Functional Location (Table)

The table IFLOT (Functional Location (Table)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package ILOM.

Technical Information

Short Text Functional Location (Table)
Package ILOM
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table IFLOT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
TPLNR Functional Location TPLNR CHAR 30
MLANG Primary language for object texts MLANG LANG 1 T002
TPLKZ Functional location structure indicator TPLKZ CHAR 5 T370S
FLTYP Functional location category FLTYP CHAR 1 T370F
TPLMA Superior functional location TPLMA CHAR 30 IFLOT
ERDAT Date on which the object was created ICRDT DATS 8
ERNAM Name of User Who Created the Object ICRNA CHAR 12
AEDAT Date on which the object was last changed IUPDT DATS 8
AENAM Name of the user who last changed the object IUPNA CHAR 12
DATAB Start-up Date of the Technical Object ILOM_DATAB DATS 8
BEGRU Technical object authorization group IAUTG CHAR 4 T370B
TRPNR Reference functional location TRPNR CHAR 30 IRLOT
PSTAE SAP Development reserve: Format CHAR, length 4 RESERVE_CHAR_004 CHAR 4
STNAM SAP Development Reserve: Format CHAR, Length 12 RESERVE_CHAR_012 CHAR 12
LVORM SAP Development Reserve: Format CHAR, Length 1 RESERVE_CHAR_001 CHAR 1
SUBMT Construction type material of the object SUBMT CHAR 18 MARA
SUBMTI Data origin for construction type field INH_SUBMTI CHAR 1
MAPAR Manufacturer part number MAPAR CHAR 30
MAPARI SAP Development Reserve: Format CHAR, Length 1 RESERVE_CHAR_001 CHAR 1
IEQUI Installation of equipment allowed at the functional location IEQUI CHAR 1
IEQUII Data origin for equip. inst. allowed field INH_IEQUII CHAR 1
EINZL Single equipment installation at functional location EINZL CHAR 1
EINZLI Data origin for authorization group field INH_BEGRUI CHAR 1
IWERK Maintenance Planning Plant IWERK CHAR 4 T399I
IWERKI Data origin for planning plant field INH_IWERKI CHAR 1
INGRP Planner Group for Customer Service and Plant Maintenance INGRP CHAR 3 T024I
INGRPI Data origin for maintenance planner group field INH_INGRPI CHAR 1
PM_OBJTY Object Type of CIM Resources for Work Center PM_OBJTY CHAR 2
LGWID Object ID of the Work Center LGWID NUMC 8 CRID
LGWIDI Data Origin for the Field 'Work Center' INH_LGWIDI CHAR 1
RBNR Catalog Profile RBNR CHAR 9 T352B
RBNR_I Data origin for maintenance catalog field INH_RBNR_I CHAR 1
ILOAN Location and account assignment for technical object ILOAN CHAR 12 ILOA
OBJNR Object number J_OBJNR CHAR 22 ONR00
POSNR Position in superior technical object ILOM_POSNR CHAR 4
ISTYP Object category for Industry Solutions (IS) ILOM_ISTYP CHAR 1
EQART Type of Technical Object EQART CHAR 10 T370K
INVNR Inventory number INVNR CHAR 25
GROES Size/dimension GROSS CHAR 18
BRGEW Gross Weight BRGEW QUAN 13
GEWEI Weight Unit GEWEI UNIT 3 T006
ANSWT Acquisition Value ANSWT CURR 13
ANSDT Acquisition date ANDTI DATS 8
HERST Manufacturer of asset HERST CHAR 30
HERLD Country of manufacture HERLD CHAR 3 T005
BAUJJ Year of construction BAUJJ CHAR 4
BAUMM Month of construction BAUMM CHAR 2
TYPBZ Manufacturer model number TYPBZ CHAR 20
EMATN Material Number Corresponding to Manufacturer Part Number EMATN CHAR 18 *
SERGE Manufacturer serial number SERGE CHAR 30
HANDLE SAP Development Reserve: Integration of Date Segment (Key) ITOBTMP_TSEGGUID CHAR 22
TSEGTP SAP Development Reserve: Integration Date Segment (Tempate) ITOBTMP_TSEGTEMPLA CHAR 10 *
FLLB_HIDE Hide Logbook Display DIACL_HIDE CHAR 1
IFLOT_SRTYPE Shift Report Type for Object ILOM_SR_SRTYPE CHAR 10 *
IFLOT_SNTYPE Notification Type for Shift Note for Object ILOM_SN_SNTYPE CHAR 2 TQ80