

Project Stock Valuation

The table QBEW (Project Stock Valuation) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MGA.

Technical Information

Table QBEW
Short Text Project Stock Valuation
Package MGA
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table QBEW

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 *
BWKEY Valuation Area BWKEY CHAR 4 *
BWTAR Valuation Type BWTAR_D CHAR 10 *
SOBKZ Special Stock Indicator SOBKZ CHAR 1 *
PSPNR Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 8 *
LBKUM Total Valuated Stock LBKUM QUAN 13
SALK3 Value of Total Valuated Stock SALK3 CURR 13
VPRSV Price control indicator VPRSV CHAR 1
VERPR Moving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price VERPR CURR 11
STPRS Standard price STPRS CURR 11
BKLAS Valuation Class BKLAS CHAR 4 T025
SALKV Value based on moving average price (only with price ctrl S) SALKV CURR 13
VMKUM Total valuated stock in previous period VMKUM QUAN 13
VMSAL Value of total valuated stock in previous period VMSAL CURR 13
VMVPR Price Control Indicator in Previous Period VMVPR CHAR 1
VMVER Moving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price in Previous Period VMVER CURR 11
VMSTP Standard price in the previous period VMSTP CURR 11
VMPEI Price unit of previous period VMPEI DEC 5
VMBKL Valuation Class in Previous Period VMBKL CHAR 4 T025
VMSAV Value based on moving average price (previous period) VMSAV CURR 13
VJKUM Total Valuated Stock in Previous Year VJKUM QUAN 13
VJSAL Value of total valuated stock in previous year VJSAL CURR 13
VJVPR Price Control Indicator in Previous Year VJVPR CHAR 1
VJVER Moving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price in Previous Year VJVER CURR 11
VJSTP Standard price in previous year VJSTP CURR 11
VJPEI Price unit of previous year VJPEI DEC 5
VJBKL Valuation Class in Previous Year VJBKL CHAR 4 T025
VJSAV Value based on moving average price (previous year) VJSAV CURR 13
LFGJA Fiscal Year of Current Period LFGJA NUMC 4
LFMON Current period (posting period) LFMON NUMC 2
BWTTY Valuation Category BWTTY_D CHAR 1 T149C
STPRV Previous price STPRV CURR 11
LAEPR Date of the last price change LAEPR DATS 8
ZKPRS Future price DZKPRS CURR 11
ZKDAT Date as of which the price is valid DZKDAT DATS 8
TIMESTAMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) TIMESTAMP DEC 15
ZPLPR Future planned price DZPLPR CURR 11
KALKZ Indicator: standard cost estimate for future period KAXKZ CHAR 1
KALKL Standard Cost Estimate for Current Period KALKL CHAR 1
KALKV Indicator: standard cost estimate for previous period KALKV CHAR 1
KALN1 Cost Estimate Number - Product Costing CK_KALNR1 NUMC 12 *
BWVA1 Valuation Variant for Future Standard Cost Estimate CK_BWVA1 CHAR 3 TCK05
BWVA2 Valuation Variant for Current Standard Cost Estimate CK_BWVA2 CHAR 3 TCK05
BWVA3 Valuation Variant for Previous Standard Cost Estimate CK_BWVA3 CHAR 3 TCK05
VERS1 Costing Version of Future Standard Cost Estimate CK_TVERS1 NUMC 2
VERS2 Costing Version of Current Standard Cost Estimate CK_TVERS2 NUMC 2
VERS3 Costing Version of Previous Standard Cost Estimate CK_TVERS3 NUMC 2
HRKFT Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element HRKFT CHAR 4 TKKH1
KOSGR Costing Overhead Group CK_KOSGR CHAR 10 TCK14
PPRDZ Period of Future Standard Cost Estimate CK_PPRDZ NUMC 3
PPRDL Period of Current Standard Cost Estimate CK_PPRDL NUMC 3
PPRDV Period of Previous Standard Cost Estimate CK_PPRDV NUMC 3
PDATZ Fiscal Year of Future Standard Cost Estimate CK_PDATZ NUMC 4
PDATL Fiscal Year of Current Standard Cost Estimate CK_PDATL NUMC 4
PDATV Fiscal Year of Previous Standard Cost Estimate CK_PDATV NUMC 4
EKALR Material Is Costed with Quantity Structure CK_EKALREL CHAR 1
VPLPR Previous planned price VPLPR CURR 11
MLMAA Material ledger activated at material level CK_ML_MAAC CHAR 1
MLAST Material Price Determination: Control CK_ML_ABST CHAR 1
LPLPR Current Planned Price CK_LPLPR CURR 11
VKSAL Value of Total Valuated Stock at Sales Price VKSAL CURR 13
HKMAT Material-related origin HKMAT CHAR 1
BWSPA Valuation margin BWSPA DEC 6
LPLPX Fixed Portion of Current Planned Price CK_LPLPX CURR 11
VPLPX Fixed Portion of Previous Planned Price CK_VPLPX CURR 11
FPLPX Fixed Portion of Future Planned Price CK_ZPLPX CURR 11
LBWST Val. Strat. for Current Plan Price, Sales Order/Proj. Stock CK_LBWST CHAR 1
VBWST Valuation Strategy for Previous Plan Price, Special Stock CK_VBWST CHAR 1
FBWST Valuation Strategy for Future Planned Price, Special Stock CK_ZBWST CHAR 1
MBRUE MBEWH rec. already exists for per. before last of MBEW per. MBRUE CHAR 1
OKLAS Valuation Class for Special Stock at the Vendor OKLAS CHAR 4 T025