
SAP Package PC_B2A

HR: Business to Administration

The package PC_B2A (HR: Business to Administration) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PC_B2A
Short Text HR: Business to Administration
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PC_B2A contains 2 function groups.

0P0B Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_B2A HR: Business to Authorities (B2A)


SAP Package PC_B2A contains 3 transactions.

PB2A B2A Manager
PC00_M99_B2AFILE B2A: Upload/Download Files
PM23 Sammler Bescheinigungswesen

Database Tables

SAP Package PC_B2A contains 20 database tables.

PB2ADATA HR-B2A: Transfer Data
PB2ADATB HR-B2A: Transfer Data
PB2ADATEMAIL HR-B2A: Data Table for Incoming E-Mails
PB2ADATSTR HR-B2A: Data Table for Strings
PB2ASTAT HR-B2A: Status Management
T50BA HR-B2A: Valid Transfer Formats and Classes
T50BAT HR-B2A: Text for Document Classes
T50BB HR-B2A: Standard Transfer Format
T50BC HR-B2A: Transfer Format for Customer
T50BD HR-B2A: Status Management
T50BDT HR-B2A: Texts for Status Management
T50BE HR-B2A: Assignment Returncode-Group
T50BE2 HR-B2A: External Return Codes
T50BF HR-B2A: Method Table
T50BFC HR-B2A: Method Table
T50BG HRB2A: Manual Status Switch
T50BK HR-B2A: Constant Table
T50BKT HR-B2A: Text to Constant Table
T50BS HR-B2A: Client-independent constants table
T50BV Logical Links for Distributed Reporting


SAP Package PC_B2A contains 16 views.

V_PB2AMGR HR-B2A: Application Data with Status
V_T50BA B2A: Valid Transfer Formats and Classes
V_T50BB B2A: Standard Transfer Format
V_T50BC B2A: Transfer Format for Customer
V_T50BD HR-B2A: Valid Status
V_T50BE HR:B2A Maintenance of Return Code Groups
V_T50BE2 HR-B2A: External Return Codes
V_T50BF HR-B2A: Maintain Method Table for Statuses/Substatuses
V_T50BFC HR-B2A: Cust. Maint. Method Table for Stasuses/Substatuses
V_T50BG HR-B2A: Valid Manual Status Change
V_T50BK HR-B2A: Constants
V_T50BK_A HR-B2A: Constants
VV_T50BK_BEWKK HR-B2A: Constants for Sick Pay Statement
VV_T50BK_SVBNA HR-B2A: Constants for Contribution Statement from Employer
VV_T50BK_SVBNZ HR-B2A: Constants for Contr. Statement from Paying Office
VV_T50BK_SVDEUV HR-B2A: Constants for DEUEV


SAP Package PC_B2A contains 47 structures.

HRB2A_DETAIL HR-B2A: Structure for Detail List
HRB2A_S_ABKRS HR-B2A: Select Options for ABKRS
HRB2A_S_BMSID HR-B2A: Structure Confirmation ID
HRB2A_S_BODY HR B2A: E-Mail Body
HRB2A_S_BTRTL HR-B2A: Select Options for BTRTL
HRB2A_S_DATA HR-B2A: Structure for Detail List
HRB2A_S_DATA_EXT HR-B2A: Structure for data (extended number of lines)
HRB2A_S_DATASET HR-B2A: Work Structure for the B2A Manager
HRB2A_S_DATASET_FOR_ALV HR-B2A: Transfer Structure for ALV
HRB2A_S_DATB HR-B2A: Structure for Detail List
HRB2A_S_DOCTY HR-B2A: Select Options for DOCTY
HRB2A_S_ERROR HR-B2A: Structure for Error List
HRB2A_S_GLBID HR-B2A: Structure Global ID
HRB2A_S_KONST HR B2A: Select Options for KONST
HRB2A_S_LAYO HR-B2A: Layout Structure for ALV
HRB2A_S_MADM HR B2A: Additional Information for E-Mail
HRB2A_S_MATT HR B2A: Structure for E-Mail Attachments
HRB2A_S_MGR_FOR_ALV HR-B2A: Transfer Structure for ALV
HRB2A_S_NOTE HR-B2A: Transfer Structure Note Data
HRB2A_S_PB2AMGR HR-B2A: Structure for PB2AMGR
HRB2A_S_PERNR HR-B2A: Select Options for PERNR
HRB2A_S_PROT HR-B2A: Structure for Log File
HRB2A_S_PROTOCOL HR-B2A: Structure for New Log
HRB2A_S_RAW HR B2A: Binary Data (255)
HRB2A_S_REFID HR-B2A: Determine Reference for BMSID from GLBID + SEQNO
HRB2A_S_REORG HR-B2A: Structure for ALV Display Reorganization
HRB2A_S_SAGRP HR-B2A: Select Options for SAGRP
HRB2A_S_STAT HR-B2A: Structure for Valid Status
HRB2A_S_STATUS_M HR-B2A: Struc.for Stat./Substat.That Can Be Changed Manually
HRB2A_S_T50BA HR-B2A: Structure for T50BA
HRB2A_S_T50BB HR-B2A: Structure for T50BB
HRB2A_S_T50BC HR-B2A: Structure for T50BC
HRB2A_S_T50BD HR-B2A: Structure for T50BD
HRB2A_S_T50BG HR-B2A: Structure for T50BG
HRB2A_S_T50BK HR-B2A: Structure for T50BK
HRB2A_S_TRANSFER HR-B2A: Structure for Transfer Information
HRB2A_S_TXT HR-B2A: Text in B2A Manager
HRB2A_S_V_PB2AMGR HR-B2A: Structure for V_PB2AMGR
HRB2A_S_VPB2AMGR_OUT HR-B2A: Structure for Detail Display
HRB2A_S_WERKS HR-B2A: Select Options for WERKS
HRB2A_SO_GLBID HR-B2A: Selection Options for GLBID
PC4QB Keys for Cluster QB (B2A)


SAP Package PC_B2A contains 4 programs.

H99_B2ACHECK HR-B2A: Check Program for B2A Application
H99_B2AFILE B2A: Upload/Download Files
H99_B2AREORG HR-B2A: Reorganization program for B2A Application

Message Classes

SAP Package PC_B2A contains 1 message classes.

HR_PAY_B2A HR-B2A: Nachrichtenklasse für B2A

Authorization Objects

SAP Package PC_B2A contains 1 authorization objects.

P_B2A HR-B2A: B2A-Manager