The package WRMA_PI (Enhancements for Data Derivation for RMA Engine (Retail)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PI-BIW.
Package | WRMA_PI |
Short Text | Enhancements for Data Derivation for RMA Engine (Retail) |
Parent Package | PI-BIW |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 11 function groups.
0WCRMA_PI_01 | Customizing PlugIn Development for RMA |
WRMA_PI_HIER | Hierarchy for merchandise category |
WRMA_PI_HLP1 | Search help for RMA |
WRMA_PI_REV1 | RMA Revaluation |
WRMA_PI_REV2 | Help functions for revaluation |
WRMA_PI_REV3 | Generate IDOC Interface |
WRMA_PI_REV4 | RMA Revaluation |
WRMA_PI_REV5 | Application Log Functions |
WRMA_PI_REV6 | RMA revaluation, status update |
WRMA_PI_SEND | Move Data To BW |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 5 transactions.
WRMA_1 | Revaluation Run RMA |
WRMA_C1 | RMA settings valid for the client |
WRMA_DIAG_R3 | Diagnosis Support On/Off |
WRMA_M1 | RMA: Maintenance of plant parameter |
WRMA_M2 | RMA: Maint. of value-only art. assgt |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 7 database tables.
WRMA_DIAG_R3 | Diagnosis support with RMA |
WRMA_EVALIDOC | Document flow for RMA revaluations |
WRMA_EVALPER | Completed RMA Periods |
WRMA_LINVDAT | Last Inventory Date per Material Group (for RMA Evaluation) |
WRMA_MANDT | Single Client Settings for RMA |
WRMA_T001W | Define plant-dependent parameter for RMA |
WRMA_T023 | RMA Value-Only Article Assignment for Merchandise Category |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 5 views.
V_WRMA_T001W | Define plant-dependent parameters for RMA |
V_WRMA_T023 | RMA Value-Only Article Assignment for Merchandise Category |
WRMA_V_MBEW | View for Selection of Purch. and Sales Stock of a Mat. Group |
WRMA_V_MBEWH | View for Selection of Purch. and Sales Stock of a Mat. Group |
WRMA_V_RECAST_MH | View for Selection of Purch. and Sales Stock of a Mat. Group |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 14 structures.
VWRMA_LINVDAT | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
WRMA_MATKL_PI | Structure for RMA material group transfer to the RMA engine |
WRMA_PI_ERROR_CONTEXT | Context for Error Message in PlugIn for RMA |
WRMA_PI_MESSAGE | Structure for Messages in RMA Evaluation |
WRMA_S_EVALDAT_1 | RMA Evaluation Data from the BW |
WRMA_S_EVALPER_1 | RMA period data from the RMA engine |
WRMA_S_GENERATE_PI | Structure with the objects that are to be generated |
WRMA_S_MBEW_MATKL_PI | Purchasing and sales values for a material group |
WRMA_S_MBEW_MATNR | Purchasing and sales values for a material group |
WRMA_S_MBEWU | Internal structure for RMA evaluation |
WRMA_S_PVAEN | Revaluation for Retail Price Changes |
WRMA_S_REVI | Transfer Table for Revaluation at Retail by FM |
WRMA_S_T156 | Structure with transaction data |
WRMA_S_T156T | Structure with transaction data texts |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 3 programs.
WRMA_MATKL_TEST | Tests whether Material group for RMA has been fully maintained |
WRMA_REVALUATION | RMA - Revaluation Run |
WRMA_SET_DIAG_R3 | Set Diagnosis Indicator RMA |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 1 search helps.
WRMA_DIFFMAT | Assign Difference Material |
SAP Package WRMA_PI contains 1 message classes.
WRMA | RMA-Entwicklung |