
SAP Function Group RPAP

HR Recruitment

The Function Group RPAP (HR Recruitment) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PAPL. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RPAP
Short Text HR Recruitment
Package PAPL

Function Modules

Function Group RPAP contains 21 function modules.

HR_ADD_APPLICANT_DATA Anlegen von Stammsätzen für Bewerber
HR_CHECK_STRU_AUTH_VAC Prüfen der strukturellen Berechtigung für Vakanz
HR_GET_APPLICANT_DATA Daten des Bewerbers für das ESS Szenario
RP_AP_QUALI_MOVE_TO_PERNR Transfer applicant's qualifications when hiring takes place
RP_APPL_CHECK_READ_RESPO Verprobung und Lesen Vakanzverantwortlicher
RP_APPL_CHECK_READ_RESRF Verprobung und Lesen Bewerber-Sachbearber
RP_APPL_F4_750X Suchhilfe-Exit für HRPAD00_VACANCY
RP_APPL_F4_RESRF Wertehilfe für Bewerbersachbearbeiter
RP_APPLICANT_ASSIGNMENT Copies records from infotype 4002 to 1001 and vice versa
RP_APPLICANT_VALIDITY_INTERVAL Determines existence of applicants in period specified
RP_CHECK_VACANCY Check if vacancy exists and is not completely reserved or staffed
RP_POP_UP_DATA_CHANGED Display data changed
RP_POP_UP_FOR_NEW_DATE Pop-up for hiring date
RP_POP_UP_FOR_NEW_STATUS Change pop-up for status
RP_POP_UP_FOR_NEW_VACANCY Pop-up window for new vacancy
RP_POP_UP_REPEAT_OPT_ARCH Pop-up to query further objects to be linked via optical archive
RP_POP_UP_SELECT_OPTIONS Query simultaneous options advertisement and unsolicited applicant group
RP_READ_T750X Vakanzen lesen (Bewerberverwaltung)
RP_SELECT_ACTIVITY_POPUP HR Recruitment: Pop-up for choosing actions
RP_STATUS_CONSISTENCY_CHECK HR: Check consistency of vacancy assignment status and overall status
RP_T750X_UPDATE_FACTOR Update des Attributes FACTOR in Tabelle T750X (CLPOS)