
SAP Package PC10

HR accounting: USA

The package PC10 (HR accounting: USA) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCUS.

Technical Information

Package PC10
Short Text HR accounting: USA
Parent Package HRCUS

Function Groups

SAP Package PC10 contains 36 function groups.

3110 Output module for USA
0P0Y erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PU1 Enhanced table maintenance (generated)
0PU2 Enhanced table maintenance (generated)
0PUA erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PUCP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PUE erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PUF Outsourcing Tables
0PUG Table Maintenance for Garn. US Part 1
0PUH Table Maintenance for Garn. US Part 2
0PUM erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PUP erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PUQ erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
31US Payroll log for US
EH1030 mySAP Dev
EHU2 Entreprise HR ESS - US Taxes scenario
HRPAY00US_GARN_AF Additional fields for garnishments
HRPAYUS_ETA_VIEW HR Payroll ETA Views Function Group
HRPAYUS_GARN_REMIT HR-US: Garnishment remittance
HRPAYUS_TAX_UTILS Utility functions for US tax (payroll)
HRPAYUS91 HR-US: Copying US employees
HRSP_US payroll splits US
HRU0 Function Module for HRNA
PAW4_US Business Object W4W5InfoUS
PBS1_US US Payroll in Distibuted Systems
PBSI HR: BSI Interface (US/Canadian)
PBSU BSI TF 6.0 function group
PBWFUS Workflow check funtion for US
RPCUS Out-of-sequence checks
RPFU Print Routines for USA
RPHU HRUS - Reporting for USA Payroll
RPUT US Tax Reporter execution check


SAP Package PC10 contains 80 transactions.

OGS6 Load zip codes
OGS7 Generate schema
OGS8 Delete tax table entries
OGS9 Generate ADP number ranges
OTR3 Number range for log numbers
P000_M10_DTTE Delete/insert tax table entries
P000_M10_EER Exemption expiration report
P000_M10_GANS Garnishment: Display answer letters
P000_M10_GCUST Garnishment: Customizing review
P000_M10_GNOT Garnishment: Display notice letters
P000_M10_GPAL Garnishment: Print answer letter
P000_M10_GPNL Garnishment: Print notice letter
P000_M10_GSTA Garnishment statistics
P000_M10_TAUTH Display tax authorities
P000_M10_TAUTN Tax authorities incl. tax area
P000_M10_TMODEL Taxability models/tax types by auth.
P000_M10_TSUM Tax infotype summary
P000_M10_W4 W-4 withholding allowance report
P0G1 Copy entries for garnishments
PA07 Number Range Maintenance: RP_GARNEM
PC00_M10 Bereichsmenü - Abrechnung für USA
PC00_M10_CALC Payroll Driver USA
PC00_M10_CALC_SIMU Simulation payroll accounting 10
PC00_M10_CDTB Per Payroll Period - Advance 10
PC00_M10_CDTC Payroll Transfer Prelim. Prog DTA-10
PC00_M10_CDTE Payroll Transfer - Test Transfer 10
PC00_M10_CEDT Payroll Remuneration Statement - 10
PC00_M10_CLAIMS Claims processing
PC00_M10_CLJN Payroll Journal
PC00_M10_CLSTR Tools - Payroll Results - 10
PC00_M10_CPL3U0 Garnishment Stats 10
PC00_M10_CPL5U0 Garnish. Letter - Tax Authorities 10
PC00_M10_CPL7U0 Garnish.Letter-Tax Type/Tax Auth. 10
PC00_M10_CPRS Payroll Reconciliation (Scheduler)
PC00_M10_FFOC Payroll Transfer - Check Printing 10
PC00_M10_FFOT Create Payroll Transfer DTA 10
PC00_M10_IPIT0 Garnishment: Active -> inactive
PC00_M10_IPIT1 Garnishment: Pending -> active
PC00_M10_IPIT2 Garnishment: Delimit
PC00_M10_JAHRLICHE Bereichsmenü - Jährliche
PC00_M10_PAP Bereichsmenü - Pro Abrechn.Periode
PC00_M10_PCALC Payroll Driver (USA)
PC00_M10_PDUNABHAGIG Bereichsmenü - Periodenunabhägig
PC00_M10_PRJ Payroll journal
PC00_M10_REC Payroll reconciliation report
PC00_M10_REMU Remuneration statements
PC00_M10_RFFOAVIS Print zero net advices
PC00_M10_SONSPERIOD Folgeaktivitäten - Sonstige Perioden
PC00_M10_UAUTU1 Utilities - Tax Authority Util. 10
PC00_M10_UAUTU2 Utilities - Auths. not in Area 10
PC00_M10_UTAX Tax Reporter Util. Delete Entries 10
PC00_M10_UTMDU0 Utilities - Expand Tax Models 10
PC00_M10_XPM Export /transfer to process model
PC10 Bereichsmenü - Abrechnung für USA
PUU1 BSI Test Tool
PUU2 transaction of sapmpuu2
PZ10 Tax Deductions Form (W-4)
S_AHR_61016157 RPSBENU1
S_AHR_61018751 Payroll Driver (USA)
S_AHR_61018754 Display Cluster RU (USA Payroll Resu
S_AHR_61018755 Subsequent processed of off-cycle ac
S_AHR_61018756 Off-Cycle Batch Processes - Start Pr
S_AHR_61018757 Update Remittance Tables from TemSe
S_AHR_61018758 Create Third-Party Remittance Postin
S_AHR_61018759 Reconciliation of Transfers
S_AHR_61018774 Check Processing Classes
S_AHR_61018775 Acknowledgement Report for Third-Par
S_AHR_61018776 Undo Third-Party Remittance Steps
S_AHR_61018777 Taxability Models/Tax types by Tax A
S_AHR_61018778 Display tax authorities
S_AHR_61018779 Tax Authorites not included in a res
S_AHR_61018780 Client Transport Program for BTX* Ta
S_AHR_61018781 Delete/Insert tax table entries
S_AHR_61018782 Listing of tax amounts in tax interf
S_AHR_61018872 List HR Objects in the TemSe
S_L6D_84000072 Application log: Standard log displa
S_PH9_46000172 Wage Type Reporter
S_PH9_46000232 Tip income and allocated tips report
S_PH9_46000233 Pensionable Earnings and Hours Repor
WS01000090 W-2 Reprint

Database Tables

SAP Package PC10 contains 103 database tables.

PA0096 HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA)
PA0103 HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA)
PA0104 HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA)
PA0161 HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (Limits IRS)
PA0194 HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document)
PA0195 HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order)
PA0207 HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Residence Tax Area)
PA0208 HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA)
PA0209 HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment Insurance USA)
PA0210 HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4 USA)
PA0216 Garnishment Adjustment
PA0234 HR Master Record Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh. Inform. - USA)
PA0235 HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)
PA0269 HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information USA)
PA0449 HR Master Record: Infotype 0449
PA0450 HR Master Record: Infotype 0450
PA0451 HR Master Record: Infotype 0451
PA0452 HR Master Record: Infotype 0452
PA0453 HR Master Record: Infotype 0453
PA0454 HR Master Record: Infotype 0454
PA0455 HR Master Record: Infotype 0455
PA0456 HR Master Record: Infotype 0456
PA0457 HR Master Record: Infotype 0457
PA0506 Tip Indicators
PRUEXTUSERS Link users/employees to external user names
T51G2 Off-Cycle Batch Table
T5U8A Transfer ext.payroll result: Tax cumulation data (USA)
T5UCP_COMPM Common Paymaster Relationship
T5UCP_STATE Common Paymaster Acknowledgement for States
T5UF0 HR-US: ADP Interface
T5UF1 HR-US: ADP Interface, ADP Fields
T5UF2 HR-US: ADP Interface, used fields per Interface
T5UF3 HR-US: ADP Interface, field sort
T5UF4 HR-US: ADP Interface, Record type
T5UF5 HR-US: ADP Interface, fields per record type
T5UF6 HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information
T5UFA ADP Interface: Mapping Table between SAP and ADP Wage Types
T5UFB SAP to ADP tax authority mapping table
T5UFC ADP Company Codes
T5UFD Variables for ADP company set up
T5UFE ADP system variables
T5UFF Personnel area to ADP company code mapping (US ADP only)
T5UG0 HR: Garnishment Order Types
T5UG1 HR: Garnishment Document Category
T5UG2 Adjustment to the Disposable Net
T5UG3 Model for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount
T5UG4 Rules for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount
T5UG5 Model of the Disposable Net
T5UG6 Government Service Charge
T5UG7 Government Remittance Rule
T5UG8 Company Remittance Rule
T5UG9 Garnishment Default Values
T5UGA Special Rule for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount
T5UGB Calculation Scheme for Special Rule
T5UGC Service Charge
T5UGD Filing Status
T5UGE Determining Amount Exempt from Levy
T5UGF Determining Additional Exempt Amount
T5UGG Company Service Charge
T5UGH Levy Statement
T5UGI Garnishment Letters
T5UGJ Print Request of Notification Letters
T5UGK Print Request of Answer Letters
T5UGL Function Exit for Garnishment Letters
T5UGM HR: Garnishment Originator
T5UP1 Minimum and cash wages for tip credit
T5UP2 Establishment/stores for tip processing
T5UP3 Establishment text
T5UP4 Establishment level adjusted gross receipts
T5UP5 Distribution Payments Mapping
T5UP6 Distribution Codes
T5UP6T Distribution Codes Text
T5US0 Priority for tax wagetypes
T5US1 SAP Taxability Matrix Table
T5UT0 SAP Taxability Matrix Table
T5UTA Resident Tax Areas
T5UTB Work Tax Areas
T5UTD Default Tax Type (US)
T5UTE Tax Authority / Tax Calculation Model
T5UTF ZIP Codes for Residence Tax Areas
T5UTI Tax identification number and successor enterprise
T5UTLA Timedependent Attributes of Taxcompany on Taxauthority Level
T5UTM Tax Model
T5UTO Assignment of technical wage types to tax types
T5UTQ Tax Authority Combination for Local Reciprocity
T5UTR Tax Authorities per Resident Tax Area
T5UTRC Payroll USA: Tax Reciprocity Attributes
T5UTS States without withholding tax
T5UTT Tax Types (US)
T5UTU Wage Base Continuity for Tax Authorities
T5UTW Tax Authorities per Work Tax Area
T5UTX Tax Ceilings and rates
T5UTY Tax Type Combinations
T5UTZ Tax Authorities
T5UU0 SAP Taxability Customized Table
T7US_ETA_OVMTH US Tax Override Method
T7US_ETA_OVMTH_T US Tax Override Method Text
T7US_ETA_TXOVM Tax Override Method Per Tax Type


SAP Package PC10 contains 67 views.

H_T5UG0 Garnishment Order
H_T5UG1 Garnishment Document Category
H_T5UG3 Model for the Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount
H_T5UG4 Rules for Calculation of the Nonexempt Amount
H_T5UG5 Disposable Net Model
H_T5UGA Special Rule
H_T5UGC Service Charge Rule
H_T5UGD Filing Status
H_T5UGE Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy
H_T5UGF Figuring Additional Exempt Amount
H_T5UGH Levy Statement
H_T5UGL Function Exit for Garnishment Letters
H_T5UGM Originator
H_T5UTA Helpview for Resident Tax Area (USA)
H_T5UTB Helpview for Work Tax Area (USA)
H_T5UTL Tax compny
H_T5UTT Tax types
H_T5UTZ Helpview for Tax Authorities (USA)
V_5UG1_B Service Charge
V_5URA_A Wage Types for ZIP Code for HR Creditor Grouping
V_5URB_A Wage Types for Org HR Creditor Grouping
V_5URC_A Tax Wage Types for HR Creditor Grouping
V_T5U8A Transfer ext. payroll result: Tax and arrears data (USA)
V_T5U8C Transfer external payroll results (USA)
V_T5UCP_COMPM Common Paymaster Relationship
V_T5UCP_STATE Common Paymaster Acknowledgement for States
V_T5UF2 HR-US: ADP Interface, possible fields per Interface
V_T5UF3 HR-US: ADP Interface, field sort
V_T5UF5 HR-US: ADP Interface,
V_T5UF6 HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping information
V_T5UFA ADP Interface: Mapping between ADP and SAP Wage types
V_T5UFB Mapping table for SAP to ADP tax authorities
V_T5UFD Values for ADP System variables
V_T5UFE ADP system variables
V_T5UFF Personnel area to ADP company code mapping (US ADP only)
V_T5UG0 Garnishment Order Types
V_T5UG1 Garnishment Document Category
V_T5UG2 Adjustment to the Disposable Net
V_T5UG3 Model for the Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount
V_T5UG4 Rules for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount
V_T5UG6 Service Charge Government
V_T5UG7 Government Remittance Rule
V_T5UG8 Company Remittance Rule
V_T5UGB Calculation Scheme for Special Rule
V_T5UGC Service Charge
V_T5UGD Filing Status
V_T5UGE Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy
V_T5UGF Figuring Additional Exempt Amount
V_T5UGG Service Charge Rule Company
V_T5UGI Garnishment Letters
V_T5UP1 Minimum and cash wages for tip credit
V_T5UP2 Establishment/stores for tip processing
V_T5UP4 Establishment level adjusted gross receipts
V_T5UP5 Distribution Code Mapping
V_T5UP6 Distribution codes
V_T5URB View: Remittance Creditor Mapping - Type 6
V_T5URC Derivation of HR Creditor Taxes
V_T5US0 Priority for tax wagetypes
V_T5UTD Assignment of Tax Authorities to Tax Type
V_T5UTLA Attributes of Tax Company on Tax Authority Level
V_T5UTQ Tax Authority Combination for Local Reciprocity
V_T5UTRC Tax Reciprocity Attributes
V_T5UTT Tax Types
V_T5UTX Tax ceilings and rates
V_T7US_ETA_OVMTH View for US Employee Tax Arrangement Override Method
V_T7US_ETA_TXOVM Override Method per Tax Authority & Tax Type
VV_T5F99K2_US_BSITF Version of BSI TaxFactory for Customizing


SAP Package PC10 contains 172 structures.

BAPIP0210 Personnel Record Infotype 0210 (W4/W5 Withholding) US
E1HR58E HR: Outsourcing: Payroll Results T558e
EHCHANGE_STATUS Changing job status via webMethods
EHGET_JOBS Structure for Receiving Jobs from the B2B WebMethods Server
EHJOBS_DESCRIPTION For posting jobs to external Systems
EHPOST_JOBS Structure for posting jobs to webMethods server
EHPOST_REQUISITION Post Job Requisitions to WebMethods
FRMFLD Structure for frmfld
HR1030RETURN Return Structure for WebMethods Calls
HRPAYUS_S_BTYPE Payroll period type
HRPAYUS_S_RPCLMSU0_ALV ALV Display structure for report RPCLMSU0_ALV
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL1U0_ALV1 ALV Display structure for report RPCPL1U0
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL1U0_ALV2 ALV Display structure for report RPCPL1U0 - Second level
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL3U0_ALV1 ALV Display structure for report RPCPL3U0_ALV
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL3U0_ALV2 ALV Display structure for report RPCPL3U0_ALV
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL3U0_ALV3 ALV Display structure for report RPCPL3U0_ALV
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPRRU0_LGA1 RPCPRRU0 - Valid wage types for selection
HRPAYUS_S_TXBLWT US taxable table
HRPAYUS_TAX_ADD_KEY additional key for tables in US tax
HRPAYUS_TS_OVERRIDE_HOURS HR US Structure: Work Tax Area Override hours
HRPAYUS_TS_PAY0004 HCM BAdI: Work Tax Area Override Determination
HRPAYUS_TS_WTA HCM Structure: Work tax area
HRPOST_REQUISITION Structure for posting jobs to webmethods
HRPY_PAYUS_RESULT Structure of payroll result table: US specific
P0103 HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA)
P0104 HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA)
P0161 HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (IRS Limits US)
P0194 HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document)
P0195 HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order)
P0195_AF Additional Fields for Query
P0207 HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Resident Tax Area - USA)
P0208 HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA)
P0209 HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment State - USA)
P0210 HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4/W5-USA)
P0216 Garnishment Adjustment
P0234 HR Master Record: Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh. Inf. - USA)
P0235 HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)
P0269 HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information)
P0448_AF Additional Query Fields
P0449 HR Master Record for Infotype 0449
P0449_AF Additional Query Fields
P0450 HR Master Record for Infotype 0450
P0450_AF Additional Query Fields
P0451 HR Master Record for Infotype 0451
P0451_AF Additional Query Fields
P0452 HR Master Record for Infotype 0452
P0452_AF Additional Query Fields
P0453 HR Master Record for Infotype 0453
P0453_AF Additional Query Fields
P0454 HR Master Record for Infotype 0454
P0454_AF Additional Query Fields
P0455 HR Master Record for Infotype 0455
P0455_AF Additional Query Fields
P0456 HR Master Record for Infotype 0456
P0456_AF Additional Query Fields
P0457 HR Master Record for Infotype 0457
P0457_AF Additional Query Fields
P0506 Tip Indicators
P10_RECON_DATA Payroll Reconciliation Report Output Table
P10_RECON_TOTAL Payroll Reconciliation Report Totals Table
P10_SHR_F_8027 Structure for 8027 allocated tips report
P10ST Structure for Feature 10STT
PAYUS_CUMUL_PERSON_RESULT Unfiltered person cumulation tables US
PAYUS_NATIONAL HR-PAY-US: National part of payroll result
PAYUS_NATIONAL_CE additional payroll tables for US CE payroll image
PAYUS_PAYROLL_IMAGE_LINE Line of table for payroll image USA
PAYUS_PERSON_RESULT HR-PAY-US: Definition of payroll result (Person)
PAYUS_RESULT HR-PAY-US: Definition of payroll result
PBSI_COMPANY TaxFactory Company Information
PBSI_CUST_OVERRIDE TaxFactory Custom Override Information
PBSI_CUSTOM_TAX TaxFactory Custom Tax Information
PBSI_CUSTOM_TAXABILITY TaxFactory Custom Taxability Information
PBSI_DEFAULT_UNEMPLOYMENT TaxFactory Default Unemployement Information
PBSI_EMPLOYEE_GROUP TaxFactory Employee Group Information
PBSI_FIL_STAT_INFO TaxFactory Filling Status Information
PBSI_MAP_PAY_CODE TaxFactory Mapped Pay Codes Information
PBSI_MAP_TAX_CODE TaxFactory Mapped Tax Code Information
PBSI_MAP_TAX_TYPE TaxFactory Mapped Tax Type Information
PBSI_MARITAL_STATUS TaxFactory Marital Status Information
PBSI_RATE TaxFactory Experience Rate Information
PBSI_SUPPLEMENTAL TaxFactory Supplemental Method Information
PBSI_TAX_API TaxFactory Tax Information
PBSI_TAX_TYPE_90 TaxFactory Tax Type Information
PBSI_TAXABILITY TaxFactory Taxability Information
PBSI_TAXING_AUTHORITY TaxFactory Taxing Authority Information
PBSI_TFRELEASE TaxFactory Release info
PBSI_TOOLS_COMMON_PARAMETER TaxFactory Common Structure for RFC Function Call parameters
PC22T Payroll Results: Tax (U.S.)
PC22X Authorities tax prorates
PC23C Payroll result: Tax authorities of resident/unemployment(US)
PC290 Payroll Results: Garnishment for US Document
PC291 Payroll Results: Garnishment for US Order
PC292 Payroll Results: Garnishment for US Record
PC292B Payroll Processing: Garnishment for US (GRCHG)
PC2A0 Payroll Results: Cumulated tips result
PC2U0 Pay Log US: Table UMODIF
PC2U10 Pay Log US: Table CUR_RT
PC2U12 Pay Log US: Table CUR_NRD_NTXCO
PC2U13 Pay Log US: Table YTD_NRD_NTXCO
PC2U16 Pay Log US: Table YTD_NTK_WT
PC2U18 Pay Log US: Table OLD_EETAX
PC2U19 Pay Log US: Table LOOP_NTK
PC2U2 Pay Log US: Table TXIT
PC2U20 Pay Log US: Table DT
PC2U21 Pay Log US: Table NTK_RT
PC2U22 Pay Log US: Table PRINT_NTK_RT
PC2U3 Pay Log US: Table ICRT
PC2U4 Pay Log US: Table REL_ICRT
PC2U5 Pay Log US: Table TAX_LOOP
PC2U6 Pay Log US: Table TXRT
PC2U7 Pay Log US: Table TAX_LGART
PC2U8 Pay Log US: Table GUP_RESULT
PC2U9 Pay Log US: Table NON_WH_ST
PC2U99A Payroll Results: Tax Retro Differences -(USA)
PME47 Structure for Defining a addressing tax company
PMEGU Fields for the feature UEQPY
PS0096 HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA)
PS0103 HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA)
PS0104 HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA)
PS0161 HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (IRS Limits US)
PS0194 HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document)
PS0195 HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order)
PS0207 HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Resident Tax Area - USA)
PS0208 HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA)
PS0209 HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment State - USA)
PS0210 HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4/W5-USA)
PS0216 Garnishment Adjustment
PS0234 HR Master Record: Infotype 0234 (Add. Withholding - USA)
PS0235 HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)
PS0269 HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information)
PS0446 Payroll Infotype: US Fed Taxes
PS0449 Payroll infotype: US Fed taxes YTD
PS0450 Payroll infotype: US State taxes
PS0451 Payroll infotype: US State taxes MTD
PS0452 Payroll infotype: US State taxes QTD
PS0453 Payroll infotype: US State taxes YTD
PS0454 Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes
PS0455 Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes MTD
PS0456 Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes QTD
PS0457 Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes YTD
PS0506 Tip Indicator
Q0096 Screen Fields: Infotype 0096 (Tax USA)
Q0103 Screen Fields: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases - NA)
Q0104 Screen Fields: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations - NA)
Q0161 Dynpro Fields for IRS Limits (USA)
Q0194 Screen Fields for Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document)
Q0195 Garnishment Order
Q0207 Screen Fields for Resident Tax Area (USA)
Q0208 Screen Fields for Work Tax Area (USA)
Q0210 Screen Fields for W4 (USA)
Q0210_ESS HR ESS US Taxes
Q0216 Garnishemnt Adjustment
Q0234 Dynpro Fields for 0234 (Additional Withholding Inform. USA)
Q0235 Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)
Q0894 Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)
QTREEITM item table for tree structure
RANGE_PRDS HRUS Payroll Reporting Period Range Table
RPCCTXU0 Parameters for RPCCTXU0 (Tax Statement)
RPCCTXU1 Parameters for RPCCTXU0 (Tax Statement)
RPCDTEU0_ALV ALV Display structure for report RPCDTEU0
RPCPXXUX Parameter for Reports of Garnishments USA
RPUTAXU7_ALV1 Structure for the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU7
RPUTAXU7_ALV2 Structure for the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU7
RPUTAXU8_ALV1 Structure for the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU8_ALV
RPUTAXU8_ALV2 Structure fro the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU8
T5UF6_F HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information (Fields)
T5UF6_K HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information (Key)


SAP Package PC10 contains 83 programs.

MP016100 Module Pool: Infotype 0161 IRS Limits (USA)
MP019400 Module Pool Infotype 0194
MP020700 Module Pool: Infotype 0207 Resident Tax Area (USA)
MP020800 Infotype 0208, MODULE POOL: Work Tax Area (USA)
MP020900 Module Pool: Infotype 0209 Unemployment State (USA)
MP021000 Module Pool: Infotype 0210 Withholding Information W4/W5 (USA)
MP021600 Module Pool for Infotype 0216: Garnishment Adjustment
MP023400 Infotyp 0234, MODULE POOL: Additional Withholding information (USA)
MP023500 Infotyp 0235, MODULPOOL: Other taxes (USA)
MP044600 Payrollinfotype
MP044900 Module Pool for Infotype 0449
MP045000 Module Pool for Infotype 0450
MP045100 Module Pool for Infotype 0451
MP045200 Module Pool for Infotype 0452
MP045300 Module Pool for Infotype 0453
MP045400 Module Pool for Infotype 0454
MP045500 Module Pool for Infotype 0455
MP045600 Module Pool for Infotype 0456
MP045700 Module Pool for Infotype 0457
MP050600 erweiterte Tabellenpflege untere Ebene
RPCADJU0 Audit report for adjustments
RPCALCU0 Payroll Driver (USA)
RPCCTXU0 Tax Type Statement (U.S.)
RPCCTXU1 Tax Type Statement (U.S.)
RPCDTCU0 Data Medium Exchange Preliminary Program (USA)
RPCDTEU0 Prenotification
RPCEDTU0 Remuneration Statements
RPCGRNU0 Garnishment Details Report
RPCLJNU0 Payroll Journal
RPCLMSU0 Claims Processing
RPCLSTRU Display Cluster RU (USA Payroll Results)
RPCNBLU0 File Layout - NBT3
RPCNBLUA Include For NBT Data transfers
RPCPL1U0 Garnishment History
RPCPL2U0 Listing of Customizing Tables
RPCPL3U0 Garnishment Statistics
RPCPL4U0 Display Garnishment Notice Letters
RPCPL5U0 Print Garnishment Notice Letters
RPCPL6U0 Display Garnishment Answer Letters
RPCPL7U0 Print Garnishment Answer Letters
RPCPRRU0 Payroll Reconciliation Report
RPCPRSU0 Payroll Reconciliation Report (Scheduler)
RPCPRSU0_MH Distributed Reporting for Error Handling
RPCTRTU0_ALV Magnetic media Files Display/Copy Utility ALV display
RPIPITU0 Changing Garnishment Status from Active to Inactive
RPIPITU1 Changing Garnishment Status from Pending to Active
RPIPITU2 Delimiting Garnishments
RPLTAXU0 Tax Infotype Summary
RPLTIPU0 Tip Income and Allocated Tips Report
RPTTINDX Cycle generation program
RPU161U0 Conversion of IRS Limits records to include subtype
RPU46AU0 Data Conversion Program for T5UTM, T5UTY
RPUANRU0 Customize ADP Number Ranges
RPUAUTU1 Display Tax Authorities
RPUAUTU2 Tax Authorities not included in a Residence or Work Tax Area
RPUBTXU7 Copy Tax Companies
RPUBTXUC Convert BSI table entries which contain client
RPUCDCU0 Convert Payroll Results for Conversion to > 2 Decimal Places
RPUCRT0P Recreation of cumulation tables - international version
RPUCRUU0 Convert Cluster RU (PCL2), USA Version XPRA
RPUCT200 Modifying proc/eval/cumul.class in T512W (T512U/T513U accordingly)
RPUDEDUC Convert T512W entries of deduct. wage types from PRCL 66 to 50
RPUGRNU_CHECK_CUSTOMIZING Testrun payroll to check garnishment customizing
RPUMARU0 Load Marital Statuses for tax authorities
RPUP0096 Convert Inf. 0096 into 0207, 0208, 0210, 0234, 0235
RPUPSNU0 Deduction wage type amount signs correction for Infotype 0221
RPURACU1 Conversion of Entries in PREL for New Ethnic Category Keys (T505R/S)
RPUTAXU0 Delete/Insert Tax Table Entries
RPUTAXU1 Taxability Model Generation Program
RPUTAXU2 Taxability model listing report
RPUTAXU4 Get w4 Default
RPUTAXU7 Exemption Expiration Report
RPUTAXU8 W-4 Withholding Allowance Report
RPUTAXU9 Loading the data from excel spreadsheet to T5UT0
RPUTMDU0 Taxability Models/Tax Types by Tax Authority
RPUTTUU0 Wage Type Update Program
RPUTXUU0 Environmentchecker for tax reporter
RPUWMTU0 Wage type maintenance - USA
SAPMWS01000090H Module pool for task WS01000090

Search Helps

SAP Package PC10 contains 19 search helps.

H_T5UF0 Garnishment Document Category
H_T5UF1 HR-US: ADP Interface, ADP fields
H_T5UF4 HR-US: ADP Interface, record types
H_T5UG0 Garnishment order
H_T5UG1 Garnishment document category
H_T5UG3 Model for the Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount
H_T5UG4 Rules for Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount
H_T5UG5 Disposable Net Model
H_T5UGA Special rule
H_T5UGC Service charge rule
H_T5UGD Filing status
H_T5UGE Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy
H_T5UGF Figuring Additional Exempt Amount
H_T5UGH Levy Statement
H_T5UTA Helpview for Resident Tax Area (USA)
H_T5UTB Helpview for Work Tax Area (USA)
TAXAR_W Collect
TAXAR_WA Authority Name

Message Classes

SAP Package PC10 contains 3 message classes.

C& Message class for RU conversion programs
HRPAYUSCALC Messages for payroll log RPCALCU0
U1 Tax reporter interface