SAP Table T004

Directory of Charts of Accounts

The table T004 (Directory of Charts of Accounts) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FBASCORE.

Technical Information

Table T004
Short Text Directory of Charts of Accounts
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T004

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
KTOPL Chart of Accounts KTOPL CHAR 4
SAKLN Significant length of the G/L account number SAKLN NUMC 2
DSPRA Maintenance language for the chart of accounts SPRAS_004 LANG 1 T002
ASPRA Alternative languages ASPRA CHAR 10
KKTPL Group Chart of Accts KKTPL CHAR 4 T004
XSPER Indicator: is the chart of accounts blocked ? XSPER CHAR 1
NO_VBUND Trading partner cannot be entered NO_VBUND CHAR 1
INTEG_CO Type of integration between G/L accounts and cost elements INTEG_CO CHAR 1
LAYOUT_0 G/L account master record: Layout for "Central Processing" TAB_LAYOUT_GL_0 CHAR 4 TAMLAY0
LAYOUT_P G/L master data: Layout for "chart of accts processsing" TAB_LAYOUT_GL_P CHAR 4 TAMLAY0
LAYOUT_S G/L master data: Layout for "company code processing" TAB_LAYOUT_GL_S CHAR 4 TAMLAY0