
SAP Package PB42

HR master data: Taiwan

The package PB42 (HR master data: Taiwan) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCTW.

Technical Information

Package PB42
Short Text HR master data: Taiwan
Parent Package HRCTW

Function Groups

SAP Package PB42 contains 17 function groups.

3TW0 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
3TW2 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
3TW3 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
3TW4 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
3TW8 overview screen for view maitenance
3TW9 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
EHTW1 Employee Self-Service Address (TW)
EHTW14 HR ESS - Personal IDs ( Taiwan )
EHTW5 ESS - Personal Data - Taiwan
EHTW6 Entreprise HR ESS Family/Related Info TW
HRADMTWGENERAL Gerneral Function for Taiwan
HRPADTW1 Function group for infotype query
HRPADTW2 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
PADR_TW Business object: AddressEmp (TW)
PFAM_TW Business Object Family TW


SAP Package PB42 contains 3 transactions.

PC00_M42_HTWCMLI9 Cash Breakdown List(Read Cluster TN)
PC00_M42_HTWSI970 Social Insurance (LI/NHI) of Taiwan
PC00_M42_HTWUTXM0 Delete tax reported data

Database Tables

SAP Package PB42 contains 76 database tables.

PA0352 NHI for Family member (TW)
PA0353 Income Tax Taiwan
PA0354 Labor Insurance Taiwan
PA0355 National Health Insurance Taiwan
PA0356 Employment Stabilization Fund (TW)
PA0357 Saving Plan (TW)
PA0358 Employee Welfare Fund (TW)
PA0404 HR Master Record: Infotype 0404 (Military Service Taiwan)
PA0818 HR Master Record: Infotype 0818
T7TW0A ZIP code
T7TW0B Retirement Central Fund Contribution
T7TW0P Personal Areas/Subareas (Taiwan)
T7TW0ZT Text Table for ZIP Code
T7TW11 Reason for NHI Status Change
T7TW12 Reason for NHI Status Change (Text)
T7TW1A Insurance Type
T7TW1B Insurance Amount Category
T7TW1C Insurance Subsidy Percentage
T7TW1D NHI Exempt Reason and amount
T7TW1E NHI Status
T7TW1F NHI Status Reason
T7TW1G Insurer Name and Address
T7TW1H NHI Dependent?s Relationship
T7TW1I LI Occupational Risk Percentage
T7TW1IT LI Occupational Risk Text
T7TW1J NHI Contribution Percentage
T7TW1K LI Occupational Risk Percentage
T7TW1L Last rported data of LI/NHI reports
T7TW1M Reason for insurance permium change
T7TW1N Sequence number of LI/NHI reporting
T7TW1O Allowable status change for NHI
T7TW1P LI country code TW
T7TW1Q Reason for Insurance Status Change
T7TW1R Reason for Insurance Status Change (Text)
T7TW1S Reason for insurance permium change, Text
T7TW1T NHI Insuree Group Text
T7TW1U LI Occupational Risk Text
T7TW1V NHI Dependent?s Relationship Text
T7TW1W NHI Status Reason Text
T7TW1X NHI Status Text
T7TW1Y NHI Exempt Reason Text
T7TW1Z Insurance Type Text
T7TW2A Tax Withholding Table
T7TW2B Tax Withholding Fast Formula
T7TW2C Tax Withholding Category
T7TW2D Tax Authority Code
T7TW2E Wage type dependent tax rate (Taiwan)
T7TW2F Sequence number of income tax return reporting
T7TW2G Tax media filing sequence number reservation
T7TW2I Reported data of Tax withdrawal report
T7TW2J Tax agreement codes
T7TW2JT Tax agreement codes description
T7TW2Z Tax Withholding Category Text
T7TW3A Employment Stabilization Fund
T7TW3B Employee Welfare Fund Contribution
T7TW3C Retirement Pay Calculation Rule
T7TW3D Retirement Pay Method
T7TW3E Severance Pay Calculation Rule
T7TW3F Severance Pay Method
T7TW3G Resignation Pay Calculation Rule
T7TW3H Resignation Pay Method
T7TW3I Part Month Factor
T7TW3J Part Year Factor
T7TW3T Part Year Factor Text
T7TW3U Part Month Factor Text
T7TW3V Resignation Pay Method Text
T7TW3W Severance Pay Method Text
T7TW3X Retirement Pay Method Text
T7TW3Z Employment Stabilization Fund Text
T7TW4A Disability Class
T7TW4Z Disability Class Text
T7TW50 Rate for multiple payment
T7TW6A Mapping Overtime Wage Types
T7TW6B Deduction priority of overtime wage types
T7TWAB Absence Split Assignment


SAP Package PB42 contains 27 views.

V_7TW0P_O Personal Areas/Subareas - LI Occup. Risk Ins. Group (TW)
V_7TW1B_L Labor Insurance Amount Category (TW)
V_7TW1B_N National Health Insurance Amount Category (TW)
V_7TW1C_L Labor Insurance Subsidy Percentage (TW)
V_7TW1C_N National Health Insurance Subsidy Percentage (TW)
V_T7TW0A Taiwan ZIP code
V_T7TW0P Personal Areas/Subareas (Taiwan)
V_T7TW0Z Define Taiwan ZIP Code
V_T7TW1B Primary view for T7TW1B
V_T7TW1C Primary view for T7TW1C
V_T7TW1D NHI exempt reason
V_T7TW1I LI Occupational Risk
V_T7TW1I_T LI Occupational Risk
V_T7TW1K LI Occupational Risk Percentage
V_T7TW1K_T LI Occupational Risk Percentage
V_T7TW1P LI Country Code
V_T7TW2G Maintain tax media filing sequence number reservation
V_T7TW2J Tax agreement codes maintenance
V_T7TW3A Employment Stabilization Fund
V_T7TW50 Rate for multiple payment
VV_511K_B_EG4_TXVAD Start Day for Tax Cumulation
VV_511K_B_L4H_LFRRT Tax Rate for Low-income Foreigners
VV_511K_B_L4H_NPNHI Activate Checking Amount of NHI and NP
VV_511K_B_L6D_TXVAD Start Day for Tax Cumulation
VV_511P_B_L4H_LFRAM Upper Income Limit for Low-income Foreigners
VV_T7TW1R_1 View Variant for Labor Insurance Satus Change Reason
VV_T7TW1R_2 View Varaint for New Pension Status Change Reason


SAP Package PB42 contains 37 structures.

BAPIP0006TW HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses) Taiwan
BAPIP0021TW HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family/Rel.Person) TW
P0352 NHI for Family member (TW)
P0352_AF Infotype P0352 reporting/quering structure
P0353 Income Tax Taiwan
P0353_AF Infotype P0353 reporting/quering structure
P0354 Labor Insurance Taiwan
P0354_AF Infotype P0354 reporting/quering structure
P0355 National Health Insurance Taiwan
P0355_AF Infotype P0355 reporting/quering structure
P0356 Employment Stabilization Fund (TW)
P0356_AF Infotype P0356 reporting/quering structure
P0357 Saving Plan (TW)
P0357_AF Infotype P0357 reporting/quering structure
P0358 Employee Welfare Fund (TW)
P0404 HR Master Record: Infotype 0404 (Military Service Taiwan)
P0818 HR TW Master Record for Infotype 0818
P0818_AF Additional Query Fields(New pension)
PME61 Field string for features (Taiwan)
PME82 Structure for feature TWNHQ
PS0352 NHI for Family member (TW)
PS0353 Income Tax Taiwan
PS0354 Labor Insurance Taiwan
PS0355 National Health Insurance Taiwan
PS0356 Employment Stabilization Fund (TW)
PS0357 Saving Plan (TW)
PS0358 Employee Welfare Fund (TW)
PS0404 HR Master Record: Infotype 0404 (Military Service Taiwan)
PS0818 New pension Taiwan
Q0002TW Q0002TW Personal datat ESS Taiwan
Q0021TW IT0021/0352 family member (Taiwan ESS)
Q0352 Screen Fields: Infotype 0352 (NHI for family members (TW))
Q0354 Screen Fields: Infotype 0354 (Labor Insurance Taiwan)
Q0355 Screen Fields: Infotype 0355 (National Health Insurance)
Q0356 Screen Fields: Infotype 0356 (ESF TW)
Q0818 Screen Fields: Infotype 0818 ( New Pension Taiwan)
RPTWADDR Input structure for Taiwan address building in reporting


SAP Package PB42 contains 9 programs.

MP035300 MP035300
MP035400 MP035400
MP035500 MP035500
MP035600 Infotype 0356: Employment Stabilization Fund
MP081800 Mod. Pool MP081800
MPV35200 Infotype 0352 (Additional family data Taiwan)
MPV40400 Module Pool: Infotype 0081 Military Service
RPU03520 Initialisation P0003: Create Infotype view 0352.
SAPP5TW0 HR-Taiwan: Fast entry of initial entry

Search Helps

SAP Package PB42 contains 1 search helps.

H_7TW1I Search help for T7TW1K

Message Classes

SAP Package PB42 contains 1 message classes.

3O HR: Messages for Taiwan