

Arbeitsplanhierarchie anlegen

The Function Module WPSTLDI_CREATE_TASK_LIST_HIER (Arbeitsplanhierarchie anlegen) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group WPSTLDI within the package DIWPS_TL.

Technical Information

Short Text Arbeitsplanhierarchie anlegen
Function Group WPSTLDI
Package DIWPS_TL
Module Type Remote-Enabled

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
I_AENNR TYPE AENNR Change number
I_CHECK_EXTID_UNIQUE TYPE XFELD Check if ext. ID identifies one / unique subordinate task list
I_CREATE_ALOG TYPE XFELD Create an application log
I_KYDAT TYPE DATUV Valid-from date / Key date of task lists
I_TEST_RUN TYPE XFELD Test run: No data bas updates
I_TLATTR TYPE WPSTLKDITAB Task list header attributes (new nodes)
I_TLH TYPE WPSTLHDITAB Task list hierarchy

Exporting Parameters

This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
CYCLE_FOUND Cycle found in new task list hierarchy
DIFF_EQUIPMENTS_WITHIN_HIER Different equipments within one t.l. hierarchy
DIFF_FLOCS_WITHIN_HIER Different func. locs. within one t.l. hierarchy
ERROR_AENR Error in check for change number occured
ERROR_LOCK Error in lock occured (change number, task list, ...)
EXTID_NOT_UNIQUE The external task list ID is not unique
INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error (should not occur)
INT_NUMBER_NOT_POSSIBLE Internal number assignment (for I_PLNAL, header) not possible
INVALID_EQUIPMENT Invalid equipment
INVALID_EXTERNAL_NUMBER External number (I_PLNAL) (new header) is invalid
INVALID_FUNC_LOC Invalid functional location
INVALID_PLANT Invalid plant (new header task list)
INVALID_PLNTY Invalid task list type
INVALID_PL_GROUP Invalid resp. planner group (new header task list)
INVALID_STATUS Invalis task list status (new header task list)
INVALID_SYS_COND Invalid system condition (new header task list)
INVALID_USAGE Invalid task list usage (new header task list)
MISSING_EQUIPMENT Missing equipment in equipment task list
MISSING_FUNC_LOC Missing functional location in task list for func.loc.
MIX_E_WITH_FLOC Mix of task lists for equipments and func.locs.
NO_AUTHORITY Missing authority or error in authority check
PLANT_NOT_UNIQUE A parent and child task list have different planning plants
TL_EXISTS Task list (header) does already exist
TL_LEAF_NOT_FOUND Task list which is a leaf was not found on data base
TL_PARENT_FOUND_IN_DB Task list which is a parent was found in data base
TL_PARENT_NO_ATTR No attributes for a parent node in import table found
UNIDENTIFIED_TL_IN_TLH A task list in task list hierarchy is not identified by complete key or ext. ID