The package SWN (Business Workflow: E-Mail Notifications for Work Items) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SWN |
Short Text | Business Workflow: E-Mail Notifications for Work Items |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SWN contains 4 function groups.
SWN_API | WF Notif: Interfaces |
SWN_CONFIG_GEN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SWN_RUNTIME | WF Notif: Runtime Components |
SWN_UTILS | WF Notif: Help Functions 4.6-Compatible |
SAP Package SWN contains 7 transactions.
SWNADMIN | Administration of Notifications |
SWNCONFIG | Configuration Notifications |
SWNNOTIFDEL | Delete Notifications |
SWNWIEX | WF Notification: Edit Work Item |
SAP Package SWN contains 38 database tables.
SWN_CAT2MSG | WF Notif: Assignment Category, Message Template |
SWN_CATEGORY | WF Notif: Category |
SWN_CATEGORYT | WF Notif: Category, Text |
SWN_COLSCHED | WF Notif: Selection Schedule |
SWN_COLSCHEDT | WF Notif: Collective Schedule, Texts |
SWN_DELPROVI | WF Notif: Deliverer |
SWN_DELPROVIT | WF Notif: Deliverer, Texts |
SWN_DELSCHED | WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery |
SWN_DELSCHEDT | WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery, Texts |
SWN_DELTYPE | WF Notif: Delivery Type |
SWN_DELTYPET | WF Notif: Delivery Type, Texts |
SWN_FILTER | WF Notif: Filter |
SWN_FILTERT | WF Notif: Filter, Texts |
SWN_FILTPAR | WF Notif: Filter Parameter |
SWN_FILTPART | WF Notif: Filter Parameter, Texts |
SWN_FILTVAL | WF Notif: Filter Values |
SWN_MSG2PART | WF Notif: Assign.Message Template Parts to Message Templates |
SWN_MSGTMPL | WF Notif: Message Template |
SWN_MSGTMPLT | WF Notif: Message Template, Texts |
SWN_NOTIF | WF Notif: Notifications |
SWN_NOTIFTSTMP | WF Notif: Time Stamp for Notifications |
SWN_PARTTMPL | WF Notif: Message Element |
SWN_PARTTMPLT | WF Notif: Message Element, Texts |
SWN_REMAP | WF Notif: Handler Assignment |
SWN_REMAPT | WF Notif: Handler Assignment, Texts |
SWN_SCENARIO | WF Notif: Scenario |
SWN_SCENARIOT | WF Notif: Scenario, Texts |
SWN_SENDLOG | WF Notif: Send Protocol |
SWN_SETTINGS | WF Notif: General Settings |
SWN_SETTINGSS | WF Notif: General Settings |
SWN_SETTINGSST | WF Notif: General Settings, Texts |
SWN_SETTINGST | WF Notif: General Settings, Texts |
SWN_SUBS | WF Notif: Subscriptions |
SWN_SUBSPAR | WF Notif: Subscription Parameters |
SWN_SUBSPART | WF Notif: Subscription Parameters, Texts |
SWN_SUBST | WF Notif: Subscription, Text |
SWN_SUBSVAL | WF Notif: Subscription Values |
SWN_TIMESTAMPS | WF Notif: Time Stamp |
SAP Package SWN contains 10 views.
SWN_CAT2MSGV | WF Notif: Assign Category, Message Template |
SWN_CATEGORYV | WF Notif: Category, Maintenance View |
SWN_DELPROVIV | WF Notif: Deliverer, Maintenance View |
SWN_FILTERV | WF Notif: Filter, Texts |
SWN_FILTPARV | WF Notif: Filter Parameter, Maintenance View |
SWN_FILTVALV | WF Notif: Filter Values, Maintenance View |
SWN_MSG2PARTV | WF Notif: Assign.Message Template Parts to Message Templates |
SWN_SUBSPARV | WF Notif: Subscription Parameter, Maintenance View |
SWN_SUBSV | WF Notif: Subscription, Maintenance View |
SWN_SUBSVALV | WF Notif: Subscription Values, Maintenance View |
SAP Package SWN contains 46 structures.
SWN_ATTACH | WF Notif: Attachment Description |
SWN_NOTIFINT | WF Notif: Notifications (Internal Tab.) |
SWN_SIBFLPOR | WF Notif: Local Persistent Object Reference |
SWN_SIBFLPORB | WF Notif: Local Persistent Object Reference, BOR-Compatible |
SWN_STATISTICS | Statistics for Read, Saved, and Sent Notifications |
SWNKCAT2MSG | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table CAT2MSG |
SWNKCATEGORY | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table Category |
SWNKCOLSCHED | WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_COLSCHED |
SWNKDELPROVI | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table DELPROVI |
SWNKDELSCHED | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_DELSCHED |
SWNKFILTER | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_FILTER |
SWNKFILTPAR | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_FILTPAR |
SWNKFILTVAL | WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_FILTVAL |
SWNKNOTIFTSTMP | WF Notif: Key Structure for table SWN_NOTIFTSTMP |
SWNKREMAP | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_REMAP |
SWNKSUBS | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_SUBS |
SWNKSUBSVAL | WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_SUBSVAL |
SWNSATTACH2 | Notification and Attachment |
SWNSCATEGORYT | WF Notif: Category with Text |
SWNSCOLSCHED | WF Notif: Schedule for Selection (Structure) |
SWNSDELSCHED | WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery (Structure) |
SWNSFILTAPPLKEY | WF: Key for Filter Time Stamp |
SWNSFILTER | WF Notif: Filter Including Time Stamps (Structure) |
SWNSFILTERT | WF Notif: Filter with Text |
SWNSFILTSETTINGS | WF Notif: Filter Values (Structure) |
SWNSFILTVAL | WF Notif: Filter Values (Structure) |
SWNSLINK | WF Notif: Attachment Description |
SWNSNOTIF1 | WF Notif: Notifications (Structure) |
SWNSNOTIFDETAILS | WF Notif: Details of a Notification (for BSP) |
SWNSNOTIFEXIT | WF Notif: Notifications for User-Exit (Structure) |
SWNSNOTIFSUBS | WF Notif: Notification and Corresponding Subscription |
SWNSNOTIFSUBS1 | WF Notif: Notification and Corresponding Subscription |
SWNSNOTIFTSTMP | WF Notif: Time Stamp for Sending a Notification |
SWNSORIGINKEY | WF Notif: Structure for Origin Key |
SWNSPARAM | WF Notif: Generic Parameter |
SWNSSUBS | WF Notif: Subscription Basic Data (Structure) |
SWNSSUBSPAR | WF Notif: Subscription Values |
SWNSSUBSPAR1 | WF Notif: Subscription Values (Internal Table) |
SWNSSUBST | WF Notif: Subscription with Text |
SWNSSUBSVALUES | WF Notif: Structure for Subscription Parameter Values |
SWNSTXTLANG | WF Notif: Object Text in a Language |
SWNSUSER | WF Notif: User Attributes |
SWNSVARI | WF Notif: Description of a Variable of a Message Element |
SWNSVHELP | WF Notif: Key and Value of a Value Help (BSP) |
SWNSVIEWSTRUC | WF Notif: Structure with Information about View Cluster |
SWNSWEEKDAYS | WF Notif: Week Days for Scheduler |
SAP Package SWN contains 14 programs.
RSWN_CHECK_DATA_VOLUME | Extended Notifications: Hitlist (Without Substitutes) |
RSWNADMIN | Call Alert Inbox |
RSWNNOTIFDEL | Delete Completed Notifications |
RSWNNOTIFDEL_DELETE | Deallocate Background Job for Deleting Notifications |
RSWNNOTIFDEL_INSERT | Schedule Background Job for Deleting Notifications |
RSWNSODOCSHOW | Display SAPoffice Document |
RSWNWIEX | Workflow: Execute Operation on Work Item |
RSWUWFML2 | Sending notifications for work items |
SWN_SELSEN | Selecting Work Items and Sending Notifications |
SWN_SELSEN_TEST | Selecting Work Items and Sending Notifications |
SAP Package SWN contains 2 message classes.
SWN | WF Notif: Meldungen |
SWNT | WF Notif: Nachrichten für Trace |