The package RS (BW: General Business Information Warehouse) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.
Package | RS |
Short Text | BW: General Business Information Warehouse |
Parent Package | RS_BW_STRUPAK |
SAP Package RS contains 10 function groups.
RS_EXCEPTION | Services for Exception CX_RS_... |
RS00 | BW: General |
RSADMIN | BW Admin. Functions / View Maintenance |
RSCONVEXIT | Help functions for conversion exits |
RSDN_TEMPL | BW: Namespace functions for templates |
RSIMPACT | BIW: Impact Analysis |
RSTLOGO | BW: Copying TLOGO objects |
RSVERS | BW Transport Framework |
RSW0 | Currency/quantity unit translation |
RSW1 | Currency Conversion Type Maintenance |
SAP Package RS contains 28 transactions.
RRC1 | Create Currency Conversion Type |
RRC2 | Edit Currency Conversion Type |
RRC3 | Display Currency Translation Type |
RS00 | Start menu |
RSCONCHA | Channel conversion |
RSCONFAV | Favorites Conversion |
RSKC | Maintaining the Permittd Extra Chars |
RSNSPACE | BW Namespace Maintenance |
S_BR3_49000001 | IMG Activity: BW_RSKC |
S_BR3_49000002 | IMG Activity: BWSIMG_ALEUSU01 |
S_BR3_49000003 | IMG Activity: BW_LOGSYSSM30 |
S_BR3_49000004 | IMG Activity: BW_WFSWU3 |
S_BR3_49000005 | IMG Activity: BW_VARCMOD |
S_BR3_49000006 | IMG Activity: BW_VIRTCMOD |
S_BR3_49000007 | IMG Activity: BW_SPADPRINT |
S_BR3_49000008 | IMG Activity: BW_FISCALYEAR |
S_BR3_49000009 | IMG Activity: BW_RSADMIN |
S_BR3_49000010 | IMG Activity: BW_NUKSNUM |
S_BR3_49000011 | IMG Activity: BW_RSLGMP |
S_BR3_49000012 | IMG Activity: BW_BATCHRZ11 |
S_J16_56000017 | IMG Activity: BW_CACHE |
S_J16_56000034 | IMG Activity: BW_ODS |
S_J16_56000035 | IMG Activity: BW_WEBPROTOCOL |
S_J16_56000036 | IMG Activity: BW_CONTENT_DOCU |
S_J16_56000038 | IMG Activity: BW_TCURF |
S_J16_56000039 | IMG Activity: BW_RFC_BWCLIENT |
SAP Package RS contains 56 database tables.
BDS_CONN18 | BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes |
BDS_CONN20 | BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes |
BDSCHKF10 | SDOK: File name of last checkout |
BDSCHKF8 | BW: File Name for Last Check-Out |
BDSCHKO10 | SDOK: Checkout data for physical information object |
BDSCHKO8 | BW: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Object |
BDSCONT10 | BW Transaction Data: Table for Doc. Contents (Import/Export) |
BDSCONT8 | BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) |
BDSCONT9 | BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) |
BDSLOIO10 | BW Transaction Data: Instances of Log. Information Objects |
BDSLOIO8 | BW Metadata: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
BDSLOIOT10 | BW Transaction Data: Descriptions of LOIOs |
BDSLOIOT8 | BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
BDSLOPR10 | BW Transaction Data: Attribute Values of LOIOs |
BDSLOPR8 | BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
BDSLORE10 | BW Transaction Data: Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs |
BDSLORE8 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
BDSLORI10 | BW Transaction Data: Incoming Relationships of LOIOs |
BDSLORI8 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
BDSPHF10 | SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects |
BDSPHF8 | BW: Files of Physical Information Objects |
BDSPHHR10 | SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects |
BDSPHHR8 | BW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
BDSPHIO10 | SDOK: Physical information object instances |
BDSPHIO8 | BW: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
BDSPHNM10 | SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects |
BDSPHNM8 | BW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
BDSPHPR10 | SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
BDSPHPR8 | BW: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
BDSPHRE10 | SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects |
BDSPHRE8 | BW: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects |
BDSPHRI10 | SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships |
BDSPHRI8 | BW: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects |
BDSRE8 | BDS: Relationship Instances |
BDSREPR8 | BDS: Relationship Attributes |
RSALLOWEDCHAR | Additional characters in BW allowed by customers |
RSAPPL | Application components directory |
RSAPPLT | Application components texts |
RSCURTRT | Currency Translation Types |
RSCURTXT | Texts for currency translation keys |
RSDMTXTCHANGES | Last change to the text table of an InfoObject |
RSFOLDER | Hierarchies: Nodes which cannot be posted to |
RSFOLDERT | Name for nodes which cannot be posted to |
RSHIELVLT | Names for the hierarchy level |
RSHIENODES | Hierarchy Node(s) |
RSHIERNODEUSED | Where-used list for nodes that cannot be posted to |
RSIOBJREL | BIW Impact Analysis: Object relations |
RSIPREV | BW Impact Analysis: Table of the Preconditions |
RSIREACT | BW Impact Analysis: Table of the Post Conditions |
RSNODETYP | Node types |
RSNSPACE | Namespace and Namespace Assignments for BW Objects |
RSNSPACETEMPL | Templates for BW Applications |
RSSOURSYSIDT | Text of Source System ID |
RSSTRUC | Enqueue for CL_RS_STRUC |
RSTLOGOPROP | BW TLOGO Objects Properties |
RSTRACTIVE | BW CTO Status - Content Can Not Be Changed |
SAP Package RS contains 12 structures.
RSGENERAL | Cross-'warehouse' structure |
RSGUI_TEXT | Structure with Data Element GUI_TEXT for ALV |
RSNPAR | Parameter Box: BW Namespaces |
RSNRINFO | BW Namespace Info |
RSRHIEFLAGS | Technical attributes of the hierarchy |
RSSLINE | Text row of length 72 |
RSSTLOGOMETA | Nesting for RSTOBJSL when transferring to template |
RSTLOGO_A | Properties TLOGO object (only available in A version) |
RSTLOGO_AM | Properties TLOGO object (available in A and M versions) |
RSTLOGOSTATUS | Status of TLOGO-objects for copy A<->D. |
RSY_S_TLOGO | Structure with TLOG Type |
SAP Package RS contains 8 programs.
RS_CLIENT_COPY_BW | Converting the BW clients after a successful client copy |
RS_COPY_TLOGO | Copying and Deleting TLOGO Objects |
RSCTTCLL | Report for transactions for maintenance of currency translation types |
RSIMG_CALL | rsimg_call |
RSKC_ALLOWED_CHAR_MAINTAIN | Maintenance of the permitted extra characters in BW |
RSNSPACE | Maintain BW Namespaces |
SAP Package RS contains 16 search helps.
CTTNM | Currency Translation Type |
RSCALMONTH | BW: Search Help for 0CALMONTH |
RSCALWEEK | BW: Search Help for 0CALWEEK |
RSCALYEAR | BW: Search Help for 0CALYEAR |
RSCTT | Currency Translation Type |
RSCURRENCY | Currencies |
RSFISCPER | 7-Character Periods |
RSFISCPER3 | 3-Character Periods |
RSFISCVARNT | Fiscal Year Variant |
RSFISCYEAR | Fiscal Year |
RSHIENM | Hierarchy Name |
RSLOGSYS | Search Help for 0LOGSYS (Data Element RSDLOGSYS) |
RSRTYPEDYNP | Currency Translation: Exchange Rate Type - Interface |
RSUNIT | Units |
SAP Package RS contains 3 message classes.
RS_EXCEPTION | Meldungen für Exceptions |
RSTLOGO | Nachrichten beim Löschen/Kopieren von TLOGO-Objekten |
RSWN | Nachrichten Währungsumrechnung |
SAP Package RS contains 1 authorization objects.
S_RS_COMP | Business Explorer - Components |