The package SIWB (Information Workbench) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SIWB |
Short Text | Information Workbench |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SIWB contains 63 function groups.
0SI1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0SI2 | KW: HTML Export - Table Maintenance |
IWB_PHIO_DIFF | Multi PHIO Support |
IWB_TEMPLATES | KW: Supports Template Creation |
IWB_WF_CUST | Customizing for KW Workflows |
IWB_WF_PACKAGE | Creation of a Workflow Package |
IWB_WF_PREVIEW | Workitem Preview |
IWB_WF_ROLE | Role for KW Workflow |
IWB_XSLT | XML areas: XSL transformations |
KW_WUSL_OUSED | Where-Used List and Used Objects |
SI_XML | Functions Modules for XML Processing |
SI_XML_TRANSL | Translation of XML Documents |
SI00 | IWB: Systemwide Utilities |
SI10 | IWB: Processs functions with dialog |
SI10_A | Info Object Display (LOIO-PHIOs) |
SI11 | KEN: Online editing dialog process |
SI12 | KEn: Structure Display and Maint. + OE |
SI13 | KEn: Administration/Customizing |
SI14 | KEn: Info Object Display in HTML Control |
SI15 | Translation from Structure Display |
SI16 | KW: Interfaces for ITS/Web Authoring |
SI16_B | IWB: RFC Modules for Web Authoring |
SI16_SUBSCRIPTION | IWB: Interfaces for Subscription |
SI17 | KEn: Remote Interfaces |
SI17_V | KW: API - Access to Productive Data |
SI18 | IWB: HTML help export interface |
SI19 | IWB: IWB client interface |
SI20 | IWB: Process functions w/o dialog |
SI20_TR | Translation Relevance |
SI21 | IWB: Extended help migration |
SI22 | IWB: Migration of the glossary |
SI23 | KEN: Transport Info Objects |
SI24 | KEN: Consistency checks |
SI25 | KEn: HTML Export Server |
SI26 | KEn: Reorganization |
SI27 | KEn: HTML Export Scheduling |
SI30 | IWB: Info Object Browser |
SI31 | KEN: Management tool |
SI33 | KEn: Initial Screen (New) |
SI34 | KEn: Structure Navig. + Maint. with OE |
SI35 | KEn: Administration Tool (New) |
SI61 | IWB: Information objects core functions |
SI62 | IWB: Structure object core functions |
SI63 | IWB: Read metadata core functions |
SI64 | IWB: Core functions - IR exits |
SI65 | KEn: Link to Termin., Comp. hierarchy,.. |
SI66 | KEn: Kernel Functions: Frontend |
SI71 | IWB: Dialogs: Information objects |
SI72 | KEN: Info Object editor link |
SI73 | KEn: Info Object Online Editing |
SI74 | KEN: Dialog - Utility functions |
SI75 | KEN Dialogs: Checkin Any Objects |
SI76 | KEn: Selection Dialog for Info Objects |
SI77 | KEn: Web Browser in R/3 Screen |
SI78 | IWB: FMs for Full Text Search Miniapp |
SI80 | IWB: Copy Functions Info Objects |
SI81 | KEn: Authorization Check |
SI98 | Pattern for IWB_STRUCTURE_CNTL |
SI99 | KW: Prototypes |
SKEP | KEPlicator |
SKWRET01 | KW Retrieval |
SKWRET02 | KW Retrieval: Exits for Index Creation |
TIW1 | KEN: Problem analysis functions |
SAP Package SIWB contains 107 transactions.
KW_IO_DEL | Deletion of KW Contents |
KW_IO_DEL_TR | Requests for Deleted Contents |
MIGR1 | KW: Conversion of enh./rel. (global) |
MIGR2 | KW: Conver. of Enh/Rel/Origin (sel.) |
S_BIE_59000002 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_R3LINK31 |
S_BIE_59000003 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_LINK40ADEST |
S_BIE_59000004 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_FORMATS |
S_BIE_59000005 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXTCHAIN |
S_BIE_59000006 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXTENSION |
S_BIE_59000007 | IMG Activity: IMS_TRAIN |
S_BIE_59000008 | IMG Activity: IMS_SSR |
S_BIE_59000009 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_FLDRGRP |
S_BIE_59000010 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXP_RANGE |
S_BIE_59000011 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXRTAB |
S_BIE_59000012 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXP_VARIANT |
S_BIE_59000013 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_AUT_AUSH |
S_BIE_59000014 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXP_ASSIGN |
S_BIE_59000015 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXP_SERVER |
S_BIE_59000016 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXP_SYSTEM |
S_BIE_59000017 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_PROFILES |
S_BIE_59000018 | IMG Activity: DMS_SKPROG |
S_BIE_59000019 | IMG Activity: CMS_OALO |
S_BIE_59000020 | IMG Activity: CMS_OACT |
S_BIE_59000021 | IMG Activity: CMS_OACR |
S_BIE_59000022 | IMG Activity: SIMGZERTOAHT |
S_BIE_59000023 | IMG Activity: CMS_OAC0 |
S_BIE_59000024 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_EXT_APPL |
S_BIE_59000025 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_VIEWDEST |
S_BIE_59000026 | IMG Activity: SIMG_KEN_HELPTYPE |
S_BIE_59000027 | IMG Activity: CMS_OADI |
S_BIE_59000028 | IMG Activity: DMS_SKPR04 |
S_BIE_59000029 | IMG Activity: DMS_SKPR02 |
S_IWB | Initial Screen Knowledge Warehouse |
SI_SEL | KW: Structure Editor Link |
SI00 | SAP Knowledge Warehouse |
SI00_DOCU | SAP Knowledge Warehouse |
SI00_OLD | SAP Knowledge Warehouse |
SI00_TRAIN | SAP Knowledge Warehouse |
SI21 | Migration of extended help |
SI22 | Create Command Files |
SI23 | Init. screen of cust. maint. interf. |
SI23_1 | Maintain standard release |
SI23_2 | Maintain enhancement |
SI23_3 | Maintain enhancement chain |
SI23_4 | Lock/unlock releases |
SI23_6 | Edit templates |
SI24 | Initial Screen of IMG (KW) |
SI24_1 | Customizing System (KW) |
SI24_11 | KW: Customizing Transport |
SI24_12 | KW: Customizing Workflow |
SI24_13 | KW: Customizing Authorizations |
SI24_14 | KW Customizing |
SI24_2 | Customizing Server (KW) |
SI24_3 | Customizing Assignments (KW) |
SI24_4 | Customizing Export Variants (KW) |
SI24_5 | Define Initial Structure (Custom.) |
SI24_6 | Automat. Instantiation of Info Obj. |
SI24_7 | Set export_range in iwbsetting |
SI24_8 | Support R/3 Link Maintenance (Cust) |
SI24_9 | Document Management Areas (View) |
SI24_CSCONFIG | Autoconfiguration Content Server |
SI24_WF1 | KW WF - Authorization Procedure |
SI24_WF2 | KW Customizing - WF Copy Editing |
SI80 | Knowledge Warehouse |
SI81 | Management |
SI85 | Knowledge Warehouse (General) |
SI86 | Management |
SI88 | HTML Export |
SI88_FOLDER_LIST | Creation of Folder/Structure List |
SI88_PREANALYSIS | InitAnalysis Structure-Based Exports |
SI89 | Analyze HTML Export Logs |
SI90 | Knowledge Warehouse: Training |
SIDELTA | Delta delivery of content |
SII0 | Change management |
SII00 | Display management |
SII1 | Change documentation |
SII10 | Display documentation |
SII2 | Change training |
SII20 | Display training |
SII3 | Change HTML-Based Documents |
SII30 | Display HTML-Based Documents |
SII4 | Change XML Training |
SII40 | Display XML Training |
SII5 | Change XML Documentation |
SIIALL | Change all areas |
SIIALL0 | Display all areas |
SISTATE | Maintenance of Status Transitions |
SISTATE2 | Extended Status Management On/Off |
SIT0 | Translate management |
SIT00 | KW: Documentation Development |
SIT1 | Translate documentation |
SIT10 | KW: Documentation Development |
SIT2 | Translate training |
SIT20 | KW: Documentation Development |
SIT3 | Translate HTML-Based Documents |
SIT4 | Translate XML Training |
SIT5 | Translate XML Documentation |
SITALL | Translate all areas |
SKEP | KEPlicator |
SAP Package SIWB contains 126 database tables.
IWADM | Data for KEN Administration |
IWAREADEST | KEN: AREA-Specific Destinations (for KEN Interfaces) |
IWAUTHFCT | Function for Authorization Check |
IWAUTHFCTT | Function for Authorization Check |
IWB_MACRO_PARA | Parameter Table for Macro Control |
IWB_NEWREL | REORG: Save newly created Relation |
IWB_WF_IO | Info Objects in the Workflow Package |
IWB0COMP | KWSTAT: Table (Component/Scenario and GBU/IBU) |
IWB2PDEL | KW: Instances of Deleted Physical Information Objects |
IWB2RDEL | SDOK: Relation with both partners |
IWB5CHKF | KW: File Name of Last Check-out |
IWB5CHKO | KW: Physical Information Object Check-out Data |
IWB5IDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1 |
IWB5LOIO | KEN: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
IWB5LOIOT | KEN: Description of Logical Information Objects |
IWB5LOPR | KEN: Attributes of Logical Information Objects |
IWB5LORE | KEN: Outgoing Links of Logical Information Objects |
IWB5LORI | KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects |
IWB5PHF | KW: Physical Information Object Files |
IWB5PHHR | KW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
IWB5PHHRPR | EPF: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships |
IWB5PHIO | KW: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
IWB5PHNM | KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
IWB5PHNMPR | EPF: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships |
IWB5PHPR | KW: Physical Information Object Attributes |
IWB5PHRE | KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects |
IWB5PHREPR | EPF: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs |
IWB5PHRI | KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects |
IWB5PHRIPR | EPF: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs |
IWBENTRY_M | IWB: Info Object Browser defaults |
IWBENTRY_S | KEn: Info Object Browser Defaults |
IWBENTRY_U | KEn: Info Object Browser Defaults |
IWBENTRY_V | KEn: Info Object Browser Defaults |
IWBKEP | KEP Data for Scheduling Training |
IWBKEP2 | KEP Data for Scheduling Training: Context |
IWBKEPDEST | KEPlicator Data for Logical Destinations |
IWBREORG | KEn: Status of Reorganization |
IWBREORG_S | Reorg report settings |
IWBSETTING | KEN: Settings (valid versions, etc.) |
IWBSTATEHIER | Used for organizing table IWPROPVAL into a hierarchy |
IWBUUIDVAL | Values with Generated Key (GUID) |
IWBWFATTR | Attributes of the Info Objects in the Workflow Package |
IWBWFHEAD | Workflow Package |
IWCLTYPE | IWB: Assignment of I/O classes to I/O types |
IWCODEPAGE | KEN Codepage info (which CP is used for a language) |
IWDISPLAY | Info Workbench: Categories |
IWDISPLAYT | Info Workbench: Category texts |
IWDOCFRMT | Document Formats that are Supported in KW |
IWEXADD | HTML Export:Export Alias + Str.+ Content Objects(ID + Class) |
IWEXDEST | KEn: Html Export Destinations |
IWEXDONE | KEn: Html Export History |
IWEXEXOPTS | KEn: Html Export Options |
IWEXEXOPTT | KEn: Html Export Options (Text) |
IWEXINDX | KEn: Html Export Analysis Data (INDX) |
IWEXPHIO | HTML Export Services Phio List of HTML Generation |
IWEXRTAB | KEn: Html Export Number Areas for File Names |
IWEXRTABT | KEn: Html Export Number Areas for File Names (Text) |
IWEXRULES | KEn: Html Export Dispatching Rules |
IWEXSERVER | KEn: Html Export Systems |
IWEXSTATUS | KEn: Html Export Status |
IWEXTEND | Enhancement Information: Add-On and Customer |
IWEXTENDT | Enhancement Information - Text Table |
IWEXTODO | KEn: Html Export Request List |
IWEXTSYMBS | KEn: Html Export Text Symbols |
IWEXTSYMBT | KEn: Html Export Text Symbols |
IWFLDRGRP | Folder groups |
IWFLDRGRPT | Folder groups |
IWFTRANS | Folders and IOs Scheduled for Translation |
IWICON | IWB: Icon store |
IWIKSVAR | KW: Template Variables for IKS Replacement |
IWIKSVART | KW: Template Variables for IKS Replacement (Description) |
IWINDUSTRY | KEN: Industry sectors and their root sectors |
IWNODEICON | IWB: Structure display icon management |
IWNODETDEF | IWB: Default node classification (environment-specific) |
IWOBJECT | IWB: Repository for Info Objects |
IWPROPVAL | Valid Attribute Values (Classes or Area-Specific) |
IWPROPVALT | Valid Attribute Values (Classes or Area-Specific) |
IWREADLOIO | IWB: LOIOs Read per User |
IWREADPHIO | IWB: PHIOs Read per User |
IWRELEASE | KEN releases |
IWRELFRZE | KEN releases |
IWSTDGRAF | KEn: Standard Graphics |
IWSTDGRAFT | KEn: Standard Graphic - Text |
IWSUBSCR | KW: Info objects Subscription |
IWTESTFCTS | Supported KEN test functions |
IWTESTFCTT | KEn: Supported test functions - Short description |
IWTESTUSER | KEN: KEN user in test mode |
KWCHAIN | KEN: Industry sectors and their root sectors |
KWD_RETROFIT1 | Retrofit for IWBHELP: Initial Folders and Results |
KWD_RETROFIT2 | Retrofit for IWBTRAIN & XML_TRAIN: Initial Folders & Results |
KWD_RETROFIT3 | Retrofit for XML_DOCU: Initial Folders and Results |
KWD_RETROFIT4 | <> IWBHELP/TRAIN, XML_DOCU/TRAIN: Initial Folders & Results |
KWD_RETROFITH | Retrofit: Header Info |
KWD_RFC2BI | RFC Destinations for Different Contexts |
KWDEL_HEAD | Content Deletion Report: History |
KWDEL_RES_OBJ | Content Deletion Report: Details for Info Objects |
KWDELTA_TR | IWB: Transport Requests for Delta Delivery |
KWDELTA_WL | IWB: Worklist for Delta Delivery (Content) |
KWFOLDERS | Folders that are processed by 'Reorg' Report |
KWH_BG | Background Processes for Knowledge Warehouse |
PRD_ASSIGN | KWSTAT: Assignment of Product Context |
PRD_SUBSTR | KWSTAT: Definition of Product Sub-Structures |
PROD_D_SUB | KWSTAT: Definition of PROD_DOCU Sub-Structures |
PROD_DETLD | KWSTAT: Detailed Output Table |
TXML_NODE | XML: table of nodes |
TXML_NODER | XML: General Structure Storage References |
TXML_NODET | XML: General Structure Storage Node Names |
TXMLCHKF | KW: File Name of Last Check-out |
TXMLCHKO | KW: Physical Information Object Check-out Data |
TXMLIDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1 |
TXMLLOIO | KEN: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
TXMLLOIOT | KEN: Description of Logical Information Objects |
TXMLLOPR | KEN: Attributes of Logical Information Objects |
TXMLLORE | KEN: Outgoing Links of Logical Information Objects |
TXMLLORI | KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects |
TXMLPHF | KW: Physical Information Object Files |
TXMLPHHR | KW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
TXMLPHHRPR | EPF: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships |
TXMLPHIO | KW: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
TXMLPHNM | KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
TXMLPHNMPR | EPF: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships |
TXMLPHPR | KW: Physical Information Object Attributes |
TXMLPHRE | KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects |
TXMLPHREPR | EPF: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs |
TXMLPHRI | KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects |
TXMLPHRIPR | EPF: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs |
SAP Package SIWB contains 5 views.
FOL_DET | KWSTAT: Folder Details |
IWDST_EDIT | KEN: AREA-Dependent Presentation Destinations (View) |
IWDST_PRES | KEN: AREA-Dependent Presentation Destination (View) |
PRD_DET | KWSTAT: Product Details |
V_TESTUSER | View for Generating a Maintenance Dialog |
SAP Package SIWB contains 152 structures.
ADMHEADTAB | KEN: ALV liste management tool header table |
ADMITEMTAB | SKE: ALV list management tool item table |
ADMOUTTAB | KE: ALV-Grid - Output Table for Folder Statistics |
CKLSTENT | Entry of a Check List |
FLDTOP_MAP | Mapping between folders and topics |
FOLDER_SEL | Selection of Folder Source for Export (Si88) |
IOERRCOUNT | Number of objects whose folder or structure is incorrect |
IWADMIN | Translation Administration |
IWAREALV | KW: Areas |
IWB_DIFF_DYNPRO | Input/Output Fields on DIFF Screen |
IWB_ME | Model Entity Types |
IWB_S_WORD_DESC | Description of Word in a Text |
IWB_SO_IO | IWB: Structure object with info object |
IWB_WAIT_LIST | For New Context Resolution |
IWBAREA | Area (Technical Name) |
IWBATTRIB | SDOK: Information for Definition of Attribute |
IWBEXMAIL | Customizing: KW |
IWBIKSVAR | IWB: Entry for a Template Variable in IKS |
IWBIOINFO | Info Object Description for Web Authoring |
IWBKEPC | KEP Data for Scheduling Training: Context for KEP |
IWBKEPE | KEP Data for Scheduling Training: Incorrect Courses |
IWBKEPF | KEP Data for Scheduling Training: Data for Frontend Client |
IWBKEPI | KEP Data for Scheduling Training: Data for Frontend Client |
IWBKEPK | KEP Key for Course Data |
IWBKEPM | KEPlicator: Maintain Course Schedule |
IWBKEPO | KEP: Summary of KEP context |
IWBKEPS | KEP Data for Scheduling Training |
IWBKEPT | KEPlicator: Maintain course schedule |
IWBPROPATT | Property Values and Metadata |
IWBPROPOBJ | Properties with Objects (SDOKOBJECT) as Value |
IWBPROPTL | IWB: Object, Attribute Name and Value |
IWBPROPTY | IWB: Attribute of Object, Name and Value |
IWBRESURL | KW: Result URLs for Full Text Search |
IWBS_REL_INFO | For Hierarchy Display |
IWBVALTXT | Property Value and Text Description |
IWBVALUE | KEn: Value Table (Value is 115 Long) |
IWBVALUE2 | KEn: Value Table (Value is 115 Long) |
IWCHECKOUT | IWB: Checkout interface |
IWCLASS | KEN: Classes |
IWCLASSPRP | KEn: Class Attribute |
IWCLPAIR | IWB: Pair of info classes |
IWCNTXTSTR | Context Parameters and Context Rules |
IWCOLINFO | KEN: Color key |
IWCONTEXT | KEn Context (Language, Enhancement, Release, Country) |
IWCONTEXT2 | KEn context (external representation) |
IWCONTINF | Info about Contents of PHIOs |
IWCOPYQUEUE_S | IWB Structure for Worklist for IO Copy Process |
IWCXTALV | KEn context |
IWDIALOG | KEN: Dialog fields |
IWDISPSTR2 | KEN: Help display structure info |
IWDISPSTRU | KEN: Help Display Structure Info |
IWEDITTYPE | KEn: Selection for Edit_Process, APPL, LOIO_CLASS |
IWEHEADTAB | KEN header table for ALV lists |
IWEITEMTAB | KEN item table for ERROR - ALV lists |
IWERRCLASS | IWB: Object error structure |
IWERROBJCT | IWB: Object error structure |
IWERRORMAP | Mapping of general errors to special |
IWERRORMSG | IWB: Message passing structure |
IWERRPROPS | IWB: Attribute error structure |
IWERRRELAT | IWB: Relations error structure |
IWEXEXITED | KEn: Html Export Item Display |
IWEXEXITEM | KEn: Html Export Item |
IWEXHHOPTS | KEn: Html Export HtmlHelp Options |
IWEXITYPES | KEn: HTML Help Export Info Types |
IWEXOBJ | KEn: HTML Help Export Object List |
IWEXOPTS | KEn: Html Export General Options |
IWEXPHOPTS | KEn: Html Export PlainHtml Options |
IWEXPIDS | KEn: Html Export Processes |
IWEXREF | KEn: Html Export Reference |
IWEXRTDATA | KEn: Html Export Runtime Data |
IWEXTENDTX | Information about Enhancements - Text Table (for RFC) |
IWEXTSYMB | KEn: Text Symbols for HTML Help Export |
IWF4VALUES | KEn: Key -> Fixed Value |
IWFILE | IWB: Data exchange structure |
IWFILEINFO | KEN: File name and path |
IWFOPROPS | IWB: Dialog fields for folder |
IWHEADTAB | KEN Header Table for ALV Lists |
IWHHCONT | IWB: HTML help export passing structure |
IWHHDISP | IWB: HTML help export display structure |
IWHHERR | IWB: HTML help export error message list |
IWHHOBJ | KEn: HTML Help Export Object List |
IWHHREF | IWB: HTML help export external references |
IWHHTYPES | KEn: HTML Help Export Info Types |
IWICON_RET | IWB: Icons for a particular structure node type |
IWIFPARAM | IWB: Routine interface fields |
IWIKSVARS | KW: IKS Variables for Template HTML |
IWINFOOBJ | IWB: Info object ID (GUID) |
IWIO_HLIST | IWB: Info object list header structure |
IWIO_ILIST | IWB: Info object list header structure |
IWIOCLF | KW: Format and Description of a Class |
IWIOCXT2 | Pairs (Info Object, KEn Context) (External Representation) |
IWIOFLDGRP | IWB: Info Object with Folder and Folder Group |
IWIOFLDR | IWB: Info object and folder key |
IWIOMIGRPR | IWB: Migration info object attributes |
IWIOPAIR | IWB: Relationship between two objects |
IWIOPROPS | IWB: Info object attributes |
IWIOTRANSL | Translation data per info object |
IWIOTRNSST | Translation-Relevant/Translation Status Localization |
IWITEMTAB | KEN item table for ALV lists |
IWKEP | KEPlicator Reference Fields |
IWKEPVAL | KEPlicator Values for F4 Help |
IWKXFADDE | KEn: Entry to an Add-Section |
IWKXFLINE | KEn: Row Info about an KXF File for Parsing |
IWKXFSTAT | Statistics on Package Read-in |
IWKXFTRANS | Translation Info for KXF Package Creation |
IWLOIO | Logical info object key |
IWLOIOPHIO | IWB: Logical and physical info object key |
IWMSGTXT | Message with text |
IWMULTI | Attribute Value for FM IO_D_PROP_MULTI |
IWOBJURL | Object with URL |
IWPARAMS | IWB: Function module parameter reference structure |
IWPHIO | IWB: Physical info object key |
IWPROPCHK | Valid Attributes of Info Objects |
IWPROPINF | Attribute information for result of full text search |
IWPROPS | IWB: Logical and physical I/O attributes and values |
IWPROPS_A | Structure for KW |
IWPROPSTXT | KEn: Attribute Values with Text |
IWPRPCHK | IWB: Value Check for Remote Attribute |
IWPRPCNVRT | Conversion from External to Internal Representation |
IWPRVALT_E | Valid Attribute Values (Classes or Area-Specific) |
IWREADCONT | IWB: Time Stamp for PHIOS |
IWRELATION | IWB: Relationship between two objects |
IWS_AREA | IWB: Area and Description |
IWS_AREA_CLASS_PROPVAL | Area+Class+Attributes+Values |
IWS_CLASSAREATYPE | Info About IO Class, Area, and Class Type |
IWSELOPT | IWB: I/O property select options |
IWSTATUST | IWB: Info object status (texts) |
IWSTRNODE | KEn: Structure Entry |
IWSUBSTATE | KW: Subscription Staus of info object |
IWT002TISO | KEN: T002T with ISO language field |
IWT005TX | Identifier of Countries (for RFC Interfaces) |
IWTEMPL | KEn: File Info for Templates/Macros |
IWTERMREF | Attribute Value for FM IO_D_PROP_MULTI |
IWTREEITM | IWB tree item structure |
IWTREEUIT | IWB Tree Item Structure for Update |
IWTYPET | IWB: Info object types (texts) |
IWVALUE | KEn: Value of a Property |
PRD_SUB_CH | KWSTAT: Sub-Structure of List with Checkbox |
SCHEDUL100 | Display/Change Start Date and Period Values |
SF1SETTING | F1 Help Display Structure |
SKWH_BG | KW and Result of Background Job |
STACKCONT | Context Sequence |
STK_IWBSTATEHIER | For Hierarchizing Table IWPROPVAL |
STK_IWBSTATEHIER_TV_LASTV | Help Structure for Setting Up the Tree |
TIWIOHEAD | Header table for TIWB display table |
TIWIOITEM | Item table for TIWB display table |
TIWREITEM | Item table of relation list |
SAP Package SIWB contains 108 programs.
INDX_IW_DELETE | Delete Entries from INDX Table with RELID = 'IW' |
IWBPREP | KW: Prepare training system |
KW_CONTENT_DELETION | Deletion of KW Contents |
KW_CONTENT_DELETION_BG | Deletion of KW Contents (Background) |
KW_FOLDER_REPORTS | Evaluation of History Tables |
KW_KEP_SCHEDULE_GRAPHIC | Test Report Graphic GANT02 |
KW_KEP_SCHEDULE_MAINTAIN | Delete and append rows |
KW_LAYOUT_RESET | Set Stylesheet and Frameset IDs for Structure and Web Directory |
RS_DELETE_KEY_IN_TRANSPORT2 | Remove objects from transport requests |
RS_IWB_ENTRY_SELECT | Maintain initial structure (Customizing KEn) |
RS_IWB_EXPORT_AFTER_IMPORT | Automated Instantiation of info objects (Customizing) |
RS_IWB_R3LINK_SUPPORT | Support or do not support R/3 link maintenance (Customizing) |
RS_IWBORIG_LANG_SET_WHEN_SPACE | Conversion of original language if iwb_original_language space |
RSIWB_AUTO_CONFIG_CONT_SERVER | Configuration of Newly Installed Content Server |
RSIWB_CHECK | KEN: General check report |
RSIWB_COMMANDFILES_DELETE | Delete A L L KEN command files |
RSIWB_CONTENTS_DELETE | Delete A L L management data, i.e all KEN contents |
RSIWB_CUST_AUTH_FOR_PROPS | KW: Customizing authorizations at attribute value level |
RSIWB_CUST_SUP_AUTH_CHECK_DISP | KW Customizing: Area-dependent activation of authorization check |
RSIWB_CUST_TRANSPORT | Customizing KW: Transports |
RSIWB_CUST_WORKFLOW | Customizing KW: Transports |
RSIWB_DELTA | IWB: Combine delta transports with Knowledge Warehouse contents |
RSIWB_DELTA_START_WORKLIST | KW: Create worklist for delta delivery |
RSIWB_EXPORT_FOLDER_LIST | Create Folder List/Structure List for Export Service |
RSIWB_EXPORT_LIST_BG | Create Folder List/Structure List for Export Service |
RSIWB_EXPORT_MAIL_SERVICES | Customizing for KW: Export Mail Service |
RSIWB_FOLDER_CHECK | KEN: Check links and uses in structures |
RSIWB_FOLDER_CHECK_DISPLAY | KEN: Check links and uses in structures |
RSIWB_INSTALL_31_R3LINKS | R/3 link maintenance for 3.1 systems |
RSIWB_REORG | Reorganization |
RSIWB_REORG_BATCH | Reorganization: Report can be scheduled with RSIWB_REORG |
RSIWB_XML_CONFIG_UPDATE | Check In Config Info Object from BSP Page into KPro |
RSIWB_XML_IMPORT | Check in XML Documents with Graphics/Entities from Frontend into KW |
RSIWB_XML_STRUCTURE_FILL | Structure filling |
RSIWB000 | KEN: Create transport request or command file for context |
RSIWB001 | KEN: Create command file for a folder in specified context |
RSIWB002 | Split an upgrade request into several requests |
RSIWB003 | Create help extract data set |
RSIWB009 | Clean up structure links |
RSIWB010 | Delete PHIOs Without LOIOs |
RSIWB020 | KW reserve |
RSIWB030 | KW reserve |
RSIWB040 | KW reserve |
RSIWB050 | KW reserve |
RSIWB090 | KEN: Global conversion of a release |
RSIWB092 | Convert IWBENTRY_* entries (SPACE,SAPCE) to (IWBHELP,IOM) |
RSIWB096 | KW: Folder-by-folder conversion from enhancement/release and/or origin |
RSIWB096_BATCH | Retrofit Itself |
RSIWB096_RES_DISP | Display of Retrofit Results |
RSIWB099 | Test user settings |
RSIWB100 | Initial screen of IWB Customizing |
RSIWB101 | Program RSIWB101 |
RSIWB102 | Program RSIWB102 |
RSIWB103 | Customizing Server (KEn) |
RSIWB104 | Customizing Assignments (KEn) |
RSIWB105 | Customizing Export Variants (KW) |
RSIWB106 | Program RSIWB106 |
RSIWB21 | Information Workbench: Migration |
RSIWB21B | Information Workbench: Batch migration |
RSIWB22 | Information Workbench: Migration of the glossary |
RSIWB300 | IWB: IOB initial screen |
RSIWB302 | KEN: IOB initial screen - training |
RSIWB303 | KEN: IOB initial screen - training |
RSIWB310 | KEN: IOB initial screen (for parameter transactions) |
RSIWB320 | KEN: Knowledge Engineer - Initial screen (new) |
RSIWB400 | Knowledge Engineer: Relocate folder contents |
RSIWB600 | Call transaction SI81 (SAP KEn: Management) |
RSIWB601 | Start Transaction SI88 (SAP KEn: Html export) |
RSIWB602 | Program RSIWB602 |
RSIWB701 | Call INFO_OBJECTS_DISPLAY_LIST in new internal session |
RSIWB702 | Call of IWB_STRUCTURE in new internal mode |
RSIWB703 | Call of IWB_STRUCTURE in new internal mode |
RSIWB704 | Call STRUCTURE_OBJECT_CNTL_WITH_OE in new int. mode |
RSIWB706 | Sample report for generic search for information objects |
RSIWB707 | Call of IWB_STRUCTURE in new internal mode |
RSIWB708 | Call of IWB_TRANSLATION_VIA_STRUCTURE in new internal mode |
RSIWB900 | Count KEN table entries |
RSIWB901 | KEN: Assign SHH key |
RSIWB903 | KEN: Generate file 'HTMLHELP.INI' |
RSIWB905 | Delete buffer for productivity flag |
RSIWB940 | Correction Report: Missing Hyperlinks as of 1.12.2001 in KWB |
RSIWB943 | Correction Report for Attributes and File Names |
SAP Package SIWB contains 9 search helps.
EXT_ADDON | Add-on |
IWKEPDEST | KEPlicator: Logical Destination (PC Equi No.) |
JOB_DATE | Translate Date into the Timestamp format |
KW_EXPORT_TYPE | Search Help for Export Type |
KW_IND_REL | Search Help for Name and Version of an R/3 Add-On |
KWH_BG | elementary help for KWH_BG |
KWH_BG_DES | elementary help for KWH_BG-description |
PROD_NAME | Name of Product |
SH_TFDIR | Search Help for Function Modules |
SAP Package SIWB contains 4 message classes.
42 | Information Workbench |
IWB_MPS | Nachrichten für Multi Product Support |
KEN_01 | Auf Frontend-PCs erzeugte Meldungen |
SAP Package SIWB contains 4 authorization objects.
S_IWB | Knowledge Warehouse |
S_IWB_ADM | Knowledge Warehouse: Administration |
S_IWB_ATT | Authorizations for Attribute Values |
S_IWB_ATTR | Authorizations for Attribute Values |