The package LVS (Application development Warehouse Management (WM)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | LVS |
Short Text | Application development Warehouse Management (WM) |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package LVS contains 62 function groups.
0L01 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0L02 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0L03 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0L04 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0L05 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0L06 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0L07 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0L08 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
L_COMP | Function Modules for Stock Comparison |
L_CUST | Accesses to Customizing Tables in WM |
L_LEIN | Methods for the Storage Unit Object |
L_LQUA | Methods for Quant Object |
L_TAKP | General Access TO Header and Item |
L_WM_MINIAPP | RFC Function Modules for Miniapps |
L_WM_MONITOR | Whse Activity Monitor Function Modules |
L01L | List displays for Whse Management |
L01S | Update SAPML01S master data RL-LVS |
L02A | Transfer requirements per function mod. |
L02B | Update SAPML02B |
L02L | List Displays Warehouse Management (TR) |
L03A | Transfer order kernel |
L03B | Transfer order processing |
L03D | TO creation |
L03L | List Displays Warehouse Management (TO) |
L03T | Update SAPML03T transfer orders |
L04EXT | Inventory Whse External FMs |
L04I | Posting SAPML04I inventory |
L04INT | Inventory Whse Internal FMs |
L2018 | BAPI for Bus.Object WarehouseTransOrder |
L2PIK | 2-step picking |
L3016 | BAPI for Business Object Warehouse Stock |
LBWB | Move container |
LCHA | Batch processing in MM-WM |
LCMB | Communication RL-MAT / RL-LVS |
LCPP | Interface WM-PP |
LCTV | MM-WM: Check table views |
LE_RFID | Calls for RF IDs, Transponder, Tags |
LHF4 | Input help for MM-WM |
LHLP | Individual F4 in WM |
LHUM | Handling Units in WM |
LIDI | WM IDOC interface input |
LIDO | WM IDOC interface |
LL01 | Determine critical parameters |
LLWC | Link warehouse control unit - MM-WM |
LMAT | Check modules for mat. ID reorganization |
LMDE | Portable data capture in WM |
LMIG | Migration tools in LVS and from LVS |
LNAV | Navigation in Warehouse Management |
LPAL | WM Screens in IM Transactions |
LPOP | Dialog boxes in RL-LVS |
LPRI | Printing in warehouse |
LREM | Remote access function pool in MM |
LREP | Replenishment |
LRFMON | RF Control Station |
LSAM | Multiple Processing |
LSUB | Control of link WM to subsystem |
LTOP | Transfer order print in WM |
LVSDATEN | Makes WM data available |
LVSK | Conversion routines in WM |
LWMS1 | Consistency Checks and Updates for WMS |
MCWM | Warehouse controlling |
V03D | Update: SAPMV03D hazardous material data |
SAP Package LVS contains 346 transactions.
LB01 | Create Transfer Requirement |
LB02 | Change transfer requirement |
LB03 | Display Transfer Requirement |
LB10 | TRs for Storage Type |
LB11 | TRs for Material |
LB12 | TRs and Posting Change for Mat.Doc. |
LB13 | TRs for Requirement |
LECMOFF | Deactivate Change Management |
LH01 | Assign Pick-HU to TO |
LH03 | Assign Pick-HU to TO Display |
LI01 | Create System Inventory Record |
LI01N | Create System Inventory Record |
LI02 | Change System Inventory Record |
LI02N | Change System Inventory Record |
LI03 | Display System Inventory Record |
LI03N | Display System Inventory Record |
LI04 | Print System Inventory Record |
LI05 | Inventory History for Storage Bin |
LI06 | Block stor.types for annual invent. |
LI11 | Enter Inventory Count |
LI11N | Enter Inventory Count |
LI12 | Change inventory count |
LI12N | Change inventory count |
LI13 | Display Inventory Count |
LI13N | Display Inventory Count |
LI14 | Start Inventory Recount |
LI15 | Evaluation of quant inventory |
LI16 | Cancel Physical Inventory Doc. Item |
LI20 | Clear Inventory Differences WM |
LI21 | Clear Inventory Differences in MM-IM |
LICC | Cycle Counting per Quant |
LL01 | Warehouse Activity Monitor |
LLVS | WM Menu |
LN01 | Number Ranges for Transfer Requirem. |
LN02 | Number Ranges for Transfer Orders |
LN03 | Number Ranges for Quants |
LN04 | Number Ranges for Posting Changes |
LN05 | Number ranges physical inventory |
LN06 | Number Ranges for Group Number |
LN08 | Number range maintenance: LVS_LENUM |
LP10 | Direct picking for PO |
LP11 | WM staging of crate parts |
LP11W | WM Staging for Crate Parts (IAC) |
LP12 | Staging release order parts (WM-PP) |
LP21 | WM replenishment for fixed bins |
LP22 | Replenishm. Planning for Fixed Bins |
LP24 | WM Replenishment for Random Whse |
LPIN | Info: Material Stock WM-PP |
LPINW | Info Transaction (IAC) |
LPK4 | Create Contr.Cycles for Rel.Ord.Part |
LQ01 | Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt |
LQ02 | Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt |
LRF1 | RF Monitor, Active |
LRF2 | RF Monitor, Passive |
LS01 | Create Warehouse Master Record |
LS01N | Create Warehouse Master Record |
LS02 | Change Warehouse Master Record |
LS02N | Change Warehouse Master Record |
LS03 | Display Warehouse Master Record |
LS03N | Display Warehouse Master Record |
LS04 | Display Empty Storage Bins |
LS05 | Generate Storage Bins |
LS06 | Block Storage Bins |
LS07 | Block Quants |
LS08 | Block Storage Bins by Aisle |
LS09 | Display Material Data for Stor.Type |
LS11 | Change several stor.bins simultan. |
LS12 | Block stor.type |
LS22 | Change Quants |
LS23 | Display Quants |
LS24 | Display Quants for Material |
LS25 | Display Quants per Storage Bin |
LS26 | Warehouse stocks per material |
LS27 | Display quants for storage unit |
LS28 | Display storage units / bin |
LS32 | Change storage unit |
LS33 | Display storage unit |
LS41 | List of control cycles for WIP loc. |
LT01 | Create Transfer Order |
LT02 | Create TO for Inventory Difference |
LT03 | Create TO for Delivery |
LT04 | Create TO from TR |
LT05 | Process Posting Change Notice |
LT06 | Create TO for Material Document |
LT07 | Create TO for mixed storage unit |
LT08 | Manual Addition to Storage Unit |
LT09 | ID point function for storage units |
LT0A | Pre-plan storage units |
LT0B | Putaway Pre-Picked Handling Units |
LT0C | Removal of Pre-Picked HUs from Stock |
LT0D | Transfer of Existing Handling Units |
LT0E | Create Removal TO for 2-Step Picking |
LT0F | Create TO for Inbound Delivery |
LT0G | Return delivery to stock |
LT0H | Putaway/Stock Transfer of HUs |
LT0I | Removal of Handling Units from Stock |
LT0J | Put Away Handling Unit |
LT0R | Request replenishment manually |
LT0S | Create TO for multiple deliveries |
LT10 | Create Transfer Order from List |
LT11 | Confirm Transfer Order Item |
LT12 | Confirm transfer order |
LT13 | Confirm TO for storage unit |
LT14 | Confirm preplanned TO item |
LT15 | Cancelling transfer order |
LT16 | Cancelling TO for storage unit |
LT17 | Single Entry of Actual Data |
LT1A | Change Transfer Order |
LT1B | Confirm TO-Item Pick |
LT1C | Confirm TO-Item Transport |
LT1D | Confirm Transfer Order Pick |
LT1E | Confirm Transfer Order Transport |
LT1F | Confirm TO for SU Pick |
LT1G | Confirm TO for SU Transport |
LT21 | Display Transfer Order |
LT22 | Display Transfer Order / Stor. Type |
LT23 | Display Transfer Orders by Numbers |
LT24 | Display Transfer Order / Material |
LT25 | Display Transfer Order / Group |
LT25A | Display Transfer Order / Group |
LT25N | Confirm Transfer ORder / Group |
LT26 | Transfer orders for storage bin |
LT27 | Transfer order for storage unit |
LT28 | Display Transfer Order / Reference |
LT31 | Print TO Manually |
LT32 | Print transfer order for stor.unit |
LT41 | Prepare TRs for Multiple Processing |
LT42 | Create TOs by Multiple Processing |
LT43 | Forming groups for deliveries |
LT44 | Release for Multiple Processing |
LT45 | Evaluation of reference numbers |
LT51 | Maintain Preallocated Stock |
LT63 | Control: Single Entry of Actual Data |
LT64 | Single Entry of Actual Data |
LT72 | Determine 2-step relevance |
LT73 | Display 2-step |
LU01 | Create Posting Change Notice |
LU02 | Change Posting Change Notice |
LU03 | Display Posting Change Notice |
LU04 | Selection of Posting Change Notices |
LX01 | List of Empty Storage Bins |
LX02 | Stock list |
LX03 | Bin Status Report |
LX04 | Capacity load utilization |
LX05 | Block Bins in Bl.Storage w.Time Lim. |
LX06 | Fire Department Inventory List |
LX07 | Check storage |
LX08 | Accident Regulations List |
LX09 | Overview of All Transf.Requirements |
LX10 | Activities per Storage Type |
LX11 | Document overview |
LX12 | Document Overview: Landscape Format |
LX13 | Analysis of differences |
LX14 | Matl mvmt frequency |
LX15 | Selection of Bins for Annual Invent. |
LX16 | Selection of Bins for Continuous Inv |
LX17 | List of Inventory Differences |
LX18 | Statistics of Inventory Differences |
LX19 | Inventory Data Takeover by Btch Inp. |
LX20 | Generate interim storage bins |
LX21 | Pick List for Several Transfer Ord. |
LX22 | Process Inventory from Overview |
LX23 | Stock comparison IM - WM |
LX24 | Display of hazardous mat.numbers |
LX25 | Inventory Status |
LX26 | Inventory in WM via cycle counting |
LX27 | Stock levels by shelf life |
LX28 | Relevant TO item for ext.system |
LX29 | Fixed bin supervision |
LX30 | Overview of WM messages ext.system |
LX31 | Analysis of print control tables |
LX32 | Archived transfer orders |
LX33 | Archived transfer requirements |
LX34 | Archived posting change notices |
LX35 | Archived system inventory records |
LX36 | Archived inventory histories |
LX37 | Linked objects |
LX38 | Check Report Customizing Strategy K |
LX39 | Evaluation Reference No. for 2-S.Pck |
LX40 | Material Situation Prod. Storage Bin |
LX41 | Bin Status Report WM/PP Interface |
LX42 | Evaluation PP Order from WM View |
LX43 | Consistency Check for Control Cycles |
LX44 | Inward and outward movements |
LX46 | Transmission WM perform. data to HR |
LX47 | Analysis of Delayed Delivery Update |
MCL9 | WM: Material Plcmt/Removal:Selection |
MCLD | WM: Material Flow - Selection |
MCLH | WM: Movement Types - Selection |
OL01 | Display / change LDK34 (bins) |
OL02 | Display / change RLPLA (bins) |
OL03 | Display / change LDK33 (stock) |
OL04 | Display / change RLBES (stock) |
OL05 | Display / change LDK30 (mat.whse) |
OL06 | Display / change LDK31 (mat.type) |
OL10 | Test storage bin data transfer |
OL12 | Data transfer stock RLBES-> B.I. |
OL14 | Test stock data transfer |
OL15 | Data transfer material whse no.view |
OL16 | Test mat.master data transfer (MLGN) |
OL17 | Data transfer material storage type |
OL18 | Test mat.master data transfer (MLGT) |
OLVS | C SD Menu for Master Data |
S_ALR_87001214 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUOLMETORP |
S_ALR_87001231 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUOLMETORT |
S_ALR_87001236 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUOLMETORZ |
S_ALR_87001689 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1103 |
S_ALR_87001693 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1102 |
S_ALR_87001718 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML37 |
S_ALR_87001732 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMNU |
S_ALR_87001746 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML38 |
S_ALR_87001757 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML35 |
S_ALR_87001769 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML34 |
S_ALR_87001784 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML33 |
S_ALR_87001790 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMNZ |
S_ALR_87001800 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1122 |
S_ALR_87001811 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1121 |
S_ALR_87001821 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1111 |
S_ALR_87001831 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1110 |
S_ALR_87001843 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1108 |
S_ALR_87001856 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1107 |
S_ALR_87001866 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1106 |
S_ALR_87001878 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1105 |
S_ALR_87001887 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1104 |
S_ALR_87002388 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1019 |
S_ALR_87002402 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1041 |
S_ALR_87002409 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1040 |
S_ALR_87002417 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1039 |
S_ALR_87002424 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1038 |
S_ALR_87002432 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1037 |
S_ALR_87002441 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1036 |
S_ALR_87002447 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1035 |
S_ALR_87002451 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1034 |
S_ALR_87002471 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMMB |
S_ALR_87002479 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLL |
S_ALR_87002485 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML29 |
S_ALR_87002494 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMNK |
S_ALR_87002501 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLK |
S_ALR_87002509 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLV |
S_ALR_87002532 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLX |
S_ALR_87002535 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0038 |
S_ALR_87002542 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0035 |
S_ALR_87002549 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0034 |
S_ALR_87002555 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0025 |
S_ALR_87002562 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0024 |
S_ALR_87002568 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1028 |
S_ALR_87002571 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM0 |
S_ALR_87002577 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMNP |
S_ALR_87002585 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMMP |
S_ALR_87002590 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1008 |
S_ALR_87002595 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1007 |
S_ALR_87002602 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1005 |
S_ALR_87002609 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0020 |
S_ALR_87002615 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMMO |
S_ALR_87002618 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0030 |
S_ALR_87002625 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0029 |
S_ALR_87002628 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1030 |
S_ALR_87002631 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0039 |
S_ALR_87002638 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0005 |
S_ALR_87002645 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLR |
S_ALR_87002650 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1003 |
S_ALR_87002658 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1024 |
S_ALR_87002664 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1016 |
S_ALR_87002670 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1023 |
S_ALR_87002674 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1014 |
S_ALR_87002680 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1013 |
S_ALR_87002686 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1117 |
S_ALR_87002692 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1116 |
S_ALR_87002697 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1002 |
S_ALR_87002704 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML2003 |
S_ALR_87002711 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0006 |
S_ALR_87002717 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1033 |
S_ALR_87002722 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLP |
S_ALR_87002727 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML2001 |
S_ALR_87002729 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0018 |
S_ALR_87002734 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML15 |
S_ALR_87002739 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1010 |
S_ALR_87002745 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1021 |
S_ALR_87002752 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM4 |
S_ALR_87002758 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM3 |
S_ALR_87002762 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLU |
S_ALR_87002767 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM7 |
S_ALR_87002771 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM6 |
S_ALR_87002775 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM5 |
S_ALR_87002781 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1004 |
S_ALR_87002784 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLM |
S_ALR_87002789 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1009 |
S_ALR_87002793 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1025 |
S_ALR_87002798 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0016 |
S_ALR_87002803 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM9 |
S_ALR_87002807 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLT |
S_ALR_87002811 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLS |
S_ALR_87002816 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM8 |
S_ALR_87002820 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLQ |
S_ALR_87002824 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0008 |
S_ALR_87002829 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM1 |
S_ALR_87002832 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOML7 |
S_ALR_87002837 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1017 |
S_ALR_87002842 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1012 |
S_ALR_87002847 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1000 |
S_ALR_87002851 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOML6 |
S_ALR_87002854 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOML4 |
S_ALR_87002859 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLW |
S_ALR_87002863 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOML1 |
S_ALR_87002868 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOML9 |
S_ALR_87002872 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLZ |
S_ALR_87002877 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLY |
S_ALR_87002879 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMNX |
S_ALR_87002884 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMNQ |
S_ALR_87002889 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLC |
S_ALR_87002890 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLB |
S_ALR_87002895 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLA |
S_ALR_87002899 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML14 |
S_ALR_87002904 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1001 |
S_ALR_87002905 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1018 |
S_ALR_87002909 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLH |
S_ALR_87002912 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLG |
S_ALR_87002915 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLF |
S_ALR_87002919 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLE |
S_ALR_87002922 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML2000 |
S_ALR_87002925 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLJ |
S_ALR_87002928 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML09 |
S_ALR_87002931 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLI |
S_ALR_87002934 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML08 |
S_ALR_87002938 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0017 |
S_ALR_87002946 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMM2 |
S_ALR_87002949 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML1026 |
S_ALR_87002951 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0009 |
S_ALR_87002954 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOML8 |
S_ALR_87002959 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMLOMLD |
S_ALR_87002962 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML06 |
S_ALR_87002964 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML20 |
S_ALR_87002968 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0004 |
S_ALR_87002969 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML19 |
S_ALR_87002971 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0001 |
S_ALR_87002975 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0026 |
S_ALR_87002976 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0037 |
S_ALR_87002981 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML17 |
S_ALR_87002982 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0028 |
S_ALR_87002986 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML13 |
S_ALR_87002988 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0033 |
S_ALR_87002990 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0011 |
S_ALR_87002994 | IMG Activity: SIMG_XXMENUOLML0012 |
VM01 | Create Hazardous Material |
VM02 | Change Hazardous Material |
VM03 | Display Hazardous Material |
SAP Package LVS contains 140 database tables.
LAGP | Storage bins |
LECMOFF | Switch off change management in emergency |
LEIN | Storage unit header records |
LINK | Inventory document header in WM |
LINP | Inventory document item in WM |
LINV | Inventory data per quant |
LL01 | Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order Items |
LL02 | Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement Items |
LL03 | Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change Documents |
LL04 | Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Deliveries |
LL05 | Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Stocks |
LL06 | Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage Bins |
LL07 | Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production Orders |
LQUA | Quants |
LQUAB | Total quant counts for certain strategies |
LRF_WKQU | Assignment User ->Queue |
LSEG | Document for Inward and Outward Movements |
LTAK | WM transfer order header |
LTAP | Transfer order item |
LTBK | Transfer requirement header |
LTBP | Transfer requirement item |
LTHU | Assignment of Pick-HUs to Transfer Orders |
LUBU | Posting Change Document |
MGEF | Hazardous materials |
NKLV | Number ranges in WM |
T300 | WM Warehouse Numbers |
T300T | Warehouse Number Descriptions |
T301 | WM Storage Types |
T301T | Storage Type Descriptions |
T302 | WM Storage Sections |
T302T | Storage Section Names |
T303 | WM Storage Bin Types |
T303T | WM Names of Storage Bin Types |
T304 | Storage Section Indicators |
T304T | Text for Storage Section Indicator |
T305 | Storage Type Indicators |
T305T | Text for Storage Type Indicator |
T306 | Special Movement Indicators |
T306T | Texts for Special Movement Indicators |
T307 | Storage Unit Types |
T307T | Text for Storage Unit Type |
T308 | Requirements Categories |
T308T | Texts for Requirement Types |
T309 | Fire-Containment Sections |
T309T | Names for Fire-Containment Sections |
T30A | WM Picking Areas |
T30AT | Picking Area Descriptions |
T30B | WM Gates |
T30BT | Zone Descriptions |
T310 | Pre-Allocated Stock |
T311 | Definition of WM Groups |
T311A | Cross-Reference WM Group for Documents |
T311L | Definition of Run Within a WM Group |
T312 | Control Performance Data and TO Split |
T312A | Profile for performance data |
T312B | Profile for Transfer Order Split |
T312R | Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer Order |
T312S | Profile for Sorting |
T312W | Time for Planned TO Processing |
T319 | Control of Automatic Pick HU Creation |
T319A | Assignment Automatic Pick-HU Creation |
T320 | Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number |
T320A | WM: Storage Location Control |
T321 | Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement Type |
T321B | Stock Types and Special Stocks for External Systems |
T322 | RM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory |
T324 | Storage Loc. Ref. |
T324T | Descriptions for Storage Loc. Reference |
T325 | WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection Samples |
T325T | Description for Control WM-QM Interface |
T326 | Control Table for 2-Step Picking |
T327 | Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU) |
T327A | Control of link WM - subsystem |
T327B | Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM - sub |
T327T | Variant description for link WM -> subsystem |
T327V | Variants for WM Link -> Subsystem |
T328 | Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical Parameters |
T328A | Activate Whse Act. Monitor Objects |
T328B | Whse Act.Monitor: Display Variants for Hierarchy Display |
T328C | Whse Act.Monitor: Description of Display Variants |
T329A | Printer Pool Definition |
T329D | Transfer Order Printer Control |
T329F | Print Control Table |
T329P | Transfer Order Print Parameters |
T329S | Print Control Table for Multiple Processing Procedures |
T329T | Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders |
T330 | Blocking Reasons |
T330T | Text for Blocking Reason |
T331 | Storage Type Control |
T331B | Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage |
T331L | Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type |
T333 | WM Movement Types |
T333A | Shipment Types |
T333B | Texts for Transfer Types |
T333M | Mail control for background processing |
T333N | Control for automatic transfer order creation |
T333O | Texts for automatic TO creation |
T333T | Texts for WM Movement Types |
T333U | WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM |
T334B | Storage Section Search |
T334E | Storage Unit Type Check |
T334P | Storage Bin Type Search |
T334T | Storage Type Search |
T334U | Access Strategy for Storage Type Search |
T335 | Default Values for Inventory |
T336 | Difference Indicators |
T336T | Texts for Difference Indicators |
T337A | Division of Storage Bins into Sections |
T337B | Bulk Storage Sectioning |
T337C | Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K |
T337D | Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K |
T337Z | Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type |
T338 | Bulk Storage Indicators |
T338T | Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators |
T339 | Definition of Comment for TO Execution |
T339T | Text Table for Comment for TO Execution |
T340 | WM Transactions |
T340D | WM Default Values |
T341 | WM Screen Selection |
T342 | Control of Screen Sequence in WM |
T342T | Assignment of Title Bar to PF Status |
T343 | Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage Bins |
T343I | Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin |
T343J | Definition of Sequence Field in Storage Bin |
T344 | Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WM |
T345 | Client-Dependent Control Table for WM->PP Staging |
T346 | RF Queue Definition |
T346L | Assignment Sections and Activities to Queue |
T346T | RF Queue Descriptions |
T346X | Exceptions: Queue Forwarding |
T646A | Aggregate States |
T646B | Texts for Aggregate States |
T646G | Hazardous Material Warnings |
T646H | Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings |
T646L | Storage Classes |
T646M | Texts for Storage Classes |
T646R | Region Codes |
T646S | Texts for Region Codes |
T646V | Hazardous Material Warnings |
T646W | Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings |
SAP Package LVS contains 114 views.
H_T006_LVS | Help View for T006 (With WM Extension Selection Dimension) |
H_T300 | Help View for Check-Table T300 Warehouse Number |
H_T301 | Help View for Check-Table T301 |
H_T302 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T302 |
H_T303 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T303 |
H_T304 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T304 |
H_T305 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T305 |
H_T306 | Help View for Table T306 |
H_T307 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T307 |
H_T308 | Help View for Check Table T308 |
H_T309 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T309 |
H_T311 | Help View for Table T311 |
H_T329F | Generated Help View for Check-Table T329F |
H_T329P | Help View for Table T329P |
H_T330 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T330 |
H_T333 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T333 |
H_T333A | Generated Help View for Check-Table T333A |
H_T336 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T336 |
H_T337A | Help View for Table T337A |
H_T338 | Help View for Bulk Storage Indicators |
H_T646A | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646A |
H_T646G | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646G |
H_T646L | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646L |
H_T646R | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646R |
H_T646V | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646U |
L_BWLVS | View for search help on movement types in WM |
L_LAG1E | View for Matchcode ID LAG1-E |
L_LAG1M | View for Matchcode ID LAG1-M |
L_LAG1S | View for match code ID LAG1-S |
L_LAGP | View for search help H_LAGP (storage bins) |
LAGPL | View of Index of Empty Storage Bins |
LQUA_COMP | Partial Quantity from LQUA for Stock Comparison |
V_T300 | Warehouse number control: expert view |
V_T3000 | Warehouse number control |
V_T300T | Warehouse Number Descriptions |
V_T301 | Stor.Type Control (DISPLAY ONLY!) |
V_T301T | Storage Type Descriptions |
V_T302 | Storage Sections |
V_T302T | Storage Section Names |
V_T303 | Storage Bin Types |
V_T303T | Names of Storage Bin Types |
V_T304 | Storage Section Indicators |
V_T304T | Texts for Storage Section Indicators |
V_T305 | Storage Type Indicators |
V_T305T | Texts for Storage Type Indicators |
V_T306 | Special Movement Indicators |
V_T306T | Descriptions of Special Movement Indicators |
V_T307 | Storage Unit Types |
V_T307T | Descriptions of Storage Unit Types |
V_T308 | Requirements Categories |
V_T309 | Fire-Containment Sections |
V_T309T | Names for Fire-Containment Sections |
V_T310 | Pre-Allocated Stock |
V_T311 | Definition of Group |
V_T311A | Cross-Reference for Reference Number for Documents |
V_T320 | MM-IM Storage Location <-> LE-WM Warehouse Number |
V_T321 | Assignment Movement Type MM-IM to Movement Type LE-WM (LVS) |
V_T321D | Movement Type Decentral. MM-WM -> Host Transaction (R2) |
V_T321K | Accumulated Messages for the Host (R/2) |
V_T322 | MM-IM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory |
V_T323M | Logical Error Recovery Decentr. Whse Mgmt (R/2-R/3 Link) |
V_T327 | Link Warehouse Management <-> Warehouse Control |
V_T329D | Transfer Order Printer Control |
V_T329F | Transfer Order Print Indicators |
V_T329P | Spool Parameters for Transfer Order Printing |
V_T329S | Print Control Table for Multiple Processing Procedures |
V_T329T | Descriptions of Print Codes |
V_T330 | Blocking Reasons |
V_T330T | Texts for Blocking Reasons |
V_T331B | Storage type control for bulk storage |
V_T331C | Storage Type Control for Stock Placement Strategy K |
V_T331IM | Do not allow goods receipt, goods issue, and posting changes |
V_T331L | Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type |
V_T331R | Replenishment Method for Storage Type |
V_T331S | Block/Unblock Storage Type for Annual Inv. |
V_T331T | Block/unblock storage type |
V_T333 | Movement Types in the Warehouse Management System |
V_T333A | Shipment Types |
V_T333B | Transfer Type Descriptions |
V_T333T | Texts for Movement Types |
V_T334B | Storage Section Search |
V_T334P | Storage Bin Type Search |
V_T334T | Storage Type Search |
V_T334U | Access Strategy for Storage Type Search |
V_T335 | Default values for inventory |
V_T336 | Difference Indicators |
V_T336T | Texts for Difference Indicators |
V_T337A | Division of Storage Bins into Sections |
V_T337B | Bulk storage sectioning |
V_T337Z | Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type and SUT |
V_T338 | Bulk Storage Indicators with Text |
V_T338T | Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators |
V_T340 | Warehouse Management Transactions |
V_T3401 | Inventory Control Warehouse Number |
V_T3402 | Batch Search Method Warehouse Management: Warehouse Number |
V_T3403 | Default Values RF Monitor |
V_T340DU | Storage Type and Bin for Packing/Unpacking HUs |
V_T341 | Standard Field Selection in Warehouse Management |
V_T342 | Subsequent Screen Control in Warehouse Management |
V_T342T | Assignment of Title Bar to PF Status |
V_T343 | Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation |
V_T343I | Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin |
V_T346T | Queue master data & language-dependent long text |
V_T646A | Aggregate States |
V_T646B | Descriptions of Aggregate States |
V_T646G | Hazardous Material Warnings |
V_T646H | Descriptions of Hazardous Material Warnings |
V_T646L | Storage Classes |
V_T646M | Descriptions of Storage Classes |
V_T646R | Region Codes |
V_T646S | Descriptions for Region Codes |
V_T646V | Haz.Material Stor.Warnings |
V_T646W | Descriptions of Hazardous Material Warnings |
V_TQCOM | Communication Number -> Logical Queue Id (APPQ) |
SAP Package LVS contains 272 structures.
AFKO_WM | Header information for reservation |
BAPI_TE_QUANT | User Exit for Table BAPIQUANT |
BAPI2018A | Import: Key Fields Transfer Order (Header) |
BAPI2018B | Import: Selection Fields for BAPI GetList |
BAPI2018C | Import: Key Field Transfer Order (Item) |
BAPI2018D | Import: Table Fields for BAPI CreateStock |
BAPI2018E | Import: Single Fields for BAPI CreateStock |
BAPI2018F | Import: Selection Area for BAPI GetList |
BAPI3016A | Import: Selection Fields for BAPI GetList |
BAPI3016B | Import: Selection Area for BAPI GetList |
BAPI3016C | Import: Key Fields Quant |
BAPICR2018RET | BAPI Export Fields for Data Transmission BO 2018 |
BAPIQUANT | Export: Structure for Quant Data / Table LQUA |
BAPIQUANTKEY | BAPI Export Structure for Quants (only key data) |
BAPITOHEAD | BAPI Export Structure for TO Header / Table LTAK |
BAPITOITEM | BAPI Export Structure for TO Item / Table LTAP |
BAPITRANSORDERKEY | BAPI Export Structure for Transfer Order (Key Fields) |
E1LCOHU | HU Data per TO Item During Confirmation (LTAP_CONF_HU) |
E1LCOSE | Confirm with Serial Numbers (LTAP_CONF_HU_SERIAL) |
E1LPHUX | Pick-HU (Handling Unit) |
E1LTCOG | Verify Performance Data via Confirmation |
E1MBXYJ | Create Goods Movement from Non-SAP System: Item++ |
L03B_DELALLG | General part transfer table L_TO_CREATE_DN |
L03B_DELIT | Transfer table item data L_TO_CREATE_DN |
L03B_INBIT | Item-related specifications for putaway |
L03B_OUTIT | Item-related specifications for stock removal |
L03B_TRALLG | General Part Transfer Table L_TO_CREATE_TR |
L03B_TRITE | Transfer Table for Item Data L_TO_CREATE_TR |
L2SKDLITEM | Delivery Items for 2-Step Picking |
L2SKTOTAL | Accumulated removal quantities for 2-step picking |
L2SKTRITEM | Transfer Requirement Items for 2-Step Picking |
LABGL | Internal Table for MM/HU/WM Stock |
LAGPV | Structure for passing on storage bins for updating |
LAUTRF | Structure for reference no.assignment for autom.TO creation |
LBDBATCH_CUS | Results Table for Batch Determination for User Exit |
LBKEY | Stock Fields in Warehouse (HU and Quants) |
LCOMM_BG | Comm.structure for TOs for deliveries in background |
LCOMS | Communication structure, start mult.proc.from prep.screen |
LCPP_INFO_ORDR | Info Transaction WMPP: List Structure Display by Orders |
LCPP_INFO_ORDR_LIST | Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat |
LCPP_INFO_PREP_DATA | Transmission Struct.for Data Preparation for WEB Info Module |
LCPP_INFO_PRSA | Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat |
LCPP_INFO_PRSA_LIST | Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat |
LCPP_INFO_RESB | Intern.Transmission Struct.Data Preparation WEB Transactions |
LCPP_INFO_RMAT | Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat |
LCPP_INFO_RMAT_LIST | Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat |
LCPP_LIPS | Extract of Deliveries for Storage Bin |
LDILE | Transmission Struct.for Stor.Units for Immediate TO Creation |
LDK30 | MM-WM: Data Transfer Structure for R2 Materials to R3 MLGN |
LDK31 | MM-WM: Data transfer structure for R2 materials into R3 |
LDK33 | MM-WM: Structure for Takeover of R/3 LQUA Data (Quants) |
LDK34 | MM-WM: Structure for Takeover of R/3 LAGP Data (Storage Bin) |
LDK35 | MM-WM: Data Transfer Structure for R2 Stocks for Stock Comp. |
LDK36 | MM-WM & SD-SHP: Transfer structure R/2 for material REORG |
LDOKU | Screen texts without direct field reference |
LEINV | Storage unit header records: structure for passing to update |
LEISTUNGSDATEN_WM | Performance data in WM at level of TO header |
LEKKO | Order header for transmission to subsystem |
LEKPO | Order item for transmission to subsystem |
LFPVB | Delivery Item View for Picking VBLKP + LVBLK |
LHUMAT | Material Stock of a HU |
LHUQUA | Quants for HUs at Goods Movements |
LHUQUA_VB | Quants for HUs at Goods Movements - Total |
LHUQUA1 | Quants for HUs at Goods Movements - Supplement |
LINK1 | Help fields for loop processing of LINK segments |
LINP_VB | Transfer structure LINP + LINP1 for update task |
LINP1 | Help fields for loop processing of LINP segments |
LINV_VB | Transfer structure LINV + LINV1 for update task |
LINV_VBZ | Transfer structure LINV + LINVZ for update task |
LINV1 | Help fields for loop processing of LINV segments |
LINVZ | Help fields for loop processing of LINV segments |
LK01 | WM communication record 1 |
LK02 | WM communication record 2 |
LLAKTION | Action for a Whse Activity Monitor Object |
LLIK | Selected delivery headers für multiple processing |
LLIKS | Accumulated deliveries for multiple processing |
LLLVW | Whse Activity Monitor Object: Data Management Information |
LLREP | Warehouse Activity Monitor: Block Monitor Object |
LLS1 | WM Communication Record Connection to Warehouse Ctrl Unit |
LLS2 | WM Communication Record 02 Confirm Release to WCU |
LLSR | WM Communication Record Connection to Warehouse Ctrl Unit |
LLVSX | Blocking a WM object for whse number, stor.type, and quant |
LLVSY | Block WM Object for Warehouse Number and Quant |
LMEIN | Units of Measure in WM |
LMESS | Internal table for messages |
LPICKHUSHOW | Structure for F4 for pick-HU during confirmation |
LPRDR | Log for printer determination |
LPROT | Analysis Storage Bin Search |
LQALS | Insp.lots to be updated during creation of TO |
LQBL | Bulk Storage Confirmation - Help Table |
LQPL1 | Data transf.structure for querying the sample quantities |
LQUA_IM | Transfer Structure for Quants for IM Posting |
LQUA_PROT | Transfer Structure: Incorrect Quants |
LQUA_RES | Stock data for destination bin (reserved, available) |
LQUA_VB | Transfer structure LQUA + LQUA1 for function module |
LQUA1 | Help fields for loop processing of LQUA segments |
LQUAE | Internal structure for blocking table LQUA |
LQUAS | Quant totals per storage type |
LQUAU | Quants that are proposed for posting changes |
LQUAV | Quants: structure for passing on to update task |
LQUAX | Block material in bin exclusively |
LQUAY | Block material on bin |
LREFN | Help Structure for Multiple Print in WM |
LREP1 | Replenishment: Create Transmission Struct.for TO |
LREP2 | Replenishment: Determine Transfer Structure for Replenishm. |
LREPE | Replenishment: Block Material and Bin for Replenishment |
LREPL | WM: Replenishment by TR Through User Exit |
LRESB | WM-PP interface: transmission structure |
LRF_D100_S1 | RF Monitor: I/O Fields Screen 100 |
LRF_D900_S1 | RF Monitor: I/O Fields Screen 900 |
LRF_LTAK_S1 | RF Monitor: TO Headers in List Display |
LRF_WKQU_S1 | RF Monitor: User Data in List Display |
LRFA | Group Information for Log, Closing Screen |
LRFN | Group Numbers per Reference Document Type (Addit. Data) |
LRFS | Groups Totaled per Reference Document Type |
LRP_LIPOS | Structure for Report RLLNACH2: Data for Delivery Item |
LRP_MAT | Structure for Report RLLNACH2: Data for Material Item |
LRP_RADIO | Structure for Radio Buttons for Handling Remaining Qty |
LSAM | WM transmission record for transfer order multiple process. |
LSEG_COM | Communication Structure for Posting Warehouse Documents |
LSEG_VB | Transmission Structure LSEG + LSEG1 for Update Task |
LSEG1 | Help Fields for Processing LSEG Segments |
LTAK_VB | Transmission structure LTAD + LTAK1 for update task |
LTAK1 | Appendix TO header |
LTAP_CANCL | Transfer order items to be cancelled |
LTAP_CONF | Transfer order item fields for confirmation |
LTAP_CONF_HU | Handling Unit Data for TO Item at Confirmation |
LTAP_CONF_HU_SERIAL | Serial Number Data for TO Item at Confirmation |
LTAP_CR | Item fields in transfer order for creation |
LTAP_CREAT | Structure for Creating Multi-Item Transfer Orders |
LTAP_HU | HU Withdrawals for a TO Item |
LTAP_MOVE_SU | Structure for Creating Multi-Item Transfer Orders |
LTAP_PP | Extract of TOs for storage bin WM-PP interface |
LTAP_REPA | Structure for Creating Repack Transfer Orders |
LTAP_VB | Transmission structure LTAP + LTAP1 for update task |
LTAP1 | Help fields for loop processing of LTAP segments |
LTAP2 | Grouping together LTAP and LTAP1 |
LTAPA | Transfer order item for stock removal |
LTAPE | Transfer order item for stock placement |
LTAPL | Transm.structure for items to be deleted for user exit |
LTB1 | Create transmission structure for funct.mod.for transf.rqmnt |
LTBA | Create transmission structure for funct.mod.for transf.rqmnt |
LTBC | Cancel transmission structure function mod.for transf.rqmnts |
LTBC1 | Cancel transmission structure function mod.for transf.rqmnts |
LTBK1 | Help fields for table processing of TR headers |
LTBL | Structure for confirming TO quantity without TO |
LTBP_PP | Extract of TRs for storage bin |
LTBP_VB | Transfer structure LTBP + LTBP1 for update task |
LTBP1 | Help fields for loop processing of LTBP segments |
LTBPU | Internal table for TR items for posting changes |
LTBS | Selected transfer requirements for multiple processing |
LTBSS | Selected TRs per WM movement type for multiple processing |
LTBUB | Transm.structure for trans.requirements and post.changes |
LTHU_CREAT | Structure for Assignment of Pick-HUs to TA |
LTHU_SUB | Structure for Transmitting LTHU Records to External System |
LTODN | Structure for Late Delivery Update |
LUBQU | Quants for posting change |
LUBU1 | Help fields for table processing of posting changes |
LUBUI | Implicit posting change notice |
LVBLK | Help fields for loop processing of VBLKP segments |
LVBPOK | Structure for the WM-PP Area - Identical to GT_VBPOK |
LVEKP | Help Fields for Loop Processing of VEKP Entries |
LVS_RLLT2900_STRUCT | Structure for Display in Report RLLT2900 |
LWM_MONITOR_RANGE_BWLVS | Range Table for WM Movement Type |
LWM_MONITOR_RANGE_LGTYP | Range Table for Storage Type |
LWMRREF_ADD | Additional Data for Creating Idoc WMRRiD01 |
LWMSDEC_CHECK | Structure for Checking Decentralized Whse in WM System |
LWMSDEC_CHECK2 | Structure for Checking Stock Transfer in ERP System |
MCWMHD | Communication structure for warehouse controlling header |
MCWMHDADD | Additional tax/data fields for warehouse controlling header |
MCWMHDB | Technical view of MCWMHD |
MCWMHDUSR | Communication struct.for wareh.contr.header (cust.fields) |
MCWMHKZ | Communication structure for wareh.contr.perf.figure header |
MCWMIKZ | Communication structure for wareh.contrl.perf.figure item |
MCWMIT | Communication structure for warehouse controlling item |
MCWMITADD | Additional control/data fields for wareh.controlling item |
MCWMITB | Technical view of MCWMIT |
MCWMITUSR | Communication structure for wareh.control.item (customer) |
ML03N_LECMOFF | Work structure program SAPML03N |
ML03T_0152 | Additional fields for screen SAPML03T0152 and subscreens |
ML03T_0156 | I/O Fields Screen ML03T 0156 (Preparation Putaway HU) |
ML03T_1143_1 | Loop Processing for Pick HUs on Screen 1143 |
ML03T_LTHU | Structure for Loop Processing of LTHU in SAPML03T |
MLVSTN | Material master view (WM), Storage type data for replenish. |
R2600_HEADER | Hierarchical Rep RLLS2600 - Header |
R2600_ITEM | Hierarchical Rep RLLS2600 - Item |
RADIO_RLLT6300 | Structure for Radio Buttons in Report RLLT6300 |
RFIDTAGVAL | RFID Interface Value Transfer |
RHUWM | Structure for HU Stock Takeover |
RL01S | I/O fields for WM master data management (SAPML01S) |
RL02A | Help fields for function modules TR creation |
RL02B | I/O fields for transfer requirement processing (SAPML02B). |
RL02M | Internal Structure for Messages during TR Creation |
RL030 | Join LAGP and LQUA (RLS10030 and RLS10034) |
RL030_UNIQUE | Unique fields from tables lagp & lqua. |
RL031 | Structure for Returning Stocks of Delivery (Suppl. to RL034) |
RL032 | Transfer Structure for Differences |
RL034 | Data Transfer Structure for Stock Transfer / Posting Change |
RL03A | Transmission structure for transfer order kernel (SAPLL03A) |
RL03B | I/O table for SAPLL03B |
RL03L | Field Structure for TO Lists |
RL03Q | Help fields for QM link to WM |
RL03T | I/O fields for WM transfer order processing (SAPML03T) |
RL04I | I/O fields for inventory processing (SAPML04I). |
RL05S | I/O fields for multiple processing (SAPML05S). |
RL070 | All LQUA and LINV Fields |
RL080_HEADER | Hierarchical Rep RLS10080 - Header |
RL080_ITEM | Hierarchical Rep RLS10080 - Item |
RL150_ITEM | Number of Movements in Storage Type |
RL310_HEADER | Help structure for report RLS30010 - hirarch - header |
RL310_LIGHTS | Mat. Master View: WMS (MARA,MARC,MLGN,MAKT,MARM,T141,T141T) |
RLAGP | Structure for Sorting during Transfer Order Print in WM |
RLBES | Layout string for initial entry of inventory data |
RLCP1 | WM-PP interface: structure for release parts in LP12 |
RLCP2 | Header data for processing release order parts |
RLCP3 | Structure with TR header data for WM/PP interface |
RLCP4 | Help Structure for Determining Deliveries per Reservation |
RLCP5 | WMPP Interface: Batch Confirmation to Kanban |
RLCP6 | WM PP Interface: Structure for Created Transfer Requirements |
RLCPP | Help fields for function group LCPP (WM-PP interface) |
RLCPP_PROT1 | WM/PP Interface: Log Data for Staging |
RLDIV | Various parameter fields in WM |
RLDRC | Fields for Transfer Order Print: Control |
RLDRH | Fields for Transfer Order Print: Header Information |
RLDRI | Fields for Transfer Order Print: Items |
RLDRP | Fields for Transfer Order Print: PP Data |
RLDRU | Fields for transfer order printout |
RLIST | Fields for WM lists |
RLLDB | Structure that is included in the reorganization programs |
RLMC1 | Help fields for warehouse controlling |
RLMHD | Help structure for report RLS30010 |
RLMMQ | Internal table for MM stock figures |
RLMST | I/O text fields for WM tables MSTT3** |
RLPLA | Structure for Takeover of Storage Bin Data |
RLQUA | Key Fields for LQUA |
RLREO | MM-WM: structure for archiving and reorganization in WM |
RLRLB_HEADER | Hierarchical report RLB10010 - Header |
RLRLB_ITEM | Hierarchical report RLB10010 - Item |
RLS10071 | Structure with Storage Type Data |
RLS10072 | Structure with Storage Bin Data |
RLSOND | WM: Internal Structure for Special Stock Processing |
RLSPL | Fields for Transfer Order Split: Items |
RLSTAB | Overview of Fixed Bins with Stock (RLS10090_ALV) |
RLT10030 | Structure for Report RLT1003 |
RLVEK | Fields for Transfer Order Print: Packaging Proposal |
RLWMP_PC3 | Fields from LQUA & LAGP for Report RLWMPPC3 |
RLWMQ | Internal table for WM stock figures |
RT310 | Addition for processing Table T310 |
RV03D | I/O fields for SAPMV03D |
S090Z | Additional fields for display of info structure S090 |
S091Z | Additional fields for display of info structure S091 |
SRLS10040 | Structure for Report RLS10040 |
SRLS100401 | Structure for Report RLS100401 with Storage Type Settings |
T310_ENQ | Blocking Term for Access to Table T310 |
T311_1 | Supplement to reference number (T311) |
T311_VB | Transfer structure T311 and T311A for update task |
T311A_1 | Supplement to reference number (T311) |
T311A_VB | Transfer structure T311 and T311A for update task |
TBKP1 | Transfer Requirement Header and Item Data |
VBELN_TAB | Delivery table |
VBELN_TAB_SAMM | Transfer structure for updating multiple processing per ref. |
WMGRP_HEAD | Header Structure for Messages when Creating WM TO for Group |
WMGRP_ITEM | Item Structure for Messages when Creating WM TO for Group |
WMGRP_MSG | Messages for Creating WM TO for Group |
WMS_MIGO | Interface for Entering WM Data in MIGO |
WMS_MIGO_0100 | WM Palletization in GR: Screen 0100 |
WMS_MIGO_DISP | Interface for Display of WM Data in MIGO |
WMS_MIGO_PAL | WM Palletization in GR: Structure of Internal Table |
WMS_MIGO_RESULT | Interface to Reading WM Data Entered in MIGO |
WMS_MIGO_SUGG | WM Palletization in GR: Interface for Default Values |
SAP Package LVS contains 226 programs.
RL03TPRO | Log of Storage Bin Search |
RL2STK00 | Evaluation of group for 2-step picking and update status |
RLABGL00 | Stock Comparison Inventory Management / Warehouse Management |
RLABGL01 | Stock Comparison: Inventory Management/Handling Units/Whse Management |
RLALEACU | Generate distribution model for WMS component |
RLAUTA10 | Create Transfer Orders for Material Document in Background |
RLAUTA11 | Create transfer orders for posting change notices automatically |
RLAUTA20 | Create Transfer Orders for Deliveries Automatically or Immediately |
RLB10010 | Transfer requirements with processed quantities as percentages |
RLB10010_OLD | Transfer requirements with processed quantities as percentages |
RLBBIN00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Block Storage Bin (WMBIID01-IDOC) |
RLBEST00 | Batch Input for Init.Entry of Stock Data |
RLBEST20 | Test Data for Batch Input for Data Transfer Using Movement Type 999 |
RLCATO00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Cancel TOs (WMCAID01 IDOC) |
RLCATO10 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Cancel TOs (WMCAID01 IDOC) |
RLCHECKL | Check number ranges for storage units and handling units |
RLCUST00 | Customizing for conversion exit LENUM (storage unit number) |
RLEXIP01 | Executing IM Postings (example as basis for modification) |
RLI30010 | Inventory Overview |
RLIMPOSTHU | IM Postings with HUs |
RLINFO00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Enter Information Text |
RLINV010 | Selection of Storage Bins for Annual Inventory Count |
RLINV015 | Carry out Continuous Inventory |
RLINV020 | Differences List per Storage Type |
RLINV030 | Statistics for Inventory Differences |
RLINV030_OLD | Statistics for Inventory Differences |
RLINV040 | Inventory status |
RLINV040_OLD | Inventory status |
RLINV050 | Carry Out Inventory Using the Cycle Counting Method |
RLINV060 | Execute Inventory with Cycle-Counting Method and by Quants |
RLINV070 | Evaluation of quant inventory |
RLINV080 | Cancel Phys. Inventory Doc. Items from an Active Inventory |
RLINVE00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Entry of Inventory Count for WM-System |
RLKOMM00 | Combined Pick List |
RLKOMM40 | Combined Pick List |
RLL10010 | Display Warehouse Documents |
RLLB1100 | List of TRs for Material |
RLLB1200 | ?... |
RLLB1300 | List of trans.requirements |
RLLI0400 | Print Warehouse Inventory List for Continuous Inventory |
RLLI0401 | Print Warehouse Inventory List for Continuous Inventory |
RLLI0405 | Print Warehouse Inventory List for Continuous Inventory |
RLLI0500 | Display Inventory History for Storage Bin |
RLLI1400 | Inventory Differences |
RLLI2001 | Inventory Differences |
RLLI2100 | Clearing Differences in IM |
RLLI2110 | Clearing of differences in Inventory Management |
RLLL0000 | Warehouse activity monitor: Overview of all critical objects |
RLLL0100 | Warehouse Activity Monitor: Call up Monitor Report with Variant |
RLLL01SE | Warehouse Monitor: Determine Unconfirmed Transfer Orders |
RLLL01TA | Warehouse Monitor: List of Non-confirmed TO Items for a Transf.Order |
RLLL02SE | Warehouse Monitor: Determine Unprocessed Transfer Requirement Items |
RLLL03SE | Warehouse Monitor: Determination of Critical Posting Change Documents |
RLLL04SE | Warehouse Monitor: Determine Critical Deliveries |
RLLL05SE | Warehouse Monitor: Determine Negative Stock in Storage Bins |
RLLL06SE | Warehouse Monitor: Interim Storage Stocks without Movement |
RLLL07SE | Warehouse Monitor: Determine Critical Stocks in Production |
RLLNACH1 | Replenishment for Fixed Bins in WM |
RLLNACH2 | Replenishment Planning for Fixed Bins |
RLLNACH4 | Replenishment for storage types with random space management |
RLLQ0100 | Posting chge stor. loc. to stor. loc. in Inventory Management |
RLLQ0200 | Posting Change Quants for Material in WM and IM |
RLLS0400 | ABAP for LS04 |
RLLS0401 | Display Empty Storage Bins with Bin Sectioning |
RLLS0500 | ABAP for LS05, Automatic Creation of Storage Bins |
RLLS0600 | Delete Several Storage Bins Simultaneously |
RLLS0700 | Block and Unblock Quants for Material |
RLLS0800 | Block and Unblock a Range of Storage Bins |
RLLS2400 | ABAP for LS24 |
RLLS2500 | ABAP for LS25 |
RLLS2600 | ABAP for LS26 |
RLLS2600_OLD | ABAP for LS26 |
RLLS2700 | ABAP for LS25 |
RLLS2800 | Storage Units per Storage Bin |
RLLS4100 | List of control cycles |
RLLS4100_OLD | List of control cycles |
RLLT0B00 | Putaway of pre-picked handling units |
RLLT0C00 | Removal of pre-picked handling units |
RLLT0D00 | Transferring pre-picked handling units |
RLLT0E00 | Put Away/Transfer Handling Units |
RLLT0F00 | Remove Handling Units from Storage |
RLLT0G00 | Return Delivery to Stock |
RLLT0R00 | Request replenishment manually |
RLLT2200 | Transfer orders for storage type |
RLLT2300 | Transfer Orders: List of Resident Documents |
RLLT2400 | Transfer Orders for Material |
RLLT2500 | Transfer orders for each group |
RLLT2501 | Transfer Orders for Each Group |
RLLT2502 | Transfer Orders for Each Group |
RLLT2600 | Transfer Orders for Storage Bin |
RLLT2700 | Transfer orders for storage unit |
RLLT2800 | Transfer Orders for Each Group |
RLLT2900 | Picking progress |
RLLT6300 | Control report for single entry of actual data |
RLLT6400 | Control report for single entry of actual data |
RLLU0400 | List of TRs for Material |
RLLX4700 | Analysis of Delayed Delivery Update |
RLMBXY00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Goods Movements in IM |
RLMG0020 | Creating WM View for Multiple Material Masters (Decentr.WM) |
RLMG0050 | Batch Input for Transfer of Material Master Data Whse Number Overview |
RLMG0060 | Batch Input for Material Master Data Transfer, Storage Type View |
RLMGT000 | Test Program for Storage Bin Transfer in WM (Warehouse Management) |
RLMGT010 | Test Program for Initial Entry of Stock Balances in WM |
RLMGT050 | Test Program for Material Master - WM view (Warehouse Management) |
RLMGT060 | Test Program for Material Master - WM view (Warehouse Management) |
RLMIGR01 | Display / change sequential dataset (structure LDK34) |
RLMIGR02 | Display / change sequential file (structure RLPLA) |
RLMIGR03 | Display / Change Sequential File (Structure LDK33) |
RLMIGR04 | Display / Change Sequential File (Structure RLBES) |
RLMIGR05 | Display / Change Sequential File (Structure LDK30) |
RLMIGR06 | Display / Change Sequential File (Structure LDK31) |
RLMS0010 | WM Material Data per Storage Type |
RLOLML02 | Check report for stock placement strategy K in Customizing |
RLPIHU00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Transfer Orders in WM |
RLPLAT00 | Batch Input for Transferring Storage Bins |
RLQCHECK | Check Program for Determining Inconsistencies Between LQUA and LTAP |
RLRB0001 | Read transfer requirements from the archive |
RLRE311X | Reorganize Tables for Multiple Processing T311, T311A, T311L |
RLREOB00 | Archiving Report for Transf.Requirements in WM System |
RLREOB00S | Archiving Transfer Requirements: Write Program |
RLREOB00SN | Archiving Transfer Requirements: Write Program |
RLREOB10 | Delete archived transfer requirements |
RLREOB10S | Archiving Transfer Requirements: Deletion Program |
RLREOH00 | Archiving Report for Count Records (History) in WM System |
RLREOH10 | Delete archived inventory count records (history) |
RLREOI00 | Archiving Report for Inventory Records in the WM System |
RLREOI10 | Delete archived system inventory records |
RLREOL00 | Archiving warehouse |
RLREOL10 | Delete archived whse material movements (Component Warehouse) |
RLREOLPQ | Reset Inventory Data in Storage Bins and Quants |
RLREOT00 | Archiving Report for Transfer Orders in the WM System |
RLREOT00S | Archiving Transfer Orders: Write Program |
RLREOT00SN | Archiving Transfer Orders: Write Program |
RLREOT10 | Delete Archived Transfer Orders |
RLREOT10S | Archiving Transfer Orders: Deletion Program |
RLREOU00 | Archiving Report for Posting Change Notices in the WM System |
RLREOU10 | Deletion of archived posting change notices |
RLRH0001 | Archived Inventory History |
RLRI0001 | Archived Physical Inventory Documents |
RLRL0001 | Read whse material movements from archive |
RLRT0000 | Pending Deletion |
RLRT0001 | Read Transfer Orders from Archive |
RLRU0001 | Archived Posting Change Notices |
RLS10010 | List of Empty Bins |
RLS10010_OLD | List of Empty Storage Bins |
RLS10020 | WM stock with material descriptions |
RLS10020_OLD | WM Stock Sorted by Different Criteria |
RLS10030 | Bin Status Report: Initial Screen |
RLS10034 | Stock transfer per mouse click: Start |
RLS10040 | Capacity Used per Storage Type |
RLS10040_OLD | Capacity Used per Storage Type |
RLS10050 | Blocking Bins in Bulk Storage (with Time Limit) |
RLS10060 | Fire Department Inventory List |
RLS10070 | ANALYSIS: Correct Storage of Hazardous Materials |
RLS10080 | Warehouse Index According to Hazardous Incident Ordinance |
RLS10080_OLD | Warehouse Index According to Hazardous Incident Ordinance |
RLS10090 | Fixed bin information list |
RLS10090_OLD | Fixed Bin Information List |
RLS10100 | Check Program for Number of Quants per Storage Bin |
RLS10110 | Check Program for Data Consistency in Warehouse Unit Mgmt |
RLS10200 | Recalculate capacity data and weight data in the warehouse |
RLS10240 | Overview of Hazardous Materials |
RLS10240_OLD | Overview of Hazardous Materials |
RLS30010 | SLED control list |
RLS30010_OLD | Expiration Date Information List |
RLSAMM01 | Selection of Deliveries for Multiple Processing in LE-WM |
RLSAMM10 | Analysis of Groups |
RLSAMM11 | Program RLSAMM11 |
RLSUB000 | Transfer Orders: Pass on Items to External System |
RLSUB010 | Overview of WM messages transmitted to external systems |
RLSUB020 | Inbound IDoc: Application documents linked with IDocs |
RLSUMO00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Move Storage Unit (WMSUID01 IDOC) |
RLT10010 | Evaluation of Movements per Storage Type |
RLT10020 | Transfer Orders: Resident Documents |
RLT10030 | Transfer Orders: Resident Documents (Detailed View) |
RLT10040 | Transfer Orders with Differences |
RLT10050 | Analysis of Material Transfer Frequency |
RLT10050_OLD | Evaluation of Material Movements per Storage Type |
RLT1HR00 | Transmission WM performance data -> HR incentive wage |
RLTBULK1 | Check bulk storage |
RLTOCO00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Confirm TOs (WMTCID01-IDOC) |
RLTOCO10 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Confirm TOs (WMTCID01-IDOC) |
RLTORD00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Transfer Orders in WM |
RLTORD10 | Test program for inbound IDoc: Several TO items per TO |
RLTREORG2 | Storage Bins / Storage Units analysis |
RLTREQ00 | Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Confirm TOs (WMTCID01-IDOC) |
RLVSBLOC | Set Up Bulk Storage Indicator |
RLVSCHEC | Check Interface Tables (IM<->WM) for Completeness |
RLVSDR00 | Initiate Printing of Transf.Order |
RLVSDR10 | Initiate Printing of Transf.Order |
RLVSDR20 | Analysis of Customized Print Control Tables in WM |
RLVSDR40 | Initiate Printing of Transf.Order |
RLVSLE01 | Confirm storage unit, then transfer to high-rack warehouse |
RLVSPLRE | Reorganization of Planned Transfer Orders |
RLVST321 | Comparison of T321 via clients |
RLVST333 | Create Bins for Interim Storage Types |
RLWMPPC1 | WM-PP: Material Stock in Production Storage Bin |
RLWMPPC2 | WM-PP: Material Stock in Production Storage Bin |
RLWMPPC3 | WM-PP Evaluation report |
RLWMPPC3_OLD | WM-PP Evaluation report |
RLWMPPC4 | Evaluation PP Order from WM View |
RLWMPPC5 | Consistency Check for Control Cycles |
RLWMPPC5_OLD | Consistency check for control cycles |
RLWMPPC51 | Consistency Check for Control Cycles |
RLWMPPC6 | Automatic creation of control cycles for realease order parts |
RLWMSCH1 | Consistency check for decentralized WMS: ERP->WMS |
RLWMSCH2 | Consistency check for decentralized WMS: ERP->WMS |
RLXPR140 | Conversion in WM: 'CC' -> 'ST' and Select New CC Xfield |
RLXPR340 | Conversion in WM: Overwrite old print reports with 4.0 versions |
RLXPR441 | Conversion in WM: Enter whse numbers in T312S acc. to key extension |
RLXPRA40 | Extension WM Tables by Storage Location |
RLXPRACH | Check for Whse Mgmt tables T320 and T340D for XPRA RLXPRA40 |
RMCB2200 | Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS |
RMCB2300 | Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS |
RMCB2305 | Material Flow |
RMCB2400 | Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS |
RMCWMNMB | New Setup for Info Structures from Material Movements |
RMCWMNTA | Statistical Structure for Warehouse Controlling from Transfer Orders |
SAPML01S | ?... |
SAPML02B | ?... |
SAPML03N | Maintain Emergency Switch for Change Management in Decentralized WMS |
SAPML03T | Generate transfer order: screens, reference documents, ... |
SAPML04I | Module pool inventory |
SAPML05S | Module pool coll.proc. |
SAPMV03D | ?... |
SAP Package LVS contains 37 search helps.
H_LVS_GEWEI | Unit of weight for Warehouse Management (mass) |
H_LVS_REFNR | Group numbers |
H_LVS_VOLEH | Volume unit for Warehouse Management |
H_T300 | Help View for Check-Table T300 Warehouse Number |
H_T301 | Help View for Check-Table T301 |
H_T302 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T302 |
H_T303 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T303 |
H_T304 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T304 |
H_T305 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T305 |
H_T306 | Help View for Table T306 |
H_T307 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T307 |
H_T308 | Help View for Check Table T308 |
H_T309 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T309 |
H_T311 | Help View for Table T311 |
H_T328ZEINH | Help view for T006 |
H_T329F | Generated Help View for Check-Table T329F |
H_T329P | Help View for Table T329P |
H_T330 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T330 |
H_T333 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T333 |
H_T333A | Generated Help View for Check-Table T333A |
H_T336 | Generated Help View for Check-Table T336 |
H_T337A | Help View for Table T337A |
H_T338 | Help View for Bulk Storage Indicators |
H_T646A | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646A |
H_T646G | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646G |
H_T646L | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646L |
H_T646R | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646R |
H_T646V | Generated Help View for Check-Table T646U |
L_BWLVS_LUBU | Posting Change Movement Types in WM |
L_LAGP | Storage Bins |
L_LAGP_FIX_BINS | Unassigned Storage Bins |
L_MGEF | Search Help for Hazardous Materials |
L_STORLOC_2_PLANTS | Search Help for Storage Location for One of Two Plants |
LAG1 | Search help for storage bin |
LAG1E | Empty storage bins |
LAG1M | Storage bins for material |
LAG5 | Group numbers |
SAP Package LVS contains 17 message classes.
L0 | Meldungen fuer Modulpool SAPFL000 |
L1 | Messagehandling zu den Stammdaten LVS |
L2 | Transportbedarfe |
L3 | |
L3A | Nachrichten zum Transportauftrags-Kernel |
L4 | LVS Inventur |
L5 | LVS-Sammelgänge |
L8 | Nachrichten aus DB-Zugriffsroutinen (SAPDB...) |
L9 | Funktionsbausteine |
LBAPI | Nachrichten zu LVS - BAPI-Meldungen |
LC1 | Nachrichten für Zugriffe auf Customizing Tabellen im WM |
LK | Nachrichten für die Kopplung WM -> SUB |
LL | Meldungen für den Lagerleitstand |
LP | WM-PP Schnittstelle |
LRFMON | Nachrichten aus dem Bereich LRF-Monitor |
LT | LE-WM: Fehlermeldungen bei der View- bzw. Tabellenpflege |
SAP Package LVS contains 4 authorization objects.
L_BWLVS | Movement Type in the Warehouse Management System |
L_LGNUM | Warehouse Number / Storage Type |
L_SFUNC | Special functions in Warehouse Management |
L_TCODE | Transaction Codes in the Warehouse Management System |