

Object type group elements for external search indexes

The table TSADRVGRPE (Object type group elements for external search indexes) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SZAD.

Technical Information

Short Text Object type group elements for external search indexes
Package SZAD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TSADRVGRPE

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
DEP_TABLE Dependent object: Logical table name AD_DEPTAB CHAR 10 TSADRV
DEP_FIELD Dependent object: Logical field name AD_DEPFLD CHAR 10 TSADRV
TABLENAME Application table logical name (address management) AD_APPLTAB CHAR 10 TSADRVGRP
FIELDNAME Application table address where-used list logical field name AD_APPLFLD CHAR 10 TSADRVGRP
ADR_TYPE1 Flag: Uses typ1 addresses AD_REF_TY1 CHAR 1
ADR_TYPE2 Flag: Uses type 2 addresses AD_REF_TY2 CHAR 1
ADR_TYPE3 Flag: Uses type 3 addresses AD_REF_TY3 CHAR 1
FUNC_EXC1 Duplicate index Get exception function module AD_FUNCEX1 CHAR 30 *