
SAP Package PAPL

HR-PA Recruitment

The package PAPL (HR-PA Recruitment) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PAPL
Short Text HR-PA Recruitment
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PAPL contains 12 function groups.

0PXF Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PXL Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
APPL Business Object Applicant
APPLICATION Business Object Application
PAOT Business Object Applicant
PAPL HR applicant data workflow
RH_MWB_RECRUITMENT Recruitment in Manager's Desktop
RPAP HR Recruitment
RPAP_DATA_MINING Data Collection PA-RC Letters
RPAP_WORDPROCESSOR Interface Between PA-RC and MS Word
RPAT Data transfer and interfaces


SAP Package PAPL contains 68 transactions.

P1B1 Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B2 Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B3 Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B4 Transfer table T588Z, infotype 4000
P1B5 Transfer opt. archive for applicant
P1B6 Transfer hiring data for applicant
P1B7 Conversion T750B
PB00 Recruitment
PB04 Number Range Maintenance: RP_PAPL
PB10 Init.entry of applicant master data
PB20 Display applicant master data
PB30 Maintain applicant master data
PB40 Applicant actions
PB50 Display Applicant Activities
PB60 Maintain Applicant Activities
PB80 Evaluate vacancies
PBA0 Evaluate advertisements
PBA1 Applicant index
PBA2 List of applications
PBA3 Applicant vacancy assignment list
PBA4 Receipt of application
PBA5 Recurring tasks: Print letters
PBA6 Recurring tasks: Print letters
PBA7 Recurring tasks: Data transfer
PBA8 Recurring tasks: Transfer data
PBA9 List of planned actions
PBAA Evaluate recruitment instrument
PBAB Maintain vacancy assignments
PBAC Applicant statistics
PBAD Recurring tasks: Print letters
PBAE Applicant pool
PBAF Vacancy assignment list
PBAG Screening
PBAH Decision
PBAI All applicants via qualifications
PBAJ Recruitment info system
PBAK Recurring Tasks: Print Labels
PBAL Bulk processing
PBAM Variable Applicant List
PBAN Ad Hoc Query
PBAP Internal Applicants Via Quals
PBAQ External Applicants Via Quals
PBAT Choose SAPscript or WinWord
PBAU Maintain T750C
PBAV Display T750C
PBAW Maintain T750B
PBAX Display T750B
PBAY Maintain T750X
PBAZ Display T750X
PBW1 Career Center
PBW2 Application Status
PBW2_TC Application status
PBW3 Internet scenario for applicant
PBW3_TC Internet scenario for applicant
PBW4 Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE
PBW5 Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE
PBWW Customizing standard text in WinWord
PU90 Delete applicant data
PZ21 Employment Opportunities
PZ21_TC Employment Opportunities
PZ22 Application status
PZ22_TC Application status
S_PH0_48000105 Delete Applicant Data
S_PH0_48000433 InfoSet Query: Recruitment
S_PH0_48000452 InfoSet Query: Recruitment
S_PH0_48000512 Ad Hoc Query
S_PH0_48000519 Ad Hoc Query

Database Tables

SAP Package PAPL contains 43 database tables.

PAPL Applicant master data
PB0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PB0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PB0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PB0007 HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time)
PB0008 Applicant Master Record Infotype (Basic Pay)
PB0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PB0014 Applicant Master Record IT 0014 Recurring Pymnts/Deductions
PB0015 Applicant Master Record Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PB0016 Applicant Master Record Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
PB0022 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
PB0023 HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)
PB0024 HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
PB0028 HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)
PB0041 HR Master Record: Infotype 0041
PB0105 HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications)
PB4000 Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
PB4001 Infotype 4001: Applications
PB4002 Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
PB4003 Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
PB4004 Applicant Data Infotype 4004 (Status of Recurring Tasks)
PB4005 Infotype 4005 (Applicant's Personnel Number)
PBNNNN Applicant data infotype NNNN (model)
T750A Vacancy published in advertisement
T750B Advertisement
T750C Recruitment instrument
T750D Medium
T750E Text for applicant group
T750F Text for applicant range
T750G Unsolicited application group
T750H Text for medium
T750I Text for unsolicited application group
T750J Applicant Activity Type
T750K Applicant group
T750P Text for action type
T750R Permitted document formats for internet applications
T750X Vacancy
T751A Applicant Status
T751B Text for applicant status
T751C Applicant status reason
T751D Allowed Combination of Status and Status Reason
T751E Applicant Action Type
T751F Text for applicant event type


SAP Package PAPL contains 37 views.

H_T750B Helpview for Table T750B
H_T750C Helpview for T750C
H_T750D Generated Helpview for Check Table T750D
H_T750F Helpview for Table T750F
H_T750K Helpview for T750K
H_T751C Helpview for Table T751C
M_PAPMN Generierter View für Matchcode ID PAPM-N
M_PAPMO Generated view for matchcode ID PAPM-O
M_PAPMR Generated view for matchcode ID PAPM-R
M_PAPMW Generated view for matchcode ID PAPM-W
U_17100 Applicant
U_17101 Application
U_17104 Job advertisement - item
U_17105 Applicant group
U_17106 Applicant range
U_17107 Unsolicited application group
U_17108 Applicant - vacancy - assignment
U_17110 Recruitment instrument - medium
U_17111 Recruitment instrument
U_17112 Job advertisement
U_17115 Applicant status
U_17117 Applicant status reason
U_17120 Applicant activity type
U_17129 Applicant - organizational specification
U_17130 Vacancy - employee responsible - specification
U_17144 Applicant action type
U_17146 Applicant action
V_513A_C Person Responsible
V_750A_B Vacancy Published
V_T750A Vacancy Published
V_T750B Advertisement
V_T750C Recruitment Instrument
V_T750F Applicant Range
V_T750X Vacancy
V_T751C Status Reason
V_T751D Admissible Combination of Status and Reason
V_T751E Applicant Action Type


SAP Package PAPL contains 90 structures.

ADVERT Advertisements According to Region
APPLICANT Applicant Master Data
BAPIAPLADR Applicant's Address
BAPIAPLORG Applicant's Organizational Assignment
BAPIAPLPER Personal Data on Applicant
BAPIAPPL Structure for business object applicants
BAPIAPPLIC Application
BAPIAPSTA Applicant Status
BAPIEDUC Education and Training
BAPIEMPLOY Previous Employers
BAPIP0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
BAPIP0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
BAPIP0022 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
BAPIP0023 HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)
BAPIP0024 HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
BAPIP4000 Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
BAPIP4001 Infotype 4001: Applications
BAPIP4002 Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
BAPIQUALI Qualification
BAPIVACASS Vacancy Assignment
BAPIVASTA Vacancy Assignment Status
CONTR Text Variables for Work Contracts
I0022 Education
I0023 Former Employer
I0024 Qualifijationen (für Internetszenario)
LABELS Fields for accessing WinWord
MAIL Attributes of a mail
MEMOACT Data on applicant action
P4000 Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
P4000_AF Additional Query Fields
P4001 Infotype 4001: Applications
P4001_AF Additional Query Fields
P4002 Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
P4002_AF Additional Query Fields
P4003 Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
P4003_AF Additional Query Fields
P4004 Infotype 4004: Status of Actions
P4004_AF Additional Query Fields
P4005 Infotype 4005: Applicant's Personnel Number
P4005_AF Additional Query Fields
PACTE Transfer structure for rp_create_event_by_activity
PANRED Possible Entries for Form of Address
PAPFI Screen fields for applicant actions transaction
PAPPL Screen fields for applicant actions transaction
PAPPSTAT Vacancy Assignment Status
PAPVA Validity intervals for applicants (Func.mod. RP_APP.VAL)
PAUSPR Proficiencies
PBKEY Key for applicant data
PBRANC Industries
PC301 Applicant data: Version (technical)
PC3AC Applicant Activities
PC3AL Key for clusters AL and AN (PCL3)
PC3AP Key for cluster AP (PCL3)
PEDUCA Education and Training
PFAART Branches of Study
PLANGU Possible Entries for Language
PME15 Field String for Feature in T549B - Applicant Data
PMONTH Possible Entries Month
PNATIO Possible Entries for Nationality and Country
PQUALI Qualifications
PREGIO Possible Entries for Nationality and Country
PREGION Possible Regions for Advertisements
PRELO Update table for applicant file
PS4000 Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
PS4001 Infotype 4001: Applications
PS4002 Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
PS4003 Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
PS4004 Infotype 4004: Status of Actions
PS4005 Infotype 4005 (Applicant's Personnel Number)
PSKOB Key for applicant data archive object
PSLABS Certificate
PSLART School Types
PTAETE Jobs With Other/Previous Employers
PTXT1 Text variables for applicant data standard texts
PUNITS Units of Time/Measurement
PVACIES List of Vacancies
PYEAR Possible Entries Year Number
Q4000 Screen fields for P4000, Applicant Events
Q4001 Selection fields for receipt of application
Q750C Screen field table for T750C
Q751E Utility fields for screens in table T751E
QPAPC00 Selection criteria for evaluations in Recruitment
QPAPC01 Check fields for Recruitment
QPAPL Screen fields for Recruitment
RFACT Referenced applicant action
RPAP_ADRS Address Lines (Subset of ADRS)
RPAP_DM_ERROR Structure Error Table RPAP_Data_Mining- FB
RPAPP Parameters for Actions Transaction
RPAXXXXX Structure for Report Parameter RPA*
VACHELP Structure for Search Help Connection HRPAD00_VACANCY


SAP Package PAPL contains 54 programs.

DBPAPGMC Generator for MC Access Paths of LDB PNP
MP013900 Infotype 0139 (Employee's Applicant Number)
MP400000 ?...
MP400100 ?...
MP400300 Infotype 4003 (Applicant Activities)
MP400400 Infotype 4004
MPAP3CUS Standard copy for user-exit for creating text variables
RPAP_UPDATE_RELAT048 Report for Creating Missing A/B048 Relationships for Applicants
RPAPCUS2 Report for Customizing Standard Texts
RPAPDEL0 Delete applicant data
RPAPEX00 Example of Report Structure for Evaluation of Applicant Data
RPAPL001 Applicants by Name
RPAPL002 Applications
RPAPL003 Vacancy Assignments
RPAPL004 Applicants by action
RPAPL005 Applicant Statistics
RPAPL006 Job Advertisements
RPAPL008 Evaluate Recruitment Instruments
RPAPL009 Applicants by Activity
RPAPL010 Vacancies
RPAPL011 Applicants' Education and Training
RPAPL012 Variable Applicant List
RPAPLADR Printing Labels for Applicant Correspondence
RPAPLEUR Converting job advertisement costs to Euros.
RPAPRT01 Print Letters (SAPscript)
RPAPRT02 Complete Activities after Printout
RPAPRT03 Recurring Tasks: Transfer Applicant Data to Master Data File
RPAPRT04 Complete Activities after Data Transfer
RPAPRT05 Print Letters (RTF format)
RPAPRT06 Print labels
RPAPRT07 Create Activities in Bulk Processing
RPAPRT08 Planned activities
RPAPRT09 Direct Transfer of Applicant Data
RPAPUT00 Maintain vacancy assignments
RPAPUT01 Applicant Selection
RPAPUT02 Correct Infotype P4001
RPAPUT91 Applicant Selection
RPAPUT92 Convert 'Job Advertisements' Table (T750B)
RPAPUT93 Correction to company code according to T001P
RPCHGATT Change Assignment of Applicant Documents
RPU30AP1 Conversion of Text IDs in file TEXT from ST to PALT, PAML or PAOF
RPU40A03 Conversion Report Cluster/Infotype Table
RPUC0002B Update of infotype I0002 : Name conversion in applicant master data
SAPMPAP0 Recruitment: Access Tables
SAPMPAP3 Applicant Activities (PB50 and PB60)
SAPMPAP4 Identification of Multiple Applicants and Former Employees
SAPMPAP6 Fast Data Entry: Transfer Applicant Data
SAPMPAP9 Access WinWord for Customizing
SAPMPW02 Internet scenario 'career center' : OBSOLETE (substituted by PBW3)
SAPMPW03_TC Module pool SAPMPW03_TC

Search Helps

SAP Package PAPL contains 12 search helps.

H_T750B Helpview for Table T750B
H_T750C Helpview for T750C
H_T750D Generated helpview for check table T750D
H_T750F Helpview for Table T750F
H_T750K Helpview for T750K
H_T751C Helpview for Table T751C
PAPM Collective search help for applicant numbers
PAPMN Personal data
PAPMO Advertisement
PAPMQUERY Free search
PAPMR Reference personnel number
PAPMW Recurring tasks

Message Classes

SAP Package PAPL contains 1 message classes.

PA Meldungen Personalbeschaffung

Authorization Objects

SAP Package PAPL contains 1 authorization objects.

P_APPL HR: Applicants