
SAP Function Group SZAI

Functions for transport and client copy

The Function Group SZAI (Functions for transport and client copy) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SZAD. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SZAI
Short Text Functions for transport and client copy
Package SZAD

Function Modules

Function Group SZAI contains 9 function modules.

ADDR_ADJUST Help Module for Client Adjustment/Customizing Addresses
ADDR_CLIENTCOPY_SELECT_TABLES Transport Entries of the Address Management for the Client Copier
ADDR_COMPARE Help Module for Client Adjustment/Customizing Addresses
ADDRESS_PREPARE_TRANSPORT Warnungspopup für Transport von Customizing-Adressen
BEFORE_EXP_ADDRESS3 Before-Export-Methode für Benutzer (incl. Adressen)
BEFORE_EXP_CUST_ADDRESS Before-Export-Methode für Customizingadressen