The Function Group WRMA_PI_REV2 (Help functions for revaluation) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package WRMA_PI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | WRMA_PI_REV2 |
Short Text | Help functions for revaluation |
Package | WRMA_PI |
Function Group WRMA_PI_REV2 contains 5 function modules.
WRMA_CHECK_ACTIVE | Check ob RMA im Mandanten überhaupt aktiv ist |
WRMA_GET_RFCDEST | Liefert RFC-Destination d. angeschl. BW-Systems |
WRMA_READ_T023 | Lesen der Warengruppendaten |
WRMA_READ_WRMA_T001W | Liest Daten zum Werk |
WRMA_STOCK_VALUES_READ | Bestandsdaten (gepuffert) aus MBEW lesen |