

Archive Info Structures

The table AIND_STR1 (Archive Info Structures) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SARCIS.

Technical Information

Short Text Archive Info Structures
Package SARCIS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table AIND_STR1

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ARCHINDEX Archive Information Structure AIND_DESC CHAR 15
ITYPE Archive info structure: S-> Field catalogue I-> Info struct. AIND_ITYPE CHAR 1
OTYP Archive information structures: object types AIND_OTYP CHAR 1
OBJECT Archiving object (in archiving information system) AIND_OBJ CHAR 30
SKEY Archive Information System Field Catalog AIND_FCAT CHAR 15 AIND_STR1
FILEFIELD Treatment of archive file name AIND_FFLD CHAR 1
OFFSFIELD Handling of data object offset AIND_OFLD CHAR 1