SAP Function Group WPSTLDI

DI A&D: WPS T.L.Hierarchy - Direct Input

The Function Group WPSTLDI (DI A&D: WPS T.L.Hierarchy - Direct Input) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package DIWPS_TL. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group WPSTLDI
Short Text DI A&D: WPS T.L.Hierarchy - Direct Input
Package DIWPS_TL

Function Modules

Function Group WPSTLDI contains 4 function modules.

WPSTLDI_CREATE_TASK_LIST_HIER Arbeitsplanhierarchie anlegen
WPSTLDI_CREATE_TLH_NODE Untere Ebene: AB-Kopf als Knoten in Hierarchie Techn.Platz anl.(dir.Eing.)
WPSTLDI_INSERT_SUBORDINATE_TL LowLevel: Append subord. task list as new op. to a task list (Dir. Inp.)
WPSTLDI_POST_TLH LowLevel: Post task list hierarchy to data base (Direct Input)