

SAPoffice: Object definition

The table SOOD (SAPoffice: Object definition) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SO.

Technical Information

Table SOOD
Short Text SAPoffice: Object definition
Package SO
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table SOOD

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
OBJTP Code for document class SO_OBJ_TP CHAR 3 TSOTD
OBJYR Object: Year from ID SO_OBJ_YR CHAR 2
OBJNO Object: Number from ID SO_OBJ_NO CHAR 12
OBJLA Language in Which Document Is Created SO_OBJ_LA LANG 1 T002
OBJNAM Name of document, folder or distribution list SO_OBJ_NAM CHAR 12
OBJDES Short description of contents SO_OBJ_DES CHAR 50
OWNYR Owner year from the ID SO_OWN_YR CHAR 2
OWNNO Owner number from the ID SO_OWN_NO CHAR 12 *
OWNNAM Name of document owner SO_OWN_NAM CHAR 12
CROTP User who created object: Object type from ID SO_CRO_TP CHAR 3 TSOTD
CROYR User that created object: year from the ID SO_CRO_YR CHAR 2
CRONO User that created object: number from the ID SO_CRO_NO CHAR 12 *
CRDAT Date created SO_DAT_CR DATS 8
CRTIM Time created SO_TIM_CR TIMS 6
CHOTP User that changed the object: Object type from ID SO_CHO_TP CHAR 3 TSOTD
CHOYR User that changed the object: year from the ID SO_CHO_YR CHAR 2
CHONO User that changed the object: number from the ID SO_CHO_NO CHAR 12 *
CHDAT Date of Last Change SO_DAT_CH DATS 8
CHTIM Time of Last Change SO_TIM_CH TIMS 6
NOTTP Default setting of document class SO_NOT_TP CHAR 3 TSOTD
NOTYR Object note: year from the ID SO_NOT_YR CHAR 2
NOTNO Object note: number from the ID SO_NOT_NO CHAR 12 *
OBJAPP Application object SO_OBJ_APP CHAR 1
OBJFIL Object from SAPfile SO_OBJ_FIL CHAR 1
FOLRG Folder: Area (private, shared folders) SO_FOL_RG CHAR 1
NOTES Flag for an attachment SO_NOTES CHAR 1
UHCNT Counts how many users have this object in HOLD status SO_UHCNT RAW 2
ENCCNT Number of attachments for the object SO_ENC_CNT RAW 2
PTFOL Number of folders which contain the object SO_PTFOL RAW 2
PTENC Number of objects for which this object is an attachment SO_PTENC RAW 2
PTHYP Number of hyperlinks to this object SO_PTHYP RAW 2
PTNOT Number of objects, in which this object is a note SO_PTNOT RAW 2
PTMBO Number of MBO objects which contain this object SO_PTMBO RAW 2
PAFOL Number of folders, in which object is stored and archived SO_PAFOL RAW 2
PAENC No.of archived objects f. which this object is an attachment SO_PAENC RAW 2
PAHYP Number of archived hyperlinks to this object SO_PAHYP RAW 2
PANOT Number of archived objects in which this object is a note SO_PANOT RAW 2
PAMBO Number of archived MBO objects which contain this object SO_PAMBO RAW 2
ARCHI The document is stored in archive SO_ARCHI CHAR 1
LADAT Date of last access SO_DAT_LA DATS 8
DLDAT Document Expiration Date SO_DAT_DL DATS 8
DLTIM Expiry time of object SO_TIM_DL TIMS 6
OBJPRI Document priority SO_OBJ_PRI CHAR 1
OBJSNS Object: Sensitivity (private, functional, ...) SO_OBJ_SNS CHAR 1
OBJENC Object: coded SO_OBJ_ENC CHAR 1
OBJSND Object has already been sent SO_OBJ_SND CHAR 1
SDDAT Date On Which Object Was Sent SO_DAT_SD DATS 8
SDTIM Time at Which The Object Was Sent SO_TIM_SD TIMS 6
RECCNT Number of recipients of the object SO_RECCNT RAW 2
RRDCNT Number of Recipients Who Have Read Object SO_RRDCNT RAW 2
RRRCNT Number of recipients who must reply to the object SO_RRRCNT RAW 2
RRPCNT Number of recipients who have sent required reply SO_RRPCNT RAW 2
RARCNT Number of recipients who must take action SO_RARCNT RAW 2
RAPCNT Number of recipients processing the object SO_RAPCNT RAW 2
RATCNT Number of recipients who have taken action SO_RATCNT RAW 2
REXCNT Number of recipients of the express message SO_REXCNT RAW 2
RCPCNT Number of recipients of a copy SO_RCPCNT RAW 2
RBCCNT Number of recipients of a blind copy SO_RBCCNT RAW 2
ACONE ToDo by one of the recipients in the group SO_ACONE RAW 1
ACOUT ToDo: To Be Completed Outside SAPoffice SO_ACOUT CHAR 1
FROUT Object is to be forwarded outside of SAPoffice SO_FROUT CHAR 1
VMTYP Execute: Type (Report, Dialog Module, ...) SO_VM_TYP CHAR 1 TSOVM
SKIPS Execute: Process First Screen in Background SO_SKIPS CHAR 1
ACNAM Execute: Name of Report, FM, DB, TCode SO_ACNAM CHAR 54
ACMEM Process: memory ID SO_ACMEM CHAR 32
HYPTP Hypertext pointer: Object type SO_HYP_TP CHAR 3 TSOTD
HYPYR Hypertext pointer: year SO_HYP_YR CHAR 2
HYPNO Hypertext pointer: number SO_HYP_NO CHAR 12 *
AUTTP Authorization list: Type from ID SO_AUT_TP CHAR 3 TSOTD
AUTYR Authorization list: year from the ID SO_AUT_YR CHAR 2
AUTNO Authorization list: number from the ID SO_AUT_NO CHAR 12 *
PCTRL SAPoffice: object can be deleted in external inbox SO_PCTRL CHAR 1
CCOTP Change copy: object type from the ID SO_CCO_TP CHAR 3 TSOTD
CCOYR Change copy: year from the ID SO_CCO_YR CHAR 2
CCONO Change copy: number from the ID SO_CCO_NO CHAR 12 *
OBJCP Document cannot be changed SO_OBJ_CP CHAR 1
PRTCT Document title modifiable SO_PRTCT CHAR 1
FIXED Check-in/check-out flag SO_FIXED CHAR 1
EXTHD Object-specific header is stored externally SO_EXTHD CHAR 1
EXTCT Object contents are stored externally SO_EXTCT CHAR 1
FILE_EXT File extension for PC application SO_FILEEXT CHAR 3
OBJLEN Size of Document Content SO_OBJ_LEN CHAR 12
OBJDBLEN Size of Document Content SO_OBJ_LEN CHAR 12
CREATOR Creator for MacIntosh-based files SO_CREATOR CHAR 4
ATTLEN Total size of all attachments to a document SO_ATT_LEN CHAR 12
IF_DOC_BCS Globally Unique Identifier OS_GUID RAW 16
IF_DOC_CLS Globally Unique Identifier OS_GUID RAW 16