
SAP Package P99S_TNM

Training needs management

The package P99S_TNM (Training needs management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCFR.

Technical Information

Package P99S_TNM
Short Text Training needs management
Parent Package HRCFR

Function Groups

SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 9 function groups.

HRTNM_F4HELP Training needs management: F4 help
HRTNM_REPORT TNM: function group for TNM reporting
HRTNM_SNAP_DAQ Services Modules for DAQ Snapshot
HRTNM_TP_FRAMEWORK Service Modules for HR Framework
HRTNM_VIEWS Training needs management: views
HRTNM_WORKSPACE General overview object
TNM_OVERVIEW_FUNCTIONS Functions for Generic Overview Object


SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 11 transactions.

HRTNM00_ACTIVATE Activate Training Needs Management
HRTNM00_BATCH_DEL TNM batch: update table _ab table
HRTNM00_BATCH_QUOTA Contingent TNM managem. batch input
HRTNM00_BATCH_STAT TNM batch: update table _ab table
HRTNM00_BATCH_STAT_E TNM batch: update table _ab table
HRTNM00_REPCRE TNM Transaction : Create Mode
HRTNM00_REPDIS TNM Transaction : Display mode
HRTNM00_REPMOD TNM Transaction : Modify mode
HRTNM00_SNAP TNM Reporting : Snapshot
HRTNM00_SNAP_GUI TNM Reporting: Display training plan
HRTNM00_TN_ASSIGN TNM: TN assignment report

Database Tables

SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 57 database tables.

HRP1680 DB Table for Infotype 1680
HRP1681 DB Table for Infotype 1681
HRP1682 DB Table for Infotype 1682
HRP1683 DB Table for Infotype 1683
HRP1684 DB Table for Infotype 1684
HRP1685 BD table for infotype 1685
HRP1686 DB Table for Infotype 1686
HRP1687 DB Table for Infotype 1687
HRP1690 DB Table for Infotype 1690
HRPAD940 Additional data PAD940
HRPAD941 Additional data PAD941
HRT1680 Table Part Infotype 1680
HRT1681 Table Part Infotype 1681
HRT1683 Table Part Infotype 1683
HRT1684 Table Part Infotype 1684
HRT1686 Table Part Infotype 1686
T77TNM_AB TNM: absence records table
T77TNM_C0 Valid parameter names
T77TNM_C0T Parameter description
T77TNM_CA Cost Attributes
T77TNM_CC Cost Category
T77TNM_CCL TNM: class reference - table type C
T77TNM_CCT Cost Category Text
T77TNM_CG Cost Category Group
T77TNM_CGT Cost Category Group Text
T77TNM_CL TNM: class reference - table type S
T77TNM_DC TNM Decoupling Class
T77TNM_DE TNM: deduction customizing table
T77TNM_FA TNM: factory class
T77TNM_FC Training Fund Category
T77TNM_FCT Training Fund Category: text table
T77TNM_IV Compensation Indirect Valuation
T77TNM_LR Training Legal Reference
T77TNM_LRT Training Legal Reference (text table)
T77TNM_OB Table Training Objective
T77TNM_OBT Table Training Objective Text
T77TNM_OG Table Training Objective Group
T77TNM_OGT Table Training Objective Group Text
T77TNM_PC Training Plan Category
T77TNM_PCT Training Plan category: Text Table
T77TNM_QU TNM: quota customizing table
T77TNM_RE Table Training Needs Status Reason
T77TNM_RET Table Training Needs Status Reason Text
T77TNM_RS Absence Reason
T77TNM_RST Absence Reason
T77TNM_S0 TNM settings table
T77TNM_ST Table Training Needs Status
T77TNM_STT Table Training Needs Status Text
T77TNM_TAC TNM: table to handle tabstrip naming (custo)
T77TNM_TAS TNM: table to handle tabstrip naming
T77TNM_TE Training Employee Group
T77TNM_TET Training Employee Group Text
T77TNM_TY Training type
T77TNM_TYFCM Training type / Training Fund Category: mapping table
T77TNM_TYT Training type text
T77TNM_VA TNM: store ref. of class used for val. process (syst. table)
T77TNM_VAC TNM: store ref. of class used for val. process (custo table)


SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 33 views.

HTNM_OBJGR_CO Training Objective Group and Training Objective Code
V_T77TNM_AB V_T77TNMAB: temporary deduction records
V_T77TNM_CA Cost Attributes: Maintenance View
V_T77TNM_CC Cost Category: Maintenance View
V_T77TNM_CG Cost Category Group: Maintenance View
V_T77TNM_DC TNM Decoupling Class: Maintenance View
V_T77TNM_DE TNM: deduction table
V_T77TNM_FA TNM: view
V_T77TNM_FC Training fund category: maintenance view
V_T77TNM_IV Compensation Indirect Valuation: Maintenance View
V_T77TNM_LR Training Legal Reference: maintenance view
V_T77TNM_OB View for Table Training Needs Objective Code
V_T77TNM_OG View Table for Training Needs Objective Group
V_T77TNM_PC Training plan category: maintenance view
V_T77TNM_QU TNM: quota management customizing table
V_T77TNM_RE View Table for Training Needs Reason
V_T77TNM_RS Absence Reason: Maintenance View
V_T77TNM_S0 Maintainence view for TNM settings
V_T77TNM_ST View Table for Training Status Code
V_T77TNM_TAC Handle tabstrip display: customizing table
V_T77TNM_TAS Handle tabstrip display: system table
V_T77TNM_TE Training Employee Group: Maintenance View
V_T77TNM_TY Training type: maintenance view
V_T77TNM_TYFCM Training type/fund category mapping: maintenance view
V_T77TNM_VA TNM: view for system table T77TNM_VA
V_T77TNM_VA_D TNM: view for system table T77TNM_VA (TP display view)
V_T77TNM_VA_T TNM: view for system table T77TNM_VA (transaction val.)
V_T77TNM_VAC TNM: view for customizing table T77TNM_VAC
V_T77TNM_VAC_D TNM: view for customizing table T77TNM_VAC (TP display view)
V_T77TNM_VAC_T TNM: view for custo table T77TNM_VAC (transaction val.)
VV_7778U_TNM Subtypes for Infotype 1002


SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 221 structures.

E1PAD940 HR: Infotype 1001 with Additional Data PAD940
FTEGC Structure caractéristique Training need pour Employee Group
HRI1680 Fields for Infotype 1680
HRI1681 Infotype 1681 Fields
HRI1682 Infotype 1682 fields
HRI1683 Fields for Infotype 1683
HRI1684 Fields for Infotype 1684
HRI1685 Fields for infotype 1685 - General Attributes
HRI1686 Fields for Infotype 1686
HRI1687 TNM: IT1687 Fields That cannot Be Inherited
HRI1690 Infotype 1690 Fields (TNM attributes)
HRTNM_FIELD TNM: field that deals with an error
HRTNM_S_1002_ALV TNM: IT1002 selection ALV
HRTNM_S_1680_ALV_POPUP Structure for 1680 ALV
HRTNM_S_ADDAT TNM: structure for additional data (table t5f99sr)
HRTNM_S_BATCH_LOG_ALV TNM: log structure for batch input report (ALV display)
HRTNM_S_BATCH_LOG_DEDU TNM: log structure for batch input report (ALV display)
HRTNM_S_BATCH_LOG_E TNM: log structure for batch input report (ALV display)
HRTNM_S_BATCH_LOG_P TNM: log structure for batch input report (ALV display)
HRTNM_S_BET_INFO TNM: business event type assigned to a catalog
HRTNM_S_BUFFER_IT1001 TNM: IT1001 buffer structure
HRTNM_S_BUFFER_QUOTA TNM: buffer for quota update
HRTNM_S_CR_SEL_SCR TNM: object creation selection screen
HRTNM_S_DINFO TNM: structure to store D object info
HRTNM_S_EINFO TNM: structure to store E object info
HRTNM_S_IT1036_ALV ALV Structure of infotype 1036 (Cost Item)
HRTNM_S_IT1681_ALV ALV Structure of infotype 1681 (regulatory compliance)
HRTNM_S_IT1683_ALV ALV Structure of infotype 1683 (Budget)
HRTNM_S_IT1684_ALV ALV Structure of infotype 1684 (Invoice)
HRTNM_S_IT1686_ALV ALV Structure of infotype 1686 (Attendance/Absence)
HRTNM_S_MAIN_OBJ_INFO TNM:main object info
HRTNM_S_OBJ_DELTA TNM: delta type structure (Objective)
HRTNM_S_OBJECT_INFO Training Needs Management: object list info
HRTNM_S_P_STAT TNM: person statistics
HRTNM_S_P0416 TNM: p0416 extended structure
HRTNM_S_PASS_DELTA TNM: delta type structure (Person assignment)
HRTNM_S_PERSON_QUOTA_ALV TNM: structure to handle person assigment with quota mngt
HRTNM_S_PRESERVE Contains field to preserve when moving between TN and Person
HRTNM_S_QUOTA_ALV TNM: structure to display quota info in an ALV
HRTNM_S_RECO_DELTA TNM: delta type structure (Regulatory compliance)
HRTNM_S_SCHEDULE_ALV ALV Schedule structure of infotype 1686 (Schedule)
HRTNM_S_SCR_OBJECT TNM: object info screen
HRTNM_S_SNAP_ALV_BUDG TNM: display temse within an oriented budget ALV view
HRTNM_S_SNAP_ALV_EMPL TNM: display temse within an ALV oriented employee view
HRTNM_S_SNAP_ALV_LEGD TNM: icon/color legend
HRTNM_S_SNAP_ALV_MANAGER TNM: structure for ALV snapshot manager
HRTNM_S_SNAP_ALV_RECO TNM: display temse in an oriented reg. compliance ALV view
HRTNM_S_SNAP_DELTA TNM: delta type structure
HRTNM_S_SNAP_DINFO TNM: temse file structure for D object
HRTNM_S_SNAP_DINFO_DELTA TNM: D object info delta structure
HRTNM_S_SNAP_OBJ Structure : Objective Group and Objective
HRTNM_S_SNAP_OBJ_DELTA Structure : Objective Group and Objective (delta)
HRTNM_S_SNAP_PASS Person Assignment
HRTNM_S_SNAP_PASS_DELTA Person Assignment (delta)
HRTNM_S_SNAP_RECO Training Needs
HRTNM_S_SNAP_RECO_DELTA TNM: regulatory compliance delta structure
HRTNM_S_SNAP_TN Regulatory Compliance
HRTNM_S_SNAP_TN_DELTA TNM: training need delta structure
HRTNM_S_SNAP_TP Structure of Training Plan
HRTNM_S_SNAP_TP_DELTA Structure of Training Plan
HRTNM_S_STAFF_ASSIGN_INFO TNM: staff assignment info
HRTNM_S_SUBTY_INFO TNM: subtype info
HRTNM_S_TIME_GROUP TNM: time grouping structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_BET TNM: TN assignment report - business event type structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_CAT_REF TNM: Catalog object reference
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_CATALOG TNM: TN assignment report - catalog structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_F4_FILTER TNM: TN assign. report - Filter data rel. to a TN structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_P_TNAFC TNM: structure with TN/person reference and function code
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_PERSON TNM: TN assignment report - person info structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_RC TNM: TN assign. report - regulatory compliance structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_TN TNM: TN assignment report - training needs structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_TN_REF TNM: TN assignment report - TN object structure
HRTNM_S_TN_ASSIGN_TNAFC_F4 TNM: F4 help structure for TN assign. function code
HRTNM_S_TN_DELTA TNM: delta type structure (Training need)
HRTNM_S_TP_STATS_CH TNM: TP status change
HRTNM_S_TREE TNM: tree structure
HRTNM_S_VAL_ALV Structure for costs valuation
HRTNM_S_VAL_BET_INFO TNM: costs valuation - D object info
HRTNM_S_VAL_COSTS TNM: costs structure
HRTNM_S_VAL_LOG TNM: structure to store log on TP snapshot
HRTNM_S_VAL_LOG_CAT TNM: structure for catalog object info (val. log)
HRTNM_S_VAL_LOG_ERROR TNM: structure for error
HRTNM_S_VAL_LOG_MSGC TNM: structure for message displayed in val. log (Cat level)
HRTNM_S_VAL_LOG_MSGT TNM: structure for message displayed in val. log (TN level)
HRTNM_S_VAL_LOG_TN TNM: structure for valuation log (attached to a snapshot)
HRTNM_S_VAL_LOG_TP TNM: TP structure for valuation log (attached to a snapshot)
HRTNM_S_VAL_PERID TNM: structure to store person ID
HRTNM_S_VAL_PERID_ACTUAL TNM: structure to store person ID (actual process)
HRTNM_S_VAL_RECO TNM: regulatory compliance info
HRTNM_S_VAL_SNAP TNM: structure of a given TP snapshot
HRTNM_S_VAL_STAFF TNM: staff assignment structure
HRTNM_S_VAL_TN TNM: TN structure for costs valuation
HRTNM_S_VAL_TP TNM: TP structure for costs valuation
HRTNM_S_VALO_ALV Structure Valorisation Cost
HRTNM_S_VALO_BUDGET Valorization: Budget
HRTNM_S_VALO_BUDGET_BY_PERSON Valorization: Budget by person
HRTNM_S_VALO_BUDGET_COST Budget Cost By Objective
HRTNM_S_VALO_COST Valorisation: Cost
HRTNM_S_VALO_COST_BY_PERSON Valorization: Cost by person
HRTNM_S_VALO_INDIV_COST Valorization: Individual cost
HRTNM_S_VALO_LOG_ALV TNM: structure for valuation log ALV
HRTNM_S_VALO_OBJECTIVE Valorization: Budget
HRTNM_S_VALO_OBJID_CATALOG Valorization: Objid Catalog
HRTNM_S_VALO_PERSON Valorization: Person
HRTNM_S_VALO_PERSON_ASSIGN Valorization: Person Assignement
HRTNM_S_VALO_PERSON_EVENT Valorization: Person
HRTNM_S_VALO_REGULATORY Valorization: Regulatory Compliance
HRTNM_S_VALO_REGULATORY_PERNR Valorization: Regulatory Compliance
HRTNM_S_WAGE_RESULT Structure TNM Valorization Wage Type
HRTNM_SEL_ABKRS Select option for payroll area
HRTNM_SNAP_AGE Information Data for Age (Filter of TN)
HRTNM_SNAP_ALL Snapshot for Training Needs Management
HRTNM_SNAP_AMOUNT_DELTA TNM: delta amount structure
HRTNM_SNAP_COST Individual Cost
HRTNM_SNAP_DINFO TNM: D object information
HRTNM_SNAP_DINFO_DELTA TNM: delta structure for D object information
HRTNM_SNAP_HTT Information Data for HTT
HRTNM_SNAP_OBJ Objective and Objective Group
HRTNM_SNAP_OBJ_DELTA TNM: objective group delta structure
HRTNM_SNAP_OWN Information Data of Training Plan's Owner
HRTNM_SNAP_PASS Person Assignment
HRTNM_SNAP_PASS_DELTA TNM: personal assignment delta structure
HRTNM_SNAP_PERS Information Data of Person
HRTNM_SNAP_PERS_DELTA TNM: person info delta structure
HRTNM_SNAP_PTT Information Data for PTT
HRTNM_SNAP_RECO Regulatory Compliance for Training Needs
HRTNM_SNAP_RECO_DELTA TNM: regulatory compliance delta structure
HRTNM_SNAP_TN Information Data of Training Needs
HRTNM_SNAP_TN_ALV Information Data of Training Needs
HRTNM_SNAP_TN_DELTA TNM: training need delta structure
HRTNM_SNAP_TN_DELTA_ADDAT TNM: delta structure for training need section
HRTNM_SNAP_TP Information Data for Training Plan
HRTNM_SNAP_TP_DELTA Information Data for Training Plan
HRTNM_T_BATCH_LOG_DEDU TNM: log structure for batch input report (temse)
HRTNM_T_BATCH_LOG_E TNM: log structure for batch input report (temse)
HRTNM_T_BATCH_LOG_P TNM: log structure for batch input report (temse)
HRTNM_T_SNAP_COST Information Data for Individual Cost
HRTNM_T_SNAP_COST_DELTA Individual Cost Delta
HRTNM_T_SNAP_DINFO Objective Group and Objective
HRTNM_T_SNAP_DINFO_DELTA TNM: regulatory compliance delta structure
HRTNM_T_SNAP_HTT Information Data for HTT
HRTNM_T_SNAP_OBJ Objective Group and Objective
HRTNM_T_SNAP_OBJ_DELTA TNM: objective group delta structure
HRTNM_T_SNAP_OWN Information Data of Training Plan's Owner
HRTNM_T_SNAP_PASS Information Data : Person Assignment
HRTNM_T_SNAP_PASS_DELTA TNM: personal assignment delta structure
HRTNM_T_SNAP_PERS Information Data of Person
HRTNM_T_SNAP_PERS_DELTA TNM: personal info delta structure
HRTNM_T_SNAP_PTT Information Data for PTT
HRTNM_T_SNAP_RECO Information Data of Regulatory Compliance for Training Needs
HRTNM_T_SNAP_RECO_DELTA TNM: regulatory compliance delta structure
HRTNM_T_SNAP_TN Training Needs
HRTNM_T_SNAP_TN_DELTA TNM: training need delta structure
HRTNM_T_SNAP_TP Information Data for Training Plan
HRTNM_T_SNAP_TP_DELTA Information Data for Training Plan (delta)
HRTNM_T_VAL_LOG_CAT TNM: temse structure for catalog object info (val. log)
HRTNM_T_VAL_LOG_MSGC TNM: temse structure for message section (val. log)
HRTNM_T_VAL_LOG_MSGT TNM: temse structure for message section (val. log)
HRTNM_VAL_LOG_CAT TNM: catalog object info flat structure (val. log)
HRTNM_VAL_LOG_TN TNM: TN valuation log flat structure
P1680 Infotype 1680
P1680_AF Additional Query Fields
P1680_EXP Infotype 1680 expanded structures
P1681 Infotype 1681
P1681_AF Additional Query Fields
P1681_EXP Infotype 1681 expanded structures
P1682 Infotype 1682: General Data
P1682_AF Additional Query Fields
P1683 Infotype 1683
P1683_AF Additional Query Fields
P1683_EXP Infotype 1683 expanded structures
P1684 Infotype 1684
P1684_AF Additional Query Fields
P1684_EXP Infotype 1684 expanded structures
P1685 Infotype 1685 : Attributes
P1685_AF Requête : zones supplémentaires
P1686 Infotype 1686
P1686_AF Additional Query Fields
P1686_EXP Infotype 1686 expanded structures
P1687 Infotype 1687: No-Inheritance General Data
P1687_AF Additional Query Fields
P1690 Infotype 1690: TNM attributes
P1690_AF Additional Query Fields
PAD940 Additional Data for Relationship 'Need'
PAD940_QUE General Structure for Additional Data in Query 940
PAD941 Additional Data for Relationship 'Realize'
PMETN Structure pour feature Training Needs Management Switch
PT1680 Training Need Status Infotype
PT1681 Regulatory compliance financing data
PT1683 Fields for Table Part of Infotype 1683
PT1684 Fields for Table Part of Infotype 1684
PT1686 Fields for Table Part of Infotype 1686
Q1680 Screen fields : Infotype 1680 - Training Need Status
Q1681 Screen fields of infotype 1681 (TNM: regulatory compliance)
Q1682 Screen fields : Infotype 1682 - Add. Data for TN
Q1683 Screen fields of infotype 1683 (TNM: Budget cost)
Q1684 Screen fields of infotype 1684 (TNM: Invoice)
Q1685 Dynpro Fields for infotype 1685
Q1686 Q-fields of infotype 1686 (TNM: Attendance/Non-attendance)
Q1687 TNM: Q1687
Q1690 Screen fields for infotype 1690 (TNM attributes)
QPAD940 QFields for Add. Date for Filter
QT1681 QFields for PT1681
QT1684 Screen fields of infotype 1684 (TNM: Invoice)
QT1686 Screen fields of infotype 1686 (TNM: Absence/Attendance)


SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 24 programs.

MP168000 HR Module Pool Infotype 1680
MP168100 HR Module Pool Infotype YYYY
MP168200 PD Infotype 1682
MP168300 HR Module Pool Infotype 1683
MP168400 HR-PLAN Modulepool Infotype 1684
MP1684BI Include MP1684BI
MP168500 HR-PLAN Infotype 1685
MP1685BI Include MP1685BI
MP168600 HR Module Pool Infotype 1686
MP168700 PD Infotype 1687
MP169000 Mod. Pool MP169000
MP1690BI Report MP1690BI
RPCTNM_ACTIVATE Activation Program for Training Need Management
RPCTNM9S_CRUD TNM: CRUD training need object
RPCTNM9S_CRUD_TP TNM: CRUD training plan object
RPCTNM9S_SNAP Training Needs Management : Snapshot - Main report
RPCTNM9S_SNAP_DELTA Compare training plans
RPCTNM9S_SNAP_GUI Display training plan

Search Helps

SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 34 search helps.

HRTNM_BOOKING Collective Search Help For Training Needs Booking
HRTNM_BOOKING_EVTY_TN Training Needs by Event Type
HRTNM_BOOKING_PERNR_TN Employee Training Needs
HRTNM_RECO Search help for regulatory compliance info
HRTNM_T500P Help View for Table T500P (Personnel Areas)
HRTNM_TEGRC Search Help for Employee Group
HRTNM_TP_TEMSE TNM: search help to select source temse file for 2483
HTNM_BTRTL Search help for personnel area
HTNM_BZGME Help view for T006
HTNM_CAGRC Search help for cost Budget (field CAGRC)
HTNM_COCAC Search help for cost Budget (field COCAC)
HTNM_FIRM Search help for company
HTNM_KOBAC Search help for cost item actual
HTNM_KOBPL Search help for cost item actual
HTNM_KOSTL Search help for cost center
HTNM_OBJCO Training Objective Group and Training Ojective Code
HTNM_OBJGR Help View for Training Objective Group
HTNM_PERNR Search help for pernr
HTNM_PERSA Search help for subarea
HTNM_REASN Search help for business partner
HTNM_TEGRC Search help for training employee group
HTNM_TFCAT Search help for field TFCAT based on mapping table T77TNM_FC
HTNM_TLREF Search help for training legal reference (field TLREF)
HTNM_TPCAG Search help for training plan category
HTNM_TPCAT Search help for training legal reference (field TLREF)
HTNM_TRTYP Search help for training type
HTNM_TTYPE Search help for training type (field TTYPE)
HTNM_WERKS Search help for personnel area
HTNM_WERKS_BTRTL Search help for area/subarea

Message Classes

SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 1 message classes.

HRTNM_MSG Message class for Training Needs Management

Authorization Objects

SAP Package P99S_TNM contains 1 authorization objects.

P_TNMSNAPH Training need management: authorization object for snapshot