
SAP Package QEIF

QM interfaces inspection processing

The package QEIF (QM interfaces inspection processing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package QEIF
Short Text QM interfaces inspection processing
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package QEIF contains 11 function groups.

0QIF Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
QIBP BAPI Core Function for IDI
QIBU Internal update modules
QICD General functions for up/download QM
QIER Defects Log and Application Log
QIFI IDI with file interface
QIFL Transfer functions for comm. module
QIMM Memory admin. interface for QM subsystem
QINT Interface for measurement equipment
QIRF Transfer functions for RFC modules
QITT Test functions for QM-IDI interface


SAP Package QEIF contains 6 transactions.

QAS1 Download Insp. Specs. (Obsolete)
QAS2 Download Basic Data (Obsolete)
QAS3 Upload Results (Obsolete)
QAS4 Upload UD (Obsolete)
QEI1 Displaying QM Interfaces Appl. Log
QEI2 Deleting QM Interfaces Appl. Log

Database Tables

SAP Package QEIF contains 3 database tables.

QISUB Subsytems for recording measured value data in QM
QISUBT Text table subsystems for recording measured val. data in QM
QIWL Transfer table for QM subsystems


SAP Package QEIF contains 2 views.

V_QIBP_QALS_SEL Selection view for inspection lot search
V_QISUB Maintenance of QDE System for QM-IDI Interface


SAP Package QEIF contains 32 structures.

QAICA Inspection catalog data for download to QM subsystem
QAILS Requirement for downloading an inspLot operation header rec.
QAIMR Structure for Uploading Charac. Results from QM Subsystem
QAIMR_O1 Structure for Uploading Charac. Results from QM Subsystem
QAIMR1 Upload characteristic results from QM subsystem (version 1)
QAIMR3 Structure for Uploading Charac. Results from QM Subsystem
QAIMV Characteristic specs. for download to complex QM subsystems
QAIMV_O1 Characteristic Specs. for Download to Complex QM Subsystems
QAIMVUSR Customer reserves character. specs for complex QM subsystems
QAIPP Compl. confirmation of insp. pt. results from a QM subsystem
QAIPP_O1 Confirmation of Inspection Point Results from a QM Subsystem
QAISE Structure for uploading single values from QM subsystem
QAISE_O1 Structure for Uploading Single Values from QM Subsystem
QAISE3 Structure for uploading single values from QM subsystem
QAISR Structure for uploading sample results from QM subsystem
QAISR_O1 Structure for Uploading Sample Results from QM Subsystem
QAISR1 Structure for uploading sample results from QM subsystem
QAISR3 Structure for uploading sample results from QM subsystem
QAIST Structure for transferring status changes (UD, cancellation)
QAIVC Insp. lot operation header data for download to QM subsystem
QAIVC_O1 Insp. Lot Operation Header Data for Download to QM Subsystem
QAIVE Confirmation of usage decision from a QM subsystem
QEIF_TQ30T Insp. type data for downlowd to QM subsystem
QEIFTQ15T Inspection catalog type data for download to QM subsystem
QEIFTQ32T Inspection lot origin data for download to QM subsystem
QEREC Receiver of protocol mail
QIERR Error messages that occurred during download
QIERR_O1 Error Messages That Occurred During Download
QIPARAM1 FB parameter GET_ALL_DATA_VALUE as table for import
QIWLR Structure for transfer table for QM subsystems
QMIFE Structure for uploading defect items from QM subsystem


SAP Package QEIF contains 9 programs.

RQEIFL10 Example for using BAPIs in results recording
RQEIFM00 Create Data Structures in the Subsystem
RQEIFM10 Download inspection specifications
RQEIFM20 Download Basic Data
RQEIFM50 Upload Inspection Results
RQEIFM60 Upload Usage Decision
RQEIFM90 Deleting Entries from the QM-IDI Worklist QIWL
RQEIFML1 Application log QM-IDI Interface
RQEIFML2 Deleting the Application Log for the QM-IDI Interface

Message Classes

SAP Package QEIF contains 2 message classes.

Q5 Nachrichten zu BAPIs der Ergebniserfassung
QI Meldungen für Interface-Bausteine zur Anbindung von Subsyst.