
SAP Table T5UF6

HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information

The table T5UF6 (HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PC10.

Technical Information

Table T5UF6
Short Text HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information
Package PC10
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T5UF6

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
INKEY HR-US: ADP Interface, Interface Key P10F_INKEY CHAR 4 T5UF0
INTYP HR-US: ADP Interface, Interface Type P10F_INTYP CHAR 1 T5UF0
RCTYP HR-US: ADP Interface, Record type P10F_RCTYP NUMC 3 T5UF4
FLDNO HR-US: ADP Interface, Field number ? P10F_FLDNO NUMC 3 T5UF5
SAPFL Field name NAME_FELD CHAR 30 *
SAPRC HR-US: ADP Interface, selection of record P10F_SAPRC CHAR 1
FUNCP HR-US: ADP Interface, name of the function P10F_FUNCN CHAR 40
FUNCF HR-US: ADP Interface, name of the function P10F_FUNCN CHAR 40