The package SUSR (User Master) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SUSR |
Short Text | User Master |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SUSR contains 2 embedded packages.
SUSR_CUA_TOOLS | Additional Tools for Central User Administration |
SAP Package SUSR contains 82 function groups.
0SUS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAUT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAUT_FIELD | Authorization Field Information |
SCUZ | Central User Maintenance, Mass Module |
SU_ADDRESS_UTILLITIES | Smaller tools for CUA |
SU_AGR | Assignment of Users to Activity Groups |
SU_COMPANY | Distribution of company addresses |
SU_INTERNETUSER | Internet user |
SU_PROFILES1 | Profile read modules |
SU_RESOURCE | Non-R/3 resources in roles |
SU_SETTINGS | User environment Customizing settings |
SU_STAMP | Time Stamp Management for Users |
SU_SYSTEMTYPE | Database Accesses: System Types |
SU_SYSTEMTYPE_SURFACE | Interfaces for System Types |
SU_UM_2 | User Administration: Duplicate Accesses |
SU_UM_2AS | Assignment of Activity Groups to Sys/Typ |
SU_UM_2UA | Assignment of Users to Activity Groups |
SU_UM_2US | Assignment of Users/Groups to Syst/Types |
SU_UM_3_SURFACE | User Administration: Interfaces |
SU_UM_MAINTENANCE | User Administration: Command Control |
SU_UM_MIGRATION | Migration to User Administration |
SU_USER | Methods of object USER |
SU_USER_APPLREF | Link user to application objects |
SU_USER_BY_ADDRESSDATA | Select Users According to Address Info |
SU_USER_CHANGE_DOC | Change Documents for Users |
SU_USER_GROUP | Assignment of Users to User Groups |
SU_USER_GROUP_MAINTENANCE | User Group Maintenance: Command Control |
SU_USER_GROUP_SURFACE | Interface for User Group Maintenance |
SU_USER_TOOLS | General Tools for User Administration |
SU_USERGROUP | Database Accesses: User Groups |
SU_USSETTINGS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SU_ZBV_ROLEHANDLING | Roles in CUM/workplace environment |
SUATTRDEF | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SUF4 | F4 Help |
SULA | Load Archived User Data |
SUPS | Select profiles |
SUREFUSER_VAR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SUSA | Maintain auth.objects and fields |
SUSB | Interface: Users and authorizations |
SUSC | Maintain authorizations and profiles |
SUSD | User Master Where-Used Lists |
SUSE | Function modules for ext. usage |
SUSF | User exit after logon |
SUSH | User master (change documents) |
SUSI | Internal FM Authorization: Do not Use ! |
SUSJ | Auth. Environment: F1 and F4 Help |
SUSK | User maintenance from external systems |
SUSL | List User Data and Auth. Data |
SUSM | Changeover to central address management |
SUSN | Name space enhancement |
SUSO | Simulation of user logon by RFC |
SUSR | User master (lists and display) |
SUSR_TOOLS | General CUA Independent Tools |
SUSS | Consistency checks: Auth. tables |
SUST | Comparison of Users, Profiles, Auths |
SUSX | Varied checks for authorization maint. |
SUU0 | User maintenance with dialog |
SUU1 | User database access |
SUU2 | Assgnmnt of profiles to users: DB access |
SUU3 | Assgnmnt of act. grps to users: DB accss |
SUU4 | User assignment to activity groups |
SUU5 | User: Interface Attribute Maintenance |
SUU6 | Central user maint.: Transport |
SUU6_COMPANY | Company address distribution |
SUU7 | CUA assign. of local profs to DB access |
SUU8 | CUA assignment of local activity groups |
SUU9 | Central user administration: Logs |
SUUA | User address key assignment |
SUUC | Create User |
SUUD | Display of distributed user data |
SUUE | CUA: Complex distribution operations |
SUUF | Field selection of distributed users |
SUUG | User groups |
SUUI | User access using user group |
SUUM | Central user admin. and client copy |
SUUS | Central user, system handling |
SUUX | Excel Editing of User Data |
SUVB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SUZBVGEN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
USKA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
USKR | Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
USRCR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package SUSR contains 112 transactions.
RSUSR_SYS_LIC | Cross-System License Data Info. |
S_BCE_68001393 | Users by address data |
S_BCE_68001394 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001395 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001396 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001397 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001398 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001399 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001400 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001401 | Critical Combinations of Auth. |
S_BCE_68001402 | With Unsuccessful Logons |
S_BCE_68001403 | With Critical Authorizations |
S_BCE_68001404 | Profiles by Contained Profiles |
S_BCE_68001405 | Profiles by Authorizations |
S_BCE_68001406 | Profiles by Authorization Values |
S_BCE_68001407 | Profiles by Changes |
S_BCE_68001408 | Profiles by Roles |
S_BCE_68001409 | Profiles According to Complex Crit. |
S_BCE_68001410 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001411 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001412 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001413 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001414 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001415 | Authorizations by Values |
S_BCE_68001416 | Authorizations by Changes |
S_BCE_68001417 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001418 | Roles by Role Name |
S_BCE_68001419 | Roles by User Assignment |
S_BCE_68001420 | Roles by Transaction Assignment |
S_BCE_68001421 | Roles by Profile Assignment |
S_BCE_68001422 | Roles by Authorization Object |
S_BCE_68001423 | Roles by Authorization Values |
S_BCE_68001424 | Roles by Change Data |
S_BCE_68001425 | Roles by Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001426 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001427 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001428 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001429 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001430 | Compare Users |
S_BCE_68001431 | Compare Profiles |
S_BCE_68001432 | Compare Authorizations |
S_BCE_68001433 | Comparisons |
S_BCE_68001434 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001435 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001436 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001437 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001438 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001439 | For user |
S_BCE_68001440 | For profiles |
S_BCE_68001441 | For authorizations |
S_BCE_68001767 | By Profile Name or Text |
S_BCE_68001777 | Compare Roles |
S_BCE_68001821 | . |
S_BCE_68001822 | . |
S_BCE_68002030 | Where-Used List for Authorization |
S_BCE_68002041 | Executable for Role |
S_BCE_68002111 | RSUSR008_009_NEW |
S_BCE_68002311 | Change Documents for Users |
S_BIE_59000197 | Report cross-system information |
S_BIE_59000198 | Report cross-system information |
S_BIE_59000199 | Report cross-system information |
SALE_CUA | Display ALE Customizing for CUA |
SCUA | Central User Administration |
SCUC | CUA: Synchronize company addresses |
SCUG | Transfer Users |
SCUL | Central User Administration Log |
SCUM | Central User Administration |
SU_REFUSERVARIABLE | Maintain reference user variables |
SU_VCUSRVAR_DISP | Display View Cluster VCUSRVAR |
SU0 | Maintain Own Fixed User Values |
SU01 | User Maintenance |
SU01_NAV | User maint. to include in navigation |
SU01D | User Display |
SU02 | Maintain Authorization Profiles |
SU03 | Maintain Authorizations |
SU1 | Maintain Own User Address |
SU10 | User Mass Maintenance |
SU12 | Mass Changes to User Master Records |
SU2 | Maintain Own User Parameters |
SU20 | Maintain Authorization Fields |
SU21 | Maintain Authorization Objects |
SU22 | Auth. Object Usage in Transactions |
SU3 | Maintain Users Own Data |
SU50 | Own data |
SU51 | Maintain Own User Address |
SU52 | Maintain Own User Parameters |
SU53 | Evaluate Authorization Check |
SU56 | Analyze User Buffer |
SU80 | Archive user change documents |
SU81 | Archive user password change doc. |
SU82 | Archive profile documents |
SU83 | Archive authorization docs. |
SU84 | Read Archived User Change Documents |
SU85 | Read Archived Password Change Doc. |
SU86 | Read Profile Change Documents |
SU87 | Read Authorization Change Documents |
SU96 | Table maint.: Change SUKRIA |
SU97 | Table maint.: Display SUKRIA |
SU98 | Call Report RSUSR008 |
SU99 | Call report RSUSR008 |
SUCOMP | User company address maintenance |
SUGR | Maintain User Groups |
SUGR_NAV | Maintain User Groups |
SUGRD | Display user groups |
SUGRD_NAV | Display User Groups |
SUIM | User Information System |
SUIM_OLD | Call AUTH Reporting Tree (Info Sys.) |
SUUM | Global User Manager |
SUUMD | Display User Administration |
SAP Package SUSR contains 113 database tables.
AUTHX | Authorization Fields (Maintain with SU20) |
SUKRI | Transaction Combinations Critical for Security |
SUKRIT | Text table for SUKRI (crit. comb. of trans. authoriz.) |
TACT | Activities which can be Protected |
TACTT | Activities that can be protected |
TACTZ | Valid activities for each authorization object |
TADMI | Foreign key table for values of object S_ADMI_FCD |
TADMT | Texts for table TADMI |
TAUTL | List of tables AUTH (authorization fields) |
TBRG | Authorization groups |
TBRGT | Authorization Group Names |
TFBKT | Function blocks in the SAP system |
TFBLK | Function blocks for price list |
TOBC | Class assignment of authorization objects |
TOBCT | Texts for Authorization Object Classes |
TOBJ | Objects |
TOBJC | Class assignment of authorization objects |
TOBJT | Texts for Objects in Table TOBJ |
TSTCA_C | Values for Transaction Code Authorizations |
USADDEF | Default company address |
USADDEFS | Shadow table: Default company address |
USAGR_SYS | GUM: Assignment of Role/Position to System (Type) |
USAPPLREF | CUA: Assignment of Users to Application Objects |
USARC_CDRED | Reloaded Archived Change Documents for User Data |
USATTRDEF | Directory of Additional User Attributes |
USATTRDEFT | Directory of Additional User Attributes |
USBAPILINK | CUA: Default BAPI Link for Central User Administration |
USCOMPANY | Company in user's address |
USCOMPANYS | Shadow table for USCOMPANY |
USCRAUIDT | Short Texts for Critical Authorizations |
USCRAUTH | Authorization Data for Critical Authorizations |
USCRAUTHID | Critical Authorizations |
USCRCOMID | Part List for Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
USEXIT | Individual Maint. Dialog for Authorization Field - Exit FM |
USGRP | User Groups |
USGRP_USER | Assignment of Users to User Groups |
USGRPT | Text table for USGRP (User groups) |
USH02 | Change history for logon data |
USH02_ARC_TMP | Change History for Logon Data: Last Entries from Archive |
USH04 | Change history for authorizations |
USH04_ARC_TMP | Authorizations Change History: Last Entries from Archive |
USH10 | Change history for authorization profiles |
USH10_ARC_TMP | Change History for Profile Data: Last Entries from Archive |
USH12 | Change history for authorization values |
USH12_ARC_TMP | Change History for Authorizations: Last Archive Entries |
USKRI | Critical combination of authorizations for transactions |
USKRIA | Entry of Critical Auths for Report RSUSR009 |
USKRIAT | Text table for USKRIA |
USL04 | CUA: Assignment of Users to Local Profiles |
USLA04 | CUA: Assignment of Users to Roles |
USOGR | Object groups for TCode < > Auth. object assignment |
USOGT | Texts for object groups |
USOTT | Relation transaction > authorization object |
USR_FLAGS | Various Flags for Authorization Programs |
USR01 | User master record (runtime data) |
USR02 | Logon Data (Kernel-Side Use) |
USR03 | User address data |
USR04 | User master authorizations |
USR05 | User Master Parameter ID |
USR07 | Object/values of last authorization check that failed |
USR10 | User master authorization profiles |
USR11 | User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10) |
USR12 | User Master Authorization Values |
USR13 | Short Texts for Authorizations |
USR15 | External User Name (Replaced By Table USRACL) |
USR16 | Values for Variables for User Authorizations |
USR20 | Date of last user master reorganization |
USR21 | Assign user name address key |
USR21S | Shadow table: Assignment of user name to address key |
USR22 | Logon data without kernel access |
USR40 | Table for illegal passwords |
USR41 | User master: Additional data |
USRARCSTAT | Reloaded Archiving Runs |
USRATTR | Additional Attributes for Users |
USRBF | User Buffer Contents for Fast RFC Logon |
USRBF2 | User buffer content for fast RFC logon - new |
USRCOMB | Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
USRCOMBT | Short Texts for Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
USRCRCOMB | Part List of Variants for Critical Combinations of Auths |
USREFUS | Reference user for internet applications |
USREFUSVAR | Assignment of Reference User Variabe to Reference User |
USRFLD | CUA: Definition of Logical Fields |
USRFLDDEF | CUA: Definition of Logical Field Names of ALE Distrib. Users |
USRFLDGRP | CUA: Field Selection Groups |
USRFLDSEL | CUA: Field Attributes |
USRFLDT | CUA: Text Table to Define Logical Fields |
USRFLDVAL | CUA: Selection Criteria for Field Attributes |
USRSTAMP | Time Stamp for all Changes to the User |
USRSYSACT | CUA: Roles in Distributed Systems |
USRSYSACTT | CUA: Roles in Distributed Systems |
USRSYSPRF | CUA: Profiles in Distributed Systems |
USRSYSPRFT | CUA: Profile Text in Distributed Systems |
USRVAR | Variants for Critical Authorizations |
USRVARCOM | Variants of Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
USRVARCOMT | Short Texts for Variants of Critical Combs of Authorizations |
USRVARID | Part List of Variants for Critical Authorizations |
USRVART | Short Texts for Variants of Critical Authorizations |
USSETTINGS | Customizing settings in user maintenance |
USSYSTYP | GUM: System Types |
USSYSTYPT | GUM: System Type Texts |
UST04 | User masters |
UST10C | User master: Composite profiles |
UST10S | User master: Single profiles |
UST12 | User master: Authorizations |
USUSER_AGR | GUM: Assignment of Role to User |
USUSER_SYS | GUM: Assignment of User (Group) to System (Type) |
USZBVLNDRC | CUA: System Landscape Recipient |
USZBVLNDSC | CUA: System Landscape Sender |
USZBVPROT | CUA: Protocols of the Distribution of Users |
USZBVPROTC | CUA: Protocols of the Distribution of Company Addresses |
USZBVSYS | CUA: Assignment of Systems to Users |
USZBVSYSC | CUA: Assignment of Systems to Company Addresses |
SAP Package SUSR contains 22 views.
H_CUA_SYS | CUA: Assignment of Systems to Users |
H_USORG | Value Help for Organizational Levels |
H_USR10 | View of Base USR10 Table |
H_USRSYSPR | View of Base USRSYSPRF Table |
H_VUSALIAS | Alias |
USER_ADDR | Users by address data |
USER_ADDRP | Read Name of User |
USER_ADDRS | Users by Address Data |
USR_LIST | Join for list output of users (w. first and last name, grp.) |
USTSTCAP | Transaction codes from TSTCA for existing profiles |
V_USCOMP | View to Display the User Companies |
V_USCOMPA | View to Display the User Companies |
V_USR_NAME | Selects the user name |
VUSCRAUTH | Authorization Data for Critical Authorizations |
VUSCRAUTHI | Critical Authorizations |
VUSCRCOMID | Part List for Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
VUSER001 | User data view |
VUSRCOMB | Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
VUSRCRCOMB | Part List of Variants for Critical Combinations of Auths |
VUSRVAR | Variants for Critical Authorizations |
VUSRVARCOM | Variants for Critical Combinations of Authorizations |
VUSRVARID | Part List of Variants for Critical Authorizations |
SAP Package SUSR contains 249 structures.
AUTHB | SAP Basis Authorization Fields |
AUTHO | Authorization fields created up to the end of 1992 |
BAPIADCOMX | Change Flags for Communication Types |
BAPIADDFLD | Additional USERCLONE IDoc Fields |
BAPIADDFLDX | Change Flags for BAPIADDFLD (Various Additional Fields) |
BAPIAGR | Activity groups |
BAPIALIAS | User Name Alias |
BAPIALIASX | User alias change flag |
BAPIAPREF | References to application objects for user |
BAPIBNAME | User name |
BAPIDEFAUL | User: Fixed Values Transfer Structure |
BAPIDEFAX | User: Change parameters for fixed value transfer structure |
BAPIFLAG | Indicator |
BAPIGROUPS | Transfer Structure for a List of User Groups |
BAPIGROUPX | User group change flag |
BAPILOCAGR | Central User Administration: Local Activity Groups |
BAPILOGOND | User: Logon Data Transfer Structure |
BAPILOGONX | User: Logon Data Transfer Structure |
BAPILPROF | User: Profile Transfer Structure |
BAPIMETHOD | Method to be called when distributing users |
BAPIMODDA | Changed on |
BAPIMODDAT | User: Last Change (Date and Time) |
BAPIMODTI | Changed at |
BAPIPARAM | User: Parameter Transfer Structure |
BAPIPARAM1 | User: Parameter Transfer Structure |
BAPIPARAMX | User: Change parameters for parameter transfer structure |
BAPIPROF | User: Profile Transfer Structure |
BAPIPWD | SAP user password |
BAPIPWDSTATE | User Password Status |
BAPIPWDX | Change parameters for an SAP user's password |
BAPIRCVSYS | BAPI Structure for Central User Admin. Receiver Systems |
BAPIREFUS | User name |
BAPIREFUSX | Reference user change flag |
BAPISLOCKD | User Lock |
BAPIUSAGR | Activity groups |
BAPIUSATTR_LINE | Additional User Attributes |
BAPIUSATTRTAB | Additional User Attributes |
BAPIUSATTRX | Change Indicators for the Additional User Attributes |
BAPIUSCOMP | Company to which a user is assigned |
BAPIUSCOMX | Company to which a user is assigned |
BAPIUSEXTID_LINE | External ID of a User |
BAPIUSEXTIDHEAD | Header Data for External ID of a User |
BAPIUSEXTIDPART | Part of a Long Field for the External ID of a User |
BAPIUSEXTIDX | Change Indicators for External IDs |
BAPIUSMISC | BAPI Structure for User BO: Various |
BAPIUSNAME | User with name |
BAPIUSSEXP | Search for Users with Free Selections |
BAPIUSSRGE | Search for Users with a Ranges Table |
E1BPADCOMX | Change Flags for Communication Types |
E1BPADDFLD | Additional USERCLONE IDoc Fields |
E1BPADDFLX | Change Flags for BAPIADDFLD (Various Additional Fields) |
E1BPADDR1 | BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Contact Person) |
E1BPADDR3 | BAPI reference structure for addresses (contact person) |
E1BPADDR3X | BAPI Change Reference Struct. for Addresses (Contact Person) |
E1BPADR1 | BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Org./Company) |
E1BPADR11 | BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Org./Company) |
E1BPAGR | Activity groups |
E1BPALIAS | User Name Alias |
E1BPAPREF | References to application objects for user |
E1BPBNAME | User name |
E1BPDEFAUL | User: Fixed Values Transfer Structure |
E1BPDEFAX | User: Change Parameters for Fixed Value Transfer Structure |
E1BPGROUPS | Transfer Structure for a List of User Groups |
E1BPLOGOND | User: Logon Data Transfer Structure |
E1BPLOGONX | User: Logon Data Transfer Structure |
E1BPMETHOD | Method to be called when distributing users |
E1BPPARAM | User: Parameter Transfer Structure |
E1BPPARAM1 | User: Parameter Transfer Structure |
E1BPPARAMX | User: Change Parameters for Parameter Transfer Structure |
E1BPPERSD | Personalization distribution exchange format |
E1BPPROF | User: Profile Transfer Structure |
E1BPPWD | SAP user password |
E1BPREFUS | User name |
E1BPSNCU | SNC attributes of a user |
E1BPSNCUX | SNC attributes for a user (changed fields) |
E1BPUCLASS | User Classification (License-Related) |
E1BPUCLASX | Change Indicators for License-Related User Classification |
E1BPUSATAB | Additional User Attributes |
E1BPUSATTX | Change Indicators for the Additional User Attributes |
E1BPUSCOMP | Company to which a user is assigned |
E1BPUSCOMX | Company to which a user is assigned |
E1BPUSEXTH | Header Data for External ID of a User |
E1BPUSEXTP | Part of a Long Field for the External ID of a User |
E1BPUSEXTX | Change Indicators for External IDs |
E1CCLONE | Header segment |
EXTID_IDS | Structure with an External ID, Sequence No., and Status Flag |
EXTID_OPS | Structure with an External ID |
EXTID_USRS | Structure with a User, Sequence No., and Status Flag |
RSYST | System screen fields |
STAT | Help structure for screen fields |
SURESOURCE | Management information for non-R/3 resources |
SUSR_AUTH_TXT | Texts for Authorizations |
SUSR_LANGU | List of Languages for Transfer |
SUSR_OBJCT_TXT | Texts for Authorization Objects |
SUSR_PROF_TXT | Texts for Profiles |
SUSR_S_BUFFERS | Selection List for Internal Buffer to Be Handled |
SUSR_S_RANGE_4_RFCRCVSYS | Range Structure for Data Element RFCRCVSYS |
SUSR_S_RANGE_4_XUBNAME | Range Structure for Data Element XUBNAME |
SUSR_S_REF_2_RNG | Reference to Range Table |
SUSR_S_XUOBJECT | Small Work Area for Auth. Object |
SUSR_TCODE_TXT | Texts for Transactions |
SUSR_TCODES | List of Transactions |
SUSRCLS | Internal structure for authorization object classes |
SUSROBJ | Internal structure for authorization objects |
UR020 | Help structure for RSUSR020 |
UR030 | Help structure for RSUSR030 |
UR040 | Help structure for RSUSR030 |
UR100 | Help structure for RSUSR100 |
UR101 | Help structure for RSUSR101 |
UR102 | Help structure for RSUSR102 |
US333 | Help structure for creating func. block for each auth. obj. |
US334 | Aux. structure to pass profiles to function module |
US335 | Authorizations and values |
USACTGRP | User: Transfer structure activity groups |
USADDR3 | Assignment of user name to address fields |
USADDRESS | User: Address key (CAM) for user |
USADDRESSX | User: User Address Key Change Flags (CAM) |
USADRESS | User: Address key (CAM) for user |
USAGR | Activity groups |
USAGRLANGU | Activity Groups and Language |
USAPREF | References to application objects for user |
USAUT | Transfer structure for authorizations and texts |
USAUTHLANG | Transfer Structure for List Authorizations |
USAUTHLST | Transfer Structure for List Authorizations |
USAUTHVALUE | Transfer structure for authorization values for object |
USCHANGE | User: Transfer Structure of Last Change |
USCRAGR | Critical User Roles |
USCRAUT | Critical Authorizations of Users |
USCRCOMB | Critical Combinations of Users |
USCRPRO | Critical User Roles and User Profiles |
USDEF | Transfer Structure for User Defaults |
USDEFAULTS | User: Fixed Values Transfer Structure |
USDELETE | Deletion Table for User Data |
USER_UGRP | Test |
USER001 | User Data Relevant at Runtime |
USER01 | User Master Data Include for Data Relevant at Runtime |
USER012 | Authorization Info: User Maintenance |
USER012A | Authorization Info: User Maintenance |
USER02 | User Data for Logon |
USER03 | User Data Addresses |
USER04 | User Master Profiles |
USER05 | User Data Parameter ID |
USER12 | Authorizations for User Maintenance |
USER13 | Authorizations for User Maintenance |
USGROUPS | Transfer Structure for a List of User Groups |
USGRPS_USR | Transfer Structure for Users in User Groups |
USINETMIG | Migrated Internet user transfer structure |
USINFOLOCK | Users with All Data for User Lock in Information System |
USIUSR01 | Transfer Structure for Selection of USR01 Fields |
USIUSR02 | Transfer Structure for Selected USR02 Data |
USIUSR06 | Transfer Structure for a Selection of USR06 Fields |
USIUSREFUS | Transfer Structure for Selection of USREFUS Fields |
USLOCAGR | Central user administration: Local activity groups |
USLOCAGRT | User: Local Roles with Text Transfer Structure |
USLOCK | Vector with lock conditions |
USLOCPROF | User: Profile Transfer Structure |
USLOCPROFT | User: Profiles with Short Text Transfer Structure |
USLOCUSERS | User: Transfer structure for lists of users |
USLOGOND | User: Logon Data Transfer Structure |
USLRC | Auxiliary structure for user master - cross-reference |
USLST | Transfer structure for cross-reference function modules |
USLSTLANGU | Transfer structure for cross-reference function modules |
USOBJKEY | Key Fields of the References to Application Objects |
USOBJKEYT | References to Application Objects for Selection |
USOUTTAB | Key Fields for ALV Table in RSUSR200 |
USPARAM | User: Parameter Transfer Structure |
USPRO | Authorization profiles |
USPROF | User: Profile Transfer Structure |
USPROFLANG | Transfer Structure for Profile Data for Lists |
USPROFLST | Transfer Structure for Profile Data for Lists |
USR_VALUES | Transfer structure for selection acc. to auth. values |
USRAGR | Transfer Structure for Users, Roles and Profiles |
USRAGRPROF | Transfer Structure for Users, Roles and Profiles |
USRCD | Structure for Change Documents Display in RSUSR100 |
USRCD_N | Structure for Change Documents (Horizontal Status History) |
USRCD_T | Structure for Change Documents (Technical View) |
USRCD_W | Structure for Change Documents (Vertical Status History) |
USRCDT | Structure for Change Documents (Technical View) |
USREF | Transfer structure for cross-reference function modules |
USREFLANGU | Transfer structure for cross-reference function modules |
USREL__A | User Administration: System - Activity Group |
USREL__S | User Administration: System in Relationships |
USREL__U | User Administration: User in Relationship |
USREL_2 | User Administration: Relationship Between Two Objects |
USREL_3 | User Administration: Relationship Between Three Objects |
USREL_AT | User Administration: User in Relationship (with Time) |
USREL_SA | GUM: Assignment of Role/Position to System (Type) |
USREL_UA | GUM: Assignment of Role to User |
USREL_US | GUM: Assignment of User (Group) to System (Type) |
USREL_USA | User Administration: User - System - Activity Group |
USREL_UT | User Administration: User in Relationship (with Time) |
USRFIELD | Central user maintenance: Field maintenance allowed or not |
USRFLDTSEL | Selection of fields |
USRGETFTR | Transfer Structure |
USRGETSTRC | Structure for user transfer |
USRINKONS | Reference table for FMs for determining inconsistencies |
USRMETHOD | Method to be called when distributing users |
USRPROF | Users and Profiles Transfer Structure |
USSEL | Help structure for transferring an to sel.opt. str. |
USSEL1 | Addition of Selection Option to USSEL |
USSELACTGR | Transfer structure selection options for activity groups |
USSELAUTH | Transfer structure selection option authorization |
USSELFIELD | Transfer Structure Selectn Options for Authorization Fields |
USSELMODBE | Transfer structure selection options Changed by (User name) |
USSELOBJCT | Transfer structure selection options authorization object |
USSELPROF | Transfer structure selection options for profiles |
USSELPTEXT | Transfer structure selection options for profile text |
USSOKEY | Transfer structure user for whom the office user is created |
USSYSTEM | Transfer structure for SUBSYSTEM |
USSYSTEMTY | Systems and Their System Types |
USSYSTYPE | System Type Transfer Structure |
USTABSET | Transfer structure for internal table tabset |
USTCD | Transfer Structure for Transaction Codes |
USTREEAGR | User Administration: Tree Structure Users/User Groups |
USTREESYS | User Administration: Tree Structure Users/User Groups |
USTREEUSER | User Administration: Tree Structure Users/User Groups |
USUSERALL | Users with All Data for List Output |
USUSERNAME | User with name |
USUSERS | User: Transfer structure for lists of users |
USVAL | Transfer structure for authorization interface |
USVALUE | Transfer structure for authorization values for object |
USVALUES | Transfer structure for authorization values for object |
USVARVAL | Transfer structure: Profile generator for variables + values |
USZBV_LOCK | Help structure for USRFLDDEF maintenance |
USZBVIDOCT | IDoc Type of Receiving Systems |
USZBVLNDRC_TC1 | CUA: Structure for Table Control in Report: SAPMSCUA |
USZBVPROTO | Transfer structure for logs |
USZBVUSER | Assignment of User to System |
XU060 | Help fields for screen sapms01d 60 (choose auth. fields) |
XU100 | Help structure for screen SAPMS01C 100 |
XU101 | Help structure for utilities user master |
XU111 | Help fields for check program, authorizations |
XU114 | Help structure for screen SAPMS01C 114 |
XU120 | Help structure for screens SAPMS01Y 122, 124 and 126 |
XU122 | Help structure for screen SAPMS01C 122 |
XU124 | Help structure for screen SAPMS01C 124 |
XU150 | Help structure for copy screens |
XU180 | Help fields for list selection screens |
XU190 | Help structure for screen documentation (screens 190...) |
XU200 | Fields for screen SAPMS01J 200 |
XU213 | Help structure for screen SAPMS01J 213 |
XU310 | Fields for screen SAPMS01J 310 |
XU350 | Help fields for screens SAPMS01J 350 and 360 |
XU390 | Help fields for screen SAPMS01J 390 |
XU400 | Help fields for screen SAPMS01J 400 |
XU500 | Help structure for screen SAPMS01D 500 |
XUSR | System table XUSR |
SAP Package SUSR contains 106 programs.
KEN_HELP_PROFGEN | Show Help Objects from Info Repository |
MP_USRCR | Module Pool for View Cluster of the Function Group USRCR |
RSAUTHXP | Check Auth_a |
RSAUTHXPRA | Synchronize Authorization Tables for all Clients |
RSDELAUTH | Check Auth_a |
RSDELCUA | Delete Entire Central User Administration |
RSINITGUM | GUM: Delete GUM Data and Transfer CUA Data Again |
RSUSDISTRIBUTE_ALL_COMP | Company address distribution |
RSUSLAND | Report RSUSLAND country definition of central user administration |
RSUSR_CLEANUP_USER_TABLES | Display and Delete Superfluous Entries in User Tables |
RSUSR_S_USER_SAS | Activate Authorization Object S_USER_SAS |
RSUSR_S_USER_SAS_01 | Complete Authorization Data for S_USER_SAS in Roles |
RSUSR_S_USER_SAS_02 | Convert Authorization Defaults |
RSUSR_SYSINFO_LICENSE | Report System-Wide Information/License Data |
RSUSR_SYSINFO_PROFILE | Report cross-system information/profile |
RSUSR_SYSINFO_ROLE | Report cross-system information/role |
RSUSR_SYSINFO_ZBV | Report cross-system information/CUM |
RSUSR002 | Users by Complex Selection Criteria |
RSUSR002_ADDRESS | Users by address data |
RSUSR003 | Check the Passwords of Standard Users in All Clients |
RSUSR004 | Restrict User Values to the Following Single Profiles and Auth. Objs. |
RSUSR005 | List of Users With Critical Authorizations |
RSUSR006 | Blocked Users and Users with Incorrect Logons |
RSUSR007 | Display users with incomplete address data |
RSUSR008 | By Critical Combinations of Authorizations at Transaction Start |
RSUSR008_009_NEW | List of Users with Critical Authorizations |
RSUSR009 | List of Users With Critical Authorizations |
RSUSR010 | Executable Transactions ( All Selection Options ) |
RSUSR011 | Lists of transactions after selection by user, profile or obj. |
RSUSR020 | Profiles by Complex Selection Criteria |
RSUSR030 | Authorizations by Complex Selection Criteria |
RSUSR040 | Authorization Objects by Complex Selection Criteria |
RSUSR050 | Comparisons |
RSUSR060 | Where-used lists |
RSUSR060OBJ | Where-Used List: Authorization Object in Program and Transactions |
RSUSR061 | Enter Authorization Fields |
RSUSR070 | Roles by Complex Selection Criteria |
RSUSR080 | Users by License Data |
RSUSR100 | Change Documents for Users |
RSUSR100N | Change Documents for Users |
RSUSR101 | Change Documents for Profiles |
RSUSR102 | Change Documents for Authorizations |
RSUSR200 | List of Users According to Logon Date and Password Change |
RSUSR301 | Fill non-checking transactions with auth.object S TCODE |
RSUSR302 | Delete authorization check on object S TCODE from table TSTCA |
RSUSR400 | Test Environment Authorization Checks (SAP Systems Only) |
RSUSR401 | Report to give all SAPCPIC users profile S_A.CPIC |
RSUSR405 | Reset all user buffers in all clients (uncritical) |
RSUSR406 | Automatically Generate Profile SAP_ALL |
RSUSR408 | XPRA: Conversion of USOBX-OKFLAG, USOBX-MODIFIED for upgrade tool SU26 |
RSUSR421 | Clean-up report: TSTC-CINFO if no check in TSTCA |
RSUSR500 | User Administration: Compare Users in Central System |
RSUSR500D | GUM: Display Open Changes |
RSUSR998 | Call Reporting Tree Info System |
RSUSRLOG | Log Display for Central User Administration |
RSUSRSCUC | CUA: Synchronization of the Company Addresses |
RSUSRSUIM | User Information System |
RSUSX001 | XPRA: Assign company addresses (BC01) to an object |
RSUSZBVGENPROFDEL | Repair Program for HW 313429 |
RUSH02AC | Archive Change Documents for Other User Data |
RUSH02DE | Delete Documents for Other User Data from Table USH02 |
RUSH02RD | Read Archive File with Documents for Other User Data |
RUSH04AC | Archive Change Documents for User Master Records |
RUSH04DE | Delete Documents for User Master Records from Table USH04 |
RUSH04RD | Read Archive File with Documents for User Master Records |
RUSH10AC | Archive Change Documents for Profiles |
RUSH10DE | Delete Documents for Profiles from Table USH10 |
RUSH10RD | Read Archive File with Documents for Profiles |
RUSH12AC | Archive Change Documents for Authorizations |
RUSH12DE | Delete Documents for Authorizations from Table USH12 |
RUSH12RD | Read Archive File with Documents for Authorizations |
RUSR0003 | Selection Criteria When Searching for Auth. Values |
SAPMS010 | Mass Changes to User Master: Delete All Users/Add Profile |
SAPMS013 | Replace Authorization Profile With New Profile |
SAPMS01B | Give all users the profile SAP_NEW |
SAPMS01C | Maintain Authorizations and Profiles |
SAPMS01D | Create Authorization Fields (obsolete) |
SAPMS01E | Create Authorization Objects |
SAPMS01F | Maintenance of table TAUTL (List of AUTHs = Auth. fields) |
SAPMS01G | Display Check Object if Not Authorized |
SAPMS01GN | Evaluation of the Last Authorization Check |
SAPMS01J | Maintain User |
SAPMS01N | Conversion Program for Authorizations of Basis Development Environment |
SAPMS01S | Check Program in Authorization Environment |
SAPMS01U | Authorizations in the User Buffer for Logged-on User |
SAPMSCOMP | Test subscreen / fullscreen |
SAPMSU20 | Maintain Authorization Fields |
SAPMSUM | Main User Management Program |
SAPMSUMD | Main User Management Program |
SAPMSUU0 | User maintenance |
SAPMSUU0D | User maintenance: Maintain own data (user defaults) |
SAPMSUU0M | User Mass Maintenance |
SAPMSUU0O | User maintenance: Maintain own data (user defaults) |
SAPMSUUG | Maintain User Groups |
SAPMSUUGD | Display User Groups |
SAPMUSLG | Info system of distributed user |
SUSR_GUM_REL_DEL | Repair Program to Delete GUM Links (Note 0309535) |
SUSR_USER_EXPORT_TO_FILE | Write user masters to a file |
SUSR_USER_IMPORT_FROM_FILE | Import user master records from file |
SUSR_ZBV_GET_RECEIVER_PROFILES | CUA: Text Comparison from Child Systems |
TEST_USER_FROM_CERTIFICATE | Test of Certificate User Mapping |
SAP Package SUSR contains 32 search helps.
AUTHX_FIELDNAME | Authorization Fields |
H_USORG | Value Help for Organizational Levels |
H_USZBVLNDRC | Elementary Search Help for CUA Systems |
LOC_PROF_SINGLE_COMPOSITE | Search Help for Local Single and Composite Profiles |
LOC_PROFILES_ALL | Search Help for All Local Profiles |
LOC_PROFILES_COMPOSITE | Composite Profiles |
LOC_PROFILES_GENERATED | Generated Profiles |
LOC_PROFILES_SINGLE | Single Profiles |
PROF_SINGLE_COMPOSITE_ACTIVE | Search Help for Active Single and Composite Profiles |
PROFILES_ALL_ACTIVE | Search Help for All Active Profiles |
US_CUA_UCLASS | Users by System-Specific Classiciation |
US_ZBVSYS | Systems in Central User Administration |
USALIAS | User alias |
USCOMPANY_ADDR | Search Help for Company Addresses (User Administration) |
USER_ADDR | Users by address data |
USER_AGRP | Users by Roles |
USER_COMP | Users by Logon Data |
USER_CUA_PROFILE | Users by System-Specific Profiles |
USER_CUA_ROLE | Users by System-Specific Roles |
USER_CUA_SYSTEMS | Users by Systems |
USER_GROUP | Users by User Groups (General) |
USER_LOGON | Users by Logon Data |
USER_PROF | Users by Profiles |
USR12 | Authorizations |
USREFUSER | Reference User |
USSYSTEMTYPE | System Types |
USUMAGR | Activity Groups Mirrored in the Central System |
USUSERGROUPS | User Groups |
USVAR_V | Variables for authorization values |
SAP Package SUSR contains 2 message classes.
01 | Allg. Basis: z.B. Benutzer und Berecht.pflege |
UE | Meldungen im Umfeld Benutzer und Berechtigungen |
SAP Package SUSR contains 12 authorization objects.
S_ADMI_FCD | System Authorizations |
S_EDITOR | ABAP/4: Editor checks |
S_SAA_ADMI | System Administration Assistant: Execution |
S_TCODE | Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start |
S_TSKH_ADM | Authorization Check for SM04, SM50 |
S_TSKH_VB | Authorization for Update Administration |
S_USER_ADM | Administration Functions for User/Authorization Management |
S_USER_AUT | User Master Maintenance: Authorizations |
S_USER_GRP | User Master Maintenance: User Groups |
S_USER_PRO | User Master Maintenance: Authorization Profile |
S_USER_SAS | User Master Maintenance: System-Specific Assignments |
S_USER_SYS | User Master Maintenance: System for Central User Maintenance |