

SAP: Old Version of Workload Disp.(ST03) (4.6): ENGLISH ONLY

The package SAPWL_OLD_FRONTEND (SAP: Old Version of Workload Disp.(ST03) (4.6): ENGLISH ONLY) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Short Text SAP: Old Version of Workload Disp.(ST03) (4.6): ENGLISH ONLY
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SAPWL_OLD_FRONTEND contains 2 function groups.

ASTAT_CUST Pflege der Aktivierung von Typen
STUD Workload stats extended access function


SAP Package SAPWL_OLD_FRONTEND contains 3 transactions.

AL05 Monitor current workload
ST03 Performance,SAP Statistics, Workload
STAD Statistics display for all systems

Database Tables

SAP Package SAPWL_OLD_FRONTEND contains 9 database tables.

ADMMSG SAP Workload: Text for adm message defined in adxxkey.h
ASTAT_TYP1 Types of I/Okeys
ASTAT_TYP2 Customer specific activation of application statistics
ASTAT_TYPT Text for types of application statistics
EWAGG Statistics, hierarchy of devclasses and applications
EWEXC Statistics, exceptions for EWAGG
EWREL Statistics, relations in hierarchy
EWTXT Statistics, text for applications and exceptions in EWEXC
SAPWLWAMAI Table to dynam. output fields in Trans. STAD - main list


SAP Package SAPWL_OLD_FRONTEND contains 1 views.

ASTAT_VTP1 Activation of application statistics


SAP Package SAPWL_OLD_FRONTEND contains 24 structures.

ASOUTPUT SAP Workload: Output structure for application statistic
ASTAT_OTX4 Texte und Typ zu typübergreifenden Openkeys
SAPWLIMPRT SAP Workload: Schnittstellenparameter für FB
SAPWLMINUT SAP Workload: Workload: Minutes for single rec. statistics
SAPWLRUNTP SAP Workload: Parameters that can be changed at runtime
SAPWLSCPR2 SAP Workload: Statistic collector: Log
SAPWLSFRER SAP Workload: Workload: Statistic file read errors
SAPWLSFRR2 SAP Workload: Statistic Records: Leseergebnis stat + astat
SAPWLSTADM SAP Workload: Workload: Output structure for ADM subrecords
SAPWLSTATC SAP Workload: Workload: Extension of STAT_CUML structure
SAPWLSTATS SAP Workload: Workload: Single record statistic summs lev. 0
SAPWLSTDBP SAP Workload: Workload: Output structure for DB proc subrecs
SAPWLTCAGG SAP Workload: Kompaktes Tcode-Profil für FB SAPWL_TCODE_AGG.
SAPWLUSTC SAP Workload: User<->Tcode relation (simple)
SERVERNAME For selecting during 'Delete one server' in RSSTAT50
STA1 Statistics: Structure for statistics information display
STA2 Statistics: Display single record information
STATB Statistics: Structure of raw table record (from stats file)
STATC Statistics: Servers and statistics availability
STATL Statistics: Selection of individual statistics records
STATP Statistics: Selection of statistical period
STATR Statistics: Raw record (from seq. stats file)
STATS_CUML Cumulated Workload Statistics
STATT Statistics: Available table call statistics


SAP Package SAPWL_OLD_FRONTEND contains 14 programs.

RSCOLL20 Collector
RSCOLL40 Generating a TCOLL list
RSSTAT10 Performance analysis: Workload analysis Main routine
RSSTAT15 Performance analysis: Display/change of workload parameters
RSSTAT20 Performance analysis: Single statistical records for this server
RSSTAT26 Single record stats with data entry of and assignment to trans. ID
RSSTAT27 Performance analysis:
RSSTAT30 Performance analysis: Workload: Users of all servers
RSSTAT40 Performance Analysis: Workload: Compare all application servers
RSSTAT50 Performance analysis: Display content of MONI database
RSSTAT70 Performance analysis: Workload: Compare periods for one appl. server
RSSTAT84 Display Collector Protocol for Parallel Collector
RSSTATX0 Hierarchy Structure for ApplMonitor
SAPMSS03 Performance: Workload analysis of the SAP system (transaction ST03)