SAP Package SZAD

SAP Technology - Business Services: Address Management

The package SZAD (SAP Technology - Business Services: Address Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SZAD
Short Text SAP Technology - Business Services: Address Management
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SZAD contains 51 function groups.

0ADR Basis Maint.Views for T005 and Dependent
0ADR_XLAND Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0ADR1 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0TZONEBAS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SADR Address formatting
SZA0 Business Address Services (w/o Dialog)
SZA1 Business Address Services Dialogs
SZA10 Communication Data w/o Postal Address
SZA11 Dialog Comm. Data w/o Postal Address
SZA12 Internal Conversion of Comm. Types BAS
SZA13 Lean Read Modules with DB Buffer
SZA15 Special Requirements for Application
SZA16 Customizing Table for Regional Structure
SZA17 Conversion for Regional Structure
SZA18 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SZA19 Service Modules for Time Stamp
SZA2 Service Functions Bus. Addr. services
SZA20 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SZA21 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SZA22 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SZA3 generated table maint. TSAD2 - TSAD8
SZA4 Auxiliary routines
SZA5 Dialog contact person address
SZA6 Communication types dialogs
SZA7 Private address dialogs
SZA8 Name format
SZA9 Reserve Function Group 9 Bus. Addr.Servs
SZAD Address management conversion old -> new
SZAD_CUST_TABLES Read general customizing tables
SZAE Maintain complex data type address
SZAF Functions for SAPoffice
SZAG Address archiving
SZAH Search Helps (Business Address Services)
SZAI Functions for transport and client copy
SZAJ Where-used list functions
SZAK BAPIs for BOR object BUS4001 (AddrOrg)
SZAL BAPIs for BOR object BUS4002 (AddrPers)
SZAM BAPIs f. BOR obj. BUS4003 (AddrContPart)
SZAN User management functions
SZAO BAPI structure conversion FMs
SZAP Regional structure service modules
SZAQ Country-dependent screen control
SZAS Duplicate check service FMs
SZAT Quarterly adjustment functionality
SZAU Geocodung service functions
SZAV Delta extractors for BW
SZAW Reserve Function Group W Bus. Addr.Servs
SZAX SFA Extractor Function Modules


SAP Package SZAD contains 49 transactions.

OVK2 C SD Table T005S 'Regions'
OY07 C Configure Countries (T005 - Basis)
OY09 Countries: Mobile Phone Properties
RSADRTC70TOADR11 Conversion of table TC70 in ADR11
S_BCE_68000278 IMG Activity: SIMG_SAPA_ADR_VERS
S_BCE_68000279 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA14
S_BCE_68000280 IMG Activity: SIMG_REGSTRUC_SRN1
S_BCE_68000281 IMG Activity: SIMG_REGSTRUC_SRN2
S_BCE_68000282 IMG Activity: SIMG_REGSTRUC_SRN3
S_BCE_68000285 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA01
S_BCE_68000286 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA03
S_BCE_68000287 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA02
S_BCE_68000288 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA04
S_BCE_68000289 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA13
S_BCE_68000290 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA05
S_BCE_68001293 IMG activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA15
S_BIE_59000194 IMG activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA16
S_BIE_59000219 IMG activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA17
S_Y6D_26000025 IMG Activity: SIMG_ADDRESSES_SA23
SA01 Number range maintenance: ADRNR
SA02 Academic Title (Bus. Addr. Services)
SA03 Titles (Business Address Services)
SA04 Name Prefixes (Bus. Addr. Services)
SA05 Name Suffix (Bus. Address Services)
SA06 Address or personal data source
SA07 Address Groups (Bus. Addr. Services)
SA08 Person Groups (Bus. Addr. Services)
SA09 Internat. versions address admin.
SA10 Address admin. communication type
SA11 Number range maintenance: ADRV
SA12 Number Range Maintenance: ADRVP
SA13 Name format rules
SA14 Pager Services (Bus. Addr. Services)
SA15 Address screen variants
SA15V Version-Specific Address Masks
SA16 Transport zones
SA17 Index pools for duplicate check
SA18 Titles (Business Address Services)
SA19 Titles (Business Address Services)
SA20 Conversion of Street Sections
SA21 Customizing Regional Structure (BAS)
SA22 Deactivate Specific Corrections
SA23 Address Version Regional Structure
SA24 Limit for Duplicate List
SADP Contact person addr.maint. init.scr.
SADQ Private address maint. initial scrn
SADR Address maint. - Group required!

Database Tables

SAP Package SZAD contains 137 database tables.

ADCNTRYQU Countries with active quarterly adjustment
ADCP Person/Address Assignment (Business Address Services)
ADCPS Shadow Table: Assignment Person/Addr. (Bus. Addr. Services)
ADOWNERREF Temporary reference address storage - Master object (ALE)
ADQUINDX INDX-type table for quarterly adjustment addresses
ADR10 Printer (Business Address Services)
ADR10S Shadow Table: Printer (Business Address Services)
ADR10S2 Shadow Table 2: Printer (Business Address Services)
ADR11 SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR11S Shadow Table: SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR11S2 Shadow Table 2: SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR12 FTP and URL (Business Address Services)
ADR12S Shadow Table: FTP and URL (Business Address Services)
ADR12S2 Shadow Table 2: FTP and URL (Business Address Services)
ADR13 Pager (Business Address Services)
ADR13S Shadow Table: Pager (Business Address Services)
ADR13S2 Shadow Table 2: Pager (Business Address Services)
ADR14 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services)
ADR15 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services)
ADR16 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services)
ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR2S Shadow Table: Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR2S2 Shadow Table 2: Telephone Nos (Business Address Services)
ADR3 Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR3S Shadow table: Fax numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR3S2 Shadow Table 2: Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR4 Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR4S Shadow Table: Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR4S2 Shadow Table 2: Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR5 Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR5S Shadow Table: Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR5S2 Shadow Table 2: Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 E-Mail Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADR6S Shadow Table: SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6S2 Shadow Table 2: SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR7 Remote Mail Addresses (R/3 - R/3, Business Address Services)
ADR7S Shadow Table: RML Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADR7S2 Shadow Table 2: RML Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADR8 X.400 Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR8S Shadow Table: X.400 Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR8S2 Shadow Table 2: X.400 Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR9 RFC Destinations (Business Address Services)
ADR9S Shadow Table: RFC Destinations (Business Address Services)
ADR9S2 Shadow Table 2: RFC Destination (Business Address Services)
ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADRCOMC Comm. Data Serial Number Counter (Business Address Services)
ADRCOMCS Shadow table: Counter for current numbers for comm. data
ADRCOMCS2 Shdow Table 2: Comm. data serial number counter
ADRCS Shadow Table: Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADRCS2 Shadow Table 2: Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADRCT Address Texts (Business Address Services)
ADRCTS Shadow Table: Texts for Addresses (Business Addr. Services)
ADRCTS2 Shadow Table 2: Address Texts (Business Address Services)
ADRDIF_CP District Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_CT City Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_PC Postal Code Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_PO PO Box Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_ST Street Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIFINFO Control Table for Quarterly Adjustment Difference Tables
ADRG Assignment of Addresses to Other Address Groups (BAS)
ADRGP Assignment of Persons to Further Person Groups (BAS)
ADRGPS Shadow table: Assignment of persons to other person groups
ADRGS Shadow table: Assignment of addresses to other address grps
ADRGS2 Shadow Table 2: Assign Addresses to Other Address groups
ADRP Persons (Business Address Services)
ADRPS Shadow Table: Persons (Business Address Services)
ADRSTATUS SADR -> ADRC address conversion status per address group
ADRSTRCONV Conversion of Street Sections
ADRT Communication Data Text (Business Address Services)
ADRTS Shadow Table: Texts for Communications Data (BAS)
ADRTS2 Shadow Table 2: Communication Data Texts (BAS)
ADRU Table for Communication Usages
ADRUS Shadow Table: Communication Usages (BAS)
ADRUS2 Shadow Table_2: Communication Usages (BAS)
ADRV Address Where-Used List (Business Address Services)
ADRVP Person Where-Used List (Business Address Services)
ADRVPS Shadow Table: Where-Used List for Persons (BAS)
ADRVS Shadow Table: Where-Used List for Addresses (BAS)
EXADR Table for Example Application (Business Address Services)
T005 Countries
T005A Address routines
T005B Name of address routines
T005E County
T005F County: Texts
T005N Name formats
T005O Name format fields
T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key
T005T Country Names
T005U Taxes: Region Key: Texts
TSAC Communication Methods (Business Address Services)
TSACT Communication Method Description (Business Address Services)
TSAD10 Indexable address fields for duplicate check
TSAD11 Key for CAM container
TSAD11T Key text (Container)
TSAD12 Reasons for Non-Delivery (Business Address Services)
TSAD12T Reasons for Non-Delivery (Texts) (Business Address Services)
TSAD13 Field Name for Regional Structure
TSAD13T Description for Field Name of Regional Structure
TSAD2 Academic Title (Business Address Services)
TSAD2T Academic Title Text (Business Address Services)
TSAD3 Forms of Address (Key) (Business Address Services)
TSAD4 Name Prefixes (Business Address Services)
TSAD5 Name Suffixes/Title (Key) (Business Address Services)
TSAD5T Name Suffixes Text (Business Address Services)
TSAD6 Source Address or Personal Data (Business Address Services)
TSAD6T Descriptions: Source Address/Personal Data (BAS)
TSAD7 Address Groups (Business Address Services)
TSAD7T Description of Address Groups (Business Address Services)
TSAD8 Groups of Persons (Business Address Services)
TSAD8T Name of Group of Persons (Business Address Services)
TSAD9 Screen variants for country-dependent address screens
TSAD9V Screen Variants for Version-Specific Address Masks
TSADCORR BC-SRV-ADR: Activate/Deactivate Specific Corrections
TSADOBJ Assignments of BOR object types to address reference types
TSADOBJT Semantic description of BOR object type addresses
TSADRU Communication Usages: DDIC Information
TSADRUT Description of the Communication Usages
TSADRV Where-used list addresses: Object types, DDIC information
TSADRVFLTV Object ref. types - Filter value assignment (dupl. index)
TSADRVGREC Threshold for Duplicate List in SAP Dialog Box
TSADRVGRP Object type groups for external search indexes
TSADRVGRPC Customizing settings for logical search pools
TSADRVGRPE Object type group elements for external search indexes
TSADRVGRPT Object type group texts
TSADV International versions of addresses
TSADVC Customizing international address versions
TSADVC_REG Obsolete, Use Table TSADVC_REG2
TSADVC_REG2 Version-Specific Control of Regional Structure
TSADVT Name of internationalen versions of addresses
TSAPD Pager Services (Business Address Services)
TSAPDT Pager Service Description (Business Address Services)
TSAPPLSUB Registration Table for App.-Defined Subscreen Area (BAS)
TSAV Address Versions (Business Address Services) (Obsolete)
TSAVT Address Versions Text (obsolete)
TZONE Customers: Regional zones
TZONT Customers: Regional Zone Texts


SAP Package SZAD contains 28 views.

AD_TSACAM1 Help View for the Standard Comm. Method of the CAM1 Address
H_T005E Helpview T005E
M_ADMCL Generated view for matchcode ID ADMC-L
M_ADMCN Generated view for matchcode ID ADMC-N
V_ADCP_SO View for SAPoffice
V_ADCP_USR Selection view for internal users
V_ADDR_USR Selection of all internal user address data
V_ADRC_1 Address1 search help view in collective Address search help
V_ADRP_CP Address3 search help view in general address search help
V_ADRP_CP2 Address2 view in total address search help
V_SAPTSADV International address versions (SAP maintenance)
V_SO_KEY View of USR21, SOUD and ADCP
V_T005_ADR Country table: Fields for the address management
V_T005_BAS Global Parameters of Countries (New Dimension Systems)
V_T005K_1 Communication: Mobile Telephone Properties
V_T005O Table T005O (name format fields) maintenance view
V_T005S Regions
V_TSAD2 Academic Title (Business Address Services)
V_TSAD3 Titles (Business Address Services)
V_TSAD4 Name Prefixes (Business Address Services)
V_TSAD5 Name Supplements/Noble Titles (Business Address Services)
V_TSADGREC Threshold for Duplicate List in SAP Dialog Box
V_TSADGRPC Customizing settings for logical search pools
V_TSADV International address versions
V_TSAPPLS Maintenance Registration for App.-Defined Subscreen Area
V_TZONEBAS Address management: Transport zones
V005_XLAND Maintenance View for IMG Relevance


SAP Package SZAD contains 300 structures.

AD1_FLAGS Address flag transfer structure
AD2_FLAGS Private address flag transfer structure
AD2DISPLAY Display structure for hit list: Personal addresses
AD3_FLAGS Transfer structure for person in company address flags
AD3DISPLAY Display structure for hit list: Addresses person in company
ADAGROUPS Address group (key) list transfer structure
ADAPFLDSEL Field Selection for Name Fields
ADARCH_KT1 Key Table for Archiving Class (Type 1)
ADARCH_KT2 Key Table for Archiving Class (Type 2)
ADARCH_KT3 Key Table for Archiving Class (Type 2)
ADARCH_RT1 Reference Table for Archiving Class (Type 1)
ADARCH_RT2 Reference Table for Archiving Class (Type 2)
ADARCH_RT3 Reference Table for Archiving Class (Type 3)
ADCOM_LINE Row Structure for Table of Communication Methods
ADCOMDATA Structure with redundant fields for communication data
ADCOMFLAGS maintenance flag transfer structure
ADCOMKEY Result table structure of FB ADDR_COMM_FIND_KEY
ADCOMREM Language-dependent notes for all communication types
ADCOMTYPES Line Structure for Internal Conversion of Comm. Types
ADCONSNR Selected cons numbers (ADDR_COMM_DIALOG)
ADCP_STRUC Include structure wit ADCP attributes
ADCP_VERS Structure to copy version-independent ADCP attributes
ADDATALINE Transfer structure for initial duplicate index
ADDELIVER Transfer Structure for Reason for Non-Delivery
ADDISPLAY Hit list display structure
ADDR_ADDR_PERS_CP_LINE Structure for Selection Tables for Table ADCP
ADDR_ADDR_PERS_LINE Selection Table Structure with Address and Person Number
ADDR_ADDRNUMBER_LINE Structure of Selection Tables of Address Numbers
ADDR_BW_K1 Key fields for BW extract structure (type 1)
ADDR_BW_K2 Key fields for BW extract structure (type 2)
ADDR_CHCKD Checked Regional Structure Field Transfer Structure
ADDR_COMM active communication types
ADDR_COMMD Telephone Numbers, Fax Numbers, and E-Mail in Address
ADDR_ERROR Transfer structure for error messages in the SZA0
ADDR_FRAME dynamic texts
ADDR_KEY Structure with reference key fields and address type
ADDR_KEY_2 Structure with Complete Address Key
ADDR_KEY_3 Structure with Complete Address Key (Without Handle)
ADDR_KEY_CLNT Address Key with Client Field and Object Key
ADDR_KEYHD Reference handle field structure
ADDR_KEYNR Structure with reference key fields and address type
ADDR_PERSNUMBER_LINE Structure for Selection Tables of Person Numbers
ADDR_REF Transfer structure for the use of addresses
ADDR_REM Language-dependent notes for all address types
ADDR_VERS Address version name and date
ADDR1_BW Extractor structure for BW (ADDR_BW_K1 + ADRC_BW )
ADDR1_COMM Telephone and fax numbers & E-mail in address object 1
ADDR1_DATA Address transfer structure
ADDR1_DIA Transfer structure FB ADDR_DIALOG
ADDR1_FIND Address search parameter
ADDR1_FSEL Field selection control for address object 1
ADDR1_FTS Company search term for error-tolerant search
ADDR1_KEYW Keywords for address object 1
ADDR1_SEL Address selection parameter
ADDR1_TEXT Texts for key fields (address object 1)
ADDR1_VAL Address return structure
ADDR2_BW Extractor structure for BW (ADDR_BW_K2 + ADRC_BW + ADRP_BW)
ADDR2_COMM Telephone and fax numbers & E-mail in address object 2
ADDR2_DATA Transfer structure for person with private address
ADDR2_FIND Search parameter for person with private address
ADDR2_FSEL Field selection control for address object 2
ADDR2_KEYW Key words for address object 2
ADDR2_SEL Selection parameter for person with private address
ADDR2_TEXT Texts for key fields (address object 2)
ADDR2_VAL Return structure for person with private address
ADDR3_COMM Telephone and fax numbers & E-mail in address object 3
ADDR3_DATA Transfer structure for the address of a person in a company
ADDR3_FIND Search parameter for the address of a person in a company
ADDR3_FSEL Field selection control for address object 3
ADDR3_KEYW Key words for address object 3
ADDR3_SEL Selection parameter for the address of a person in a company
ADDR3_TEXT Texts for key fields (address object 3)
ADDR3_VAL Return structure for the address of a person in a company
ADDUPERROR Error in Duplicate Check
ADFAX Transfer Structure for Fax Numbers (Business Addr. Services)
ADFLDLINE Error-tolerant address search field list row
ADINDEXRML Index structure for inverse search (ADR7)
ADINDEXX40 Index structure for inverse search (ADR8)
ADINDX_EXC Exception record which should not be in duplicate index
ADINDXPOOL Key for logical search pool in duplicate index
ADINTERVAL Validity Intervals
ADKEY_INDX External index addresss key
ADKEY_OBJ Duplicate Hit: Address Key and Owner Objects
ADNAMEFLD Name Fields of Address Screen Type 1
ADNM_STRUC Include structure with name attributes of the ADRC address
ADNR_STRUC Address Number and ADRC_STRUC
ADOBJ_KEY Object Key of an Owner Object
ADOBJLINE Initial duplicate index: Object type transfer structure
ADOWNERKEY Address owner information
ADPAG Pager Number Transfer Structure (Business Address Services)
ADPGROUPS Transfer structure for person group (key) list
ADPRT PRT Number Transfer Structure (Business Address Services)
ADQUCNTRY Country code reference structure in quarterly adjustment
ADQUENQREF Object to be locked for address quarterly adjustment
ADQUUPDRF1 Address type 1 quarterly adjustment refresh data
ADQUUPDRF2 Address type 2 quarterly adjustment refresh data
ADR_LSM LSM Workbench mapping auxil. structure
ADR_LSM_HD Header Data for Transfer Structures RSADRLSM02
ADR_LSM0 Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02: Cities
ADR_LSM1 Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02: Postal Codes
ADR_LSM2 Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02: Districts
ADR_LSM3 Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02:Streets
ADR_LSM4 Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02: PO Boxes
ADR_LSM5 First Additional Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02:
ADR_LSM6 Second Additional Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02
ADR_LSMALL Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02 (all fields w/o references)
ADR_LSMREF Transfer Structure RSADRLSM02 (Only Reference Fields)
ADR7D Address management: RML addresses/data part (int. tab.)
ADR8D Address management: X400 numbers/data division (int. tab.)
ADRC_BW Extractor structure for BW
ADRC_ERROR ADRC Attributes Without Name Fields plus Error Structure
ADRC_QU1 Quarterly adjustment transfer structure
ADRC_QU2 Quarterly adjustment return structure
ADRC_QU3 Quarterly adjustment marker table reference structure
ADRC_SRCH ADRC search field transfer structure
ADRC_STRUC Include structure with ADRC attributes without name fields
ADRC_STRUC_KEY ADRC Attributes Without Name Fields with Address Key
ADRC_VERS Structure for copying version-independent ADRC attributes
ADREF_INDX Logical object type for external address index
ADRFC RFC Address Data Transfer Structure (Bus. Addr. Services)
ADRKEY_CP District Key Field Difference Table
ADRKEY_CT City Key Field Difference Table
ADRKEY_PC Postal Code Key Field Difference Table
ADRKEY_PO PO Box Key Field Difference Table
ADRKEY_ST Street Key Field Difference Table
ADRML RML Address Transfer Structure (Business Address Services)
ADRP_BW Extractor structure for BW
ADRP_STRUC Include structure with ADRP attributes
ADRP_VERS Structure for copying version-independent ADRP attributes
ADRRS_CITY Main City Maintenance Fields
ADRRS_CPRT Main District Maintenance Fields
ADRRS_PBOX Main PO Box Maintenance Fields
ADRRS_PCOD Main Postal Code Maintenance Fields
ADRRS_STRT Main Street Maintenance Fields
ADRRSRF_CP Significant References for District Maintenance
ADRRSRF_CT Significant References for City Maintenance
ADRRSRF_PC Significant References for Postal Code Maintenance
ADRRSRF_PO Significant References for PO Box Maintenance
ADRRSRF_ST Significant References for Street Maintenance
ADRS Address formating function module transfer structure
ADRS_LIST Formatted address display structure
ADRS_POST Postal part of an address (for address formatting)
ADRS_PRINT Formatted address (maximum 10 lines)
ADRS_TAB Address formatting internal table structure
ADRS1 Address format transfer structure (normal address)
ADRS1_NAME Address type 1-specific formatting sub-structure
ADRS2 Address formatting transfer structure (personal address)
ADRS2_NAME Address type 2-specific formatting sub-structure
ADRS3 Address formatting structure: Contact person-business addr.
ADRS3_NAME Address type 3-specific formatting sub-structure
ADRSTRCONV_C1 Conversion of Streets with Delete Flag
ADRSTRCONV_C2 Conversion of Streets with Error Flag
ADRU_UPD Buffer Structure for Table ADRU
ADSCREENTD Screen Structure for Time-Specific Fields
ADSMTP SMTP Addresses Data Transfer Structure (Bus. Addr. Services)
ADSMTP_SHORT Return Structure for Cross-Client Reading of E-Mail Addr.
ADSRCHLINE Address search table rows
ADSSF SSF Address Transfer Structure (Business Address Services)
ADSUSE Transfer Structure for Communication Usages (Single Type)
ADTEL Telephone Number Data Transfer Structure (BAS)
ADTLX Telex Number Data Transfer Structure (Bus. Addr. Services)
ADTTX Teletex Number Data Transfer Structure (BAS)
ADURI URI Address Transfer Structure (Business Address Services)
ADUSE Transfer Structure for Communication Usages (BAS)
ADVALACAD Structure for F4 help on field 'Academic Title'
ADVALCOMM Communication type field F4 help structure
ADVALPREF Structure for F4 help on field 'Name Prefix'
ADVALREG Structure for F4 Help to Field 'Region'
ADVALSPPL Structure for F4 help on field 'Name Affix'
ADVALTITLE Structure for F4 help on field 'Address'
ADX400 X.400 Address Data Transfer Structure (Bus. Addr. Services)
AESC_ADNUM AES container linked with address number
BAPI4001_1 BUS4001 BAPI reference structure
BAPI4002_1 BUS4002 BAPI reference structure
BAPI4003_1 BUS4003 BAPI reference structure
BAPIAD_REM BAPI structure for address comments
BAPIAD_REX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD_REM
BAPIAD1VAL Address distribution BAPI structure
BAPIAD1VD BAPI Structure Addr. Type 1, Fields Depend on Int. Versions
BAPIAD1VDX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD1VD
BAPIAD1VI BAPI Structure Address Type 1 Fields Indep. of Int. Versions
BAPIAD1VIX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD1VI
BAPIAD1VL Address type 1 distribution BAPI structure
BAPIAD1VLX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIAD1VL
BAPIAD2VD BAPI Structure Address Type 2 Fields Dep. on Int. Versions
BAPIAD2VDX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD2VD
BAPIAD2VI BAPI Structure Address Type 2 Fields Indep. of Int. Versions
BAPIAD2VIX Change BAPI Reference Structure to Structure BAPIAD2VI
BAPIAD2VL Address type 2 distribution BAPI structure
BAPIAD2VLX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIAD2VL
BAPIAD3VD BAPI Structure Address Type 3 Fields Depend on Int. Versions
BAPIAD3VDX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD3VD
BAPIAD3VI BAPI Structure Address Type 3, Fields Ind. of Int. Versions
BAPIAD3VIX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD3VI
BAPIAD3VL Address type 3 distribution BAPI structure
BAPIAD3VLX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIAD3VL
BAPIADDR1 BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Org./Company)
BAPIADDR1X BAPI change reference structure for addresses (Org./Company)
BAPIADDR2 BAPI reference structure for addresses (nat. persons)
BAPIADDR2X BAPI change reference structure for addresses (nat. persons)
BAPIADDR3 BAPI reference structure for addresses (contact person)
BAPIADDR3X BAPI change reference struct. for addresses (contact person)
BAPIADFAX BAPI Structure for Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
BAPIADFAXX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIADFAXX
BAPIADPAG BAPI Structure for Pager Numbers (Business Address Services)
BAPIADPAGX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIADPAG
BAPIADPRT BAPI Structure for PRT Addresses (Business Address Services)
BAPIADPRTX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIADPRT
BAPIADRFC BAPI Structure for RFC Addresses (Business Address Services)
BAPIADRFCX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIADRFC
BAPIADRML BAPI Structure for RML Addresses (Business Address Services)
BAPIADRMLX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIADRML
BAPIADSMTP BAPI Structure for E-Mail Addresses (Bus. Address Services)
BAPIADSMTX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIADSMTP
BAPIADSSF BAPI Structure for SSF Addresses (Business Address Services)
BAPIADSSFX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPIADSSF
BAPIADTEL BAPI Structure for Telephone Numbers (Bus. Address Services)
BAPIADTELX Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADTEL
BAPIADTLX BAPI Structure for Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
BAPIADTLXX Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIADTLX
BAPIADTTX BAPI Structure for Teletex Numbers (Bus. Address Services)
BAPIADTTXX Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADTTX
BAPIADURI BAPI Structure for URI Addresses (Business Address Services)
BAPIADURIX Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADURI
BAPIADUSE BAPI Structure for Communication Usages (BAS)
BAPIADUSEX Change Reference Structure for BAPIADUSE
BAPIADX400 BAPI Structure for X.400 Addresses (Bus. Address Services)
BAPIADX40X Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIADX400
BAPICOMREM BAPI structure for communication type comments
BAPICOMREX Change BAPI reference structure to BAPICOMREM
CAM1_KEYW Structure for BAS Screen Field Names for CAM1 Addresses
E1ADR2MAS Header segment
E1ADR3MAS Header segment
E1ADRMAS Header segment
E1BPAD_REM BAPI structure for address comments
E1BPAD1VAL Address distribution BAPI structure
E1BPAD1VL Address distribution BAPI structure
E1BPAD1VL1 Address type 1 distribution BAPI structure
E1BPAD2VL Return structure for person with private address
E1BPAD2VL1 Address type 2 distribution BAPI structure
E1BPAD3VL Return structure for the address of a person in a company
E1BPADFAX BAPI Structure for Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
E1BPADPAG BAPI Structure for Pager Numbers (Business Address Services)
E1BPADPRT BAPI Structure for PRT Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADRFC BAPI Structure for RFC Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADRML BAPI Structure for RML Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADSMTP BAPI Structure for E-Mail Addresses (Bus. Address Services)
E1BPADSSF BAPI Structure for SSF Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADSSF1 BAPI Structure for SSF Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADSSF2 BAPI Structure for SSF Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADTEL BAPI Structure for Telephone Numbers (Bus. Address Services)
E1BPADTLX BAPI Structure for Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
E1BPADTTX BAPI Structure for Teletex Numbers (Bus. Address Services)
E1BPADURI BAPI Structure for URI Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADURI1 BAPI Structure for URI Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADURI2 BAPI Structure for URI Addresses (Business Address Services)
E1BPADUSE BAPI Structure for Communication Usages (BAS)
E1BPADX400 BAPI Structure for X.400 Addresses (Bus. Address Services)
E1BPCOMREM BAPI structure for communication type comments
NAME_PARTS Parts of the name of a natural person
PERS_DATA Transfer structure for person with private address
PERS_REF Person Use Data Transfer Structure (Business Addr. Service)
PERS_SEL Person Selection Parameters in Business Address Services
SADRFIELDS SADR structure with ADRC field names
SVALP User Exits data transfer structure
SZA1_D0050 Screen fields SAPLSZA10050 (fields not in ADDR1_FIND)
SZA1_D0100 Screen fields SAPLSZA10100 (fields not cont. in ADDR1_DATA)
SZA11_0100 Screen Fields SAPLSZA110100
SZA5_D0650 Dynpro fields SAPLSZA50650 (fields not ADDR3_FIND)
SZA5_D0700 Dynpro fields SAPLSZA50700 (fields not cont. in ADDR3_DATA)
SZA7_D0350 Screen fields SAPLSZA70350 (not in ADDR2_FIND fields)
SZA7_D0400 Screen fields SAPLSZA70400 (not in ADDR2_DATA fields)
SZA7_D0400_PERSON Person Attributes in Structure SZA7_d0400
SZAD_FIELD Reference Structures of Package SZAD
VADCP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR10 Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR11 Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR12 Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR13 Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR14 Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR15 Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR16 Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR2 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR3 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR4 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR5 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR6 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR7 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR8 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADR9 Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADRC Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADRCT Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADRP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADRT Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VADRU Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
VADRU_2 Copy of Change Document Structure VADRU


SAP Package SZAD contains 51 programs.

ADDR_STRCONV_READ Read Converted Keys for Street Sections
EXADR1 CAM example: Create and display customers
RS005ADR Set the field T005-XADDR
RS1ADRCL Customer exit (1) Address management for Client Copy
RS2ADRCL Customer exit (2) Address management for Client Copy
RS3ADRCL Customer exit (3) Address management for Client Copy
RS4ADRCL Customer exit (4) Address management for Client Copy
RS5ADRCL Clean-up of RML address after client copy (with users)
RSADRCK1 Address management check report (SO key and where-used list inconsist)
RSADRCK10 Put leading zeros in ADRC-CITY_CODE
RSADRCK11 Address management check report
RSADRCK12 Address management check report
RSADRCK13 Address management check report
RSADRCK14 Address management check report
RSADRCK15 Address management check report
RSADRCK16 Address management check report
RSADRCK17 Address management check report
RSADRCK18 Address management check report
RSADRCK19 Address management check report
RSADRCK2 User without address (mass update)
RSADRCK20 Address management check report
RSADRCK3 Business Address Services: Change Addr. Grp BP, SD01 Conversion Status
RSADRCK4 Changeing user addresses from imported addresses
RSADRCK5 Address management check report: Create user data from USR03
RSADRCK6 Address management check report: Compare ADRCOMC - flags in ADRC/ADCP
RSADRCK7 Generate user Internet/Mail addresses
RSADRCK8 Create entries in table ADRV
RSADRCK9 Cleanup users with identical addresses
RSADRDEL Delete corrupt table entries (centr. address management)
RSADRLSM01 Delete all postal code, city, streets
RSADRLSM02 Fill regional structure with postal code, city, streets, ...
RSADRLSM03 Separate Outpu of Program RSADRLSM02 Log
RSADRLSM04 Program RSADRLSM02 Input Files Consistency Check
RSADRQU1 Create an address index for the quarterly adjustment
RSADRQU2 Check and update address data in quarterly adjustment
RSADRQU3 Quarterly Adjustment: Write Updated Addresses to Database
RSADRRS01 Regional strukcure: Read invalid checked addresses
RSADRTC70TOADR11 Conversion of table TC70 in ADR11 (SSF)
RSDXBUS4001 Create outbound IDOC for DX Workbench (address type 1, object BUS4001)
RSDXBUS4002 Create outbound IDOC for DX Workbench (address type 2, object BUS4002)
RSDXBUS4003 Create outbound IDOC for DX Workbench (address type 3, object BUS4003)
RSXADR01 Main XPRA for converting address tables SADR* -> ADR*
RSXADR03 Basis part of the conversion of address tables SADR* -> ADR*
RSXADR04 Additional basis part for addresses XPRA (RSXADR01) - Table SOGR
SAPFSZA0 Pool for external form routines (central address management)
SAPMSADR Address maintenance transaction initial screen

Search Helps

SAP Package SZAD contains 16 search helps.

AD_APPLSUB Search Help for Filter Value Application-Defined Subscreen
AD_NAMEFORMAT Display name formatting rules
AD_TSACAM1 Search Help for the Standard Comm. Method for CAM1 Address
ADDR_SH_PREFIX Search help for prefix words
ADDR1_SH_TITLE Search help for title
ADDR2_SH_TITLE Search help for title (only titles of persons)
ADDRESS Collective search help for all types of addresses
ADDRESS1 Search help for organization addresses
ADDRESS2 Search help for private addresses
ADDRESS3 Search Help for Contact Partner Addresses (Workplace Addr.)
ADMC Business Address Services Matchcode
ADMCL Country, region, sort field, name, City, Street
ADMCN Name, address, sort field
F4_INTCA ISO Country Code
H_T005_LAND Help View for Countries
H_T005E Helpview T005E

Message Classes

SAP Package SZAD contains 1 message classes.

AM Business Address Services

Authorization Objects

SAP Package SZAD contains 4 authorization objects.

S_ADDRCOMM Business Address Services: Communication Addresses
S_ADDRESS1 Business Address Services: Address Type 1 (Org. Addresses)
S_ADDRESS2 Business Address Services: Address Type 2 (Private Addrs.)
S_ADDRESS3 Business Address Services: Addr. Type 3 (Work Center Addrs.)