
SAP Function Group PBS1_US

US Payroll in Distibuted Systems

The Function Group PBS1_US (US Payroll in Distibuted Systems) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC10. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group PBS1_US
Short Text US Payroll in Distibuted Systems
Package PC10

Function Modules

Function Group PBS1_US contains 10 function modules.

HR_CHECK_SCHEDULED_TASKS_US Status der geschedulten Batchjobs feststellen
HR_DETERMINATE_PNR_US Bestimmung der Personalnummern
HR_EXPORT_DATA_TO_OTHER_SYS_US Datentransfer in das rufende System
HR_JOB_ABORT_US HR: Abbrechen aktiver Batch-Jobs (RFC-fähig)
HR_JOB_DELETE_US HR: Löschen von Batch (Jobs)
HR_SHOW_JOBSTATE_US Ermitteln des Status eines Jobs
HR_START_BATCHJOB_IN_OTHSYS_US Batch Jobs in anderen System starten
HR_START_REPORT_BTC_US Start von Reports in BAckground-Task
HR_START_REPORT_IN_BCKGRND_US HR: Starten von Reports in verschiedenen Systemen
HR_START_REPORT_IN_OTHERSYS_US HR: Starten von Reports in verschiedenen Systemen