
SAP Package SDOK

SAP Knowledge Provider

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The package SDOK (SAP Knowledge Provider) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SDOK
Short Text SAP Knowledge Provider
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SDOK contains 45 function groups.

SDC_CHECK SDOK: Consistency Checks for Instances
SDC_CNV SDOK: Conversion Exits (Input/Output)
SDC_CONTENT_RECOVERY SDOK: Winback of Document Content
SDC_DIALOG SDOK: Dialog Modules
SDC_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTES SDOK: Access to Dynamic Attributes
SDC_MODEL SDOK: Model Interface
SDC_MODEL_CACHED SDOK: Buffered Model Data Access
SDC_MODEL_GEN Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDC_MON SDOK: Monitoring
SDC_TRANSLATION SDOK: Translation Connection
SDC_VCAT Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDC_VPCAT Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDC_WSDS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDC_WSLC Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDCB SDOK: Browser call and URL creation
SDCD SDOK: Various KPRO functions
SDCE SDOK: Connection to Retrieval
SDCF SDOK: Support control framework
SDCG SDOK: Global access to documents
SDCH SDOK: KPro Access to Hierarchies
SDCI SDOK: Internal functions
SDCL SDOK: Local access to documents
SDCL2 SDOK: Local access to documents
SDCM SDOK: Settings table maintenance
SDCP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDCQ SDOK: SAP lock for KPro objects
SDCR SDOK: Relocation of document contents
SDCS SDOK: Document Area
SDCT SDOK: Transport connection
SDCW SDOK: PC file transfer
SDCX SDOK: Complex Operations
SDCY Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDCZ Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SDOK_CODEPAGE_FOR_LAISO Code Page Determination
SDOK_EXTERNAL_ACCESS Access to External Objects
SDOK_MASS mass handling
SDOK_UPDTSK SDOK: Update Capability
SDRV Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)


SAP Package SDOK contains 18 transactions.

OADI Maintain KPro Distribution Tables
OALO Maintain KPro Locations
SKPR02 Maintain Document Areas
SKPR03 Display Document Areas
SKPR04 Maintaining Physical Document Class
SKPR06 Index Activation of Document Area
SKPR07 Monitoring for KPRO Retrieval
SKPR08 Category for Document Class
SKPR09 Test Content Repositories
SKPR12 Maintain MIME Content-Types
SKPR13 File Name Extensions
SKPR14 Web Server for Document Areas
SKPR15 Web Servers for Document Classes
SKPRM01 Copy Model Entities
SKPRM03 Copy Class Links
SKPRM04 Copy Instance Table Set
SKPRMC1 Customizing Entity Attributes
SKPRMIC Invalidate Model Layer Caches

Database Tables

SAP Package SDOK contains 192 database tables.

IWB0IDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB0
IWB1IDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1
IWB2IDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB2
IWB4IDXSTA ASAP:: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1
KPRO_LOIO KPRO: CD: Instances of Logical Information Objects
KPRO_PHIO KPRO: CD: Instances of Physical Information Objects
KPROCHKF KPRO: File name of last check-out
KPROCHKFCD KPRO: CD: File Name of Last Check-out
KPROCHKO KPro: check-out data for a physical information object
KPROCHKOCD KPRO: CD: Check-out Data for a Physical Information Object
KPROIDXSTA KPRO: Status table for indexing documents
KPROLOIOTD KPRO: CD: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
KPROLOPRCD KPRO: CD: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
KPROLORECD KPRO:CD:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects
KPROLORICD KPRO: CD: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Objects
KPROPHF KPRO: Files of physical information objects
KPROPHFCD KPRO: CD: Files of Physical Information Objects
KPROPHHR KPRO: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
KPROPHHRCD KPRO: CD: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
KPROPHIO KPRO: Instances of physical information objects
KPROPHNM KPRO: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
KPROPHNMCD KPRO: CD: Usage of Target Documents in Physical Objects
KPROPHPR KPRO: Attributes of physical information objects
KPROPHPRCD KPRO: CD: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
KPROPHRE KPRO: Outgoing links of physical information objects
KPROPHRECD KPRO: CD: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects
KPROPHRI KPRO: Incoming links of physical information objects
KPROPHRICD KPRO: CD: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info Objects
SDOK_PRELIM_CONT Information about Handling Document Contents
SDOKCHKF SDOK: File name of last checkout
SDOKCHKO SDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
SDOKCLPROP SDOK: Assessable attributes dependent on document class
SDOKCONT1 SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
SDOKCPAGEHDC SDOK Code Pages: Customer Table
SDOKDIDJOB SDOK: Request-Table for De-Indexing (Client-Dependent)
SDOKDISTR Distribution of Categories
SDOKDOCSP SDOK: Document Areas (System Setting)
SDOKDOCSPC SDOK: Document Areas (Web Server)
SDOKDOCSPT SDOK: Descriptions for Document Areas
SDOKFEXT File Name Extension for MIME Content Type (SAP)
SDOKFEXT_C File Name Extension for MIME Content Type (Customer Table)
SDOKFORM *** Out-of-Date Table (to be deleted shortly) ***
SDOKFORMT SDOK: Descriptions of formats
SDOKIDXATR SDOK: Attributes for Identifying Index Categories
SDOKIDXJOB SDOK: Request-Table for De-Indexing Documents
SDOKIDXSP SDOK: Header Table Index Space
SDOKIDXSPA SDOK: Index Space: Delivery Flag
SDOKIDXSPT SDOK: Index Space Descriptions
SDOKIDXSPW SDOK: Index Space: Indexing Flag
SDOKIDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
SDOKIOCHNG SDOK: Delta Recording of KPro Objects on Upgrade
SDOKIOCL SDOK: Information object classes
SDOKIOCLPR SDOK: Document class attribute features
SDOKIOCLRC SDOK: Relationships between classes and info objects
SDOKIOCLRE SDOK: Relationships between classes and info objects
SDOKIOCLT SDOK: Information object class descriptions
SDOKIOTYPE SDOK: BOR object types for information object classes
SDOKLNPR SDOK: Attributes for logical ref. points (target anchor)
SDOKLOC SDOK: Locations as Distribution Criterion
SDOKLOCL SDOK: Logical information object classes
SDOKLOCL_C SDOK: Local entries for logical info object classes
SDOKLOCT SDOK: Location Descriptions
SDOKLOIO SDOK: Logical information object instances
SDOKLOIOT SDOK: Logical information object descriptions
SDOKLONM SDOK: Instances for logical ref. points (target anchor)
SDOKLOPR SDOK: Logical information object attribute values
SDOKLORE SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
SDOKLOREPR SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
SDOKLORI SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
SDOKLORIPR SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
SDOKLORTAB SDOK: Tables of Attributes of Relationships for LOIOs
SDOKLOTAB SDOK: Tables for logical information objects
SDOKMCLCL SDOK/Model: Virtual IO Classes for Real IO Classes
SDOKME SDOK/Model: Model Entities
SDOKMEP SDOK/Model: Model Entity Properties
SDOKMEPC SDOK/Model/Customizing: Model Entity Properties
SDOKMESA SDOK/Model: Model Entity Standad Attributes
SDOKMET SDOK/Model: Model Entity Descriptions
SDOKMEXT SDOK/Model: Model Enhancements
SDOKMEXTT SDOK/Model: Model Entity Descriptions
SDOKMIA SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attributes
SDOKMIAC SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attributes
SDOKMIAP SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attribute Properties
SDOKMIAPC SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attribute Properties
SDOKMIME MIME content type for file name enhancement
SDOKMIME_C MIME content type for file name enhancement (customer table)
SDOKMIMS MIME Content Type Replacement for Display/Editing
SDOKMIMS_C MIME Content Type Replacement (Customer Table)
SDOKMITAB SDOK/Model: Instance Tables for IO Classes
SDOKMREL SDOK/Model: Relation Links
SDOKMSHBUF Table for Model Cache
SDOKMSRC SDOK/Model: Source Links
SDOKMTAR SDOK/Model: Target Links
SDOKMXA SDOK/Model: Context Class Attributes
SDOKMXAP SDOK/Model: Context Class Attribute Properties
SDOKNODE SDOK: Node table for general structure repository
SDOKNODER General Structure Storage References
SDOKNODET SDOK: Name of Nodes for General Structure Repository
SDOKPHCBUF SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
SDOKPHCL SDOK: Physical information object classes
SDOKPHCL_C SDOK: Local Definitions for Classes of Physical Info Objects
SDOKPHF SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
SDOKPHFCD SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects, Client-Specific
SDOKPHHR SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
SDOKPHHRPR SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
SDOKPHIO SDOK: Physical information object instances
SDOKPHNM SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
SDOKPHNMPR SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
SDOKPHPR SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
SDOKPHRE SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
SDOKPHREPR SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
SDOKPHRI SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
SDOKPHRIPR SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
SDOKPHRTAB SDOK: Tables of Attributes for Relationships to PHIOs
SDOKPHTAB SDOK: Tables for physical information objects
SDOKPHVBUF SDOK: Table for Contents of Virtual (Generated) Documents
SDOKPROP SDOK: Information object attributes
SDOKPROPCL SDOK: Assessable document class attributes
SDOKPROPT SDOK: Texts for information object attributes
SDOKPRVL SDOK: Valid attribute features
SDOKPRVLT SDOK: Attribute feature descriptions
SDOKRE SDOK: Relationship instances
SDOKRECL SDOK: Relationship classes
SDOKRELOC SDOK: Table for location requests
SDOKREPOS SDOK: Permissibility of relationships
SDOKREPR SDOK: Relationship attributes
SDOKRETAB SDOK: Relationship tables
SDOKST SDOK: Structure object instances
SDOKSTCA SDOK: Physical information object memory categories
SDOKSTCAT SDOK: Descriptions of memory categories
SDOKSTCDSP SDOK: Document Areas for Storage Categories
SDOKSTCL SDOK: Structure object classes
SDOKSTPR SDOK: Structure object attributes
SDOKSTPROP SDOK: Attribute conditions for structure objects (folders)
SDOKSTRE SDOK: Physical storage locations (Storage Repository)
SDOKSTRET SDOK: Descriptions of physical storage locations
SDOKSTT SDOK: Descriptions of structure objects
SDOKSTTAB SDOK: Structure object tables
SDOKTRANSL SDOK: Translation Status of PHIOs
SDOKWSDS Web Server for Document Areas
SDOKWSLC Web Servers for Document Classes
SDOLCHKO SDOK: Checkout Data for Language Delivery-Relevant PHIOs
SDOLCONT1 SDOK: Table for Language Delivery-Relevant Document Content
SDOLIDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Lang. Del.-Relevant PHIOs
SDOLPHF SDOK: Components of Language Delivery-Relevant PHIOs
SDOLPHHR SDOK: Outgoing Hyperlinks of Lang.-Delivery Relevant PHIOs
SDOLPHIO SDOK: Language Delivery-Relevant Instances of PHIOs
SDOLPHNM SDOK: Use of Target Anchors in Lang. Delivery-Relevant PHIOs
SDOLPHPR SDOK: Attributes of Language Delivery-Relevant PHIOs
SDOLPHRE SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Lang. Del.-Relevant PHIOs
SDOLPHRI SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Lang. Del.-Relevant PHIOs
SMAICHKO Checkout Data of a Physical Doc. for App. Server
SMAICONT1 Table for Document Contents for Application Server
SMAIIDXSTA Indexing Status Language-Indepdt Doc. for mySAP App. Server
SMAILOIO Lang.-Independent Logical Document for mySAP App. Server
SMAILOIOT Descriptions of Logical Documents for mySAP App. Server
SMAILOPR Attribute Values of Logical Documents for mySAP App. Server
SMAILORE Outgoing Relationships Logical Docs for mySAP App. Server
SMAILORI Incoming Relationships Logical Docs. for mySAP App. Server
SMAIPHF Files Lang.-Independent Physical Doc. for mySAP App. Server
SMAIPHHR Hyperlink-Relevant Lang.-Indpndnt Doc. for mySAP App. Server
SMAIPHIO Tnstances of Lang.-Indpndnt Phys. Doc. for mySAP App. Server
SMAIPHPR Attributes Lang.-Indpndnt Phys. Doc. for mySAP App. Server
SMAIPHRE Outgoing Relations for Lang.-Ind. Doc. for mySAP App. Server
SMAIPHRI Incoming Relations for Lang.-Ind. Doc. for mySAP App. Server
SMASCHKO SDOK: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object
SMASCONT1 SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
SMASIDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
SMASLOIO Logical Documents for mySAP Application Server
SMASLOIOT Descriptions of Logical Document for Application Server
SMASLOPR Attribute Values of Logical Documents for Application Server
SMASLORE SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
SMASLOREPR SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
SMASLORI SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
SMASLORIPR SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
SMASPHF SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
SMASPHHR SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
SMASPHHRPR SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
SMASPHIO Instances of Physical Documents for Application Server
SMASPHNM SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
SMASPHNMPR SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
SMASPHPR SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
SMASPHRE SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
SMASPHREPR SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
SMASPHRI SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
SMASPHRIPR SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
TESTDIDSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents


SAP Package SDOK contains 14 views.

H_SDOKIOTY Help view for BOR object types from info objects
H_SDOKLOCL Help view for classes for logical info objects
H_SDOKPHCL Help view for classes for physical info objects
H_SDOKRECL Help view for classes for links between info objects
SDOKLOC_V Locations as Distribution Criterion
SDOKMEPC1 SDOK/Model/Customizing: Model Entity Properties
SDOKSTCA_V Maintain Categories
SDOKSTRE_V Maintaining Repositories
V_SDOKDCSP Document Areas (Maintenance View)
V_SDOKIDSP Maintenance View for Index Activation of Document Area
V_SDOKMCON Model: IO Class Links in Link Areas
V_SDOKPCAT Categories for Physical Document Classes
V_SDOKPHCL Expiration Time for Display Buffer (Maintenance View)
V_SDOKSTCA Maintain Categories


SAP Package SDOK contains 201 structures.

SDCMIA SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attributes (Internal)
SDCMIAP SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attribute Property (Intern.)
SDOK_CATEG SDOK: Storage Category with Short Description
SDOK_CODEPAGE_FOR_LASIO Determine Code Page with Search Engine, Parameters
SDOK_ENQ SDOK: Lock Fields for Knowledge Provider Objects
SDOK_ENQCD SDOK: Lock Fields of Client-Specific KPro Objects
SDOK_FAX_RECIPIENT Address for Fax Recipient
SDOK_FAXR Address for Fax Recipient
SDOK_IFACE SDOK: Interface Fields for Knowledge Provider
SDOK_IPNET SDOK: Map IP Addresses to Location
SDOK_PFLIN SDOK: Profile Entries
SDOK_TARCH File Information for Copying from/to HTTP Content Server
SDOK_TDIR SDOK: Information about deleting directory
SDOK_TFEXP SDOK: File information for export via transport
SDOK_TFIMP SDOK: File information for import via transport
SDOK_TREXP SDOK: Document Info on Exporting Contents for Transports
SDOK_TRIMP SDOK: Document Info on Importing Contents for Transports
SDOK_WSRED SDOK: Map LOIO Class and Location to Web Server
SDOK_XDIO Referenced Info Object and Its Content
SDOK_XERR SDOK: XML Parser Error Messages
SDOK_XPROP CF: Name/Value Pair (Without Length Restriction)
SDOK_XSTK SDOK: Stack for XML Functionality
SDOKA101 Structure for Administration Screen Search
SDOKACSMOD SDOK: Dummy structure for type of WWW server access
SDOKALOIO Logical Object
SDOKALOIOD Logical Object
SDOKALOIOP Logical Object (Property)
SDOKAPHCO Physical Object: Content
SDOKAPHCOB Physical Object: Content (Binary)
SDOKAPHCOI Physical Object: Content (Info)
SDOKAPHCOT Physical Object: Content (Text)
SDOKAPHIO Physical object
SDOKAPHIOP Physical Object (Property)
SDOKAREIO Relationship
SDOKAREIOP Relationship (Property)
SDOKATERR SDOK/Model: Attribute with Error Code
SDOKATTRIB SDOK: Information for definition of attribute
SDOKATTRQU sdok: Class-Independent Characteristics of Attributes
SDOKCACHE SDOK: Addresing of Cache Servers
SDOKCAT SDOK: Content Category
SDOKCH_INC SDOK: Fields for checkout data for information object
SDOKCHLOCA SDOK: Storage location of file on local PC
SDOKCLASS SDOK: Class for information objects
SDOKCNTASC SDOK: line of text document content for Web server
SDOKCNTBIN SDOK: Line of binary document content for WWW server
SDOKCOMACI SDOK: Enhanced Specifications for Component Access
SDOKCOMACS SDOK: Definitions for Component Access via Web Server
SDOKCOMCHI SDOK: Component Information for the Import
SDOKCOMCHO SDOK: Component Information for the Export
SDOKCOMDIF SDOK: Delta of Component Information about Content Server
SDOKCOMPCS SDOK: Component Properties Relevant to Content Server
SDOKCOMPNM SDOK: Name of Document Component (as Structure)
SDOKCOMPRC Indexing Status of a PHIO Component
SDOKCOMPRP SDOK: Component Attributes with Document ID
SDOKCOMPRS SDOK: Component Attributes without Document ID
SDOKCOMPRU SDOK: Component Properties mit Access URL
SDOKCOMUPD SDOK: Component Information for Update
SDOKCOMURL SDOK: Component and corresponding URL
SDOKCSPPT SDOK/Model: Class Partner in a Link Area
SDOKCXASEL SDOK/Context Reolution: Attribute Selector
SDOKCXSEL SDOK/Context Resolution: Selector
SDOKDESC SDOK: Language-dependent Descriptive Texts
SDOKDIDSTA Client-Dependent Structure of Status Table for Indexing
SDOKDOCDIF SDOK: Delta of Document Information about Content Server
SDOKDOCPCS SDOK: Document Properties Relevant to Content Server
SDOKDSPACE Structure Contains Document Area
SDOKEAT SDOK/Model: Entity Attribute with Qualities
SDOKEATTR SDOK/Model: Entity with Attribute and its Qualities
SDOKEMSPC SDOK/Model: Model Entity and Document Model Area
SDOKEPR SDOK/Model: Entity Property
SDOKEPROP SDOK/Model: Entity with Property
SDOKERRKCD SDOK: Error Code for a Document, Client-Specific
SDOKERRKEY SDOK: Error code for document
SDOKERRMSG SDOK: Info object with error information
SDOKERRMSP SDOK: Relationship with error information
SDOKERRMSR SDOK: Relationship with error information
SDOKEXPORT SDOK: Object info and file info for export
SDOKFILACI SDOK: Entries for document contents in internal tables
SDOKFILACS SDOK: information for file access using Web server
SDOKFILEPD SDOK: File attributes and directory on desktop
SDOKFILEPR SDOK: File attributes with BOR key for object
SDOKFLIDX Structure for Index Space Flags
SDOKHIER SDOK: Book structure
SDOKIDSTA2 Statistics Structure for New Indexing, Class by Class
SDOKIDSTA3 Statistics Structure for New Indexing, Class by Class
SDOKIDSTAT Statistics Structure for New Indexing
SDOKIDXADM Structure for Administration of Indexing
SDOKIDXDOC Structure for Indexed Objects
SDOKIDXFIL Information on PHIO Components
SDOKIDXMRK Table Structure of sretidcat with Selector
SDOKIDXST2 Statistics Structure for Indexed Documents
SDOKIMPORT SDOK: Object info and file info for import
SDOKIRCDAT SDOK: Fields for IRC calls
SDOKLAERR SDOK: Error codes for language definitions
SDOKLAN1 SDOK: Language + Codepage
SDOKLANGU SDOK: Language by internal representation and ISO norm
SDOKLO_INC SDOK: Fields for instances for logical information objects
SDOKLO_PRV SDOK: Attribute fields in header record for log. info obj.
SDOKLOGLOG SDOK: Logical and physical information object
SDOKLOGPHY SDOK: Logical and physical information object
SDOKMARNG SDOK/Model: Attribute Selection
SDOKMATT SDOK/Model: Attribute with Qualities
SDOKMATTP SDOK/Model: Attribute with Property
SDOKMATTQU SDOK/Model: Attribute Qualities
SDOKMATTT SDOK/Model: Selector Type and Attribute with Qualities
SDOKMATTTP SDOK/Model: Selector Type and Attribute with Properties
SDOKMCCS SDOK/Model: Class Link Area
SDOKMCON SDOK/Model: IO Class Link
SDOKMCONV SDOK/Model/Versioning: IO Class Link
SDOKMCTX SDOK/Model: Context Class
SDOKMDEV SDOK/Model: Definitions for Development Objects
SDOKMEAV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Attribute Qualities
SDOKMEERR SDOK/Model: Model Entity with Error Code
SDOKMEFPV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Free Entity Property
SDOKMEHLP SDOK/Model: Entity Data for Value Help
SDOKMENAME SDOK/Model: Model Entity Name
SDOKMENT SDOK/Modell: Model Entity
SDOKMENTA SDOK/Model/Buffering: Active Model Object
SDOKMESPV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Standard Entity Property
SDOKMETV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Entity Description
SDOKMEV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Header Data
SDOKMIAPV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Instance Attribute Property
SDOKMIAV SDOK/Model/Verisoning: IO Class Instance Attribute
SDOKMKV SDOK/Model/Verisoning: Header Data IO Class
SDOKMLOHI SDOK/Model: Value Interval (for Attribute Value Help)
SDOKMSTAB SDOK/Model: Secondary Table
SDOKMTAB SDOK/Model: Tabulation
SDOKMXAPV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Context Attribute Characteristic
SDOKMXAV SDOK/Model/Versioning: Context Class Attribute
SDOKMXENT SDOK/Model: Enhancement Entity
SDOKMXENTD SDOK/Model: Enhancement Entity Description
SDOKMXPROG SDOK/Model: Enhancement Program
SDOKNEDFLG SDOK: Flag for skip when editor is called
SDOKOBJCTR Document with Read-Only Flag
SDOKOBJD Object with Short Description
SDOKOBJECT SDOK: BOR key for information object
SDOKOBJID Structure for Object IDs Without Class
SDOKOPRERR SDOK: Object, attribute name (in case of error)
SDOKPATH SDOK: Path for file
SDOKPF_INC SDOK: Fields for files for physical info objects
SDOKPH_INC SDOK: Fields for physical information object instances
SDOKPH_PRV SDOK: Attribute fields in header record of obj.
SDOKPHLACA SDOK: Physical Document with Language and Content Category
SDOKPHRECO SDOK: List of Physical Documents for Recovery
SDOKPOSREL SDOK: Valid Class Combinations for Relationships
SDOKPRERR SDOK/Model: Property with Error Code
SDOKPROPLD SDOK: Definitions for Deleting Attribute Version of Objects
SDOKPROPTC SDOK: Document Class, Attribute Name and Version
SDOKPROPTD SDOK: Entries for deletion of attribute features
SDOKPROPTL SDOK: Object, attribute name and feature
SDOKPROPTN SDOK: Name of object attributes
SDOKPROPTY SDOK: Object attribute, name and feature
SDOKPRREF SDOK: Reference Fields for Attribute Definitions
SDOKQUPROP SDOK: Fields for query
SDOKR3LLST SDOK: Structure with R3L parameters
SDOKRE_INC SDOK: Fields for relationship instances
SDOKRECLFL SDOK: Relationship Class and Partner Class as Filter Struct.
SDOKRELA SDOK: Info object with relationship and partner object
SDOKRELATN SDOK: Relation with both partners
SDOKRELIST SDOK: List of relationships for information object
SDOKRESDOC Document Hit List of Index Search
SDOKRLOCCE SDOK: Document linked error info for relocations
SDOKRLOCCM SDOK: Document and component information for relocation
SDOKRNGCO SDOK: Range Structure for Checkout User
SDOKRNGCT SDOK: Range Structure for Time of Creation/Change
SDOKRNGCU SDOK: Range Structure for Created by / Last Changed by
SDOKRNGDF SDOK: Range Structure for Document Format
SDOKRNGDP SDOK: Range Structure for Security Level
SDOKRNGDS SDOK: Range Structure for Description Texts
SDOKRNGLA SDOK: Range Structure for Language Keys
SDOKRNGML SDOK: Range Structure for Original Language
SDOKRNGPI SDOK:Range Structure for Secondary Index of Attribute Values
SDOKRNGPL SDOK: Range Structure for Long Header Attributes
SDOKRNGPM SDOK: Range Structure for Medium-Length Header Attributes
SDOKRNGPN SDOK: Range Structure for Attribute Names
SDOKRNGPS SDOK: Range Structure for Short Header Attributes
SDOKRNGPV SDOK: Range Structure for Attribute Values
SDOKRNGRV SDOK: Range Structure for Reservation
SDOKRNGSC SDOK: Range Structure for Memory Category
SDOKRNGST SDOK: Range Structure for Technical Status
SDOKRNGTD SDOK: Range Structure for Target Directory
SDOKRSDOC2 Results List for Characteristic Determination
SDOKST_INC SDOK: Fields for structure object instances
SDOKTABNA Structure for Table Names
SDOKTERRKY SDOK: Temporary ID and error code
SDOKTLOGO Logical Transport Object for KPro Objects
SDOKTOBJCT SDOK: Temporary ID and BOR key for information object
SDOKTPRPTY SDOK: Temporary ID and attributes for object
SDOKTRELAT SDOK: Relation with both partners and their temporary IDs
SDOKVALLST SDOK: Value List for Input Help on Web Pages


SAP Package SDOK contains 93 programs.

RSIR_COMPARE_DB_TO_CS Knowledge Provider: Consistency Check of Document Details
RSIR_CONTENT_TO_FILESYSTEM_NEW KPro: Transfer of contents to a file system for virus check
RSIR_CONTENT_TO_FS_LIST_ERR KPro: Problem cases when transferring contents to file system
RSIR_CONTENT_UNMARK_PRELIM Confirm temporary content in update mode
RSIR_CONVERT_MIMETAB KPro: Analyzing and Converting of Table SDOKMIME_C
RSIR_DEL_OBSOLETE_INFO_CLUSTS KPro: delete obsolete info clusters in the CMS content tables
RSIR_DELTA_TRACK rsir_delta_track
RSIR_LOIO_ARCH Demo Program for Archiving Logical Documents
RSIR_LOIO_DELETE Demo Program for Deleting Logical Objects
RSIR_LOIO_READ Demo Program for Sequentially Reading Logical Objects
RSIR_LOIO_RELOAD Demo Program for Sequentially Reading Logical Objects
RSIR_M_ATTR_VRS1 Version display IO attributes
RSIR_M_ATTR_VRS2 Version comparison IO attributes
RSIR_M_ATTR_VRS3 Version reactivation IO attributes
RSIR_M_ATTR_VV Version Display/Comparison of IO Attributes
RSIR_M_COPY_TABSET Copy Instance Table Set
RSIR_M_CSPC_VRS1 Version display class link areas
RSIR_M_CSPC_VRS2 Version comparison class link areas
RSIR_M_CSPC_VRS3 Version reactivation class link areas
RSIR_M_CSPC_VV Version display/Comparison class link areas
RSIR_M_CUSTOM_PROP Customizing Entity Attributes
RSIR_M_CXCL_VRS1 Version display context classes
RSIR_M_CXCL_VRS2 Version comparison context classes
RSIR_M_CXCL_VRS3 Version reactivation context classes
RSIR_M_CXCL_VV Version display/Comparison of context classes
RSIR_M_IOCL_VRS1 Version display IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL_VRS2 Version comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL_VRS3 Version reactivation IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL_VV Version display/comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL1_VRS1 Version display IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL1_VRS2 Version comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL1_VRS3 Version reactivation IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL2_VRS1 Version display IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL2_VRS2 Version comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL2_VRS3 Version reactivation IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL3_VRS1 Version display IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL3_VRS2 Version comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL3_VRS3 Version reactivation IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL4_VRS1 Version display IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL4_VRS2 Version comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL4_VRS3 Version reactivation IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL5_VRS1 Version display IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL5_VRS2 Version comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL5_VRS3 Version reactivation IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL6_VRS1 Version display IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL6_VRS2 Version comparison IO classes
RSIR_M_IOCL6_VRS3 Version reactivation IO classes
RSIR_M_LOAD Active IO classes / Copy attributes to model
RSIR_M_LOAD_CONN Copy links from IO classes in model
RSIR_M_MANUAL_AFTER_IMPORT Execute After Import for Model Development Objects in Requests
RSIR_M_MSPC_VRS1 Version display document model areas
RSIR_M_MSPC_VRS2 Version comparison document model areas
RSIR_M_MSPC_VRS3 Version reactivation document model areas
RSIR_M_MSPC_VV Version display/Comparison of document model areas
RSIR_MIME_DUPLICATES_FIND Check for Multiple Names in MIME Repository Directories
RSIR_RELOC_BY_TRANSPORT_FILE KPro: relocation by transport file
RSIR_RELOC_SINGLE_JOB KPro: Execute an Individual Relocation Request
RSIRCCON KPro: Test of data connections to memory repositories
RSIRGENT Report for generating program for DB access (document contents)
RSIRIBUF Selective invalidation of buffered documents for display
RSIRPIRL Convert Contents of Physical Documents
RSIRRLOC KPro: Relocation manager
RSIRSIZE KPro: Statistics report for table sizes
RSIRTREX KPro: Collective transport preparation
RSIRTRIM KPro: Collective transport postprocessing
RSTIR_TEST_CHECKIN Generation of 3K endless text, check-in, check-out
RSTIR_TEST_OI CMS: Test-program Office integration
RSTIRIDX Report on (de)indexing checked-in documents
RSTIRIDX_CHECK_AUTO_INDEX For testing the (auto) indexability of document classes
RSTIRIDX_CLEAR_IDX_DOCUSPACE Cleans up the tables for given document area
RSTIRIDX_CLEAR_IDX_TABLES Deletes the contents of index job and status tables
RSTIRIDX_CONSISTENCY Index Consistency Checks (Clean-Up Report)
RSTIRIDX_REINDEX Re-indexing of a class or document area
RSTIRIDX_UPGRADE_46C Upgrade to 46C, merge index space with document area
RSTIRIDXCAT Program RSTIRIDXCAT: Index category-specific indexing
RSTIRTCK KPro: Check program for settings tables in Knowledge Provider
RSTIRTRE KPro: Call transport preparation
RSTIRTRI KPro: Call post-transport processing

Search Helps

SAP Package SDOK contains 6 search helps.

H_SDOKDSP Search Help for Document Management Area
H_SDOKIOTY Help view for BOR object types from info objects
H_SDOKLOCL Help view for classes for logical info objects
H_SDOKMSP Help View for Document Model Ranges
H_SDOKPHCL Help view for classes for physical info objects
H_SDOKRECL Help view for classes for links between info objects

Message Classes

SAP Package SDOK contains 3 message classes.

1R SAP Knowledge Provider
INDEXING Nachrichten, die beim Indexieren auftreten
MODEL Modellierung