
SAP Package PCLM

Claims processing :Asia

The package PCLM (Claims processing :Asia) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PCLM
Short Text Claims processing :Asia
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PCLM contains 5 function groups.

HRCLM00 Fugr for Claims processing - Views
HRCLM00ENROLLMENT Claims Enrollment Fugr
HRCLM00F4HELP Fugr for Claims processing - F4 help
HRCLM00GEN Fugr for Claims processing - General
HRCLM00TRNPRO Fugr for Claims transaction processing

Database Tables

SAP Package PCLM contains 22 database tables.

T7XAS0 Wage Type Assignment to Claim Plan
T7XAS2 Assignment of Claim formula to Program
T7XAS3 Claim variant for Program
T7XAS4 Text tabla for Claim formula for Program
T7XAS5 Claim rule for Program
T7XAS6 Claim variant for Plan
T7XAS7 Text table for claim formula for Plan
T7XAS8 Claim rule for Plan
T7XAS9 Assignment of Claim formula and Panel doctors to Claim Plan
T7XASA Dependent Cover for Claims
T7XASB Dependent Cover Texts
T7XASC Assign family member to dependent coverage for claims
T7XASD Doctors details
T7XASE Text table for Panel of Doctors
T7XASF Grouping of Doctors to Panel
T7XASG Claims processing Balance table
T7XASH Panel of Doctors
T7XASI Claims groupingss for plan
T7XASJ Texts Claims groups for plan
T7XASK Claims groupings for program
T7XASL Texts Claims groups for program
T7XAST Claims processing transaction table


SAP Package PCLM contains 16 views.

V_5UBA_CLM Claims plan general data
V_74FL_CLM Define Options for Claim Plan
V_T7XAS0 Wagetype assignment to claim plan
V_T7XAS2 Assign claim variant/base wagetype to Program
V_T7XAS3 Claim variant for Program
V_T7XAS5 Claim rule for Program
V_T7XAS6 Claim variant for Plan
V_T7XAS8 Claim rule for plan
V_T7XAS9 Assignment of Claim Variant and Panel of Doctors to Plan
V_T7XASA Dependent cover
V_T7XASC Assign family members to dependent cover
V_T7XASD Doctor details
V_T7XASF Grouping of Doctors to Panel
V_T7XASH Panel of Doctors
V_T7XASI Claims groupings for plan
V_T7XASK Claim groupings for program


SAP Package PCLM contains 10 structures.

Q7XAS3 Claims Processing Screen Fields for View Maintenance
RPCLM_BALANCE Claims processing structure for balance info.
RPCLM_BALANCE_INFO Claims structure for balance info. report
RPCLM_CLAIMS Claims structure for reports
RPCLM_CLAIMS_REC Claims processing transaction structure
RPCLM_GEN_WAGETYPES Structure for generating wagetypes
RPCLM_LIM_FRM Structure for claim formula
RPCLM_PLAN_DETS Structure for Plan Details : Claims
RPCLM_PROC_CLAIM Structure for Processing Claims : Claims
RPCLMDEP Claims Dependents (for offer)


SAP Package PCLM contains 10 programs.

RPLCLM_BAL_CLMS Entitlements and Claims details
RPLCLM00 Claims made to date and reimbursemets to date
RPLCLM01 Claims - Entitlements given against amount spent
RPLCLM10 Claims processing Selection Screen
RPUCLM_DELETE Program for deletion of claims
RPUCLM00 Claims Processing - Main Program
RPUCLM01 Offer Type for Enrollment
RPUCLM02 Enroll
RPUCLM10 View maintenance jump from IMG to claims processing views

Message Classes

SAP Package PCLM contains 1 message classes.

3X Claim Processing