The package PTDW (Time Data Transfer to Business Information Warehouse (BW)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PTDW |
Short Text | Time Data Transfer to Business Information Warehouse (BW) |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PTDW contains 4 function groups.
HRMS_BIW_PTDW | EAPI for Time Data Info Sources |
HRPTIM00DTD | Time Data Transfer: Retro. Acctng Date |
PREPTT | Assignment: Time Types |
PXDW | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package PTDW contains 9 transactions.
PDW1 | Create reporting time types |
PDW2 | Create Quota Types for Reporting |
PTDW | Nummernkreispflege: PTDW |
S_AHR_61016412 | IMG Activity: HRPTDW03B |
S_AHR_61016413 | IMG Activity: HRPTDW03A |
S_AHR_61016414 | IMG Activity: SIMGHRPTDW030 |
S_AHR_61016415 | IMG Activity: HRPTDW02B |
S_AHR_61016416 | IMG Activity: HRPTDW02A |
S_AHR_61016417 | IMG Activity: HRPTDW01 |
SAP Package PTDW contains 20 database tables.
PA0439 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0439 (Data Transfer) |
PTDW_ACTR_DB | Time Data Extract (Receiver Objects/Activity Allocation) |
PTDW_ACTS_DB | Time Data Extract (Sender Objects/Activity Allocation) |
PTDW_COST_DB | Time Data Extract (Account Assgnmnt Objects/Cost Assignment) |
PTDW_PWS_DB | Time Data Extract (Hours from Personal Work Schedule) |
PTDW_QUOT_DB | Time Data Extract (Quota Transaction) |
PTDW_TIMES_DB | Time Data Extract (Working Times) |
PTDW_WPBP_DB | Time Data Extract (Reference Table for IT 0001 and 0007) |
T557A | Reporting Time Types |
T557B | Time Type Descriptions for Reporting |
T557CU | Reporting Time Types |
T557D | Reporting Quota Types |
T557E | Quota Type Descriptions for Reporting |
T557G | Relation Table: Absence/Attendance Accumulation |
T557H | Relation Table: Time Types Accumulation |
T557I | Relation Table: Time Wage Types Accumulation |
T557J | Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting |
T557K | Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting |
T557L | Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting |
T557M | Time Types Relationships Table (from Period Totals Table) |
SAP Package PTDW contains 23 views.
PTDW_PWS_VIEW | DB View: Time Data Extract (Hours from PWS WPBP_ Fields) |
PTDW_QUOT_VIEW | DB View: Time Data Extract (Quota Transaction WPBP_ Fields) |
PTDW_TIMES_VIEW | DB View: Time Data Extract (Pers. Times WPBP & Acct Assigmt) |
V_T538A_DW | Time/Measurement Units |
V_T538A_DW_HD | Time/Measurement Units |
V_T555U_DW | Time Recording IDs w/ Texts |
V_T557A_DW | Reporting Time Types with Texts |
V_T557B | Reporting Time Types |
V_T557B_DW | Reporting Time Types with Texts |
V_T557BU | Reporting Time Types |
V_T557D_DW | Quota Types for Reporting w/ Texts |
V_T557E | Reporting Quota Types |
V_T557E_DW | Quota Types for Reporting w/ Texts |
V_T557G | Attendances/Absences Assignment |
V_T557GU | Attendances/Absences Assignment |
V_T557H | Time Types Assignment |
V_T557HU | Time Types Assignment |
V_T557I | Wage Types Assignment |
V_T557IU | Wage Types Assignment |
V_T557J | Absence Quota Types Assignment |
V_T557K | Leave Types Assignment |
V_T557L | Attendance Quotas Assignment |
V_T557M | Assign Time Types (Monthly Cumulations Table SALDO) |
SAP Package PTDW contains 25 structures.
ACCU_CONTENT | Personnel Times Table |
HRMS_BIW_PERIOD | Period Block for Function Group HRMS_BIW |
P0439 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0439 |
P0439_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PMTDW | Structure for PIDW Feature |
PS0439 | HR Master Record Infotype 0439 (Data Transfer Admin.) |
PTDW_ACTR | Time Data Extract (Receiver Objects/Activity Allocation) |
PTDW_ACTR_CA | Time Data Extract (Receiver Objects/Activity Allocation) |
PTDW_ACTS | Time Data Extractor (Sender Objects w/o Controlling Area) |
PTDW_ACTS_CA | Time Data Extract (Sender Objects/Activity Allocation) |
PTDW_COST | Time Data Extract (Account Assgnmnt Objects/Cost Assignment) |
PTDW_HEADER | Time Data Extract (Header Information) |
PTDW_PWS | Time Data Extract (Hours from Personal Work Schedule) |
PTDW_QUOT | Time Data Extract (Quota Transaction) |
PTDW_QUOT_BLOCK | Time Data Extract (Quota Transaction) |
PTDW_REFDAT | Additional Information (Time Data Extract) |
PTDW_TIMES | Time Data Extract (Working Times) |
PTDW_TIMES_BLOCK | Time Data Extract (Working Times) |
PTDW_WPBP | Time Data Extract (Fields from Infotypes 0001 and 0007) |
Q0439 | Screen Fields: Infotype P0439 |
Q557C | Additional Screen Fields for V_T557C |
Q557CU | Additional Screen Fields for V_T557C |
Q557F | Additional Screen Fields for V_T557F |
QUOTAS_TABTY | Transfer Table Structure for Reporting Quota Types |
REPTT_TABTY | Transfer Table Structure for Reporting Time Types |
SAP Package PTDW contains 2 programs.
RPPTDW01 | Create Reporting Time Types Automatically |
RPPTDW02 | Create Reporting Quota Types Automatically |
SAP Package PTDW contains 4 search helps.
H_T557I | Wage Types |
HRMS_BIW_LGART_F4 | Possible Entries Help for Time Management Wage Types |
PTDW_SALDO_TIME_TYPES | Find Time Types for Monthly Cumulations Table (SALDO) |
PTDW_TIME_HR_UNITS | Find HR Time Units |
SAP Package PTDW contains 1 message classes.
HRTIM00DW | HR: Zeitdatenüberleitung |