
How to Create a PDF from a Report in ABAP

Aug 11, 2014

So, you know how to send e-mails, even with attachments. But how do you send out nice PDFs instead of ugly text files? In this post, I’ll explain how to programmatically convert the output of a report to PDF so that it’s available for download or to send as an e-mail attachment.

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Sending E-Mails with Attachments from SAP ERP

Aug 10, 2014

After discussing how to send e-mails from SAP in yesterday’s post, today I want to take it a bit further and explain how to add attachments or even executable SAP transactions to these mails.

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How to Send E-Mails from SAP ERP

Aug 9, 2014

Sending e-mails from SAP ERP is probably the most common development task (or maybe the second common, after building an ALV report). Because of that, let me show you how to do it – I would’ve appreciated it as an ABAP beginner.

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ABAP Workbench Tricks #4: Find Out Internal Names of SAP Class Objects

Aug 8, 2014

How often have you looked at your screen and thought “darn, if only I knew which class method this error comes from”? The hidden internal naming of class objects like methods is sometimes a problem. Read in this post how you can find out the internal names of ABAP class methods.

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ABAP Workbench Tricks #3: 10 Hidden Features for ABAP Development

Aug 7, 2014

So you’ve left behind your rookie days as an ABAP developer, and you think you know it all? Well, think again. In part 3 of this series, I’m going to show you a few well-hidden settings and features in the ABAP Development Workbench that might surprise you.

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