
SAP Package GJV2

Joint Venture Development

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The package GJV2 (Joint Venture Development) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package JVA_JV.

Technical Information

Package GJV2
Short Text Joint Venture Development
Parent Package JVA_JV

Function Groups

SAP Package GJV2 contains 53 function groups.

0GJ2 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJ4 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJ5 JV/CO configuration
0GJ6 Joint venture event table maintenance
0GJA JV Job Analyzer
0GJB erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJC erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJE EDI Inbound
0GJF erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJI erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJL erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJO erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJPE Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0GJPT Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0GJS erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0GJT8JZ Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
GJAL List modules AM/MM
GJAM Joint Venture AM/MM Transfers
GJAT Joint Venture AM/MM table accesses
GJAV JV: AM/MM Update Modules
GJAY Joint Venture Archiving
GJBR Validation / Substitution in JVA
GJCBEX Joint Venture Cutback Process
GJDI JV Direct Input
GJED JV: EDI Inbound
GJEI JV EDI Inbound: IDOC & FB01 Doc.#
GJEO JV: EDI Outbound
GJF4 JV user exits for search helps
GJGR JV posting to gross ledger
GJLB JV Lockbox functions
GJMD JV Master Data
GJPM JV functions for PM
GJPO JV Postings with direct input
GJRP Report Writer utilities
GJSH Functions for search help user exits
GJT1 Checks which can't be done in CORE
GJTAXREP JV functions for tax reporting
GJTL Tools for JVA
GJTS Tax only postings
GJTX Advanced Tax Report
GJU1 JV Utilities
GJV_BE JV billing extract functions
GJV_BTH JV billining threshold
GJV_MASTER Open Interface for other components
GJV_SCHEDMAN JV specific handling for Schedman
GJVH Joint Venture
GJVO JV data maintenance in external objects
GJVPSC JVA specific PSC functions
GJVS Cash Call function group
GJVX JV/CO core interface for actuals
JVEI xxxxxx
L0GJMODIF Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
OGJE erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)


SAP Package GJV2 contains 277 transactions.

GJ_GD13 Display JVA and JV-Billing totals
GJ_GD20 JVA and JV-Billing items
GJ2A Display JV partners
GJ2B Maintain JV partners
GJ3A Display JV project in suspense
GJ3B Cutback rules / intercompany assets
GJ3C Cutback rule: Networks
GJ3D Cutback - Intercompany networks
GJ4A Periodic updates for company code
GJ60 EDI Outbound Base Configuration
GJ74 Stepped rate rules
GJ86 Customize report selection
GJB1 BI for supplemental detail
GJB2 Account for supplemental detail
GJB3 Project type for supplemental detail
GJB4 Cost center type for suppl. detail
GJB5 Order type for supplemental detail
GJB6 SDS protocol
GJBA Balance sheet accounts for splitting
GJBR Billing reconciliation
GJBS Assign substitution to JV company
GJBT Billing threshold check
GJBV Assign Validation to JV Company
GJCC Copy configuration from company code
GJCG Carried interest groups
GJCM Change message control for JVA
GJCS JV settlement manipulation rules
GJCU Cutback Ledger Update
GJDC Dunning
GJE0 EDI invoice service codes
GJE2 JV Customize EDI Suppl Seg Drivers
GJE3 JV Customize EDI Segment Components
GJE4 EDI JIBE condition codes
GJE5 JV EDI Communications Code
GJE6 JV EDI Bill Ind to Svc Code mapping
GJE7 JV EDI Outbound: Company Config.
GJE8 JV EDI Terms of Payment
GJE9 JV EDI Contact Function Codes
GJEA EDI inbound: company configuration
GJEB JV EDI Outbound: Control Processed
GJED JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE No
GJEE JV EDI Inbound: Property Table
GJEF EDI inbound: withhold code
GJEG EDI inbound: mapping qualifier
GJEH JV EDI Inbound: Cost Object Mapping
GJEI JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref
GJEJ JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class
GJEK JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class+Sub
GJEL JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class
GJEM JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class+Sub
GJEN JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE
GJEO EDI inbound: 819 account mapping
GJEP EDI inbound: 819 acc class mapping
GJEQ EDI inbound: 819 acc class+sub
GJER JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Mapping
GJES JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Service Code
GJET EDI inbound: 810 account mapping
GJEV Process history
GJEW EDI inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC no
GJEX JV mapping: Material - Service code
GJEY JIB/JIBE Tubular Sub-Accounts
GJEZ JIB/JIBE Non-Tubular Sub-Accounts
GJFA Print Allocation Information
GJGO Driver transaction for customizing
GJGR Graphical Navigation JVA
GJIS Install JV standard reports
GJJ1 Generate JADE audit file
GJJ2 Billing extracts
GJJ3 JADE file description
GJJA JV Load Balancing
GJJE Joint venture event maintenance
GJL7 Plan Data Transfer by Documents
GJL8 Company code (global data)
GJLB Load Balancing Distribution
GJLI Summary ledger line items
GJLI2 Billing ledger line items
GJLV Line item report list variants
GJPA Partner regional addresses
GJPC Penalty categories
GJPTS Payment term schema
GJR3 JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report
GJR4 EDI: Invoice and Operating Statement
GJR5 JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure
GJR6 JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects
GJR7 JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Comparison
GJR8 810/819 Mapping Report
GJR9 810/819 Property Error
GJRG_5J1A Gross bill./all by venture/account
GJRG_5J1B Gross billable / all by cost object
GJRG_5J1C Gross bill/partner net by cost obj.
GJRG_5J1D Gross bill./all by cost obj. F.Curr
GJRG_5J1E Gross billable/partner net for JIB
GJRG_5J1F Remaining cutback by cost object
GJRG_5J1G Posted suspense overview
GJRG_5J1H Gross non-operated by cost object
GJRG_5J2A Venture/EG/Billing indicator
GJRG_5J2B Partner/Billing indicator
GJRG_5JCA Cost centers: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCB Internal orders: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCC WBS elements: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCD Cost centers: actual/plan gross/net
GJRG_5JCE Int. orders: actual/plan gross/net
GJRG_5JCF WBS elements: actual/plan gross/net
GJRS Configure report selection
GJRT Overhead burden rate type
GJRX Bericht auswählen
GJS1 Create account set
GJS2 Change account set
GJS3 Display account set
GJSX Call set maintenance
GJT0 Reverse AM/MM Transfer document
GJTA Depreciation area update by RI
GJTB Transaction Type Subst. for Cutback
GJTD Transaction types per line
GJTF Fields to be copied to new assets
GJTR C FI Month End Advance Tax Return
GJU1 Customizing groups
GJU2 Customizing group definition
GJU3 Processes for authorization
GJVA Advance Tax Report
GJVB JV Billing formats
GJVC IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting con
GJVD Joint Venture Deletion
GJVE List Venture / Equity Groups
GJVF Bank Acct Switch - Maintain Data
GJVG Bank Acct Switch - Create Data
GJVL JV layout sets
GJVP IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pro
GJVS JV Supplemental detail
GJW1 Create JV-Pricing archive
GJW2 Delete archived JV-Pricing Data
GJW3 JV-Pricing Archive-Administration
GJX3 Maintain Access (Sales Price)
GJX4 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog
GJY1 Create JV-Cutback archive
GJY2 Delete archived JV-Cutback Data
GJY3 Reload JV-Cutback Archives
GJY4 JV-Cutback Archive-Administration
GJZ1 Create JV-Billing archive
GJZ2 Delete archived JV-Billing Data
GJZ3 Reload JV-Billing Archives
GJZ4 JV-Billing Archive-Administration
GJZA Company code (global data)
GJZC Company code (corporate information)
GJZD Company code (detailed data)
S_KK4_66000001 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0021
S_KK4_66000002 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0020
S_KK4_66000003 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0019
S_KK4_66000004 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0018
S_KK4_66000005 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0017
S_KK4_66000006 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0016
S_KK4_66000007 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0015
S_KK4_66000008 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0014
S_KK4_66000009 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0013
S_KK4_66000010 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0022
S_KK4_66000011 IMG activity: SIMG_BIL_0002
S_KK4_66000012 IMG activity: SIMG_BIL_0001
S_KK4_66000013 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0029
S_KK4_66000014 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0028
S_KK4_66000015 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0027
S_KK4_66000016 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0026
S_KK4_66000017 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0025
S_KK4_66000018 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0024
S_KK4_66000019 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0023
S_KK4_66000020 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011E
S_KK4_66000021 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011F
S_KK4_66000022 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011G
S_KK4_66000023 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0010
S_KK4_66000024 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_009A
S_KK4_66000025 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0009
S_KK4_66000026 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0008
S_KK4_66000027 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0030
S_KK4_66000028 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0007
S_KK4_66000029 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011B
S_KK4_66000030 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0012
S_KK4_66000031 IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011L
S_KK4_66000032 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011K
S_KK4_66000033 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011J
S_KK4_66000034 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011I
S_KK4_66000035 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011H
S_KK4_66000036 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011D
S_KK4_66000037 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011C
S_KK4_66000038 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011A
S_KK4_66000039 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0006
S_KK4_66000040 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0005
S_KK4_66000041 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0004
S_KK4_66000042 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0003
S_KK4_66000043 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0002
S_KK4_66000044 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0001
S_KK4_66000045 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0024
S_KK4_66000046 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0011
S_KK4_66000047 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0010
S_KK4_66000048 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0007
S_KK4_66000049 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0015
S_KK4_66000050 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0013
S_KK4_66000051 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0012
S_KK4_66000052 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0014
S_KK4_66000053 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0011
S_KK4_66000054 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0010
S_KK4_66000055 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0009
S_KK4_66000056 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0002
S_KK4_66000057 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0001
S_KK4_66000058 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0014
S_KK4_66000059 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0016
S_KK4_66000060 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0015
S_KK4_66000061 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0013
S_KK4_66000062 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0012
S_KK4_66000063 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0006
S_KK4_66000064 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0005
S_KK4_66000065 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0004
S_KK4_66000066 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0003
S_KK4_66000067 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0017
S_KK4_66000068 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0009
S_KK4_66000069 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0008
S_KK4_66000070 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0007
S_KK4_66000071 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0023
S_KK4_66000072 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0022
S_KK4_66000073 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0021
S_KK4_66000074 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0020
S_KK4_66000075 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0019
S_KK4_66000076 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0018
S_KK4_66000077 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0008
S_KK4_66000078 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0007
S_KK4_66000079 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0006
S_KK4_66000080 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0029
S_KK4_66000081 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0005
S_KK4_66000082 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0004
S_KK4_66000083 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0003
S_KK4_66000084 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0002
S_KK4_66000085 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0001
S_KK4_66000086 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0017
S_KK4_66000087 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0016
S_KK4_66000088 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0015
S_KK4_66000089 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0014
S_KK4_66000090 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0013
S_KK4_66000091 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0012
S_KK4_66000092 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0011
S_KK4_66000093 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0010
S_KK4_66000094 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0009
S_KK4_66000095 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0009
S_KK4_66000096 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0008
S_KK4_66000097 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007
S_KK4_66000098 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0006
S_KK4_66000099 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0005
S_KK4_66000100 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0004
S_KK4_66000101 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0003
S_KK4_66000102 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0002
S_KK4_66000103 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0001
S_KK4_66000104 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0015B
S_KK4_66000105 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0015A
S_KK4_66000106 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007C
S_KK4_66000107 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007B
S_KK4_66000108 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0014
S_KK4_66000109 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0012
S_KK4_66000110 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0013
S_KK4_66000111 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007A
S_KK4_66000112 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0010
S_KK4_66000113 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0003
S_KK4_66000114 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0025
S_KK4_66000115 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0021
S_KK4_66000116 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0004
S_KK4_66000117 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0024
S_KK4_66000118 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0022
S_KK4_66000119 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0027
S_KK4_66000120 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0023
S_KK4_66000121 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0026
S_KK4_66000122 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0018
S_KK4_66000123 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0019
S_KK4_66000124 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0002
S_KK4_66000125 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0001
S_KK4_66000126 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0028
S_KK4_66000127 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0005
S_KK4_66000128 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0006
S_KK4_66000129 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0020
S_KK4_96000372 S_KK4_96000372
S_SK4_49000001 Transact. for SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY

Database Tables

SAP Package GJV2 contains 168 database tables.

ARC_IDB_IT Archive-Indextable for JV_BILLING
ARC_IDJ_IT Archive-Indextable for JV_OBJECT
ARC_IDX_PR Archiving index for JV_PRICING archives
RGJVXAFVC Control table for transfer JV data from AFVC to AFVU
SMJV Specific CO-OM Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_coom)
T8J_MODIF Description of all Modifications
T8J_POST_ERROR Documents with errors in JV posting
T8J_POST_ERROR_C Documents with errors in JV posting (Open Items)
T8J01 Supplemental detail sets
T8J02 JV SDS text
T8J03 JV Billing levels (non-supplemental)
T8J04 JV Billing level (non-supplemental) text
T8J09 JV Billing SDS Elements Description
T8J0I2 Billing indicator mapping (viewing table)
T8J0L JV Billing levels
T8J0M JV Billing layout sets
T8J0N JV Billing level - SapScript text elements
T8J0O Billing form routines
T8J0OT Text table for billing form routines
T8J0Q JV Billing format master text
T8J0R JV Billing format
T8J0S SDS protocoll
T8J0SA JV Function (SAP delivered)
T8J0T JV Billing level description
T8J0V JV Billing types
T8J0W JV Billing types text
T8J156S JV Appendix for T1156S
T8J156W JV additions to T156W
T8J156X JV Appendix for T156X
T8J1J Asset intercompany cutback rule
T8J1K Network cutback rules
T8J1L Network intercompany cutback rules
T8J1N Profit Center Intercompany Cutback Rule
T8J4E Non-op bill user currency (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4J)
T8J4F Non op Bill table assets (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4I)
T8J4G Non-Op saved bills - Header Info (for holding bills)
T8J4H Non-Op saved bills - Detail Info (for holding bills)
T8J4I Non operated Billing Asset Tables (for holding bills)
T8J4J Non-Operated Billing User Currency Table (for holding bills)
T8J5C JV Recovery indicator for supplemental detail
T8J5D JV project type for supplemental detail
T8J5E JV cost center type for supplemental detail
T8J5F Supplemental detail for billing indicator
T8J5G JV order type for supplemental detail
T8J60 JV EDI Invoice Service Codes
T8J61 JV EDI Invoice Service Code Descriptions
T8J62 JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers
T8J63 JV EDI Segment Components
T8J63D JV EDI Segment Component Descriptions
T8J63F JV EDI Segment Component Fields
T8J64 JV EDI JIBE Condition Codes
T8J65 JV EDI JIBE Condition Code Descriptions
T8J66 JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes
T8J67 JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration
T8J68 JV EDI Terms of payment
T8J6L JV EDI Contact Function Codes
T8J6LD JV EDI Contact Function Code Descriptions
T8J6M JV EDI Communication Codes
T8J6MD JV EDI Communication Code Descriptions
T8J6N JV EDI Processed Partners/Ventures
T8J6O Tubular sub-account codes
T8J6OD Tubular sub-account code descriptions
T8J6P Non-Tubular sub-account codes
T8J6PD Non-Tubular sub-account code descriptions
T8J6Q JV mapping: Material - Service code
T8JBI_TH JVA billing thresholds
T8JBI_THD JVA billing threshold details
T8JBS Split specifically additionally balance
T8JCCT JVA: Customizing tables with company code
T8JCG Customizing groups for authorization
T8JCGD Definition of customizing groups
T8JCGT Description for customizing groups for authorization
T8JDA JV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table
T8JDB JV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table
T8JDC JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE/PASC Number Table
T8JDD JV EDI Inbound: Property Table
T8JDE JV EDI Inbound: Property Description Table
T8JDF JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Table
T8JDG JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Description Table
T8JDH JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Tables
T8JDI JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Description Tables
T8JDJ JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table
T8JDK JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table
T8JDL JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping
T8JDM JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A)
T8JDN JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table
T8JDO JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping
T8JDP JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table
T8JDQ JV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table
T8JDR JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class)
T8JDS JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc)
T8JDT JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table
T8JDU JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table
T8JDV JV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code)
T8JDW JV EDI Inbound: Processed Details per operations month
T8JDX JV EDI Inbound: IDOC to FB01 document numbers
T8JER Joint venture error table
T8JEV Joint venture event table
T8JEVP Joint venture event parameters
T8JEVS Joint venture event select options
T8JHF Fields to transport from sending to new receiving asset
T8JHL Configuration for JV AM/MM Transfers
T8JHM Transaction type per line type
T8JHR Depreciation areas not to update by recovery indicator
T8JHT Transaction Type Subsititution JV-AM
T8JHV Asset Operator Ownership Transaction Table
T8JHX Field Group definitions JV - AM/MM transfers
T8JHY Field selection CRP calculation
T8JINT Joint Venture Interest Types
T8JINTT Joint Venture Interest Type Text
T8JIX JV index table
T8JJA JV Load Balancing
T8JL2 Joint Venture:Recovery Ind.Determination via Manipultn Rules
T8JL3 Joint Venture: Manipulation Rules for Recovery Indicator
T8JLP2 Penalty Category Recovery Percentages*
T8JLT Penalty Category Table
T8JMD Customizing Dunning for JVA
T8JMDET Field movement for JADE - Details
T8JMHDR Field movement for JADE - Header
T8JMUSE Field movement for JADE - Usage
T8JOA Company addresses
T8JOAT Company addresses (text)
T8JOH_ACSET_LIST List of account sets for each base amount condition
T8JOH_BASE_CONDT Conditions used to capture base amount to calculate overhead
T8JOH_C_KEYLIST Overhead keyword list for each cost centers
T8JOH_COMPLEX_F Table of Complex Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT Base amount condition text for overhead organizer
T8JOH_COSET_LIST List of cost object sets for each base amount condition
T8JOH_COST_OBJS Table of cost centers, projects and orders for each overhead
T8JOH_FMULA_TEXT Text table for Overhead Organizer formulas
T8JOH_FORMULA_TX Formula text for Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_FORMULAS Formulas used by each overhead in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_JOAS List of JOA level parameters in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_KEYLISTS List of overhead characters for each overhead key
T8JOH_KEYTEXT Text table for overhead keys
T8JOH_KEYWORDS List of keywords used to capture the cost objects for users
T8JOH_O_KEYLIST Overhead keyword list for each internal orders
T8JOH_OH_DETAILS Overhead general detail
T8JOH_OHLISTS List of overheads defined in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_OHTEXT Text for each overhead key in different languages
T8JOH_OVERHEADS List of all overheads in each company
T8JOH_P_KEYLIST Overhead keyword list for each projects
T8JOH_PERCENT_F Table of Percentage Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_RUNS List of run information for each <company, joa>
T8JOH_STEPRATE_F Table of Step Rate Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_STTRATIO_F Table of Statistical Ratio Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_VENTURES List of Venture Level parameters in Overhead Organizer
T8JOVR Overhead burden rate
T8JOVRP Overhead burden rate percentages
T8JOVRT Overhead burden rate text
T8JPA Processes for authorization
T8JPAT Descriptions for processes for authorization
T8JPT1 Cutback Payment Terms per Recovery Indicator
T8JPT2 Cutback Payment Terms per RI and Original Payment Terms
T8JPTS Payment Term Schema
T8JPTST Payment Term Schema Description
T8JSC Joint Venture Substitute Cost Object
T8JVBA Documents included in Bank Account Switching
T8JVLVH Line item report variants
T8JVLVHT Line item report variants
T8JVLVL Line item report variants definition
T8JVORP Overhead burden rate percentages (venture level)
T8JVPSC Venture Assignment to PSC
T8JXC Cross company account determination
T8JXCP Cross company account determination
T8JZSUB Validation of accounting documents
T8JZVAL Validation of JVA Documents


SAP Package GJV2 contains 92 views.

H_T8JO Helpview for T8JO (JV partners)
H_T8JPA Help view for T8JPA (processes for authorization)
V_JVSO1_EURO Euro fields to update in JVSO1
V_JVSO2_EURO JVSO2 fields to update in EURO-conversion
V_MBEW_JV Pre-Paid Inventory maintenance
V_T093_JV Maintenance Negative Depreciation Areas
V_T100C_JV Control Of Messages By The User for JVA
V_T894_4A Plan Versions for JVA
V_T8J_PE Mainatin error documents
V_T8J_PEC Mainain and display clearing record with error
V_T8J01 SDS for JV billing
V_T8J0I2 Billing indicator mapping
V_T8J0L JV Billing levels
V_T8J0M JV Layout sets
V_T8J0N JV Billing events
V_T8J0P Form routines used for billing
V_T8J0R Billing formats
V_T8J0S SDS protocol
V_T8J1J Asset intercompany cutback rule
V_T8J1K Cutback rules: Networks
V_T8J1L Cutback: Intercompany network mapping
V_T8J5C Recovery indicator for supplemental billing
V_T8J5D Project types for supplemental detail
V_T8J5E JV cost center type for supplemental detail
V_T8J5F Billing indicator with supplemental detail
V_T8J5G Order type for supplemental detail
V_T8J60 JV EDI Invoice Service Codes and Descriptions
V_T8J62 JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers
V_T8J63 JV EDI Segment Components
V_T8J63F JV EDI Segment Component Fields
V_T8J64 JV EDI JIBE Condition Codes and Descriptions
V_T8J66 JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes
V_T8J67 JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration
V_T8J68 JV EDI Terms of payment
V_T8J6L JV EDI Contact Function Codes
V_T8J6M JV EDI Communication Codes
V_T8J6N JV EDI Processed Partners/Ventures
V_T8J6O Tubular sub-account codes
V_T8J6P Non-Tubular sub-account codes
V_T8J6Q JV mapping: Material - Service code
V_T8JBS Balance sheet accounts for splitting
V_T8JDA JV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table
V_T8JDB JV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table
V_T8JDC JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE/PASC Number Table
V_T8JDD JV EDI Inbound: Property Table
V_T8JDF JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Table
V_T8JDH JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Tables
V_T8JDJ JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table
V_T8JDK JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table
V_T8JDL JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping
V_T8JDM JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A)
V_T8JDN JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table
V_T8JDO JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping
V_T8JDP JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table
V_T8JDQ JV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table
V_T8JDR JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class)
V_T8JDS JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc)
V_T8JDT JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table
V_T8JDU JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table
V_T8JDV JV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code)
V_T8JEV Joint venture event table
V_T8JEVP Joint venture event parameters
V_T8JEVS Joint venture event select options
V_T8JHR Maintenance View for t8JHR
V_T8JHV View of Asset Operator Ownership Transaction Types
V_T8JL View for Penalty Category and text
V_T8JL1 Joint Venture: Manipulation rules for recovery indicator
V_T8JL2 Manipulation Rule Detail
V_T8JMD View for Dunning Customizing
V_T8JMDET Field movement for JADE - Details
V_T8JMUSE Field movement for JADE - Usage
V_T8JOA Partner addresses
V_T8JOH_C_KEYWDS A list of overhead keywords for each cost center
V_T8JOH_O_KEYWDS A list of overhead keywords for each internal order
V_T8JOH_P_KEYWDS A list of overhead keywords for each project
V_T8JOVR View for Overhead rate type and text
V_T8JPT1 Cutback Payment Terms per Recovery Indicator
V_T8JPT2 Cutback Payment Terms per RI and Original Payment Terms
V_T8JPTS Payment Term Schema
V_T8JS_SD Billing structures in supplemental detail
V_T8JVBA Table Entries for VBA Switching
V_T8JVLVH Line report list variants
V_T8JVLVL Line item report variant definition
V_T8JXC CO/JV cross company reconciliation
V_T8JXCP JV/CO/FI reconciliation
V_T8JZ_NEW JVA company code
V_T8JZA Company code global parameters
V_T8JZC JV company code parameter (corporate data)
V_T8JZD Company code (detailed data)
V_T8JZSUB Substitution
V_T8JZVAL Validation for JVA documents
V_TABWG_JV Asset Transaction Type Groups: JV Manual Overwrite Ind.


SAP Package GJV2 contains 280 structures.

ALC_JV_LI JV-Allocation: Communication Structure Line-Item-Check
E1JVBIG JV Beginning Segment for Invoice
E1JVGE JV Functional Group Trailer
E1JVGS JV Functional Group Header
E1JVIEA JV Interchange Control Trailer
E1JVISA JV Interchange Control Header
E1JVN01 JV Name Information
E1JVN1 JV Name Information
E1JVN2 JV Additional Name Information
E1JVN3 JV Address Information
E1JVN4 JV Geographic Location
E1JVPE2 JV Administrative Communications Contact
E1JVRE2 JV Reference Numbers
E1JVRE3 JV Reference Numbers
E1JVREF JV Reference Numbers
E2JVBIG001 JV Beginning Segment for Invoice
E2JVGE JV Functional Group Trailer
E2JVGS JV Functional Group Header
E2JVIEA JV Interchange Control Trailer
E2JVISA JV Interchange Control Header
E2JVJIL JV Line Item Detail for the Operating Exp Stmt Detail
E2JVN01 JV Name Information
E2JVN1 JV Name Information
E2JVN2 JV Additional Name Information
E2JVN3 JV Address Information
E2JVN4 JV Geographic Location
E2JVN4_001 JV Geographic Location
E2JVN4001 JV Geographic Location
E2JVPE2 JV Administrative Communications Contact
E2JVPID JV Product/Item Description
E2JVRE2 JV Reference Numbers
E2JVRE3 JV Reference Numbers
E2JVREF JV Reference Numbers
E3JVGE JV Functional Group Trailer
E3JVGS JV Functional Group Header
E3JVIEA JV Interchange Control Trailer
E3JVISA JV Interchange Control Header
E3JVJIL JV Line Item Detail for the Operating Exp Stmt Detail
E3JVN01 JV Name Information
E3JVN1 JV Name Information
E3JVN2 JV Additional Name Information
E3JVN3 JV Address Information
E3JVN4 JV Geographic Location
E3JVPE2 JV Administrative Communications Contact
E3JVRE2 JV Reference Numbers
E3JVRE3 JV Reference Numbers
E3JVREF JV Reference Numbers
GJRK23B Sender/Receiver Recovery indicators
GJV_ALLOC JV/CO-Allocation communication structure for line-item check
GJV_EK08G Joint Venture Fields
GJV_OBJAPI General assignments of application objects
GJV_SCREEN JV screen fields
GJVFS JV Field selection
JVA_EBKN Joint venture data
JVA_EK05N Joint venture data
JVA_EKKN Joint venture data
JVA_EP_EGROUP JVA Equity Group Data for E&P
JVA_EP_INTERCOCD_CC Cost Centre Intercompany Cutback Rule for E&P
JVA_EP_JVCC JVA comany code data for E&P
JVA_EP_VENTURE JVA Venture Data for E&P
JVA_EXKN Joint venture data
JVA_SCR_FLD Screen fields for JVA
JVA_TAB_EP Tax reporting structure
JVACCTIT Extension for Joint Venture Accounting
JVACPR_OBJECT JV Pricing archiveobject id structure
JVAKOMP Additional Fields JV
JVANLAV JV fields appended to ANLAV for reporting purposes
JVAP_APPEND_JV JV Append for JVAP - additional items
JVASSTHDR Subnumber selection header data
JVASSTLINE Line for Asset subnumber selection
JVBKPF Joint Venture fields
JVBSAD Joint Venture Fields
JVBSAK Joint Venture Fields
JVBSID Joint Venture Fields
JVBSIK Joint Venture Fields
JVDLINE New Structure for JV Asset Posting line
JVDM07M Joint Venture Accounting Felder
JVEMBEW Joint Venture Accounting Fields
JVFIELDS JV: Fields to be transferred to new asset when created
JVKOMG JV Appendix
JVMHND Additional sort fields for Dunning
JVMSEG Joint Venture Fields
JVMSEGK Addtional fields MSEGK
JVRAM01 I/O fields for AM/MM Transfers
JVRAM02 Display Interest in an Object
JVRAM03 Venture Data Header Display
JVRAM04 Input fields JV AM/MM reversal
JVRFOPS Joint Venture Fields
JVRFPOS Joint Venture Fields
JVRFUMS_ALV JV user fields for tax report in ALV
JVSACCIT Venture Information
JVSO1_JV Additional Fields Required by Joint Venture Accounting
JVT8J6A JV appandage for T8J6A
JVT8JA JV appendage for T8JA
JVT8JF JVA Development R3 3.0
JVT8JG JVA Development in R3 3.0
JVT8JJ JVA Development in R3 3.0
JVT8JW JVA Extension for 3.0 development
JVVYEAR Vintage Year table for subnumber creation
RGJVIX_FIDOC JVA IM user exit structure: Company code flags
RGJVIX_GLOBAL global fields used as FC Import parameter
SCHEDMAN_SPECIFIC_JV Permitted JV Specific Fields for SchedMan
T8J_AUTH Joint Venture Accounting: fields for authority checks
T8J_AUTHA IS-OIL: authorization fields for JVA
T8J_F JV fields for data declarationsy
T8J_TREE_ITEM Joint Venture Item Sructure (for column tree and list tree)
T8JAMFLDS Preset fields for asset master records
T8JBI_TH_S Structure for billing threshold list
T8JCB JV cutback offset segment (batch input structure)
T8JGROSS gross ledger postings
T8JGROSS_DOC gross postings document list
T8JLAVIP Structure for lockbox structure LAVIP
T8JOH_ACCOUNT_RANGE Range structure for accounts
T8JOH_ACSET_LIST_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_ACSET_LIST tab
T8JOH_BASE_AMOUNT_CONDITION Condition used to capture base amount to calculate overhead
T8JOH_BASE_CONDT_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_BASE_CONDT tab
T8JOH_COMPLEX_F_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_COMPLEX_F tab
T8JOH_COMPLEX_ITEM Complex Formula structure for expense / adjustment
T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT tab
T8JOH_COSET_LIST_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_COSET_LIST tab
T8JOH_COST_CENTER_RANGE Range Structure for cost centers
T8JOH_COST_OBJS_LINE Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_COST_OBJS tab
T8JOH_DB_FLAG Flags that indicate how the row in internal table is changed
T8JOH_DETAIL_REPORT_LINE Single line of detail information in overhead report
T8JOH_EQUITY_GROUP_INFO Structure for list of equity groups in a venture
T8JOH_FORMULAS_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_FORMULAS tab
T8JOH_JOA_STRUCT A structure only contains JOA , and its related information
T8JOH_JOAS_LINE Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_JOAS table
T8JOH_KEYLISTS_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYLISTS tab
T8JOH_KEYTEXT_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYTEXT tab
T8JOH_KEYWORDS_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYWORDS tab
T8JOH_NETWORK_RANGE Range Structure for Networks
T8JOH_OH_DETAILS_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_OH_DETAILS tab
T8JOH_OHLISTS_LINE Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OHLISTS table
T8JOH_OHTEXT_LINE Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OHTEXT table
T8JOH_ORDER_RANGE Range Structure for Orders
T8JOH_OVERHEADS_LINE Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OVERHEADS tab
T8JOH_PERCENT_F_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_PERCENT_F tab
T8JOH_POST_INFO Posting Information for each overhead
T8JOH_POSTING_DOC Single posting document
T8JOH_POSTING_LINE Single posting line
T8JOH_PROJECT_RANGE Range Structure for projects
T8JOH_RECIND_RANGE Range Structure for Recovery Indicator
T8JOH_REPORT_LINE Single line of Overhead Report
T8JOH_RUN_RANGE Range Structure for overheads in run
T8JOH_RUNS_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_RUNS table
T8JOH_STEPRATE_F_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_STEPRATE_F tab
T8JOH_STTRATIO_F_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_STTRATIO_F tab
T8JOH_SUMMARY_REPORT_LINE Single line of Overhead Summary Report
T8JOH_VENTURES_LINE Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_VENTURES table
T8JOH_VTYPE_RANGE Range Structure for venture type
T8JOHS_AC_SET Account set to be included/excluded in Base Amt Condition
T8JOHS_ADJITEM Complex Formula screen structure for adjustment line
T8JOHS_CO_SET Cost object set to be included/excluded in Base Amt Condtion
T8JOHS_COMPANY Company screen structure for Overhead Organizer
T8JOHS_CONDT screen fields for base amount conditions
T8JOHS_EXPITEM Complex Formula screen structure for the expense line
T8JOHS_FORMULA Screen fields for Overhead Organizer formula
T8JOHS_JOA JOA Folder in Overhead Organizer
T8JOHS_KEYLIST Screen fields for keyword list
T8JOHS_OVERHEAD Overhead Description
T8JOHS_POST Screen Posting Information for each overhead
T8JOHS_RATE Step Rate / Percentage Formula Screen Structure
T8JOHS_RATIO Statistical Ratio Formula screen structure
T8JOHS_RUN Information about a single run defined in Overhead Organizer
T8JOHS_VENTURE Venture Folders in Overhead Organizer
T8JPMTXT Text for PM order
T8JV_CB_RESULT JV Cutback Result Structure for CB User Exit Template
T8JV_ITEM JV Single Item Structure for CB User Exit Template
T8JVB_H1I Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_H1P Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_H1Y Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_H2I Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_H2P Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_H2Y Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_K1I Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_K1P Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_K1Y Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_K2I Include struct. for billing amts in GCurr(4C) Inc. to date
T8JVB_K2P Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_K2Y Include struct. for billing amts in GCurr(4C) Year to date
T8JVB_SH1I Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B)
T8JVB_SH1P Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B)
T8JVB_SH1Y Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B)
T8JVB_SH2I Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4D)
T8JVB_SH2P Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B)
T8JVB_SH2Y Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4D)
T8JVB_SK1I Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4B)
T8JVB_SK1P Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B)
T8JVB_SK1Y Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4B)
T8JVB_SK2I Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D)
T8JVB_SK2P Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D)
T8JVB_SK2Y Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D)
T8JVB_ST1P Include structure statement (Amounts in FCurr)
T8JVB_T1I Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_T1P Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB_T1Y Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date
T8JVB28 JV SAPscript Billing Inv. (ETYPE)
T8JVB60 JV Non-op Billing Screen Structure
T8JVBCI CI billing structure
T8JVBCI_INT internal structure for ci/npi billing data extract
T8JVBCM CI billing structure master
T8JVBCN CI/NPI billing structure
T8JVBEC1 JV Billing Invoice for E&C
T8JVBEC1S JV Billing Invoice Supplement for E&C
T8JVBEC2 JV Billing Invoice for E&C
T8JVBEC5 Billing interface for EC
T8JVBMAP Billing indicator mapping
T8JVBREP Reporting structure for billing report
T8JVC_BEG CI beginning balance (with penalty)
T8JVC_BIL CI billing indicator
T8JVC_BTX Billing indicator text
T8JVC_CUP CI current balance (with penalty)
T8JVC_CUR CI current balance (no penalty)
T8JVC_END CI ending balance (with penalty)
T8JVC_PCT CI penalty category
T8JVC_PEN CI penalty categories
T8JVC_PTX CI penalty category long text
T8JVCURR JV currency types and currencies
T8JVEXTR Billing extract reporting
T8JVEXTRZ Additional reporting fields for T8JVEXTR
T8JVM01 GR and IR link structure
T8JVRWCO IS-OIL: Additional fields for JVA in CO Reporting
T8JVRXV1 Special text variables for T8JVEXTR
T8JVTT Transfer structure for text retrieval in Report Writer
T8JVVTYP Venture types


SAP Package GJV2 contains 140 programs.

GJV2_ACT_IN_CLIENT activate Joint Venture in Client
GJVUMD JV Exit Routines for SAPLGUMD
RGJAIN00 Joint Operating Agreement master data catalog
RGJARC01 JV-Data Archiving (JV_OBJECT)
RGJARC02 JV-Billing Archiving (JV_Billing)
RGJARC03 JV-Bank Account Switching documents archiving (JV_BANK_SW)
RGJARC04 JVA process event archiving (JV_EVENT)
RGJDEL01 Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Data (JV_OBJECT)
RGJDEL02 Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Billing Data (JV-Billing)
RGJDEL03 Deletion Program for deleting archived JVA banking data (JV_BANK_SW)
RGJDEL04 Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Event Data (JV_EVENT)
RGJGLXC1 Activate company in JV
RGJGLXC2 Deactivate company in JV
RGJGRA01 Hierarchy Graphics for JOA Master Data Objects
RGJJVD00 Joint Venture Detailed Information
RGJJVPO1 Plan Line Items for Table JVTO1
RGJJVSO1 Actual Line Items for Table JVTO1
RGJJVSO2 Actual Line Items for Table JVTO2
RGJJVTO1 Summary Records from Table JVTO1
RGJJVTO2 Summary Records from Table JVTO2
RGJOADEL Delete Joint Operating Agreement Master Data
RGJOBJBI JVA-Objectnumbertest with respect to code combinations JVTO2 - JVOO2
RGJOBJJV JVA-Objectnumbertest with respect to code combinations of JVTO1-JVOO1
RGJOVR01 Joint Venture Overhead Calculations
RGJRDA01 Example for reading archived actual line items (AO JV_OBJECT)
RGJRDA02 Example for reading archived actual line items (AO JV_BILLING)
RGJRDP01 Example for reading archived planning line items (AO JV_OBJECT)
RGJRDT01 Example for reading archived totals (Archiveobject JV_OBJECT)
RGJRDT02 Example for reading archived totals (Archiveobject JV_BILLING)
RGJREL01 JV-Data reloading (JV_OBJECT)
RGJREL02 JV-Billing data reloading (JV_BILLING)
RGJREL03 JVA Bank account switching archived data reloading (JV_BANK_SW)
RGJREL04 JVA process event archived data reloading (JV_EVENT)
RGJRXT00 Billing extracts
RGJTKA04 Create new business activity for controlling area
RGJTSWDC Display Switch document for selected JV doc in VBA
RGJV_BILLING_SUPPLEMENT Supplent for billing report
RGJV2230 Correction of JVSO1 (differences between 22D and 30x)
RGJV2CO1 Mrule handling in settlment rule maintenance
RGJVACDL JV CRP pricing data - Deleting of archived data
RGJVACIC JV CRP pricing data - Creating of archive index
RGJVACID Program for deleting indices of JV_PRICING archives
RGJVACWR JV CRP pricing data - create archive
RGJVBILL Form routines called by Billing SAPscript
RGJVBILL_EC Form routines called by Billing SAPscript
RGJVBILL_EC2 Form routines called by Billing SAPscript
RGJVBJ02 Jade File Generation for Auditing
RGJVBR10 Billing output: Hard copy billing
RGJVBR15 Billing output: Hard copy billing
RGJVBR20 Hardcopy billing configuration analysis report
RGJVBR22 JV Billing Extract Reconciliation Report
RGJVBRTH Billing threshold check
RGJVBUP1 Update Billing Extracts for New and Changed Fields
RGJVBUPD Change report for jvbx
RGJVC001 Program to delete duplicate entries in JVOO1 and JVTO1
RGJVCB10 Cutback
RGJVCC00 JVA: Copy/delete configuration for company code
RGJVCF02 JVA GL-X Carry Forward Program - RGJVCF02 (all GL-X ledger possible)
RGJVCNET Convenience Netting
RGJVCORB Correction program for false JV documents created by CO
RGJVCUPA Customizing Partner Address
RGJVCYP1 Print of all Cycle Information for Joint Venture Accounting
RGJVEA10 Prior period equity adjustment
RGJVEDI1 Translator for test purpose only (Inbound EDI) Text Document
RGJVEDI2 EDI Inbound Reports (Cost Objects/Account Mappings)
RGJVEDIA JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report
RGJVEDIB JV EDI Inbound: Invoice and Operating Statement
RGJVEDIC JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure Report (819)
RGJVEDID JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects
RGJVEDIE JV EDI Inbound: Expenditure Comparison Report
RGJVEDIG 810 to 819 Property IDoc Comparison Report
RGJVEDII JV EDI Inbound Process code configuration
RGJVEDIR Reset EDI inbound partner for processing
RGJVEDIX EDI Outbound Basic Configuration for new Client/Company/Billing-Struc.
RGJVEUR_BALANCE_REBUILD Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR_CORRECT_CO_DOCS Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR_SINGLE Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR3 Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR4 Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR5 Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR6 Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR7 Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR8 Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEUR9 Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents
RGJVEVNT Display event table
RGJVGJ4A Periodic updates for company code
RGJVIMCOR003 Find unnecessary JVJV documents
RGJVIS00 JVA: Install standard reports
RGJVJOBC JV Job Load Balancer
RGJVLB00 Load balancing for JV processes
RGJVLBOX_DATA_CREATION Lockbox data creation based on JV ledger
RGJVMISSINGTABLE Missing table entries in 4.0b new install
RGJVOO2 Correction program for JVOO2
RGJVPLRP Delete and repost JV plandata created by CO
RGJVPS01 Modification for SAPLCOKO to add JV data to networks
RGJVRDFN Read file from PC for update JVSO1
RGJVREC1 Simulate the posting of an FI document
RGJVREC3 Simulate the posting of an existing MM document
RGJVREC5 Report to repost FB08 documents which are missing in JV
RGJVREC7 Re-post a clearing document
RGJVREC8 Detecting and reposting incorrect JV documents
RGJVREC8B Reverse and Rebook of MM invoice documents
RGJVREC9 Reverse and rebook of MM documents
RGJVRECS Missing JV document list
RGJVROLLUP Find the correct rollup and start the rollup processing
RGJVRU00 Suspense projects and equity groups
RGJVRXDT Transfer automatic postings to CO
RGJVTAX2 Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
RGJVTAXR Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
RGJVTO10 Drill-down receiver report dispatcher
RGJVTO1I Customize drill-down reports for billing reporting
RGJVVBAT Create Table Entries for VBA Switching
RGJVXEDA EDI Outbound XPRA for Application code conversion in configuration
RGJVXMODIF Maintain modifications
RGJX20B1 Conversion program - Table T8JZ
RGJX20B2 Conversion program - Table T8JZ
RGJX20C1 Conversion program - Table T8JZ
RGJX20C9 RGJX20C9 Maintain and check JV specific tables in customer client
RGJX20D2 Conversion program - Table T8JZ
RGPSAX47_PSC_TO_PSA_INSERT create testdata for xpra
RGPSAXENT20_INSERT Programm to create Testdata
RGPSAXENT20_INSERT2 create testdata for XPRA
RGUREC51 Re-post Plandata by Document Number
SAPFGJVX Exits for billing extract reporting (Report Writer)
SAPMGJAM JV - AM/MM Transactions
SAPMGJB2 Non-operated Billing transaction
SAPMGJCG Cutback GB01 Posting Transaction
SAPMGJGO Driver transaction to call customizing views
SAPMGJGR Module Pool for Graphic Displays in FI-JVA
SAPMGJSX Call set maintenance (create/change/display)
SAPMGJTS Subscreen processing for Tax Screen in SAPMF05A for ISOIL-UPSTREAM
SAPMGJVL Proto type view cluster with SUBSCREEN technology (STEP LOOP)
SAPMGJVMDJOA JOint Venture Masterdata: Joint Operating Agreement

Search Helps

SAP Package GJV2 contains 19 search helps.

APP_JVH_VPTNR JV partner in coding block
JVA_KOST Append search helps for JVA cost center
JVA_ORDE JVA search help append for orders
JVA_PRPM JVA search help append for WBS elements
JVH_EXP_TYPE Expense types
JVH_KOSTG Joint venture
JVH_NOP_BNKT Help for bank types
JVH_NRIV Help for JOA number ranges
JVH_OH_BASE_CONDT Base amount condition in Overhead Organizer
JVH_OH_FORMULA Formula in Overhead Organizer
JVH_ORDEI Joint Venture
JVH_PRPMG Joint Venture
JVH_T8J0M Search help for layout sets by billing structure
JVH_T8J0R Search help for billing structures
JVH_T8JV_1 Search help for joint ventures based on name
JVH_T8JV_2 Search help for joint ventures based on description
JVH_VPTNR JV partner in coding block
JVMA Joint Venture
MANIPRULE_JVA JVA append Maniprule

Message Classes

SAP Package GJV2 contains 5 message classes.

G2 Joint venture customizing
G4 EC-CS Konsolidierung
G5 IS-Oil /Joint Venture/ Material transfer pricing
G6 EDI messages in JV
G9 Joint-Venture-Archiving

Authorization Objects

SAP Package GJV2 contains 3 authorization objects.

J_JVA_CUS Joint Venture Accounting: Customizing
J_JVA_PRC Joint Venture Accounting: Processing
J_JVA_REP Joint Venture Accounting: Reporting