
SAP Function Group PADR_TW

Business object: AddressEmp (TW)

The Function Group PADR_TW (Business object: AddressEmp (TW)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB42. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group PADR_TW
Short Text Business object: AddressEmp (TW)
Package PB42

Function Modules

Function Group PADR_TW contains 7 function modules.

BAPI_ADDREMPTW_CHANGE Change Employee Address (Taiwan)
BAPI_ADDREMPTW_CREATE Create Employee Address (Taiwan)
BAPI_ADDREMPTW_CREATESUCCESSOR Create subs.employee address record (Taiwan)
BAPI_ADDREMPTW_GETDETAIL Read employee address (Taiwan]
BAPI_ADDREMPTW_GETDETAILEDLIST Read instances with data (Taiwan)
BAPI_ADDREMPTW_REQUEST Create locked employee address record (Taiwan)
BAPI_ADDREMPTW_SIMULATECREATE Simulation: Create Employee Address (Taiwan)