The package PAPL (HR-PA Recruitment) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PAPL |
Short Text | HR-PA Recruitment |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PAPL contains 12 function groups.
0PXF | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXL | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
APPL | Business Object Applicant |
APPLICATION | Business Object Application |
PAOT | Business Object Applicant |
PAPL | HR applicant data workflow |
RH_MWB_RECRUITMENT | Recruitment in Manager's Desktop |
RPAP | HR Recruitment |
RPAP_DATA_MINING | Data Collection PA-RC Letters |
RPAP_WORDPROCESSOR | Interface Between PA-RC and MS Word |
RPAT | Data transfer and interfaces |
VAP1 |
SAP Package PAPL contains 68 transactions.
P1B1 | Transfer hiring data for applicant |
P1B2 | Transfer hiring data for applicant |
P1B3 | Transfer hiring data for applicant |
P1B4 | Transfer table T588Z, infotype 4000 |
P1B5 | Transfer opt. archive for applicant |
P1B6 | Transfer hiring data for applicant |
P1B7 | Conversion T750B |
PB00 | Recruitment |
PB04 | Number Range Maintenance: RP_PAPL |
PB10 | Init.entry of applicant master data |
PB20 | Display applicant master data |
PB30 | Maintain applicant master data |
PB40 | Applicant actions |
PB50 | Display Applicant Activities |
PB60 | Maintain Applicant Activities |
PB80 | Evaluate vacancies |
PBA0 | Evaluate advertisements |
PBA1 | Applicant index |
PBA2 | List of applications |
PBA3 | Applicant vacancy assignment list |
PBA4 | Receipt of application |
PBA5 | Recurring tasks: Print letters |
PBA6 | Recurring tasks: Print letters |
PBA7 | Recurring tasks: Data transfer |
PBA8 | Recurring tasks: Transfer data |
PBA9 | List of planned actions |
PBAA | Evaluate recruitment instrument |
PBAB | Maintain vacancy assignments |
PBAC | Applicant statistics |
PBAD | Recurring tasks: Print letters |
PBAE | Applicant pool |
PBAF | Vacancy assignment list |
PBAG | Screening |
PBAH | Decision |
PBAI | All applicants via qualifications |
PBAJ | Recruitment info system |
PBAK | Recurring Tasks: Print Labels |
PBAL | Bulk processing |
PBAM | Variable Applicant List |
PBAN | Ad Hoc Query |
PBAO | ABAP Query |
PBAP | Internal Applicants Via Quals |
PBAQ | External Applicants Via Quals |
PBAT | Choose SAPscript or WinWord |
PBAU | Maintain T750C |
PBAV | Display T750C |
PBAW | Maintain T750B |
PBAX | Display T750B |
PBAY | Maintain T750X |
PBAZ | Display T750X |
PBW1 | Career Center |
PBW2 | Application Status |
PBW2_TC | Application status |
PBW3 | Internet scenario for applicant |
PBW3_TC | Internet scenario for applicant |
PBW4 | Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE |
PBW5 | Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE |
PBWW | Customizing standard text in WinWord |
PU90 | Delete applicant data |
PZ21 | Employment Opportunities |
PZ21_TC | Employment Opportunities |
PZ22 | Application status |
PZ22_TC | Application status |
S_PH0_48000105 | Delete Applicant Data |
S_PH0_48000433 | InfoSet Query: Recruitment |
S_PH0_48000452 | InfoSet Query: Recruitment |
S_PH0_48000512 | Ad Hoc Query |
S_PH0_48000519 | Ad Hoc Query |
SAP Package PAPL contains 43 database tables.
PAPL | Applicant master data |
PB0001 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment) |
PB0002 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data) |
PB0006 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses) |
PB0007 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time) |
PB0008 | Applicant Master Record Infotype (Basic Pay) |
PB0009 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details) |
PB0014 | Applicant Master Record IT 0014 Recurring Pymnts/Deductions |
PB0015 | Applicant Master Record Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments) |
PB0016 | Applicant Master Record Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements) |
PB0022 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education) |
PB0023 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers) |
PB0024 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications) |
PB0028 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service) |
PB0041 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0041 |
PB0105 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications) |
PB4000 | Infotype 4000: Applicant Events |
PB4001 | Infotype 4001: Applications |
PB4002 | Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment |
PB4003 | Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities |
PB4004 | Applicant Data Infotype 4004 (Status of Recurring Tasks) |
PB4005 | Infotype 4005 (Applicant's Personnel Number) |
PBNNNN | Applicant data infotype NNNN (model) |
T750A | Vacancy published in advertisement |
T750B | Advertisement |
T750C | Recruitment instrument |
T750D | Medium |
T750E | Text for applicant group |
T750F | Text for applicant range |
T750G | Unsolicited application group |
T750H | Text for medium |
T750I | Text for unsolicited application group |
T750J | Applicant Activity Type |
T750K | Applicant group |
T750P | Text for action type |
T750R | Permitted document formats for internet applications |
T750X | Vacancy |
T751A | Applicant Status |
T751B | Text for applicant status |
T751C | Applicant status reason |
T751D | Allowed Combination of Status and Status Reason |
T751E | Applicant Action Type |
T751F | Text for applicant event type |
SAP Package PAPL contains 37 views.
H_T750B | Helpview for Table T750B |
H_T750C | Helpview for T750C |
H_T750D | Generated Helpview for Check Table T750D |
H_T750F | Helpview for Table T750F |
H_T750K | Helpview for T750K |
H_T751C | Helpview for Table T751C |
M_PAPMN | Generierter View für Matchcode ID PAPM-N |
M_PAPMO | Generated view for matchcode ID PAPM-O |
M_PAPMR | Generated view for matchcode ID PAPM-R |
M_PAPMW | Generated view for matchcode ID PAPM-W |
U_17100 | Applicant |
U_17101 | Application |
U_17104 | Job advertisement - item |
U_17105 | Applicant group |
U_17106 | Applicant range |
U_17107 | Unsolicited application group |
U_17108 | Applicant - vacancy - assignment |
U_17110 | Recruitment instrument - medium |
U_17111 | Recruitment instrument |
U_17112 | Job advertisement |
U_17115 | Applicant status |
U_17117 | Applicant status reason |
U_17120 | Applicant activity type |
U_17129 | Applicant - organizational specification |
U_17130 | Vacancy - employee responsible - specification |
U_17144 | Applicant action type |
U_17146 | Applicant action |
V_513A_C | Person Responsible |
V_750A_B | Vacancy Published |
V_T750A | Vacancy Published |
V_T750B | Advertisement |
V_T750C | Recruitment Instrument |
V_T750F | Applicant Range |
V_T750X | Vacancy |
V_T751C | Status Reason |
V_T751D | Admissible Combination of Status and Reason |
V_T751E | Applicant Action Type |
SAP Package PAPL contains 90 structures.
ADVERT | Advertisements According to Region |
APPLICANT | Applicant Master Data |
BAPIAPLADR | Applicant's Address |
BAPIAPLORG | Applicant's Organizational Assignment |
BAPIAPLPER | Personal Data on Applicant |
BAPIAPPL | Structure for business object applicants |
BAPIAPPLIC | Application |
BAPIAPSTA | Applicant Status |
BAPIEDUC | Education and Training |
BAPIEMPLOY | Previous Employers |
BAPIP0001 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment) |
BAPIP0006 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses) |
BAPIP0022 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education) |
BAPIP0023 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers) |
BAPIP0024 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications) |
BAPIP4000 | Infotype 4000: Applicant Events |
BAPIP4001 | Infotype 4001: Applications |
BAPIP4002 | Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment |
BAPIQUALI | Qualification |
BAPIVACASS | Vacancy Assignment |
BAPIVASTA | Vacancy Assignment Status |
CONTR | Text Variables for Work Contracts |
I0022 | Education |
I0023 | Former Employer |
I0024 | Qualifijationen (für Internetszenario) |
LABELS | Fields for accessing WinWord |
Attributes of a mail | |
MEMOACT | Data on applicant action |
P4000 | Infotype 4000: Applicant Events |
P4000_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P4001 | Infotype 4001: Applications |
P4001_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P4002 | Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment |
P4002_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P4003 | Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities |
P4003_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P4004 | Infotype 4004: Status of Actions |
P4004_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P4005 | Infotype 4005: Applicant's Personnel Number |
P4005_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PACTE | Transfer structure for rp_create_event_by_activity |
PANRED | Possible Entries for Form of Address |
PAPFI | Screen fields for applicant actions transaction |
PAPPL | Screen fields for applicant actions transaction |
PAPPSTAT | Vacancy Assignment Status |
PAPVA | Validity intervals for applicants (Func.mod. RP_APP.VAL) |
PAUSPR | Proficiencies |
PBKEY | Key for applicant data |
PBRANC | Industries |
PC301 | Applicant data: Version (technical) |
PC3AC | Applicant Activities |
PC3AL | Key for clusters AL and AN (PCL3) |
PC3AP | Key for cluster AP (PCL3) |
PEDUCA | Education and Training |
PFAART | Branches of Study |
PLANGU | Possible Entries for Language |
PME15 | Field String for Feature in T549B - Applicant Data |
PMONTH | Possible Entries Month |
PNATIO | Possible Entries for Nationality and Country |
PQUALI | Qualifications |
PREGIO | Possible Entries for Nationality and Country |
PREGION | Possible Regions for Advertisements |
PRELO | Update table for applicant file |
PS4000 | Infotype 4000: Applicant Events |
PS4001 | Infotype 4001: Applications |
PS4002 | Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment |
PS4003 | Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities |
PS4004 | Infotype 4004: Status of Actions |
PS4005 | Infotype 4005 (Applicant's Personnel Number) |
PSKOB | Key for applicant data archive object |
PSLABS | Certificate |
PSLART | School Types |
PTAETE | Jobs With Other/Previous Employers |
PTXT1 | Text variables for applicant data standard texts |
PUNITS | Units of Time/Measurement |
PVACIES | List of Vacancies |
PYEAR | Possible Entries Year Number |
Q4000 | Screen fields for P4000, Applicant Events |
Q4001 | Selection fields for receipt of application |
Q750C | Screen field table for T750C |
Q751E | Utility fields for screens in table T751E |
QPAPC00 | Selection criteria for evaluations in Recruitment |
QPAPC01 | Check fields for Recruitment |
QPAPL | Screen fields for Recruitment |
RFACT | Referenced applicant action |
RPAP_ADRS | Address Lines (Subset of ADRS) |
RPAP_DM_ERROR | Structure Error Table RPAP_Data_Mining- FB |
RPAPP | Parameters for Actions Transaction |
RPAXXXXX | Structure for Report Parameter RPA* |
VACHELP | Structure for Search Help Connection HRPAD00_VACANCY |
SAP Package PAPL contains 54 programs.
DBPAPGMC | Generator for MC Access Paths of LDB PNP |
MP013900 | Infotype 0139 (Employee's Applicant Number) |
MP400000 | ?... |
MP400100 | ?... |
MP400300 | Infotype 4003 (Applicant Activities) |
MP400400 | Infotype 4004 |
MPAP3CUS | Standard copy for user-exit for creating text variables |
RPAP_UPDATE_RELAT048 | Report for Creating Missing A/B048 Relationships for Applicants |
RPAPCUS2 | Report for Customizing Standard Texts |
RPAPDEL0 | Delete applicant data |
RPAPEX00 | Example of Report Structure for Evaluation of Applicant Data |
RPAPL001 | Applicants by Name |
RPAPL002 | Applications |
RPAPL003 | Vacancy Assignments |
RPAPL004 | Applicants by action |
RPAPL005 | Applicant Statistics |
RPAPL006 | Job Advertisements |
RPAPL008 | Evaluate Recruitment Instruments |
RPAPL009 | Applicants by Activity |
RPAPL010 | Vacancies |
RPAPL011 | Applicants' Education and Training |
RPAPL012 | Variable Applicant List |
RPAPLADR | Printing Labels for Applicant Correspondence |
RPAPLEUR | Converting job advertisement costs to Euros. |
RPAPRT01 | Print Letters (SAPscript) |
RPAPRT02 | Complete Activities after Printout |
RPAPRT03 | Recurring Tasks: Transfer Applicant Data to Master Data File |
RPAPRT04 | Complete Activities after Data Transfer |
RPAPRT05 | Print Letters (RTF format) |
RPAPRT06 | Print labels |
RPAPRT07 | Create Activities in Bulk Processing |
RPAPRT08 | Planned activities |
RPAPRT09 | Direct Transfer of Applicant Data |
RPAPUT00 | Maintain vacancy assignments |
RPAPUT01 | Applicant Selection |
RPAPUT02 | Correct Infotype P4001 |
RPAPUT91 | Applicant Selection |
RPAPUT92 | Convert 'Job Advertisements' Table (T750B) |
RPAPUT93 | Correction to company code according to T001P |
RPCHGATT | Change Assignment of Applicant Documents |
RPU30AP1 | Conversion of Text IDs in file TEXT from ST to PALT, PAML or PAOF |
RPU40A03 | Conversion Report Cluster/Infotype Table |
RPUC0002B | Update of infotype I0002 : Name conversion in applicant master data |
SAPMPAP0 | Recruitment: Access Tables |
SAPMPAP3 | Applicant Activities (PB50 and PB60) |
SAPMPAP4 | Identification of Multiple Applicants and Former Employees |
SAPMPAP6 | Fast Data Entry: Transfer Applicant Data |
SAPMPAP9 | Access WinWord for Customizing |
SAPMPW02 | Internet scenario 'career center' : OBSOLETE (substituted by PBW3) |
SAPMPW03_TC | Module pool SAPMPW03_TC |
SAPMPW12_TC | Report SAPMPW12_TC |
SAP Package PAPL contains 12 search helps.
H_T750B | Helpview for Table T750B |
H_T750C | Helpview for T750C |
H_T750D | Generated helpview for check table T750D |
H_T750F | Helpview for Table T750F |
H_T750K | Helpview for T750K |
H_T751C | Helpview for Table T751C |
PAPM | Collective search help for applicant numbers |
PAPMN | Personal data |
PAPMO | Advertisement |
PAPMQUERY | Free search |
PAPMR | Reference personnel number |
PAPMW | Recurring tasks |
SAP Package PAPL contains 1 message classes.
PA | Meldungen Personalbeschaffung |
SAP Package PAPL contains 1 authorization objects.
P_APPL | HR: Applicants |