
SAP Message Class 3X

Claim Processing

The Message Class 3X (Claim Processing) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PCLM.

Technical Information

Message Class 3X
Short Text Claim Processing
Package PCLM


ID Language Text
000 E No entry for Program & &
001 E No entry for Program variant for &
002 E No entry for Claim plan details for & & on &
003 E No entry for Claim plan variant for & &
004 E No entry for Claim plan & / plan variant & / selection & / on &
005 E Employee & has no valid Claim plans on &
006 E Gender indicator missing
007 E No entry for Claim program variant & / selection & / on &
008 E Employee's claim group could not be obtained from feature
009 E No entry for Plan & for wagetype details on &
010 E No entry for dependent cover &
011 E Number of days exceeds eligiblity
012 E Enter either eligibility percent and dependent's amount or leave blank
013 E Claim limit is for EE and Family is valid only if EE's claim limit exists
014 E Please enter Dep.cover or leave Claim limit is for EE and Family blank
015 E Eligibility percent is not valid with unlimited EE's annual claim limit
016 E Cliam amount for & per day is only &
017 E Please enter a valid claim date
018 E Please enter a valid claim plan
019 E No such dependant found. Please use F4 for a valid list
020 E Enter either dependent cover and eligibility percent or leave blank
021 E Please enter rule or enter only amount or percent or leave blank
022 E Please enter both amount and percent or leave rule blank
023 E Please enter a valid bill date
024 E Employee is not eligible for any claim plan
025 E Dependents are not allowed for this claim plan
026 E Dependent & not assigned to dependent cover &
027 E Please enter a valid bill date
028 E Please enter a valid plan
029 E Bill date cannot be greater than Claim date
030 E Referral can only be ticked when Doctor ID has a value
031 E Doctor ID not valid for this plan
032 E Accounted records cannot be deleted
033 E Please select a record first
034 E No values selected
035 E No more records
036 E Error reading Entitlement details. Plan & cannot be processed.
037 E Previous plan year claims can only be made uptill &
038 E No additional information has been created for claim & bill no &
039 E Please select a record first
040 E Only & plans allowed for period & &
041 E Amount exceeds elligibilty. Total elligibility & . Claimed to date &
042 E Amount exceeds elligibility. Record can be saved but will not be paid.
043 E No data to account
044 E Amount exceeds maximum amount per claim & .
045 E Amount & exceeds total eligible amount & available for Program & &
046 E Please use F4-Help to assign proper Base Wagetype
047 E Accounted records must be changed with caution
048 E Error reading Claim Variant for Plan & . Please check customising.
049 E Plan is not valid for this period. Please check customising
050 E Please enter carry forward percent less than or equal to 100.
051 E Please enter valid Doctor ID.
052 E Error reading Claim Variant for Program & . Please check customising.
053 E Only & plans allowed for &
054 E Rule not allowed, since seniority is not a criterion
055 E Accounted record(s) have been modified. Please account records first.
056 E Data Update was successful.
057 E There were some problems in Update. please check Error List.
058 E Lock error. Cannot process &
059 E & can now be processed. Lock has been released.
060 E Please enter relevant type of dependent cover
061 E No dependents are assigned to dependent cover &
062 E Error during release of lock entry for key & &
063 E Employee's basic pay could not be obtained for the feature
064 E Bill date is later than the coverage period after the termination
065 E Update was not successful for the following records.
066 E Claim entry for & & & .
067 E End of unsuccessful records.
068 E Personnel number &1 does not exist on the selected date.
070 E Error in LOS calculation: Employee not hired
071 E Doctor Id not required for plan
072 E Please press enter key
073 E Please do not enter non-reimbursable amt for receipt type of transaction.
074 E Please enter relevant claim details.
075 E Claim entry not in valid date range.
076 E Please do not change the plan year for accounted claims.