The package RMSRCPDIA (RMS-RCP: Dialog) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RMSRCP.
Package | RMSRCPDIA |
Short Text | RMS-RCP: Dialog |
Parent Package | RMSRCP |
SAP Package RMSRCPDIA contains 38 function groups.
RCP100 | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Title and Status ----- |
RCP110 | RMS-RCP: Subscreen - Stage |
RCP111 | RMS-RCP: Subscreen - Operation |
RCP112 | RMS-RCP: Subscreen - Action |
RCP113 | RMS-RCP: Subscreen - Recipe |
RCP114 | RMS-RCP: Subscreen - EQR |
RCP115 | RMS-RCP: Subscreen - Process |
RCP120 | RMS-RCP: Selection Modules |
RCP130 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Header Screen |
RCP131 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Basic Data Screen |
RCP132 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Admin. Data Screen |
RCP133 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Hierarchy Screen |
RCP134 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Change Status Screen |
RCP135 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Appl. Scope Encapsul. |
RCP137 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Status Screen |
RCP139 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Create Change Status |
RCP140 | RMS-RCP: Recipe - Popup f. Changing Date |
RCP145 | RMS-RCP: EQR - Header Screens |
RCP146 | RMS-RCP: EQR - Basic Data Screen |
RCP147 | RMS-RCP: EQR - Admin. Data Screen |
RCP148 | RMS-RCP: EQR - Classification Screen |
RCP150 | RMS-RCP: POBs - Header Screens |
RCP151 | RMS-RCP: POBs - Basic Data Screen |
RCP152 | RMS-RCP: POBs - Admin. Data Screen |
RCP153 | RMS-RCP: Operation - Relationship |
RCP160 | RMS-RCP: All - Equiment Requirement Scr. |
RCP161 | RMS-RCP: All - Classification Screen |
RCP162 | RMS-RCP: RCP/PRO - Process Screen |
RCP163 | RMS-RCP: All - Documents |
RCP164 | RMS-RCP: All - Identifiers - Encapsul. |
RCP165 | RMS-RCP: All - Process Parameter Wrappng |
RCP166 | RMS-RCP: All - Formula Encapsulation |
RCP167 | RMS-RCP: All - Long Texts |
RCP168 | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Process Parameters |
RCP961 | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Various Tools |
RCP962 | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Copy RCP Objects |
RCP963 | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Data Format Screen |
RCP965 | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Long Text Dialog Box |
SAP Package RMSRCPDIA contains 2 transactions.
RCP02 | Dummy Recipe Transaction for EH&S |
RCP03 | Dummy Recipe Transaction for EH&S |
SAP Package RMSRCPDIA contains 1 views.
RCPV_SHLP_AENNRA | RMS-RCP: Search Help for Change Numbers Recipes (Variant) |
SAP Package RMSRCPDIA contains 40 structures.
RCPS_BUFFER | RMS-RCP: Structure for Interface Buffer Class |
RCPS_COPY_POPUP | RMS-RCP: Copy - Data for Copy Dialog Box |
RCPS_COPY_REQU_FIELDS | RMS - RCP: Structure with Required Entry Fields for Copying |
RCPS_COPY_SOURCE | RMS-RCP: Copy - Data on Source Object |
RCPS_COPY_TARGET | RMS-RCP: Copy - Data on BB Target Object, Template is BB |
RCPS_COPY_TARGET_BB_FR_DO | RMS-RCP: Copy- Data on BB Target Object, Template is DO |
RCPS_COPY_TARGET_DO | RMS-RCP: Copy - Data on DO Target Object, Template is BB |
RCPS_DYNP_ANWSTATUS | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for User Status Subscreen |
RCPS_DYNP_CHG | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Change State Screen |
RCPS_DYNP_CHG_POPUP | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Change State Dialog Box |
RCPS_DYNP_CLA | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Class Screen with ALV |
RCPS_DYNP_CLA_EQRBB | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Class Screen Without ALV |
RCPS_DYNP_COPY_POPUP | RMS-RCP: Copy - Data for Copy Dialog Box |
RCPS_DYNP_DOC | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Document Screen |
RCPS_DYNP_EQR | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for EQR Screen |
RCPS_DYNP_EQR_POPUP | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Popup Structure for DnD |
RCPS_DYNP_EQR_TRANS | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Translation of EQR Texts |
RCPS_DYNP_FEVE | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Production Versions Screen |
RCPS_DYNP_FRML_SUBID | RMS - RCP: Dialog - Structure for Creating Independent FRML |
RCPS_DYNP_HEAD | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Header/Basis/Admin Screens |
RCPS_DYNP_HEAD_EQR | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Struct. for Header/Basis/Admin Screens EQR |
RCPS_DYNP_HEAD_POB | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Struct. for Header/Basis/Admin Screens POB |
RCPS_DYNP_HIR | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Hierarchy Screen |
RCPS_DYNP_HIR_ALV | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Hierarchy Screen with ALV |
RCPS_DYNP_HIR_ALV_DOWN | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Hierarchy Screen (ALV Down) |
RCPS_DYNP_HIR_ALV_UP | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Hierarchy Screen (ALV Up) |
RCPS_DYNP_HIR_FEVE | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Hierarchy for Prod. Version Screen (ALV) |
RCPS_DYNP_INFO_BB | RMS - RCP: Structure for Mini Info Sys for BBs |
RCPS_DYNP_PRO | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Process Screen |
RCPS_DYNP_PRO_TRANS | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Translation of Process Texts |
RCPS_DYNP_PRSU | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Structure for Predecessor/Successor Oper. |
RCPS_DYNP_RCTXT_TRANS | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Translation of Creation Reason |
RCPS_DYNP_SHTXT_TRANS | RMS-RCP: Dialog - Translation of Short Texts |
RCPS_GUID_SUBS | Mapping of GUIDs to Be Copied |
RCPS_NR_PNTYPE_SUBS | Replace Item Number When Copying |
RCPS_PP_CHAR_MAP | RMS-RCP: Structure for Assignment of Chars. with Fields |
RCPS_PP_POB | RMS-RCP: PP Process Objects |
RCPS_PPDLGOUT | Dialog Structure ALV for Process Parameters |
RCPS_SERVICE | RMS-RCP: Service Parameters |
RCPS_WBO_ATTRIB | RMS-RCP: WBO - Structure for Important Object Attributes |
SAP Package RMSRCPDIA contains 2 programs.
SAP Package RMSRCPDIA contains 3 search helps.
RCPE_AENNR1 | Search Help for Change Numbers Recipes |
RCPE_AENNR1A | Change Numbers for iPPE Variant |
RCPE_PP_ID_SH | Test for PP |
SAP Package RMSRCPDIA contains 1 message classes.
RMSRCPDIA | RMS-RCP: Nachrichten Paket RMSRCPDIA - Oberfläche |