion report program for Ptax table - T7INP1
HINUULK0 INLK Payroll Tables T558B and T558C Upload
HINUUPCF HR-IN:Claims Balance upload program
PCEXTIN1 External Program for Indian Reports