
SAP Function Group PAW4_US

Business Object W4W5InfoUS

The Function Group PAW4_US (Business Object W4W5InfoUS) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC10. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group PAW4_US
Short Text Business Object W4W5InfoUS
Package PC10

Function Modules

Function Group PAW4_US contains 10 function modules.

BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_APPROVE Employee W4/W5 Information: Unlock Record
BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_CHANGE Employee W4/W5 Information: Change Record
BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_CREATE Employee W4/W5 Information: Create Record
BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_DELETE Employee W4/W5 Information: Delete Record
BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_DELIMIT Employee W4/W5 Information: Delimit Record
BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_GETDETAIL Employee W4/W5 Information: Read Record
BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_GETLIST Employee W4/W5 Information: Read Instances
BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_REQUEST Employee W4/W5 Information: Create Locked Record
BAPI_W4W5INFOUSGETDETAILEDLIST Employee W4/W5 Information: Read Instances with Data
BAPIW4W5INFOUSSIMULATECREATION Employee W4/W5 Information: Simulate Record Creation