The package SDUM (DM: Data Modeler (new) and SIMO (old)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SDUM |
Short Text | DM: Data Modeler (new) and SIMO (old) |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SDUM contains 42 function groups.
SDOS | R/3 documentation spec. |
SDU0 | EDM Prelim. FMs for SDUM and SIMO |
SDU1 | EDM Standard Routines |
SDU2 | EDM Interfaces: Object Accesses |
SDU3 | EDM Interface to Docu and Hypertext |
SDU4 | EDM Edit Entity Type |
SDU5 | EDM Edit Data Model |
SDU6 | EDM Edit Clusters |
SDU7 | EDM Edit Relationships |
SDU8 | EDM Edit Specialization |
SDU9 | EDM Edit Specialization Category |
SDUA | EDM internal Data Modeler check routines |
SDUC | EDM Edit Entity Type Alias |
SDUD | UDM Start module outgoing relationship |
SDUE | EDM Edit DM-Entity Assignment |
SDUF | EDM Consistency Checks |
SDUG | EDM Graphics Modules |
SDUH | EDM Hierarchy Structure and Display |
SDUI | EDM Specialization Start Modules |
SDUJ | EDM Spec. Category Initial Module |
SDUK | EDM main module relationship |
SDUL | Interfaces to the ABAP/4 Dictionary |
SDUM | Maintain EDM display options |
SDUN | EDM Object Selection FMs |
SDUO | EDM Dictionary Assignments |
SDUP | EDM Edit Positions |
SDUQ | DM: Consistency checks (new) |
SDUR | EDM graphics modules |
SDUS | EDM Selection Modules |
SDUT | EDM Maintain Attributes new temporary |
SDUU | EDM interface to ADW |
SDUV | EDM Objects for Version Management |
SDUW | EDM Print Functions |
SDUX | DM interface VISIO test version |
SDUY | EDM Function modules for list display |
SDUZ | EDM General Modules for EDM/EFM |
SIDM | Data Modeler: Repository Interfaces |
SIM1 | Select in tables |
SIM3 | SIMO update |
SIM5 | Information model for general routines |
SIM6 | IM docu functions with entity variables |
SIM7 | Special hypertext functions for EDM |
SAP Package SDUM contains 1 transactions.
SD11 | Data Modeler |
SAP Package SDUM contains 49 database tables.
DM02L | DM Entity Type |
DM02S | DM Entity Type Definition Variant |
DM02T | DM Entity Type Short Text |
DM03S | DM Attribute |
DM25L | DM View-Entity Type Assignment |
DM26L | DM Table-Entity Type Assignment |
DM40L | DM Data Model |
DM40T | DM Data Model Short Text |
DM41S | DM Data Model Hierarchy |
DM42S | DM Relationship |
DM42T | DM Relationship Short Text |
DM43T | DM Entity Type Aliases |
DM45L | DM Specialization Category |
DM45T | DM Short text for specialization type |
DM46S | DM Specialization |
DM48L | DM Area |
DM48T | DM Area Short Text |
DM50S | DM ADW Position |
DM50T | DM ADW Text on Entity Type |
DM99L | DM User Settings |
TDM01 | Data Model Conversion Log |
TDM02 | Assignment of Entities to SAP Tables |
TDM03 | Entity Short/Long Name |
TDM04 | Entity Type |
TDM05 | Data Model Short/Long Name |
TDM06 | Data Model |
TDM07 | Assignment of Entities to Data Models |
TDM08 | Relationships Between Entities |
TDM09 | Entity Attributes |
TDM10 | Assignment Synonyms-Entity |
TDM11 | Assignment Entity - Alias Name |
TDM12 | Attribute Short/Long Name |
TDM13 | Attributes of entity types, assignment of data elements |
TDM14 | Customizing attributes of entity types |
TDM19 | Specialization category |
TDM20 | Specialization |
TDM21 | Entity Specialization Category |
TDM22 | Entity Specialization Category Text |
TDM23 | Assign Specialization Category to Target Entity |
TDM25 | Assign Entities to Data Element |
TDM26 | Specialization Category: Short/Long Name |
TDM27 | EDM Cluster: Short/Long Name |
TDM28 | EDM Clusters |
TDM29 | EDM Cluster Assignment: Data Model-Entity Type |
TDM30 | User Directory |
TDM31 | Check Table for Owner |
TDM99 | User Authorization for EDM Tool |
TDMFC | ADW Data with Incorrect Code |
TDMV1 | EDM varchart positions |
SAP Package SDUM contains 15 views.
DM02V | DM: Entity type with short text |
DM03V | DM attribute with data element |
DM40V | DM data model with short description |
DM42O | DM: relationship with target entity type |
DM42P | DM Relationship with source entity type |
DM42V | DM Relationship with short text |
DM42VTC | DM interface to VISIO - edges |
DM45V | DM Specialization Category with Short Text |
DM46O | DM Specialization with Target Entity Type |
DM46P | DM Specialization with Source Entity Type |
DM48V | DM Area with Short Text |
H_DM02L | Help view entity types |
H_DM42S | DM help view for a relationship |
H_DM45L | DM help view for a specialization category |
H_VORMZ | Phase in the Procedure Model |
SAP Package SDUM contains 83 structures.
D000YY | DM Screen Fields for Many Screens, Set in YY Routines |
D300F1 | DM Screen fields for fgr SDU1, screen 300 |
D500FM | DM Screen Fields for FGr SDUM, Screen 500 |
D502F8 | DM: Screen Fields for No. 502 for SAPLSDU8 |
DIO02 | R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement |
DIO04 | R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement |
DIP04 | Selection Parameters for Data Elements |
DM02H | EDM Help Structure for List Output |
DM02I | DM Entity types interface for check FMs |
DM02VTC | DM interface to VISIO - entity types |
DM25I | DM View-Entity Type Assignment + Short Text |
DM26C | DM Auxiliary Structure DM261 for Compare Program |
DM26I | DM Table-Entity Type Assignment + Short Text |
DM40H | EDM List Output Auxiliary Structure |
DM40I | EDM Models with Positions |
DM40VTC | DM interface to VISIO - data models (outline) |
DM41STC | DM interface to VISIO - hierarchy |
DM42I | EDM Relationships and Interface Long Name |
DM45I | EDM Internal Structure for Specialization Categories |
DM46G | Interface for Generalizations |
DM46I | EDM Interface for Specialization and Long Name |
DMCTL | Information Model Control Flags |
DMFCTR | DM Interface to Function Module SDU_FCTR... |
DMHELPF | EDM Help Fields for Screens |
DMINF | EDM Information Model Interface |
DMNODE | EDM Assign Node ID to DM41S Node |
DMUSR | Include Structure for FSTUSER and LSTUSER |
IMCTL | Information Model-Control |
IMINF | Information Model: Interface |
LIST_TAB | Structure for List Output |
MSU60 | Select Options for EDM Attribute Display |
RPY_ENTIDS | Data Modeler: Entity type IDs for repository interfaces |
RPY_MODIDS | Data Modeler: Data model IDs for repository interfaces |
RPYDMAL | Data Modeler: Alias for Repository API |
RPYDMAT | Data Modeler: Attribute for Repository API |
RPYDMDM | Data Modeler: Data Model for Repository API |
RPYDMEI | Data Modeler: Entity Type ID for Repository API |
RPYDMEN | Data Modeler: Entity Type for Repository API |
RPYDMFD | Data Modeler: Formatted Documentation for Repository API |
RPYDMGF | Data Modeler: General Fields for Repository API |
RPYDMHI | Data Modeler: Hierarchy for Repository API |
RPYDMMI | Data Modeler: Data Model ID for Repository API |
RPYDMRL | Data Modeler: Relationship for Repository API |
RPYDMSC | Data Modeler: Specialization Type for Repository API |
RPYDMSD | Data Modeler: SAPscript Documentation for Repository API |
RPYDMSP | Data Modeler: Specialization for Repository API |
RPYDMTV | Data Modeler: Assigned Table/View for Repository API |
RSUD1 | Work Fields for EDM Transactions |
RSUD2 | Work Fields for EDM Transactions |
RSUD25 | EDM Attribute Fields for Entity type from View Information |
RSUD3 | Internal Screen Fields (SAPMUD00, 0100) |
RSUD4 | Screen fields for SAPLSDU7, screen 502 |
RSUD9 | Internal Screen Fields |
RSUDA | EDM Interface Attribute Fields from DM03S, DD27P, DD03P |
RSUDCCHECK | EDM Consistency Checks: Report RUDCC001 Selection Screen |
RSUDCHECKS | DM List of Consistency Checks (new) |
RSUDDMOID | DM Data Model ID (for internal tables) |
RSUDENTID | DM entity type ID (for internal tables) |
RSUDF | Internal Fields: EDM Print Layout Set |
RSUDN | Long Name: EDM Objects |
RSUDO | Lock object structure for EDM objects |
RSUDOBJID | DM Data Model ID/Entity Type ID (for internal tables) |
RSUDTEXT60 | DM short text for DM objects (for internal tables) |
RSUDU | DM Internal Fields + Dynpro Fields for ADW Export |
RUDY9 | Internal Screen Fields |
RUFOR | Internal Fields: EDM Print Layout Set |
TDM04S | Entity interface |
TDM06S | Data Model Interface |
XDM02V | Version Management: Delta for DM02V |
XDM03S | Version Management: Delta for DM03S |
XDM25L | Version Management: Delta for DM25L |
XDM26L | Version Management: Delta for DM26L |
XDM40V | Version Management: Delta for DM40V |
XDM41S | Version Management: Delta for DM41S |
XDM42S | Version Management: Delta for DM42S |
XDM42V | Version Management: Delta for DM42V |
XDM43T | Version Management: Delta for DM43T |
XDM45V | Version Management: Delta for DM45V |
XDM46S | Version Management: Delta for DM46S |
XDM48V | Version Management: Delta for DM48V |
XDM50S | Version Management: Delta for DM50S |
SAP Package SDUM contains 77 programs.
RADCOLOR | Report to Display of All Available Colors (Including Inverse) |
RDD99UDM | Data Dictionary Unified Data Modeling Interface |
RDDMAU91 | Check Entity Views |
RS_DM_CLEANUP_TDM_TABLE | Delete tablecontent of TDM10 and TDM11 |
RSDMXP01 | DM: XPRA convert attribute characteristics |
RSDMXP02 | DM: XPRA convert doc modules for name space extension |
RSTVJR40 | EDM Print Report for SIMO: Print by Path or Model |
RSTVJR41 | EDM - Print Translated Documentation Elements |
RSTVJRES | EDM Translate Short Texts |
RSTVJRET | Translate Enterprise Data Model long texts |
RSVRSUD1 | Display Versions of Data Models |
RSVRSUD2 | Compare Versions of Data Model |
RSVRSUD3 | Retrieve Versions of a Data Model |
RSVRSUE1 | Display Versions of Entity Types |
RSVRSUE2 | Compare Versions of an Entity Type |
RSVRSUE3 | Retrieve Versions of an Entity Type |
RUDAEL01 | Data Dictionary: Data Elements |
RUDCC001 | EDM Check the Consistency of Data Models |
RUDCC101 | EDM Check the Consistency of Data Models |
RUDCRETR | Report for Generating a Task and a Request for a Data Model |
RUDDACT1 | EDM Mass Activation of Text Modules |
RUDDELLZ | DM: Delete deletion indicator |
RUDDUMS1 | EDM Convert Old Documentation -> New EDM |
RUDDUMS2 | EDM Convert Text from Old -> New EDM (text-ID-related foreign lang.) |
RUDELP01 | Physically Delete EDM Tables |
RUDELP04 | Physically Delete/Activate Logically Deleted Clusters |
RUDINF04 | Paths from Kernel Entity Types to Marked Entity Types |
RUDMAU01 | List Report: Data Model-Entity Relationships |
RUDMAU94 | Create ADW Control Files |
RUDMAU97 | EDM List Display Entity - Cluster |
RUDMDL00 | Data Models |
RUDMEN02 | EDM - Start Report Cluster Maintenance |
RUDMTRA1 | Information Model Environment Analyzer |
RUDMXI01 | DM: Convert doc module for relationship |
RUDMXI02 | DM: Convert doc module for relationship - Add missing URL2 |
RUDOKU02 | Documentation Maint. |
RUDRP001 | DM: Report - data model structure display |
RUDSEL03 | Report: Select EDM Tables by Date |
RUDUSR01 | DM: Interface for ADW |
RUDUTI01 | Entity Types List - Index to a Data Model |
RUDUTI02 | List and Download EDM Documentation Element |
RUDUTI03 | Information Model Environment Analyzer |
RUDUTI04 | Information Model: Create Transport Request (Table Contents) |
RUDUTI05 | Information Model: Create Transport Request for Docu. Objects |
RUDUTI06 | Change 'Created by' and 'Date' in EDM tables |
RUDUTI07 | Reset EDM Documentation from Vers. P->T |
RUDUTI09 | Delete EDM Structure Objects with a Specific Version |
RUDUTI10 | Compare TDM14 and TDM04 |
RUDUTI12 | EDM Change Owner in EDM Tables TDM04, 06, 21, 28 |
RUDUTI13 | UDM/DM Adjustment Customizing Flag Old EDM <-> new DM |
RUDUTI50 | EDM Pad Foreign Language Short Texts with German Short Texts |
RUDUTI51 | DM: Mass Activ. Prog. Docu. elements |
RUDUTI52 | Compare doc module English with header |
RUDUTI53 | DM: Change Master Language in TADIR |
RUDUTI54 | DM: Adjust Docu. Flag in Object Root with Docu. Element |
RUDUTI55 | DM: Compare doc. module with header (unreachable doc. module) |
RUDVSL03 | Fetch Environment: Choose Entity Types |
RUDVVUD2 | EDM Display/Compare Versions of Data Models |
RUDVVUE2 | DM Version Display/Compare Entity Types |
RUSPZL00 | Specialization Categories |
RUSPZL13 | Specialization Categories |
RUSPZL14 | Specialization Categories |
RUTABL01 | ABAP/4 Dictionary Tables |
RUTAZVOR | Template for Table Report RSLOCK0x |
RUZDEL01 | Data Model - Entity Type Assignments |
RUZEAL01 | Entity Type - Data Element Assignment |
RUZEDL01 | Entity Type - Data Model Assignments |
RUZETL01 | Entity Type - Tables Assignment |
SAPFSIMA | General Form Routines |
SAPMSU05 | EDM Master Transaction |
SAPMSU12 | Maintain Attributes |
SAPMSU17 | Maintain Assignment Entity Type - Table |
SAPMSU71 | ?... |
SAPMSU90 | Display Hierarchically Referred Entity Types |
SAPMSU99 | Generator Relationships |
SAPMU91I | Sort ADW Text Files into TDM.. Tables, Version 'AD' |
SAPMUD00 | Data Modeler |
SAP Package SDUM contains 4 search helps.
H_DM02L | Help view entity types |
H_DM42S | DM help view for a relationship |
H_DM45L | DM help view for a specialization category |
H_VORMZ | Phase in the Procedure Model |
SAP Package SDUM contains 3 message classes.
SA | |
UD | UDM-Unternehmensdatenmodell |
UI | Data Modeler: Nachrichten für Repository-Schnittstellen |