The package SCWN (Note Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SCWN |
Short Text | Note Management |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SCWN contains 15 function groups.
SCWA | Display Functions SAP Note Implementn |
SCWC | Methods for correction instructions |
SCWE | Methods for delivery events |
SCWG | Interfaces to WBO |
SCWN | Methods for Note processing |
SCWP | Methods of the software component |
SCWQ | SAP Note Assistant |
SCWT | Methods of Delivery Track |
SCWU | Methods for data transfer |
SCWV | SAP Note Assistant |
SCWX | SCWN Miscellaneous |
SCWY | SAP Note Log |
SEMM | Monitor for customer enhancements |
SEMU | Modules for modification upgrade |
SEMV | Customer Enhancement: Modificatn Format |
SAP Package SCWN contains 2 transactions.
SE95 | Modification Browser |
SNOTE | Note Assistant |
SAP Package SCWN contains 36 database tables.
CWBCICATTR | Attributes set by customer for correction instructions |
CWBCIDATA | Compressed data on correction instructions |
CWBCIDATAOBJ | Compressed data on correction instructions |
CWBCIDPNDC | Dependencies of correction instructions |
CWBCIFIXED | Delivery event processed correction instructions |
CWBCIHEAD | Header data for correction instructions |
CWBCIINVLD | Release interval for which corr. instructions are invalid |
CWBCIOBJ | Object list of correction instructions with TADIR key |
CWBCIVALID | Validity table for correction instructions |
CWBCMLAST | Software component last update |
CWBCMPNT | Software components |
CWBCMTEXT | Software components short text |
CWBDEEQUIV | Equivalent delivery events (a is included in b) |
CWBDEHEAD | Delivery event (release/Support Package) |
CWBDEPRDC | Predecessor of a delivery event |
CWBDETRACK | Delivery track |
CWBMODILOG | Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects |
CWBNTCI | Assignment of Note to correction instructions |
CWBNTCONT | Data container for release data on the SAP Note |
CWBNTCUST | Customer attribute for Note |
CWBNTDATA | Compressed data for OSS Notes |
CWBNTFIXED | SAP Note completed by delivery event |
CWBNTGATTR | Table for Any Note Attributes |
CWBNTHEAD | Header table for OSS Notes in customer systems |
CWBNTLOG | Assignment to log file |
CWBNTMSG | SAP Notes Message Log |
CWBNTSTATT | Texts: Processing Status of SAP Notes |
CWBNTSTATV | Fixed Values for Processing Status |
CWBNTSTXT | Short text for a Note |
CWBNTVALID | Validity table for Notes |
CWBPRSTATT | Texts Implementation Status |
CWBPRSTATV | Implementation Status of SAP Notes |
CWBRFCUSR | Overwrite RFC Connection for Certain Users |
SMODIUSER | Processor of Customer Modifications |
SRESETLOG2 | Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects |
STABULOG | Log of Customer Modifications of Table Entries |
SAP Package SCWN contains 5 views.
CWBCMDEV | Delivery events |
CWBDEPRDCV | Successor Relationship With Delivery Tracks |
SMODIACGR2 | Read SMODILOG from TADIR with development class |
SMODIDEVC | Read SMODILOG from TADIR with development class |
SRESETDEVC | Read SRESETLOG with Development Class from TADIR |
SAP Package SCWN contains 39 structures.
CWB_COMPONENT_RELATION | Relation between mastercomponent and subcomponent for CLC SP |
CWB_NOTE_TEXT | Note text |
CWB_VAL | ALEID and PAKID with Text |
CWBBLOC | Correction Workbench: source code delta - code block |
CWBBLOCDE | Correction Workbench: source code delta - code block delta |
CWBBLOCID | Correction Workbench: source code delta - code block ID |
CWBCI_CIOBJINDEX | Correction Instruction: Index with Key |
CWBCI_CONTENT_INDEX | Correction Instruction: Index for Data Container |
CWBCIATTR | Attributes of correction instructions |
CWBCICATTS | Attributes set by customer for correction instructions |
CWBCICIOBJKEY | Correction Guidline: Key with Object Versions |
CWBCIKEY | Key of Correction Instructions (Without Version Number) |
CWBCIKEYVS | Key of Correction Instructions (with Version Number) |
CWBCIKEYVSOBJ | Key for Correction Guideline and Object |
CWBCIOBJDELTA | Object Data for Correction Guideline (XML Transformation) |
CWBCIOBJKEY | Correction Instruction: Object Key for Note Assistant |
CWBCIOBJVERSION | Correction Guideline: Object Versions |
CWBCISUBOBJINDEX | Correction Instr.: Object Versions with Index for Subobjects |
CWBDATA | Data table for SAP Note assembler |
CWBDEATTR | Attribute of a delivery event |
CWBDEKEY | Key structure for arranged delivery events |
CWBDETEXT | Key structure for defined deliveries with text |
CWBGENATTR | Any Attribute |
CWBNTATTR | Note attribute |
CWBNTCATTR | Customer attribute of a Note |
CWBNTKEY | Key for SAP Notes in Customer Systems |
CWBNTKEYLG | Key for OSS Notes with language key |
CWBNTKEYVS | Key of a Note with Version Number |
CWBOBJHD | Correction Workbench: source code delta - object header |
CWBPATNTCI | Structure of Buffer for Support Package Attributes |
CWBSCDELT | Correction Workbench: source code delta - header |
CWBSLFINTF | Interface to SLF |
CWBSTPATT | Correction Workbench: source code delta -statement patterns |
CWBSTRDESC | Structure Description |
CWBTRKEY | Key for a Delivery Track |
CWBTYPES | Types |
SMODILOG_S | Include: Log for Modifications to ABAP Workbench Objects |
SMODISTAT | Modification Adjustment/Processing Status Screen |
SPROCSTAT | Processor of Customer Modifications Status Screen |
SAP Package SCWN contains 16 programs.
RS_VERSIONS_MODINFO_SHOW | Display Modification Information of Versions from... |
SAPRMOMO | Customer Enhancements and Modifications: Information System |
SAPRSPAU | Customer Enhancements and Modifications: Information System |
SAPRSPDD | Customer Enhancements and Modifications: Information System |
SAPRSPPA | Customer Enhancements and Modifications: Information System |
SAPRSPPV | Customer Enhancements and Modifications: Information System |
SAPRUPGM | Specify Adjustment Modes and Deleted Objects |
SCWN_ENTRY_TREE | Note Assistant: Tree Display |
SCWN_NOTE_BROWSER | Note Assistant: Note Browser |
SCWN_NOTE_DISPLAY | Note Assistant: Note Display |
SCWN_NOTE_DOWNLOAD | Note Assistant: Note Download |
SCWN_NOTE_VERSION_DISPLAY | Note Assistant: Compare Versions |
SCWN_REGISTER_NOTES | Note Assistant: Register SAP Notes |
SAP Package SCWN contains 6 search helps.
CWBALEIDTXT | Text for delivery events |
CWBNTBSTAT | Processing Status |
CWBNTSTAT | Implementation Status |
CWBPAKIDTXT | Search PAKID According to Description |
CWBPRSTAT | Processing Status |
CWBTHEMTXT | Search Help for Entering an Application Component |
SAP Package SCWN contains 1 message classes.
SCWN | Nachrichten Hinweiseinbau und Verwaltung |