
SAP Package ISA_R3

Internet Sales R/3

The package ISA_R3 (Internet Sales R/3) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PI-CRM.

Technical Information

Package ISA_R3
Short Text Internet Sales R/3
Parent Package PI-CRM

Function Groups

SAP Package ISA_R3 contains 15 function groups.

ISA_AUCTION ISA Auction functionality
ISA_CC_40B ISA R/3: Creditcd. - PI from Rel.40B
ISA_EMAIL Email Functionality for Notification
ISA_GEN_DOC_SEL Generic Document Selection PI fr Rel4.6C
ISA_HV_40B ISA R/3: Helpval. - PI from Rel.40B
ISA_HV_45B ISA R/3: Helpval. - PI from Rel.45B
ISA_HV_46C ISA R/3: Help Values for 4.6C and Higher
ISA_PC_40B ISA R/3: Prod. Cat. - PI from Rel.40B
ISA_SD_40B ISA R/3: Sales Doc. - PI from Rel.40B
ISA_SD_ERP ISA ERP Sales doc functions 46C & above
ISA_TOOLS Generic Function modules for ISA
ISA_UADM_46C ISA R/3 User Administration
ISA_UM_40B ISA R/3: User Mgmt - PI from Rel.40B
ISA_UM_45B ISA R/3: User Mgmt - PI from Rel.45B
ISA_UM_46C ISA R/3 User Mgmt PI from Rel. 46C


SAP Package ISA_R3 contains 2 transactions.

ISA_CAT_REPL_DELETE ISA: Delete replicated indices
ISA_CAT_REPLICATION ISA: Product catalog replication


SAP Package ISA_R3 contains 44 structures.

AUC_ITEM Auction item
AUC_OPPORTUNITY Opportunity details from for webAuctions
BAPIISAHDST Sales document Header Status for ISA
CATALOGS Prod. catalog texts
COUNTRIES Country Names
CURRENCYCODES Currency Code Names
DECIMAL_PLACES Decimal Places in Currencies
DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL_TEXTS Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels: Texts
DIVISION_TEXTS Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions: Texts
ISA_AUTH_CHECK Authorization Check Structure for ISA
ISA_CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE ISA: Attribute Values in Product Catalog
ISA_CHECK ISA: Dummy Structure for Check Field
ISA_COUNTRIES ISA-R/3 Transfer Structure for Countries
ISA_COUNTRYSCM ISA-R/3 Transfer Structure for Country Schemes
ISA_DOC_RESULT View: Order Items for Material
ISA_DOC_STATUS Statuses for document search results(subset of VBUK)
ISA_DOCUMENT_LINE ISA: Document for Layout Area or Layout Area Item
ISA_EXT_HELPVALUE Generic SearchHelp: Output Field Values
ISA_HELPVALUES_FIELD Generic SerachHelp: Input Fields Values
ISA_KONDDP Conditions: Add. Materials for Mat. Determination in ECO ERP
ISA_LONGTEXT_LINE ISA: Long Text Line for Layout Area or Layout Area Item
ISA_PARTNER_BUFFER ISA R/3 Transfer Structure for Ship-To Partners
ISA_SHIPPING_COND ISA R/3 Transfer Structure for Shipping Conditions
ISA_USER_LIST List of ISA users
ISALES_CTROPT Counter Options
ISALES_DOC_FIELD Field Definition and Index
ISALES_DOCLIST_ROW Search Result with Handle(query), Row, Field Value
ISALES_R3_FB_IMPORTDATA Data structure for Billdoc selection parameters map
ISALES_SEL_FIELD Field Selections
ISALES_SELOPT Selection Options
LANGUAGETEXTS Language Key Texts
PCITEM Product Catalog Items Communication Structure
REGIONS Names of Regions
SALES_DOCUMENT_TYPES Sales Document Types: Texts
SALESORGTEXTS Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations: Texts
SEARCHCRITERIA Product Catalog: Search Criteria
SEARCHHIT IAC product catalog: Hits for product search
STATUS_SALES_DOCUMENTS Status Information for Sales Documents
TITLES Titles (Texts)
VARIANTLIST Product catalog variant text

Message Classes

SAP Package ISA_R3 contains 4 message classes.

ISA Internet Sales R/3
ISA_AUCTION Auctioning via Webshop and eBay messages
ISA_REPLICATION Messages for the ISA R/3 catalog replication
ISA_SEARCH Generic Document Search Framework

Authorization Objects

SAP Package ISA_R3 contains 4 authorization objects.

ISA_AUCT Authorization Object ISA R/3 - Auctioning via Webshop/eBay
ISA_CAT_PR Display of catalog prices in Internet Sales ERP
ISA_DOC Internet Sales ERP Sales Document Authorizations
ISA_UADM Authorization for the ISA ERP User Admin application