The package SO (SAPoffice) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SO |
Short Text | SAPoffice |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SO contains 94 function groups.
SO00 | SAPoffice: Send Short Message |
SO01 | SAPoffice: Window - create object |
SO02 | SAPoffice: Inbox/Express window |
SO03 | SAPoffice: Screen, window - RAWtext |
SO04 | SAPoffice: Screen - send |
SO05 | SAPoffice: Dynpros - Proxy On/Off |
SO06 | SAPoffice: Windows Folders |
SO07 | SAPoffice: Screen - folders |
SO08 | SAPoffice: Window - external interface |
SO09 | SAPoffice: Window - recipient list |
SO10 | SAPoffice: General Document Display |
SO12 | SAPoffice: Screen, window - proxy |
SO13 | SAPoffice: Screen, window - user |
SO13_TAB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SO14 | SAPoffice: Screen - TOM, editor dist.lst |
SO15 | SAPoffice: Screen - editor folder |
SO16 | System Profile Maintenance |
SO17 | SAPoffice: Objects |
SO18 | SAPoffice: Window - resubmission |
SO19 | SAPoffice: Object folder |
SO20 | SAPoffice: Window - utilities object |
SO21 | SAPoffice: Attribute search |
SO22 | SAPoffice: Interface SAPfind, interface |
SO23 | SAPoffice: Error Log |
SO24 | SAPoffice: Screen - object selection |
SO25 | SAPoffice: TOMs for MS Windows |
SO26 | SAPoffice: Interface - Fax Objects |
SO27 | SAPoffice: RTF editor |
SO28 | Maintenance interface for table SOGR |
SO29 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SO30 | SAPoffice: Utility Modules PC Connection |
SO31 | SAPoffice: Folder Manager |
SO32 | SAPoffice: DocManager and DocRepManager |
SO33 | SAPoffice: Document Manager (RAW) |
SO34 | SAPoffice: Shared Folders Subscribed to |
SO35 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SO36 | GBT: Unicode Conversions |
SO37 | Archiving of WI Attachments (SOFM) |
SO38 | MIM Tom (Dummy?) |
SO50 | Table maintenance TSOTX (gen.texts) |
SO51 | Table maintenance TSOTD (doc.classes) |
SO52 | Table maint. TSOTT (doc.class texts) |
SO53 | Table maintenance TSOVM (exec.parameter) |
SO54 | Table maint. TSOVT (exec.param.texts) |
SO55 | Table maintenance SOEMSREP |
SO60 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SO61 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SO62 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SO90 | API for SAPoffice interface |
SO91 | User interface for interface IFATTACH |
SOA1 | SAPoffice: Function - object |
SOA2 | SAPoffice: Function - send |
SOA3 | SAPoffice: Function - user |
SOA4 | SAPoffice: Function - proxy |
SOA5 | SAPoffice: PC Upload/Download |
SOA6 | SAPoffice: Function - dist. list API |
SOA7 | SAPoffice: Function - folder API |
SOA8 | SAPoffice: Interface SAPfind, database |
SOA9 | SAPoffice: Function - graphics |
SOAD | SAPoffice: Address management |
SOAL | SAPoffice Function ABAP List |
SOAS | SAPoffice: Attribute Search |
SOB1 | SAPoffice: Resubmission |
SOB2 | SAPoffice: Attachments |
SOB3 | SAPoffice: Document Functions |
SOB5 | SAPoffice: Function - correspondence |
SOB7 | SAPoffice: Utilities without screen |
SOB9 | SAPoffice: Function - initializing |
SOC1 | SAPoffice: Function - profiles |
SOC2 | SAPoffice: Function - ????? |
SOC3 | SAPoffice: Function - folder (int. DB) |
SOC4 | SAPoffice: Enqueue/dequeue management |
SOC5 | SAPoffice: SAPscript function for office |
SOC6 | SAPoffice: General Check Function |
SOC7 | SAPoffice: Folder Authorizations |
SOC8 | SAPoffice: Table Checks |
SOC9 | SAPoffice: DB Functions for RAW |
SOD1 | References |
SOD2 | SAPoffice: Conversions |
SODS | SAPoffice: Access to LDAP services |
SOE1 | SAPoffice: Send and Receive Externally |
SOE2 | API to SAPconnect for transmission |
SOE3 | SAPoffice: Inbox distribution |
SOE4 | Evaluation function modules for SOST |
SOI1 | API Function Modules for Externals |
SOI2 | 2nd API - Test Edition |
SOIL | SAPoffice: Archive Documents (Images) |
SOKP | KPro Integration |
SOLD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SOLD2 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SOOF | SAPoffice: Object folder |
SOQU | Quota |
SORP | Replication function modules |
SOST | SAPoffice: SAPscript texts |
SAP Package SO contains 65 transactions.
F00 | SAPoffice: Short Message |
S_BCE_68000252 | IMG Activity: SIMG_OSC1 |
S00 | Short Message |
SO00 | SAPoffice: Short Message |
SO01 | SAPoffice: Inbox |
SO01X | SAPoffice: Inbox |
SO02 | SAPoffice: Outbox |
SO02X | SAPoffice: Outbox |
SO03 | SAPoffice: Private Folders |
SO03X | SAPoffice: Private Folders |
SO04 | SAPoffice: Shared Folders |
SO04X | SAPoffice: Shared Folders |
SO05 | SAPoffice: Private Trash |
SO05X | SAPoffice: Private Trash |
SO06 | SAPoffice: Substitution on/off |
SO07 | SAPoffice: Resubmission |
SO07X | SAPoffice: Resubmission |
SO12 | SAPoffice: User Master |
SO13 | SAPoffice: Substitute |
SO15 | SAPoffice: Distribution Lists |
SO16 | SAPoffice: Profile |
SO17 | SAPoffice: Delete Shared Trash |
SO18 | SAPoffice: Shared Trash |
SO19 | SAPoffice: Default Documents |
SO20 | SAPoffice: Private Default Document |
SO21 | Maintain PC Work Directory |
SO22 | SAPoffice: Delete PC Temp. Files |
SO23 | SAPoffice: Distribution Lists |
SO24 | SAPoffice: Maintenance of default PC |
SO28 | Maintain SOGR |
SO30 | Business Workplace: Reorg. |
SO31 | Reorganization (daily) |
SO36 | Create Automatic Forwarding |
SO38 | SAPoffice: Synchr. of Folder Auths. |
SO40 | SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set MAIL |
SO41 | SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEFAX |
SO42 | SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_K |
SO43 | SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_M |
SO44 | SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEX |
SO52 | Deletes Address from User Master |
SO55 | User consistency check |
SOAD | SAPoffice: External Addresses |
SOBN01 | Personal data |
SOCP | SAPoffice: External Addresses |
SODS | SAPoffice: LDAP Browser |
SOEX | Express Message |
SOFF | SAPoffice: Area Menu |
SOFR | Mapping of telex recipients |
SOPE | Exclude Document Classes |
SOSB | Send Order Overview (User) |
SOSG | Overview Send Requests (Groups) |
SOST | SAPconnect Send Requests |
SOSV | SAPconnect Send Requests |
SOTD | SAPoffice: Maintain Object Types |
SOTR | Test transaction for API1 (received) |
SOY1 | SAPoffice: Mass Maint. Users |
SOY2 | SAPoffice: Statistics data collect. |
SOY3 | SAPoffice: Statistics Evaluation |
SOY4 | SAPoffice: Access overview |
SOY5 | SAPoffice: Inbox overview |
SOY6 | SAPoffice: Document overview |
SOY7 | SAPoffice: Folder overview |
SOY8 | SAPoffice: Mass Archiving |
SOY9 | SAPoffice: Inbox Reorg. |
SOYA | SAPoffice: Change folder owner |
SAP Package SO contains 91 database tables.
SADRF | Fax addresses with cover sheet |
SADRO | SAPoffice: Table for storing UNIX addresses |
SADRU | SAPoffice: Table for storing UNIX addresses |
SADRX5 | X.500 Directory Entries |
SOADRBUF | SAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export) |
SOATT | SAPoffice: Attachments for BOR objects |
SOC3 | SAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export) |
SOCS | SAPoffice: table for storage of an Office ID (SAPcomm) |
SOCVPC | SAPoffice: Conversion Table for PC Documents |
SOCX | SAPoffice: table for storing SAPcomm IDs |
SOCY | SAPoffice: inverse table for SOCX (SAPcomm ID table) |
SODEST | SAPoffice: Destinations |
SODM | SAPoffice: distribution list contents |
SODSAT | SAPoffice: User-friendly LDAP attribute names |
SODSATST | LDAP Attributes for Office Transmission Methods |
SODSPROF | Presettings for access to LDAP service |
SODSPROF2 | LDAP Profile (New 4.6C) |
SOEMSREP | SAPoffice: Control table for emergency sys. return transport |
SOEP | SAPoffice: Table for data transfer during express handling |
SOER | SAPoffice: receive externally |
SOES | SAPoffice: External send operation |
SOFA | SAPoffice: user-specific authorization for shared folders |
SOFD | SAPoffice: Object Definition |
SOFFCHKF | SOFF: File Name of Last Checkout |
SOFFCHKO | SOFF: Checkout Data to a Physical Information Object |
SOFFCONT1 | SOFF: Table for Document Contents (import/export) |
SOFFLOIO | SOFF: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
SOFFLOIOT | SOFF: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
SOFFLOPR | SOFF: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
SOFFLORE | SOFF: Outgoing Links for Logical Information Objects |
SOFFLORI | SOFF: Incoming Links for Logical Information Objects |
SOFFPHF | SOFF: Files of Physical Information Objects |
SOFFPHHR | SOFF: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
SOFFPHIO | SOFF: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
SOFFPHNM | SOFF: Use of Target Anchor in Physical Objects |
SOFFPHPR | SOFF: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
SOFFPHRE | SOFF: Outgoing Links for Physical Information Objects |
SOFFPHRI | SOFF: Incoming Links for Physical Information Objects |
SOFFRE | SOFF: Instances of Links |
SOFFREPR | SOFF: Attributes of Links |
SOFIND | SAPoffice: Search table via SOFD |
SOFM | SAPoffice: Folder contents |
SOFR | SAPoffice: Distribution List Table for Incoming Faxes |
SOGR | SAPoffice: Recipient determination during inbound distrib. |
SOHS | SAPoffice: DB for Home System (Shared Buffer) |
SOID | SAPoffice: Inverse record for distribution list |
SOIMAP | SAPoffice: Mapping Table IMAP UID - API2 ID |
SOMF | SAPoffice: Address tables for fax screen |
SOMFT | SAPoffice: SOMF language table |
SOMG | Table for persistence of objects MESSAGE/RECIPIENT |
SOML | SAPoffice: Multiple MLP: List of relevant systems |
SOOC | SAPoffice: object counter (per object type and year) |
SOOD | SAPoffice: Object definition |
SOOF | SAPoffice: object folder |
SOOS | SAPoffice: send process |
SOPCPATH | Path + File Name for Deleting PC Work Files |
SOPR | SAPoffice: System-wide profile |
SOQUOTA | Quota: Number and Size of Documents in Private Folders |
SORD | SAPoffice: Viewed Records for Shared Folders |
SOREORG | SAPoffice: Reorganization table for interim storage of keys |
SORF | SAPoffice: Replication Table |
SORP | SAPoffice: Replication Table |
SORS | SAPoffice: Resubmission of user |
SORTSUBF | SAPoffice: User-specific sort of folders subscribed to |
SOSC | SAPoffice: Connection table to SAPcomm and SAPconnect |
SOST | SAPoffice: Status log table |
SOSTAT | SAPoffice: Statistics |
SOSU | SAPoffice: Substitute for a user |
SOSUBUT | Workplace: Private Sort of Folders Subscribed to |
SOSXTEST | SAPoffice/SAPconnect: Temporary folder for test results |
SOUB | SAPoffice: Inverse user (SAPoffice user) |
SOUC | SAPoffice: Inverse user (SAP user) |
SOUD | SAPoffice: user definition |
SOUR | SAPoffice: Set of Regulations for User Agent |
SOUXA | SAPoffice: Address ID for System User without USR02 |
SOXP | SAPoffice: Table for data transfer during express handling |
TBCS_RECIP | Control Table for Possible Dialog Recipient Types |
TSALQ | SAPaccess: language-dependent description of requests |
TSARQ | SAPaccess: all supported requests |
TSOCX | SAPoffice: SOC3 split |
TSOEX | SAPoffice: Trace Table |
TSOPA | SAPoffice: SET/GET Parameter |
TSOPCFAV | Favorites PC Documents |
TSOPE | Exclusion of Specific File Extensions |
TSOPT | SAPoffice: Parameter Texts |
TSOTD | Valid Object Types |
TSOTT | Object Type Texts |
TSOTX | General texts for SAPoffice |
TSOUX | SAPoffice: System User without USR02 |
TSOVM | SAPoffice: valid processing types |
TSOVT | SAPoffice: Processing types, text table |
SAP Package SO contains 33 views.
H_TSOPA | SAPoffice: Help View for SET/GET Parameter |
H_TSOTD | SAPoffice: Help View For Object Types (TSOTD) |
H_TSOVM | SAPoffice: Help View for Processing Type |
SOUI | SAPoffice: Switching Between SAP Name, SAPoffice Name, ID |
TSOPCFAV_V | Maintenance of View to TSOPCFAV |
V_SO_SOST | Send Date and Title of Transmissions |
V_SODM | SAPoffice: Projection of Keys of Tab. for DL Entries |
V_SOFC | SAPoffice: View For Reading Folders |
V_SOFC_ATT | SAPoffice: Projection of Folder View |
V_SOFC_P | SAPoffice: Projection of Folder View |
V_SOFD | SAPoffice: View for Folder Hierarchy |
V_SOFDSOFA | SAPoffice: Join for Selecting Folders Subscribed to |
V_SOFMSOFD | SAPoffice: Join Between Folder Entry and Folder Definition |
V_SOIC | SAPoffice: View For Reading Inbox/Outbox |
V_SOIC_ATT | SAPoffice: Projection of Inbox View |
V_SOIC_P | SAPoffice: Projection of Inbox View |
V_SOID | SAPoffice: View of Inverse DL Tab. and Field Objects of SOOD |
V_SOOF | SAPoffice: object folder |
V_SOOS_P | View of table SOOS |
V_SORDFDFA | SAPoffice: Unviewed shared folders in subscribed list |
V_SORDOD_P | SAPoffice: Join for Selecting Unviewed Shared Documents |
V_SORDSOFD | SAPoffice: Unviewed shared folders in subscribed list |
V_SORDSOOD | SAPoffice: Join for Selecting Unviewed Shared Documents |
V_SOUBADRP | SAPoffice: Connection between SOUB and SADRP |
V_SOUCADCP | SAPoffice: SAP Name -> User Data |
V_SOUCADRP | SAPoffice: Connection between SOUC and SADRP |
V_SOUD_P1 | Projection view of SOUD for 4.0-XPRA adress management |
V_SOUDADCP | SAPoffice: User Data |
V_SOUDADRP | SAPoffice: View of SOUD and Fields of SADRP (Addresses) |
V_SOUIADRP | SAPoffice: View of SOUI and Fields of SADRP (Addresses) |
V_SOUSRADR | SAPoffice: View for SAP user and his/her address |
V_TSOPCFAV | Maintenance of View for PC Favorites |
SAP Package SO contains 305 structures.
DOC_STRUCT | Dummy structure with field (for func. mod. table parameters) |
REC_STRUCT | SAPoffice: Recipient from inbound distribution |
REC_TYPE | Structure with Instantiated Recipient Types |
SADD | SAPaccess: data for DDIC structures |
SADK | SAPaccess: key for access of DDIC structures |
SADRFD | Data part of a fax address |
SADROD | SAPoffice: Table for storing UNIX addresses |
SADRUA | SAPoffice: Index A Structure for Table SADRU |
SADRUD | SAPoffice: Data Part of a UNIX Address |
SAML | SAPaccess: request structure for mailman |
SAMN | SAPaccess: structure for description of unviewed mails |
SAPS | SAPaccess: system request structure |
SASY | SAPaccess: system response structure |
SATT | SAPaccess: structure for test request |
SELC_WI | Selc for Archiving of WI Attachments |
SFORWARD | Automatic Forwarding or Substitute |
SMPSPARTS | Single Part of Multipart/Related |
SOADDR | For buffering addresses in SHARED BUFFER |
SOADDRESS | SAPoffice: Address of a SAPoffice user |
SOADDRTYPE | Extension sxaddrtype |
SOATTCHGI1 | Data of an object which can be changed |
SOATTINFI1 | SAPoffice: Parameters belonging to the document itself |
SOATTLSTI1 | SAPoffice: Structure of Attachments List |
SOCHANGEI1 | SAPoffice: Data of Last Change of Object |
SOCREATRI1 | SAPoffice: Creation Information of an Object or User |
SOCSA | SAPoffice: structure of index A via SOCS |
SOCSD | SAPoffice: data division of SAPcomm ID |
SOCSK | SAPoffice: key part of the SAPcomm ID table |
SOCSO | SAPoffice: structure of the SAPcomm ID (SAP-SAP) table |
SOCXD | SAPoffice: data division of X.400 SAPcomm ID table |
SOCXK | SAPoffice: key of X.400 SAPcomm ID table |
SOCYA | SAPoffice: structure of the index on the inverse table SOCY |
SOCYD | SAPoffice: data fields of table SOCY |
SOCYK | SAPoffice: key fields of table SOCY |
SOCYO | SAPoffice: data and key fields of SOCY |
SODH | SAPoffice: distribution list header data |
SODH1 | SAPoffice: distribution list, change attributes |
SODH2 | SAPoffice: distribution list, display attributes |
SODLICHGI1 | SAPoffice: Changeable General Data of a Distribution List |
SODLIDATI1 | SAPoffice: General Information about a Distribution List |
SODLIENTI1 | SAPoffice: Entries in a Distribution List |
SODLITREES | Node Structure of a Simple Tree (Report SAPTREX3) |
SODM1 | SAPoffice: entry in DL with return code |
SODM2 | SAPoffice: entry in distribution list |
SODMD | SAPoffice: distribution list entries (data division) |
SODMK | SAPoffice: distribution list entries (key part) |
SODMO | SAPoffice: distribution list entries (without client) |
SODMOO | SAPoffice: distribution list contents without client |
SODOCCHGI1 | Data of an object which can be changed |
SODOCCHGI2 | Object data which can be changed - version 2 |
SODOCINFI1 | SAPoffice: Parameters belonging to the document itself |
SODOO | SAPoffice: Structure like View of Inverse DL (w/o Client) |
SODS | SAPoffice: Input/output fields for LDAP browser |
SODS01 | Structure for Screen 500 |
SODS02 | Transfer Structure Screen 320 |
SODSSERV | LDAP Server (with Search Help SOLDAPSV) |
SOENTRYI1 | SAPoffice: Entry ID of a Folder Entry |
SOERD | SAPoffice: data division of the external receiving table |
SOERK | SAPoffice: key part of the external receiving table |
SOERO | SAPoffice: data and key part of recipient table |
SOES1 | SAPoffice: Selection result fields for SOES |
SOESD | SAPoffice: data structure of external send protocol (SOES) |
SOESK | SAPoffice: key structure of external send protocol (SOES) |
SOESO | SAPoffice: key and data of SOES (external send process) |
SOEXTATTI1 | SAPoffice: External Send Attributes for API |
SOEXTOLE | SAPoffice: Transfer Parameter of OLE2 Inplace Display |
SOEXTRECI1 | SAPoffice: Structure of the External Recipient List |
SOFAD | SAPoffice: user-specific folder authorization (data div.) |
SOFAK | SAPoffice: user-specific folder authorization (key part) |
SOFAVDES | Class and Description of PC Documents |
SOFDD | SAPoffice: Data of the Folder Definition SOFD |
SOFDK | SAPoffice: Key of Folder Definition SOFD |
SOFDO | SAPoffice: SOFD without Client |
SOFDS | SAPoffice: Search Criteria when Viewing Folders |
SOFDSOFA | SAPoffice: Structure for hierarchy data |
SOFH | SAPoffice: folder header data |
SOFH1 | SAPoffice: folder, change attributes |
SOFH2 | SAPoffice: folder, display attributes |
SOFID | SAPoffice: Data Part of the Filter |
SOFILTERI1 | SAPoffice: Filter for the Object Information |
SOFM_WI | Sofm for Archiving of WI Attachments |
SOFM1 | SAPoffice: folder contents, change attributes |
SOFM2 | SAPoffice: folder contents, display attributes |
SOFMD | SAPoffice: folder contents (data division) |
SOFMK | SAPoffice: folder contents (key part) |
SOFMO | SAPoffice: folder contents (without MANDT) |
SOFOLCHGI1 | Data of a folder which can be changed |
SOFOLDATI1 | SAPoffice: Information about the Data of a Folder |
SOFOLENTI1 | SAPoffice: Information about a Folder Entry |
SOFOLHIRI1 | SAPoffice: Hierarchy Table for Graphical Display etc. |
SOFOR | SAPoffice: Filter Structure for Viewing a Document |
SOFORWI1 | SAPoffice: Information about the Forwarder |
SOFX | SAPoffice: Help Structure for Fax Objects |
SOGRD | SAPoffice: Recipient determination inbound dist. (data part) |
SOGRD2 | SAPoffice: SOGR data section w/o sender or recip. address ID |
SOGRK | SAPoffice: Recipient determination inbound distr. (key part) |
SOIDD | SAPoffice: inverse record for object (data division) |
SOIDK | SAPoffice: inverse record for object (key part) |
SOIDO | SAPoffice: inverse record for object (without MANDT) |
SOL2_WI | Soli for Archiving of WI Attachments |
SOLI | SAPoffice: line, length 255 |
SOLI_WI | Soli for Archiving of WI Attachments |
SOLISTI1 | SAPoffice: Single List with Column Length 255 |
SOLIX | SAPoffice: Binary data, length 255 |
SOMFD | SAPoffice: SOMF data fields |
SOMFK | SAPoffice: SOMF key fields |
SOMGD | Data part of SOMG (table for persistence of RECIPIENT) |
SOMGK | Key part of SOMG (table for persistence of RECIPIENT) |
SOMLREC90 | SAPoffice: Structure of API recipient list |
SOMLRECI1 | SAPoffice: Structure of the API Recipient List |
SOMODSTR | Structure for Screen Modification |
SOMT | SAPoffice: folder, display contents |
SONV | SAPoffice: table not to be used |
SOOBJCHGI1 | Data of an object which can be changed |
SOOBJINFI1 | SAPoffice: Parameters belonging to the document itself |
SOOBJTP_S | Structure of OBJTP |
SOOCD | SAPoffice: object counter (data division) |
SOOCK | SAPoffice: object counter (key part) |
SOOD_WI | Sood for Archiving of WI Attachments |
SOOD1 | SAPoffice: object definition, change attributes |
SOOD2 | SAPoffice: object definition, display attributes |
SOOD4 | SAPoffice: Interface for send screen and MOM |
SOOD5 | SAPoffice: Interface for attachment list |
SOOD6 | SAPoffice: path to object |
SOODD | SAPoffice: definition of an object (data division) |
SOODK | SAPoffice: Definition of an Object (Key Part) |
SOODO | SAPoffice: definition of an object (without MANDT) |
SOOP1 | SAPoffice: Parameter for Dialog Modules |
SOOP1_WI | Soop1 for Archiving of WI Attachments |
SOOS1 | SAPoffice: recipient with attributes |
SOOS10 | GBT: Transmission info in outbox |
SOOS11 | Recipient ID for Transfer to Send Module |
SOOS2 | SAPoffice: recipient with attributes |
SOOS3 | SOOS table and object name |
SOOS4 | SAPoffice: object, recipient, send attributes |
SOOS5 | SAPoffice: Send operation (without client) |
SOOS6 | SAPoffice: Transmission Information for FOLDER_CONT (SOMT) |
SOOS7 | Recipient data for express handling |
SOOS8 | SAPoffice: Recipient ID |
SOOS9 | SAPoffice: Archiving structure for SOOS and SOES |
SOOSD | SAPoffice: send process (data division) |
SOOSK | SAPoffice: send process (key part) |
SOOSO | SAPoffice: Send operation (without client) |
SOPARAI1 | ABAP/4: Old structure of selection table |
SOPARBI1 | SAPoffice: Parameter for Dialog Modules |
SOPCKLSTI1 | SAPoffice: Description of Imported Object Components |
SOPRD | SAPoffice: system-wide profile (data part) |
SOPROCESI1 | SAPoffice: Processing parameters for document |
SOPROCPAR | Execute parameters in express handling |
SOQU_HDISP | Display Structure for Header in RSSOQUDI |
SOQUCONT | Entries for Quota Display |
SOQUTREEND | Node Structure of a Simple Tree (Report SAPTREX3) |
SORECI1 | SAPoffice: Information about a Recipient |
SORECINFI1 | SAPoffice: Info structure for objects to be received extern. |
SORECLSTI1 | SAPoffice: Structure of Recipient List |
SORECSCR | SAPoffice: Transfer Parameter of Send Screen |
SOREPLYREC | SAPoffice: Substructure for reply recipient |
SORH | SAPoffice: RAW text header data |
SORSD | SAPoffice: resubmission of a user (data division) |
SORSK | SAPoffice: resubmission of a user (key part) |
SORSO | SAPoffice: resubmission of a user (without MANDT) |
SORTSUBFD | SAPoffice: Data - user-specific sort of folders subscr. to |
SORTSUBFK | SAPoffice: Key - user-specific sort of folders |
SOS_OBJDAT | SAPoffice: Data Exchange with Workplace |
SOS_OBJLST | SAPoffice: List for WP User |
SOS00 | SAPoffice: Short message |
SOS01 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO01 |
SOS02 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO02 |
SOS03 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO03 |
SOS04 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO04 |
SOS04_N | Extension of Screen Fields for SO04 |
SOS0414 | SAPoffice: Tree Structure for Recipient List |
SOS06 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO06 |
SOS07 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO07 |
SOS08 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO08 |
SOS09 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO09 |
SOS0915 | SAPoffice: Tree Structure for Recipient List |
SOS12 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO12 |
SOS13 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO13 |
SOS14 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO14 |
SOS15 | SAPoffice: Screen Fields for Function Group SO15 |
SOS16 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO16 |
SOS17 | SAPoffice: Screen fields for function group SO17 |
SOS18 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO18 |
SOS20 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO20 |
SOS211 | SAPoffice: Attribute search |
SOS22 | SAPoffice: screen fields for function group SO22 |
SOS26 | Inbound fax processing: Screen structure for SO26 |
SOS27 | SAPoffice: Automatic reply |
SOS28 | Ref. structure for SOGR maintenance user interface screen |
SOS31 | SAPoffice: Screen Fields for Function Group SO15 |
SOS33 | SAPoffice: Screen Fields for Function Group SO33 |
SOS90 | SAPoffice: Structure for interface API |
SOSC1 | SAPoffice: Complete structure of SOSC |
SOSCD | SAPoffice: data division structure of SOSC (link to SAPcomm) |
SOSCK | SAPoffice: key structure of SOSC (link to SAPcomm) |
SOSCO | SAPoffice: Complete structure of SOSC |
SOSCR | SAPoffice: Additional Parameter for SCR Print |
SOSENDERI1 | SAPoffice: Information about the Sender |
SOSNDATTI1 | SAPoffice: Send Attributes |
SOSNDCNTI1 | SAPoffice: Counter of the Send Operation |
SOSNDINF | SAPoffice: Transmission info for status confirmation |
SOSNDSCR | SAPoffice: Transfer Parameter of Send Screen |
SOSTATUSI1 | SAPoffice: Status Information about an Object Entry |
SOSTD | SAPoffice: Data part of SOST |
SOSTK | Key structure of SOST |
SOSTSTATUS | Structure for Status in SOST |
SOSTVW | SAPoffice: Structure for Statistics Evaluation |
SOSUBL | SAPoffice: Structure for listing substitutions |
SOSUD | SAPoffice: Substitute for a user (data section) |
SOSUK | SAPoffice: Substitute for a user (key part) |
SOSUO | SAPoffice: Substitute for a user (without MANDT) |
SOSUS | SAPoffice: Screen Fields for RSSOUSED |
SOSUX | SAPoffice: Substitute for a user (with name) |
SOSUY | SAPoffice: All users a substitute is to subst. for (w/names) |
SOTXT | Dynamic Function Texts |
SOTXTINFO | Link to text to be output during express handling |
SOTXTSCR | SAPoffice: Transfer Parameter of Send Screen |
SOTXTSTRUC | SAPoffice: Structure for text in an express pop-up |
SOUBD | SAPoffice: inverse user (SAPoffice user) (data division) |
SOUBK | SAPoffice: inverse user (SAPoffice user) (key part) |
SOUCD | SAPoffice: inverse user (SAP user) (data division) |
SOUCK | SAPoffice: inverse user (SAP user) (key part) |
SOUD1 | SAPoffice: externally usable data of user (change) |
SOUD2 | SAPoffice: user data (display) |
SOUD3 | SAPoffice: SAP Name and SAPoffice Name of a User |
SOUDACCI1 | SAPoffice: Last Access Times |
SOUDAREPI1 | SAPoffice: Automatic Reply |
SOUDATAI1 | SAPoffice: Data of an Office User |
SOUDAUTHI1 | SAPoffice: Authorizations of a User |
SOUDD | SAPoffice: user definition (data division) |
SOUDD1 | SAPoffice: Part 1 of SOUDD |
SOUDD2 | SAPoffice: Second Part of SOUDD |
SOUDFOLI1 | SAPoffice: Root Folders of a User |
SOUDK | SAPoffice: user definition (key part) |
SOUDNAMEI1 | SAPoffice: SAP Name and SAPoffice Name of a User |
SOUDO | SAPoffice: user definition (without MANDT) |
SOUDVIEWI1 | SAPoffice: User View Settings |
SOUIO | SAPoffice: user definition (without MANDT) |
SOUSERI1 | SAPoffice: SAP Name and SAPoffice Name of a User |
SOUSRADRI1 | SAPoffice: Connecting structure between user and address |
SOUXAD | SAPoffice: Data Part of TSOUXADR |
SOUXD | Data Part of Table SOUX (Exceptions for User Names) |
SOVALTIME | Period of validity for express information |
SOWIARC | Structure of Archiving of WI Attachments (SOFM) |
SOWPREG | SAPoffice workplace: Folder Area |
SOXAC | SAPoffice: table with only ACONE group for interfaces |
SOXAN | SAPoffice: Sub-structure of an Address |
SOXARC | SAPoffice: Contents of archived documents |
SOXAS | SAPoffice: Check structure for similar SOOD entries |
SOXATT | SAPoffice: Display Structure for the Attachment List |
SOXAU | Internal Structure for SAP Authorizations in Office |
SOXDA | SAPoffice: Direct address with ID |
SOXDL | SAPoffice: inverse record DL + ident. (from SOOD) or client |
SOXEA | SAPoffice: address structure for sending externally |
SOXEB | SAPoffice: header of body part of external send |
SOXEH | SAPoffice: header structure for external sending |
SOXEI | SAPoffice: (current) SAPcomm ID for sending |
SOXEM | SAPoffice: Structure of Error Messages |
SOXEQ | SAPoffice: locked objects from the DB access modules |
SOXER | SAPoffice: external recipients of an object |
SOXERR | SAPoffice: Table structure for error log |
SOXET | Function codes which cannot be active |
SOXFA | SAPoffice: folder authorization (with user name) |
SOXFI | SAPoffice: Filter to read folder (inbox) ) |
SOXFLD | SAPoffice: List of field names available for selection |
SOXFX | SAPoffice: Structure of data for fax cover sheet |
SOXGL | SAPoffice: Attributes for Viewed flag |
SOXHD | SAPoffice: Display of folders subscribed to |
SOXHI | SAPoffice: Hierarchy Table for Graphical Display etc. |
SOXIMAP | Structure for IMAP-ID - API2-ID Conversion |
SOXLI | SAPoffice: Table for List of Folders |
SOXLL | SAPoffice: Link list structure |
SOXMS | SAPoffice: Data in multiple selection for TOM |
SOXNA | SAPoffice: Name components for name selection |
SOXOBJ | SAPoffice: Object |
SOXOF | SAPoffice: Object folder |
SOXOT | SAPoffice: structure for table of object types |
SOXPA | SAPoffice: SOC3-ID of the PC paths provided |
SOXPB | SAPoffice: Structure of a name for external attributes |
SOXPC | SAPoffice: Paths to PC applications |
SOXPL | SAPoffice: Description of imported object components |
SOXRE | SAPoffice: Transfer Structure for Read Register |
SOXRF | SAPoffice: Structure of filter for recipient list |
SOXRG | SAPoffice: exclude table for the file systems |
SOXRL | SAPoffice: Link List of Documents |
SOXRR | SAPoffice: table with resubmission data and recipients |
SOXRS | SAPoffice: transmission and resubmission data |
SOXRT | SAPoffice: send attributes for recipients of an object |
SOXSA | SAPoffice: structure of an internal SAP address |
SOXSC | SAPoffice: structure of SAPcomm IDs (X.400) (splitting) |
SOXSDNSO | Structure for Transmission Options on Send Screen |
SOXSE | SAPoffice: structure of the internal table SELECTION_TABLE |
SOXSG | SAPoffice: Structure for SET/GET Parameters for Windows TOMs |
SOXSP | SAPoffice: Display structure for send processes |
SOXSP2 | Structure for SOST (Internal Use Only) |
SOXSR | SAPoffice: recipient table for status send/receive |
SOXST | SAPoffice: structure of the internal table SELECTION_TABLE |
SOXSU | SAPoffice : SOOS key + Correspondent (corresp. history) |
SOXTP | SAPoffice: Document selection, limit by type |
SOXTX | SAPoffice: Text Fields for Popup |
SOXVT | SAPoffice: available variable from SAPoffice for parameter |
SOXWD | SAPoffice: header table for MS WinWord objects |
SOXX4 | SAPoffice: exact structure of an X.400 address for SAPcomm |
SOXX5 | DN structure |
SAP Package SO contains 169 programs.
BCI_OUTPER | Performance measurement |
RSBCS_NUMBER_RANGE | BCS: Check and Correction of BCS Number Range Objects |
RSSO_DEL_EMPTY_FOLID | Delete SOFM Entries with Empty Folder ID |
RSSO_DELETE_PRIVATE | SAPoffice Administration: Delete Private Folder Items |
RSSO_REPLACE_FILENAME_OBJHEAD | SAPoffice: Verification of Document Name |
RSSO0028 | SAPoffice: SOGR Maintenance |
RSSOADM0 | Administration of automatic forwarding |
RSSOADM1 | SAPoffice: Administration: Adjust DL with Folder Authorizations |
RSSOADRDUP | BCS: Delete Duplicate Addresses |
RSSOADRREF | GBT: Reorganisation of direct addressses in address management |
RSSOADRV | BCS: Delete Unused Address References |
RSSOAPIC | SAPoffice: Test report for checking document creation API |
RSSOAPID | SAPoffice: Test report for checking distribution list creation API |
RSSOAPIF | SAPoffice: Test report for checking document creation API |
RSSOAPIR | SAPoffice: Test report for checking reception API |
RSSOAPIS | SAPoffice: Test report for checking distribution list creation API |
RSSOAPIV | SAPoffice: Test report for checking document creation API |
RSSOAPUT | Mass Archiving of Documents |
RSSOAUTH | SAPoffice: Internal subroutine: Adjust folder authorization |
RSSOBCI03 | SAPoffice: Third test generator for sending using SAPconnect |
RSSOBCITEST01 | Test report BCI: EditRecipientList, Copy, Delete, Submit |
RSSOBCITEST02 | Test report BCI: DisplayRecipientList |
RSSOBCITEST03 | Test report BCI: Recipient.Edit |
RSSOBCITEST04 | Test report BCI: Change address of appended recipient |
RSSOBCITEST05 | Test report BCI: Reassign, if message object, to non-hidden folder |
RSSOBCITEST06 | Test report BCI: BrowseLinkedApplObjects |
RSSOBCITEST07 | BCI test: Select/create document, link with FORMABSENC, send |
RSSOBCITEST08 | Test report BCI: ReadDocumentAttributes |
RSSOBCITEST09 | Test report BCI: Status/recipient info after Message.Submit |
RSSOBCITEST10 | Test BCI: Send to printer using BCI |
RSSOBCITEST11 | Test report BCI: Send under another name |
RSSOBCITEST12 | Test report BCI: Send with dialog |
RSSOBCITEST13 | Test report BCI: Attribute query recipient/address |
RSSOBCITEST14 | Test report BCI: Lock/unlock |
RSSOBCITEST16 | BCI-Test: Recipient.Expand |
RSSOBCITEST17 | Test report BCI: Address.Display |
RSSOBCITEST18 | BCI: Single sending for performance examination |
RSSOBCITEST19 | Test report BCI: Attibute query message object |
RSSOBCITEST20 | Test report BCI: Changed Flag for edit recipient list |
RSSOBCITEST21 | Test report BCI: Message.Create with KPro-ID |
RSSOBCITEST22 | Test report BCI: Cross-client copy of recipient |
RSSOBCITEST24 | Test report BCI: Create with dialog |
RSSOBCITEST25 | Test BCI: Business partner support |
RSSOBCITEST26 | Test report BCI: Attach |
RSSOBCITEST27 | Test report BCI: Copy attachments (CRM) |
RSSOBCITEST28 | Test report BCI: Send screen with document display |
RSSOBCITEST29 | GBT: Test report BCI, pager inbox |
RSSOBCITEST30 | Test report BCI: Compose with attachment |
RSSOBCITEST31 | Test report BCI: Sending to internal users using SAPscript |
RSSOBCITEST32 | Test report BCI: External sending to users |
RSSOBCITEST33 | Test BCI: Message.Edit |
RSSOBCITEST34 | Test BCI: Create URL |
RSSOBCITEST35 | Test BCI: Recipient Selection |
RSSOBCITEST36 | Test Report BCI: Create Binary Document |
RSSOBCITEST38 | Test Report BCI: Execution Attributes |
RSSOBCITEST39 | Test Report BCI: Competing Access to Recipients |
RSSOBCITEST40 | Test: Copy Message |
RSSOBCITEST41 | Test: Pager with API1 |
RSSOBCITEST42 | Test: Direct Pager/SMS Address |
RSSOBJRD | SAPoffice: Check: Adjust Viewed Flag Between SOFM and SOOS |
RSSOCHDR | SAPoffice: Administration: Check Working Directory |
RSSOCHOW | SAPoffice: Administration: Report for Changing Folder Owners |
RSSOCHPC | SAPoffice: FORM Routines: PC Conversion Dialog Box |
RSSOCUFM | SAPoffice: Administration: Customizing, Form Maintenance |
RSSOCVPC | SAPoffice: Conversion: PC Documents Created Before 3.0 |
RSSODELA | SAPoffice: Administration: Delete All Data From All Clients |
RSSODELDARK | GBT: Deletion of Special Application References |
RSSODELT | SAPoffice: Administration: Delete All Data for Client |
RSSODFRE | Delete Documents from Hidden Folder |
RSSODIAD | GBT: Check Report for Direct Addresses |
RSSODLIN | SAPoffice: Administration: Delete Folder Entries of a User |
RSSODLPC | SAPoffice: Delete PC Work Files |
RSSODLTX | SAPoffice: Administration: Delete TSOEX (Trace Data) |
RSSODLWF | SAPoffice: Deletion of WF-SOFM entries |
RSSODS | SAPoffice: LDAP Browser |
RSSODSX2 | Address Export in LDAP Directory |
RSSOEINV | Conversion report for inbound distribution (table SOGR) |
RSSOEMSC | SAPoffice: Initialize emergency system replication table SOEMSREP |
RSSOEMSD | SAPoffice: Initialize transports from emergency system |
RSSOEMSI | SAPoffice: Initialize transports from emergency system |
RSSOEMSR | SAPoffice: Data transports from emergency system into normal system |
RSSOEMUD | SAPoffice: Transport of general distribution lists into emergency sys. |
RSSOEMUM | SAPoffice: Transport of substit./autom.forwarding into emergency sys. |
RSSOEMUU | SAPoffice: Transport of users into emergency system |
RSSOEMUV | SAPoffice: Transport of substit./autom.forwarding into emergency sys. |
RSSOEXDA | Delete Expired Documents from Outbox |
RSSOEXTCOM | SAPoffice: Check External Communication Addresses |
RSSOEXTD | SAPoffice: Administration: Trace List from Sending and Receiving Ext. |
RSSOEXTR | SAPoffice: Administration: Trace for Sending and Receiving Externally |
RSSOFADL | SAPoffice: Administration: Compare DL with Folder Auth. (Delete??) |
RSSOFALU | Update of authorizations for shared folders |
RSSOFAX0 | Fax Receipt: Upload a TIFF File to Shared Folders |
RSSOFAX1 | Create a Fax Document in Inbox |
RSSOFIIN | SAPoffice: Report for Updating SOFIND |
RSSOFIND | SAPoffice: Find Document |
RSSOFOLD | Evaluation of folders in shared folders |
RSSOGDLI | SAPoffice admin.: Create distribution list with all office users |
RSSOINBD | SAPoffice: Administration: Delete Inbox of a User |
RSSOINBO | Number of documents in user inbox |
RSSOINIF | SAPoffice: Report for Changing SAPoffice Default Documents |
RSSOKIF1 | Sample report for new communications interface for 4.0 |
RSSOKIF2 | Sample report for using communications interface via SAPscript |
RSSOKMIG | SAPoffice: Administration: Migration of documents in KPro |
RSSOLAZY | Display inactive users |
RSSOLSMP | SAPoffice: Change the logical system for object references |
RSSOMAPI1 | MAPI: Report |
RSSOMAPI2 | MAPI: Test report |
RSSOMAPI3 | MAPI: Test report |
RSSOMOVE | Reorganization of inbox |
RSSOOBJA | SAPoffice: Reconstruction of Compatible Data Regarding RE + ToDo |
RSSOOBJS | Send Objects |
RSSOPCDR | Set the PC Working Directory in FRONT.INI |
RSSOPRIV | Number of documents per user |
RSSOQUDI | Display quota |
RSSOQUMS | Send mail because of quota |
RSSOQURE | Evaluation of quota data at distribution list level |
RSSOQUTA | Calculation of the quota |
RSSORE00 | Reorganization |
RSSORE01 | SAPoffice: Consistency Check Program |
RSSORE02 | Reorganization |
RSSORECOVER | SAPoffice: Retrieval of documents from deleted users |
RSSOREDF | Reorganization of Documents in Background Folder |
RSSOREFC | SAPoffice: Test Report for Creating References |
RSSOREKI | SAPoffice: Reorganization of communication interface |
RSSORERF | SAPoffice: Reorg. program for table SADRU |
RSSORERU | SAPoffice: Reorg. program for table SADRU |
RSSORESN | Reorganization of Successful Send Processes |
RSSOREST | Delete Unnecessary SOST Records |
RSSORFCD | Change RFC Destination in SAPoffice Profile |
RSSORPLI | SAPoffice: Replication of Shared Folders Main Program |
RSSORSCL | Deletes SOFM Records Without SOOD Record |
RSSOSCRC | SAPoffice: Receives a Document From SAPcomm And Forwards it |
RSSOSCSD | SAPoffice: Passes Objects to SAPcomm For Sending Externally |
RSSOSCSR | SAPoffice: Receiving a Status Message For a Sent Object |
RSSOSCSS | SAPoffice: Transfer of Status Messages to SAPcomm |
RSSOSDPR | SAPoffice: Selection of transmission requests |
RSSOSDSD | SAPoffice: temp: only to be processed in system |
RSSOSEND | SAPoffice: Sends a Document from Table INDX |
RSSOSFRP | Recreate SAPFind Indexes (After Client Copy, For Example) |
RSSOSNDM | SAPoffice: Sends a Document from Table INDX |
RSSOSO00 | SAPoffice: Test |
RSSOSOES | BCS: Reorganization of Send Tables |
RSSOSOSTSTAT | Administration of External Send Processes |
RSSOSPPC | SAPoffice: Set Paths to PC Applications for OS/2-PCs |
RSSOSTAT | Data collection |
RSSOSTATDATE | Correction of invalid date entries in status update |
RSSOSTVW | Evaluation of data collection |
RSSOSXANA01 | SAPoffice: Analysis of test data for sending using SAPconnect |
RSSOSXDEL01 | SAPoffice: Delete selected log data |
RSSOSXGEN01 | SAPoffice: First test generator for sending using SAPconnect |
RSSOSXGEN02 | SAPoffice: Second test generator for sending using SAPconnect |
RSSOSXGEN03 | SAPoffice: Third test generator for sending using SAPconnect |
RSSOTRCL | Delete shared trash |
RSSOTRRP | Report for Note 361548 |
RSSOUADD | SAPoffice: Delete Address Number from Office User |
RSSOUADR | Enter missing addresses in SAPoffice from address management |
RSSOUMSC | SAPoffice: Conversion report for SOSC 3.x->4.0 |
RSSOUPDL | Copying EXT Files to a Central Local Directory |
RSSOUSCK | Restore consistency of an individual user |
RSSOUSCO | Consistency check of user tables |
RSSOUSCO_FOR_CC | SAPoffice: Create consistency between SOUD, SOUC and addresses |
RSSOUSDF | SAPoffice: Changing the Setting for the Confirmation Prompt On/Off |
RSSOUSED | Mass change of private office settings for users |
RSSOUSFD | SAPoffice: Repair Report for Missing User Root Folders |
SAPMSSO0 | ?... |
SAPMSSOM | SAPoffice: Dialog module SO_OBJECT_MANAGER |
SAP Package SO contains 5 search helps.
H_TSOPA | SAPoffice: Help View for SET/GET Parameter |
H_TSOTD | SAPoffice: Help View For Object Types (TSOTD) |
H_TSOVM | SAPoffice: Help View for Processing Type |
SOLDAPAT | LDAP Attribute Numbers |
SAP Package SO contains 1 message classes.
SO | SAPoffice: Nachrichtentexte |
SAP Package SO contains 6 authorization objects.
S_OC_DOC | SAPoffice: Authorization for an Activity with Documents |
S_OC_FOLCR | SAPoffice: Authorization to Create Shared Folders |
S_OC_ROLE | SAPoffice: Office User Attribute |
S_OC_SEND | Authorization Object for Sending |
S_OC_SOSG | Authorization Object for Send Requests Overview |
S_OC_TCD | SAPoffice: Transaction Code Authorizations |