

ACT-Specific iPPE Objects

The package CPPEACT (ACT-Specific iPPE Objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package CPPE_APPLICATION.

Technical Information

Short Text ACT-Specific iPPE Objects

Embedded Packages

SAP Package CPPEACT contains 1 embedded packages.

CPPEACT0C Customizing for iPPE Process Structure

Function Groups

SAP Package CPPEACT contains 13 function groups.

PPECD_ACT iPPE: Change Documents for ACT
PPEEKGACT Analysis and Correction ACT
PPEUIPPM Interface for Routing for Shop Floor
PPEUISEQ Sequence Predecessor/Successor Relatshp
PPEUISNP Maintenance Interface: iPPE SNP Routing
PPEUITA Graphical User Interface for Time Anal.
PPEWBACT Help Screens for iPPE Workbench
PVSDBACT Database Layer for ACT Object Type
PVSTA Integration of the Time Analysis
PVSUIACT Graphical User Interface ACT Objects

Database Tables

SAP Package CPPEACT contains 11 database tables.

PAMODC Capacity Requirement of an Activity-Resource Relationship
PAMODD Duration of an Activity-Resource Relationship
PNACT PVS Activity Node: Attributes
PNACTHD iPPE Attribute in Routing Header
PNACTOPR iPPE Attribute in Operation
PRELACT Relationships for the SNP and Workshop Plan
PRIOC PVS: Relationship I/O CMP-ACT
PRSEQ PVS: Relationship Precedence Graph with Attributes
PRSEQ2 PVS: Relationship Precedence Graph with Attributes
PVBASS SA Assignment Table for iPPE Shop Floor Manufacturing
TADUR Time Analyses: Attributes


SAP Package CPPEACT contains 13 views.

V_ACT_MODD_RES View Between Activities, Mode and Resources
V_ACT_NODE_RES View Between Activities, Mode and Resources
V_ACTNODE_RES View Between Activities and Resources
V_ACTNODE_RES_C View Between Activities and Resources
V_NRES_MODC View Between Activities and Resources
V_NRES_MODD View Between Activities and Resources
V_PPETIMEU View of all Time Relevant Units of Measurement
VH_ACTPPMOBJ00 Sort Out the Object Types for the Shop Floor Process Str.
VH_PAMODD01 Search Help PAMODD Mode of an Activity
VH_PPE_ACT00 Read Grouping Activity
VH_PPE_ACT01 Read Grouping Activity
VH_PPE_ACT02 Read Grouping Activity (new version)
VH_PPE_PVBASS00 Read Grouping Activities


SAP Package CPPEACT contains 52 structures.

CDACTPALTTX Aenderungsbelegstruktur, generiert durch RSSCD000
CDACTPAMODC Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
CDACTPNODTX Aenderungsbelegstruktur, generiert durch RSSCD000
CDACTPVBASS Aenderungsbelegstruktur, generiert durch RSSCD000
PAMOD_DYNP Mode Display on the Interface
PAMOD_DYNP_900 Mode Display on Screen 900
PAMODC_DB Capacity Reqmt of an Activity: Time-Dependent Attributes
PAMODC_DYNP Mode C Representation on the Interface
PAMODC_LI Capacity Requirement Enhancements for Activity_Mode
PAMODCD Structure: Capacity Reqmt of an Activity-Resource Relatshp
PAMODD_DB Capacity Reqmt of an Activity: Time-Dependent Attributes
PAMODD_LI Basic Data for the Activity_Mode
PAMODDD Structure: Duration of an Activity-Resource Relationship
PNACT_DB PVS Node as Activity: Time-Dependent Attributes
PNACT_DYNP Screen Data for Activity Basic Data
PNACT_LI PVS Node as Activity: Time-Dependent Attributes
PNACTD Attributes of the Activity Node ACT
PNACTHD_DB PVS Node as Activity: Time-Dependent Attributes
PNACTHD_DYNP Screen Data for Activity Basic Data
PNACTHDD Attributes of the Activity Node ACT
PNACTOPR_DB iPPE Operation Node: Time-Dependent Attribute
PNACTOPRD Attribute of Operation Node ACT
PNRL_ACTP_DYNP Activity Node Relationship is part of
PNRL_IOC_DYNP Activity Relationship Input/Output
PNRL_SEQ_DYNP Activity-Node Relationship Sequence
PPE_GI_FCAT_ACT Field Catalog for iPPE Workbench - Process Structure Share
PPED2_DISPLAY Control Structure Display - Activities
PPED2_FCAT_CONTENT Control Structure Field Catalog - Process Structure
PPEGI_FCAT_ACT iPPE Workbench Field Catalog - Process Structure Share
PPM_MODUS PVS-PPM Mode Explosion (Alternative Resource Reservation)
PREL_SEQ_DYNP Node Relationship Sequence - Screen Structure
PRELACT_DB Update Structure of PRELACT Relationship
PRIOC_DB PVS Relationship I/O CMP-ACT: Time-Dependent Attributes
PRIOC_LI PVS Relatshp I/O CPM-ACT LI Layer: Time-Dependent Attributes
PRIOCD PVS Relationship: Precedence Graph
PRSEQ_DB PVS Relatshp Precedence Graph: Time-Dependent Attributes
PRSEQ_LI PVS Rel. Precedence Graph LI Layer:Time-Dependent Attributes
PRSEQ2_DB PVS Relatshp Precedence Graph: Time-Dependent Attributes
PRSEQ2D ACT Additional Data for SEQ Relationships
PRSEQ2UI ACT Additional Data for Additional SEQ Relationships
PRSEQD ACT Additional Data for SEQ Relationships
PVBASS_DB SA Assignments for iPPE Process Structure
PVBASS_DYNP Screen Structure for SA Assignments
SEL_CMPACT_DYNP Screen Structure for Planned Component Assignments
SELECT_CUST_DYNP Selection Dialog Box When Several Entries in Customizing
SELECT_TA_KRIT Selection Dialog Box: Type of Use of the Time Analysis
SNP_ACT_DYNP Activity-Node Relationship Sequence
TADUR_DB Time Analysis: Attributes and Update Indicators
TADUR_ERGO_DP Time Analysis: Structure for the Data Provider
TADUR_ORTIM_DP Time Analysis: Structure for the Data Provider / ORTIM
TADUR_TICON_DP Time Analysis: Structure for the Data Provider / Ticon


SAP Package CPPEACT contains 1 programs.

PPE_MATFLOW_SET Convert Indicator 'Aggregate Scrap' at Sequence Relationship

Search Helps

SAP Package CPPEACT contains 7 search helps.

PPE_ACT00 Search Help for Activities
PPE_ACT01 Search Help for Activities
PPE_CMPNAME_PVB Components for Supply Area Assignment
PPE_PAMODD00 Search Help for Modes
PPE_PPMOBJTYPES00 Determine Object Types for Shop Floor
PPE_TIMEUNIT Search Help for Units of Measurement for Time
PPE_UNIT Search Help for Units of Measurement

Message Classes

SAP Package CPPEACT contains 1 message classes.

PPESNP Nachrichtenklasse für SNP-Plantyp